The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, August 07, 1890, Image 2

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•200 p2; ■forms; NG & BALDWIN, MAG ON. GA. BAikPl ft RAY IVES! lll£ ISSlJaS paper publiFbeC, hiv ing a circulation rating :k •Am rirs:: N.'-’.-=paper of more than 23,000 copies each issue, -with ilie cost per Lne of advertising in them - A list of the best pa- ’ 3 of local oirc’.ilriion In every city and of more than ZJW population -with prices by the inch for one month. Special lists of dally, coun try, village and class papers. Bargain offers of value to small advertisers or those wishing to ex periment judicionsly with a small amount ofmon- ey. Shows conclusively “how to get the most service for the money,” etc. Sent postpaid to any address for SO cents. Address Geo. P. Koweix & C o., Publishers and G eneral Advertising Agents, 1J Spruce Street, New York City. - Groceries. Plantation Supplies, and General Merchandise, 453 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. ®3ffAYE JUST RECEIVED a large lot of Ladies’ Fine Shoes from Evitt & Brother, of Baltimore, and the ‘Mensing Shoe Co.,” of Rochester, New York. The Best Shapes, and Every fair Guaranteed. Buttons riveted, free of cost, on all Shoes bought from FULL STOCK OF SUITS HN/dElST NaT\T1-, Perry, Thursday, August 7. A LARGE LINE OF Hats andUnderwear, Shirts and hTeek-J Umbreii' * P’ibber Goods and Overcoats. Call on them, and yc ■ • goods and prices to suit yon. REDDING & BALDim QRO O .1 r-, . - 5 -The State nominating conven tion meets in Atlanta to-day. The sixth district congressional convention assembled at Macon Wednesday. Blount had secured 22 delegates out of the 30 to com- A pose the convention. In Bibb bis tpjajority was 793. Handling Country Produce .a Specialty, I keep constantly oh hand a first-class stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CLOTHING, HARD WARE AND GROCERIES. See them and get prices before buying - elsewhere. ZLi- H?. CATEE, PERRY, GEORGIA. g@»For customers outside the city we will furnish anything ordered, at lowest market price. Smith k Mallory. S3VCITS3; & SfflJggbL,. 301V, - - GEORGIA.! DEALERS IN 1 fa STEAM ENGINES, Boilers, ! Saw Mills. Grist Mills, j ffs% Gins, Presses, - j '-'-J * J Mowers, Hay Rakes; j -^Machinery Supplies. ! 36S Second Street, ilaco, —Judge A. S. Giles and family left Perry last Monday for Macon, their future home. They will re side at No. 413 Spring street, and .Judge Giles will actively continue 'thepractice of law. Many friends .here regret the departure of this family, yet many hopes of contin ued happiness and prosperity have been cordially, expressed. -The loss to Perry is a gain to Ma- Furniture and Carpet House □Tli© StateJ of Q-eorgla. Gall and See ns and get Prices, and Loo the Finest Display in Georgia, ISTEKT TO HOTEL LANIER MACON, Fine Parlor and Church Organs From Standard Makers, to be closed out at SPOT CASS PRICES, with yeara to pay in• NEW PLAN OF SALE- Eented until paid for— S3 to S3 monthly. GreatestiBargains In oor 20 years trade. Sale limited. Send quick lor Bargain Sheet and SPECIAL GOLD OFFER. j Every Organ win go Inside of 60 Days. DON’T MISS THE CHANCE 1 If you everwant an Organ, buyit now. —A preliminary line of the Em- pire and Dublin railroad has beeD surveyed from Grovania to Fort Valley, passing about two-and-a- hslf miles west of Perry. We are informed the^ road will come to Perry if the Perry branch road cnn‘be bought at a reasonable fig ure. ts the railroad situation sat isfactory to our business men ? If •not, they should speak out in meet ing- y JfayiieviHc Hapficiiiiigs. C-D-FINDLAY, Proprietor, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Also, successor to A. B. I arquhar & Co., and R. W. Witt k Co., of tlie late Central City Iron Works. Manufacturer and Dealer in Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Shaftings, Pulleys, nugar Mills, Svmp Kettles, Horse Powers, Mill Gearing, Castings anil Machinery of every description, Steam, Gas and Water Pipe, and Fittings, Brass goods for water or steam, Steam Gagues, Hancock Inspirators, Bolting, Babbit Metal, etc. i. DOBBS, MOULDINGS, MAiNTELS. paints, oil, lime. It is a feet that we have the inside track on Pianos, and actually SATE purchasers EJOFTY DOLJOAItS ON EACH PIANO." Onr 8225 Piano la sold regularly By largest dealers at $275, and it is well worth it, too. No other House in America selling High. Grade Pianos at Iiow Grade Prices* No cheap, inferior Pianos sold- Onr cheapest are perfect and durable. Guaranteed from ground up. Write us. We will REPORTED BY JOSHUA LAWRENCE. MACON, PACKS UP OR DOWN, * i JL-he rain has - set in again, and some farmers who had their fodder 'down have lost about half of it; -most of them are through pnlliug. Fodder will doubtless be scarce. It is almost universal among the negros that they do not iuteud to work for wages next year, but will farm on their own account. This causes considerable uneasines, and I never before knew of as much discontent among our people. I long for Christmas, in order to see how the matter will terminate. If all the negroes should goto farm ing, it will be a good thing for the land owners, as they can raise their i’&iicR. But what will become of the white men who are living on ’•rented land? They can’t compete with negro farmers who have all their labor, and can live on a third less than white men can. This state of affairs A\ill force the white non land-owners to try some other kind of business. V. E. WALTON. C. L. BATEMAN. WALTON ft BATEMAN FINDLAY’S CELEBRATED BYRON, SAVE YOU MONEY. L. COTTON GEMS, EULLY WARRANTED. Gents’ Furnishings, Staple and Fancy Articles. BEST GRADES OF GUANO A SPECIALTY REPAIRS A SPECIALTY, Steam Engines of all makes, Boilers, Separators, and all kinds of Machinery- repaired. PEEE¥ S (zMQEQM POLITE ATTENTION GIVEN ALL GUESTS. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS. The different parts of tho “SWORD” machine made and kept in stock at manu facturer’s prices. TIME AND FREIGHT SAVED BY ORDERING FROM ME. Barrow and Truck Wheels especially designed for Brick Makers, .constantly on hand. All the patterns pf the late “Central City Iron Works,” including the patterns of the Farqnhar Engines, aro owned and used solely by me. Corres pond or call when you wish anything in the way of castings, machinery or re pairs. When rents are raised to 2 or 3 bales to the plow, or more, the white men can’t af ford to pay the increase and hire their labor, unless they do better than they have in the past. Dr. King, of Grovania, has just returned home from Wilkinson county, his former home. Mr. A. E. Wimberly and wife returned home last Saturday from Hot Sulphur Springs. We hope he was greatly benefitted by his visit. Mr. Frank Coney and wife, of Hawkinsville, spent several {days here last week with relatives. Mr. Ezekiel Wimberly, after spending several days here with his father and mother, lelft on Monday for Columbus, where he will resume business. * . Quite a number of our people attended the third quarterly meet ing at Hickory Grove last Satur- Libera] reduction by tho week, or by the month. .JB0 To core Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the sale and certain remedy, SMITH’S JOB W6SEI THE LOCAL NEWS THEREOF FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS, Macon, Ga. 8@L,Send for Price Lists and Circular: We Have a Complete Stock a tic Full Assortment of Commercia Stationery, and duplicate Macon or Atlanta prices in tMs class of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. IB,ML ORDER bottle] Price of either size* 25c* per Bottle* KISSIN6&KL°SS J.F.SMiTH&C0.3Ialenor“EILEBEAKS,”ST.L0IJIS HO. GEORGIA, PASSENGER SCHEDULE FREIGHT iSEWICE In effect March 16th, 1890, via the DUE CIS Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables- Safes, Mattresses, Bureaus, etc. of all descriptions. RAILROAD. SUWANNEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA Standard time same as Macon city time. -GOING SOUTH. No. 1 No.3 So. 11. Lv. Macon 10:35 a.m. 7:00 p-m G:00a. m Lv.Cordele 1:30 p.m. 9:44 pm 1:45 pm Ar. Tifton 2:58 p m 11:18 p m 6:20 p m Complete Undertaking Department, BETWEEN MACON, FOIST VALLEY, PEBIiY AND COLUMBUS. (Southwestern Division.) Schedulo went into effect March 80th, 18S0. (Standard Tima) 90th Meridian.) The protracted meeting at the Baptist church here closed last Sunday. Lv.Tifton 2:58 a m 11:18 p m 6:30 a m Ar. Valdosta 4:4‘2 pm 1:01 a. in. 10:50 p m Ar. Jasper 5:50 pm 2;llam 3:30 pm Ar. Lake City 7:00 p m 3:22 a m 4:50 p m Ar. Jacksonville 9:45 pm 6:35 am > r. Hampton, 8:52 p m 4:55 a m 8:56 a m Ar. Pulatka, 10:45 p in 6:20 a m 10:45 a m Ar, St. Augustine, lU;25a m GuINC -NOILTH. No. 2. No. 4. No. 12 Lv. St. Augustino, 3 :«U p in Lv Palatia, 7:00 am 7:30 b m 1:00 p m Ar*.Hampton 8:26am 8:52pm 3:19 pm Lv Jacksonville, 7:o0am 7:50 pm Lv Lake City 10:00am 10:40pm 7:00am Ar Jasper 11 :U5 a m 11:51pm 9 ;29 a m Ar. Valdosta 12:12pm 1:01 am 11:10 m Ar. Tifton 1:48 pm 2:39am. 5:55pm No. 12 Lv Tifton 2:08 ora 2;5flam 7:00 am Lv. r.-.srdelc 3:24 pm 4:23 am 12:23 pm Ar. M.m«•*>!> 5:45 pm 6:30 am 7:30 pm New ami irie 'ant rulhnsn Buffet Sleeping Caro, on Nos. 3 ami t. Trams 1, 2, 3 and 4 arrive and depart from Union depot. Way freight and ac commodation trains 11 and 12 arrive and depart from Macon junction. Freight’ received and delivered at de pot corner FHtli and Bine streets,Macon. Freight for Americas, Albany, Bruns wick, Savannah, Charleston, Florida A. ^Willing Sstilcide. Life Insurance cannot compensate for grief) the empty chair at the table, the fire.-side, the office. Why not enjoy life when the fortune is made? What is good to-morrow, must be better to-day. Begin in time to build up your system and spirits, and dispel disease by taking some wholesome and harmless alterative. There is nothing so good for Catarrh, Rheumatism, overworked system, and all blood affections, as It continued through oue week, and closed without any accession to the membership of the church. There . a good at- tendance throughout the week, and good sermons were preached every day. Mr. Brewton is an able di vine, and handled his subjects well. It was not his fault that the people, were not moved. PUBLISHED ! foufccalled Lae^to vigor ? /outf you Ijdve rcnewd vitality? mjpu year promt cfpoiTinity? P&T’yglk regained, b returned, . —Mf. W. A. Davis is ready to handle the Houston cotton crop at his warehouse oqMulberry street, Macon, Ga. His tc-n years expe rience in the cotton business will be used to the benefit of his cus- tcmeis, as he gives close personal attention to all business' placed in his hands. Mr. S. M. Bassett, of Houston, will be scalesman for Mi\ Davis, and will be glad to; serve his friends. See the adver- i sement elsewhere in this pa- lyonderfuY Cure-;Co. s Columbus, Ga. aiii> fjpftsgti.A Testimonials Bramtsmur, ala., Oct. 2S, >80. Mr. John R. Garrett, Sec?y and Treat. TF. W. C. Co. Dear Sir:—Having given your W. TV. C. a thorough trial, I can cheer fully recommend it to all suffering Vrith Liver Tronbles. It has done me more good than a barrel of so- called remedies, and I feel like a new man. I pronounco it the true NOW IN ITS TWENTIETH VOLUT/E' . via this road will be handled with prompt- ess and dispatch. <;. !I. .ViLUUKN, J. T. HO*IK, tieuT h'rcigiit Agt. GeuT fcaeu. A. C. KNaPP, Truilic Manager ' I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2 A YEAH. Irro. H. HoDGes, Publisher /& / and only elixir ol life. Yarns very gratefully, =5^ A. W..BENTLEY. Manufactured by Wooldridge’S j For farther particulars relative to ticket-rates, schedules, best routes, etc, write i to or call upon E. M. FULLER, Agent, Perry; .T. C. McEENZIE, Snpt. Macon | E. T. CHABLTOK, Gen’l.Pas. Agent, Savannah, Ga. —This is the best time of the year to subscribe for the Home Joubnal. WOlffl Ladies’ $2.00 At Low Prices for ike first-class grade. We liave a [fill line 01 Alices, with a special run on and Men’s $2.50 Shoes, that we guarantee. Straw and Felt Hats we are Leaders in, and if you will send us one or- dor, we will save you Money. LUDDEN & BATES 4.25 a. m. 3.05 p. m. Leave Fort Valiev Arrive 0.20 a. m. 10.35 p. m S 4.38 “ 3.23 “ Arr Everett’s Arrive 9.03 10.20 “ 4.50 “ 3.39 “ Arrive Reynolds Arrive 8.50 < 10.07 '5:05 “ 4.00 “ Arrive Fuller Arrive 8.82 9.50 5-14 “ 4.12 p. m. Arrive fccot.t’s Arrive 8.20 - 9.40 5,25 “ 425 “ Arrive Howard Arrive S.C8 9.30 5.37 “ 437 “ Arrive Bostick Arrive 7.57 9.19 5.48 “ 4.50 Arrive Genera Arriie 7.80 9.09 5.56 “ 5.00 " Arrive Juniper Arrive 7.20 « 6.02 “ 5.08 " Arrive Bov Bpnngs Arrive 7.12 ‘ 8.54 “ 6.15 “ 5.23 “ Arrive Upatoie Arrive. 6.56 8.42 “ 6.33 “ 5.43 “ A. rive Sehntulga Arrive 6.35 ‘ 8.22 “ 7.05 a. m. 6.10 p.-m. Arrive Columbus I-erve 6.05 p. m. 7X5 p. m. No. 3. Ho 1. 1 |‘ No. 2. o - 3.15 u. m. 1.50 p. m. Leave Macon. Arrive 10.25 a. m. 1140’p.m. 3.29 “ 2.05 “ Arrive Vise, Arrive 10.08 •’ 11.25 “ 3.35 “ 3.10 “ Arrive Rutland Arrive 10.03 “ 11.20 “* 3.42 “ 2.17 “ Arrive AValdou Arnve 9.58 “ 11.15 “ 3.5S “ 2.34 “ Arrive Bvron Arrive 0.42 “ 10.59 ” 407 “ 2.43 “ Arrive Powersvillc Arrive 0.45 “ 10.50 “ 425 a. m. 3,00 a. m Arrive Fort Valley Leave 3.20 a. m. 10X5 x>. m. BETWEEN FO BT VALLEY AND PEP,BY. 8.15 p. m. 11.35 a. m. Leave Fort Valley Arrive 9.00 a. m.l 8.50 p. m. 9.00 p. m.j 12.20 a. m. Arrive Perry Leave 8.10 a. m.| 3.05 p. m.