The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, July 31, 1890, Image 4

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Salt as a Dissipation. Illustrated American. m Salt, the least harmful of all condiments, if such a necessary ar ticle of diet can be termed a con diment, is by the'medical profes sion recognized as a species of.dis- sipation in its'excessive use among many women. Every one knows how flat and flavorless all food be comes when the system is slightly deranged. It is just then that men resort to bitters and burning- sauces to tone up the jaded appe tites, that women find their sole re course in the apparently innooent salt cruet. It is the old story of giving an « .. ; . inch to yield an ell, and before the victim knows it, her palate de- mands.a double or triple quantity of the mineral to savor every mor sel she eats. Some go so far as to salt not only the substantial dishes, but tea, coffee, fruit, nuts, sweet meats and wine. They begin by The License of Novelists. g a pinch extra now and then, ue their tastes, and before iteal a’ hit' to keep in the pocket, or buy a crystal to nibble on the sly. Nature’s revenge on her weak daughter is as insidious as the insult her immutable laws have suffered. She flies her first signal of distress in a deadening of the skin, replacing the pink ow of health by a dim, yellowish allor. m m m : Lips and cheeks blanch alike, this change being .accompanied by a deepening of every shadow on the face. This is as nothing how ever, to the destruction this mor bid habit works on a woman’s . . crowning glory, her hair. And it - is astonishing how . sensitive the . hair itf to every fluctuation of one’s health. Soon, each time the comb passes through, it brings great handfuls of long, shining strands. No lotion or tonic is effective in checking the loss, and unless cor rected, the abnormal amount of salt in the system will produce partial baldness. Even now quite a number of women are under treatment, some avowedly and some secretly, for this form of excess. Concerning the license of novel ists, the Saturday Eeview says: “If a clever writer can reconcile it to his interests and astistic con science, we should allow him to at tempt the feat of making impossi bilities seem probable, and extrav agancies appear real. He may people a mad world of his own im agining with demons and angels sharply divided. He may intro duce the spiritual or supernatural machinery, which seldom works very smoothly, even when put to gather by a Bulwer—the story of ‘The Haunted and the Haunters’ is an exception—and which is ex ceedingly likely to break down. But of pourse he must hazard all at his own risk, and with the bet ting very heavily in favor of; seeing his clever novel cast aside. Ex travagances are one thing and ab surdities another, and we are not speaking of those simply trashy tissues of folly by lunatics withino sort of literary .vocation, which will not even serve the purpose of soporifics to any girl of discretion who is out of her teens. We think the most permanently popular nov els, those which have the classics or favorites of successive genera tions, although insnired by the genius of a glowing imagination, will be found to be those which have kept most closely to actuali ties and hold up the mirror to ver itable persons.” Quaint.ami Curious. Brigham Young wives. had fifty-two A North Carolina college has n professor who is but eighteen years of age. The Colorado group of the Rocky Mountains contains several peaks over 14000 feet high. Dr. C. K. Marshall, a Christian Chinaman in native costume, is preaching in Georgia Travelers in ‘Russia are now obliged to have their photographs annexed to their passports. A thick pine log waB unearned at a depth of. 175 feet the other week by an Iowa*farmer who was dig ging a well. Pittsburg claims to have more millionaires in proportion to her population than any other city in the world. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING! 175tliEilition Now Beady. A book of over 200 pagos, - giving mure information lue to advertisers th?n any oilier publica tion ever issued. It gives the name of every news paper published, hav ing a circulation rating in the American Newspaper Directory of more than 2.7,000 copies each isaue, with the cost per line of advertising in them. A list of the best pa pers of local eirculrtion in every city and town of more than 5,000 population with prices by the inch for one month. Special lists of daliy, coun try, village and class papers. Bargain offers of value to small advertisers or those wishing to ex periment judiciously with a small amount of mon ey. Shows conclusively “how to get the most service for the money/* etc. Sent postpaid to any address for 30 cents. Address Geo. P. Howell & Co., Publishers and General Advertising Agents, 10 Spruce Street, New York City. 2f. C. BALKCOM BEN. T. BAY. & RAY, DEALERS IN Groceries, Plantation Supplies, and General Merchandise. 453 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. REDDING & BALDWIN, MACON. GA. CLOTHIERS AND FtldNISHERS FULL STOCK OF SUITS ' •— A KnnsftH farmer sold a large meteor which fell in his pasture for 81,000, and with the money raised the mortgage, on his farm. The oldest of existing observa tories is at Peking, founded in 1279, and still containing three of the first instruments, A Costly Palace. A Chinese Marvel. £>-; 5. In 1430 A. D.^ after nineteen years of ceaseless labor and an ex penditure of about 84000,000, the Chinese government finished the wonderful porcelain tower at Nan kin, which stood for nearly four and a quarter centuries, until 1856, the most marvelous building ever erected by human hands. It was of. octagonal .form, 260 feet in height, with nine stories, each hav ing a cornice and gallery without The name of Porcelain tower was applied to this unique structure on account of the fact that the whole of the outside work was cov ered with porcelain slabs of various sizes and^colors, but principally of red, white, yellow and green. At every one of its nine stories the projecting roof of the gallery was covered with green tiles, each cor ner being provided with trbell va rying in weight from 300 to 1,000 pounds.. ... There were-152 bells in all, each • so nicely balanced as to rook back and forth as they were swayed by the breezes, giving out a continual strain of beautiful but. weird mu sic. Ranged in rows between the bells were 119 brass, bronze and Bilver lamps, which were lighted every night in the year-. The apex of the tower, starting from its base at the 250 foot level and extending upward for a height of ten feet, ,wasa'monbter gilded pineapple, '.surmounted by a copper ball about two feet in ‘ diamoter. A spiral stairway of oyer 300 steps led from the base to the summit. The building was constructed as a gift to an empress, and was always Kept in repair by the government.;' jin 1801, and tore down the three top stories. Tlie injury was repaired ns soon as possible. It would probably be standing to this day bad not the The largest and costliest private mansion in the world is said to be that belonging to Lord Rnte, coll ed “Montstuart,” and situated near Rothesay, England. It covers near ly two acres, and is built in Gothic style, the walls, turrets and balco nies being of stone. The immense tower in the center of the building is 120 feet high, with a balcony aronnd the top. The balls are constructed en tirely of marble and alabaster, all the rooms are finished in mahoga ny, rosewood and walnut; the fire places are all carved marbles of antique designs. The exact cost of this palace is not known, bat it has never been estimated at less than 89,000,000. There are 110 different Varieties of strawberries growing in the ex perimental gardens at the Kansas State Agricultural College. The longest railroad bridge span in the United States is tbe cantilever span in the Poughkeep sie bridge over the Hudson river, 548 feet. ■ Handling Country Produce a Specialty. 3bwdC33ILT U&.JST3D A LARGE LINE OF BSkJFor customers outside the city we will famish any at lowest market price. Organs cheap BOB’T H. SMITH, Late of Smith A Mallory. CIIAS. n. IIAI.L., Jr. SMITH &s HZ-AJLXj, MACON, - - GEORGIA, DEALERS IN ACEI1TB -B -2V STEAM ENGINES, Bioilers, After a rapid decline in num bers the first half of this century, the Quakers are slightly increas ing in Great Britain and gaining quite fast in this country, largely by accessions from other religions bodies. Three miles is about the average of velocity of the gulf stream, though ut places it attains as high a speed as' fifty-four miles per hour. Chinese pheasants, unknown in Oregon ten years ago, are no so numerous there as oto be a nui sance, and farmers are shooting them. Charles Abernathy, of Brown- '&tone, Mich., has built a fiddle out of walnut, oak, beech, maple and cedar, containing 5,600 pieces of wood. Smith’s Tonic Syrup gives per fect satisfaction wherever tried.— J. W. Cochran, Rossville, Ind. To remove marks from velvet wet a cloth in hartshorn and water, a tablespoonful to a pint, lay the wet cloth over a hot iron and pass the velvet over it, using care not to finger it. Pnt the wrong side of the velvet toward. tbe iron, so that the steam may pass through it and raise the nap. A Safe Remedy. When persons are sick they wish more than aught else a restoration of health. They are willing to take even nauseous medicine in or der to get'well. With many, how ever, a first consideration is wheth er the medicine is perfectly Will or will it not leave any evil after-effects? Now, there is one remedy known to be certainly safe, It is a botanical discovery, and it is called Botanic Blood - Balm, or B. B. B. It will not harm the most delicate constitution, nor will a discontinuance cause a craving for its further use: It is a sure ante dote for poison in the blood. The blood becomes poisoned in various ways. Qonstipation, urinary dif- ficulties ana other causes of effete matter remaining in the system A rattler was killed in Cueamon- ga (Col.) Canyon lately that meas ured seven feet two inches long by 11 inches around tbe waist It sported 21 ratifies and a button. The average of money brought into this country with the thousands ofjimmigrants recently landed at New York is said to be about 815, just enough to pay railroad fare over to the valley of tlie Ohio. Mme. du Barry of France, in her Memoirs (reign of Louis XVI.), mentions the purchase of Hindoo muslin so fine that the piece did not weigh fifteen ounces, although sufficient to make four dresses. A 5-year-old child in Lafayette, N. J., was so deeply affected by the death of his grandmother that he cried almost continually for four days, when he burst a blood vessel and died before medical assist ance arrived. Shiloh’s Yitalizer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 dents per bottle. ‘ Holtzclaw & Gilbert. Perry, Ga. Taiping rebels imagined itslights j w jH Ca use blood impurity, or blood ^nd bells disastrous to their cause. —Commercial Advertiser. ELICIB1C B1XTEBS, This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used .Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claim ed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases.of the Liver ap’d Kidneys, will remove .Pimples, Boils, Salt ' ms caused rsis: m and prevent :ure all Malarial fevers, cure of. eadache, Consti- n and Indigestion try Electric rs—Entire satisfaction guar anteed, or money refunded.—Price 50 cts. aud 81.00 per bottle at I Holtzclaw cfc Gilbert’s Drugstore. The first iron steamship was built in 1830. Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cnre is sold by ns on a guarantee, It cures oonsumpti&k Holtzclaw & Gilbert. Fine Parlor and Church Organs From Standard Mincers, to be-dosed ont at spot cjjiii peices, with year* to pay in, NEW PLAN OF SALE- Kentcd until paid for— j *3 to #3 monthly. GreatestiBargalns In our SOyaan trade. Sale limited. Send guide tor Bargain Shoot and SPECIAL GOLD OFFER. Every Organ wlH go Inside of 80 Days. DON’T MISS THE CHANCE! If yon ever want an Organ, buy tt now. LU0DEN & BATES SAVANNAH, CA. A WORD ABOUT PIANOS It Is a bet that we have the Inside track on Pianos, and actually SAVE purchasers XXITT hot.t.atui OS EACH PIANO* Our 8825 Plano is soid regularly Dy largest dealers at $275, and it is well worth it, too, : No other House In America Belling High Grade Pianos at Low Grade Prices. No cheap, Inferior Pianos sold. Our cheapest are perfect and durable. Guaranteed from ground up, Write us. We will SAVE YOU MONEY,f- Shirts and BTeck-we Umbrella?/ Rubber Goods and Overcoats Call on them, and yc»* :«• goods and prices to suit yon. REDDING & BALDWIN 368 Second Street, Macon k I Saw MillsAGristMUls, Grins, Presses, d Mowers, IlaY Rakes; WOOD & BOIsTIO CHEAPEST Office at Cdlciuan & Ray’sWarehouse*. 0.P.&B.E. *! MANUFACTUEEKS OF AMD DEALEKS IN SASH. DOORS, BLINDS, MtiliMtiGS, MANTELS. FAINTS, OIL, LIME, AND House i mi Tlie Sta/teJ of Greorgia,. Call and See ns and get Prices, and Look ati . the Finest Display in Georgia. NBKT TO HOTEL LANIER MACON, G-J MACON, GA- V. E. WALTON. & L. BATEMAN. AL CLEARANCE SALE To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Const!* pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, surra’s IJse the SMALL Size (40little Beans to the bottle). THEY ABB THE MOST CONVENIENT. Snitoblo lor nil ; f\ Price of either size, 25c. per Bottle. KISSING*" 7 - 17 - 70 ’™® ”»WW III1A Mailed for 4 eta. (eoppersoritampa)! J.F.SM1TH &C0.1bkenofBILEBEANS,"ST*LOUIS HO. PASSENGER SCHEDULE -AND- A hurricane move§ eighty miles per hour. For lame back, side or chest, use Shi loh’s Porous Plasters. Price 26 cents. Holtzclaw & Gilbert, Perry, Ga. A storm moves thirty-six miles per hc5ur. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchi tis immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Core. Holtzclaw & Gilbert, Perry, Ga. Watches were first constructed in 1476. Weakly Females use only W.W. C. Perfumed ink is ready for adop tion. poison, as many call it. Symptoms of blood poison should not be neg lected. B. B. B. should be taken at once. It will cure promptly, and is not bad to take, nor will it leave any evil after-effects. J. D. Watkins, Blakely, Ga., writes: “Old sores covered my entire person and itched intensely night and day. For several months I could not work at alL I com menced the use of Botauis''Blqpd ■Balm niid began to grow better the invigorating. W. W. C! The making of wooden shoes is quite a business in New York. A .rare Live, medicine, strengthening, first week, and am now sound and well, free from sores and itching and at work again.” Four silver salt, cellars of the sixteenth century sold in London latelv for 8700. FKEIGHT iSERYICE In effect March 16th, 1890, via the Georgia Southern and Florida RAILROAD. SUWANNEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA Standard time same as Macon city time. GOING SOUTH. Lv. Macon No. 1 Lv.Tifton Ar. Valdosta Ar. Jasper Ar. Lake City Ar. Jacksonville A r.-Hampton, Ar.Palatka, Ar, St Augustine, GOINC NORTH. Lv. St. Augustine, LvPalatka, Ar. Hampton Lv Jacksonville, Lv- Lake City Ar Jasper No. H. 19:35a.m. 7:00p.m GtOOa.m 1:30 p.m. 9:44pm 1:45pm 2:58p m 11:18pm 6:20pm (No.13) 2:58 am 11:18 pm 6:30 am 4:42p m 1:01a.m. 10:50 pm 6:50p m 2;11 a m 3:30pm 7:00pm 3:22am 4:50 pm 9:45 p m 6:35 a m 8:52 pm 4:55 am 8:56 a m 6:20 a m 10:45 a m 10;25am No. 4. No. 12 3:80 pm 7:30 bm 1:00 pm 8:52pm 3:19 pm 7:50 p m 10:00a m 10:40p-m 7:00a m am 11:51pm 9:29 am 10:45 pm No. 2. 7:00 am 8:26 a m 7:o0am 1:01am 11:10 m 1:48pm 2*39am. 5:55pm No. 12 LvTifton 2:08 Dm 2;50am 7:00am Lv. Cordele 3:24pm 4:23am 12:23pin Ar. Macon 5:45pm 6:30am 7:50p m New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars, on Nos. 3 and 4.. Trains 1,2, 3 and 4 arrive and depart from Union d6poti Way freight and ac commodation trains 11 and 12 arrive and depart from Macon junction. Freight received and delivered at de pot comer Fifth and Pine streets,Macon. Freight for Ameflcus, Albany, Bruns wick, Savannah, Charleston, Florida points and all other places on or reached via this road-will behandled with prompfc- ess and dispatch. V. B. WILBUBN. J. T. HOGE, Gen*l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. A. C. KNAPP, Traffic Manager. BYRON, WALTON & BATEMAN, Ga. -DEALEBS IN- I UIUUUIIUU) G-ents’ Furnishings, Staple and Fancy Articles. BEST GRADES OF GUANO A SPECIALTY PERBY HOTESj POLITE ATTENTION GIVEN ALL GUESTS. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS. RATES: $2-00PER* DAY. Liberal reduction by the week, or by the month; JOB W6RK! We Have a Complete Stock anc Full Assortment of Commercial Stationery, and duplicate Macon or Atlanta prices in this class of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. GIVE US J TRIAL ORDER Jentral XSadlxoaxl. of G-eozgpla BETWEEN MACON, FOBT VALEEV, PEBBT AND COLUMBUS. (Southwestern Division.) Schedule went into effect March 30th, 1890. (Standard Time, 90th Meridian.) •No. A | No L | No. 2. No. 4. 3 J.5 a. m. 3.29 “ 3.35 “ 3.42 “ 3.58 “ 4.07 “ 4.25 a. in. 1.50 p.m. 2.05 “ aio “ 2.17 “ 2.34 “ 2.43 “ 3.00 a. m Leave . Macon. Arrive.' Arrive Wise, Arrive Arrive Rutland Arrive • Arrive Walden Arrive Arrive Byron Arrive Arrive Powersville Arrive Arrive Fort Valley Leave 10.25 a. m. 10.08 •« 10.03 « 9A8 “ 9.42 “ 9.45 “ 9.20 a. m. 1140 p.-m. 11^5 •“ 11.20 “ 11.15 “ 10.59 « 10.60 “ 10.35 p.m. BETWEEN FOBT TALLEY AND PEBBY.... 8.15 p. m. 9.00 p. m. 11,35 a. m. 12^20 a. m. , Leave Fort Valley Arrive Arrive ; Perry Leave 9.00 a. m.| 3.50 p. m. 8.10 a. m.| 3D5 p. m. 425 a. m. 3.05 p.- m. Leave Fort Valley Arrive 920 a. m. 4.38 « 3.23 “ Arr Everett’s Arrive 9.03 « 4.50 , “ 329 “ Arrive! Reynolds Arrive 8.50 “ 5K)5 “ 4.00 “ Arrive Bntler Arrive 822 “ 5-14 “ 4.12 p. m. Arrive Scott’s Arrive 820 “ 5,25 « 4.25 “ Arrive: Howard Arrive 8.08 527 « 427 “ Arrive Bostick Arrive 727 “ 5.48 “ 4.60 “ Arrive 1 Genera Arrive 720 «• 5.56 “ 5.00 Arrive Juniper Arrive 720 « 6.02 “ 5.08 “ ArrivasBox Springs Arrive 7J2 « 6.15 “ 5.23 “ Arrive Upatoie Arrive 6.56 625 « 5.43 « Arrive Schatulga Arrive 6.35 « 7.05 a. m. 6.10 p. m. . Arrive Colnmbns Leave 6.05 p. m. 10L35 p. m 10.20 « ia07 r-1 9.50: JW 9.40 9-30 J.CL 9.19 9.09 ”fZ3 9.00 « 8.54 “ 8.42 -I—I 8.22 7.55 p. m. SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISE FOR. IN THE HOME JOURNAL _ ! —This is the best time of the!, ■In the spring-time” comes W._W..Q.' : ^ snbgcrib e for tbe Home! 'as a tonic and a boon. JOUBNAL. For further particniare relative to ticket rates, schedules, best routee. etc. write ” " * it, Perry; i J. C. McKENZIE, Si E.T. CHARLTON, Gen’I.Pae. ip mi mmt w lit £ L | AND LOCAL NEWS THEREOF SUBSCRIBEUAT ONCE FOR THE HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL, PUBLISHED NOW IN ITS TWENTIETH VOLUME* SUBSCRIPTION: PRICE, 82 A TEAS. Jko. H. Honees, Publisher. BOY TOOK SHOES At Low Prices for the first-class grade. We have a full line 01 Shoes, with a special run on and Men’s $2.50 Shoes, that we guarantee. Straw and Felt Hats we are Leaders in, and if you will send us one or- } der, we will save you Money. illMMtU. I