The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 04, 1890, Image 1

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JOHN H. HODGIOS. Proprietor, DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROCRaSs AND GUs-TtJ RE. PRICE: TWO DOLLARS A Year. .TS^3S yol. XX. PEKRY> HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA* TRUESPAY* SEPTEMBER 4, 1890. no. m WILLINGHAM’S WAREHOUSE. Editorial Opinion,, : Sponges have been very natural ly put on the free list by tariff 1 tinkers. The dead beats' will nat- Keciprocity. Elchabge. There is much being said at present in the daily and . weekly C. 33- 25TG-33C^.^C, ‘ | urally follow.—Millidgeville Union j P ress about ». Blaine’s policy of !& Recorder. I reciprocity. It is no doubt a very ott .; ; acceptable means of commercial What Say the People? Good and Poor Land. Religion in Polities. Slonroo Advertiser: Youth's Companion. Savannah News. Negro Labor in Saw Mills. Savannah News. Now that an era of industrial Better schools for Georgia will j The experienced farmer can i One of the most remarkable and I no doubt be a subject of co'nsidera-1 ma k e a reas °nably correct estimate exciting political campaigns that I prosperity has set in and labor is tion before the next legislature. °t the value of land after a short ’ bas ever been known in this conn- J in demand, the saw mill owners of COTTON FACTOR MACON GEORGIA. Good Facilities, Clnse Attention to Business, Liberal and Square Dealing. Money Loaned to those who Deal with Me at 8 per cent Per Annum. .Send. IMI© TToia.! CottorL. C. B. WILLING H AM. I J. L. Hardeman, W. D. Nottingham. FATtPEMAW & NOTTINGHAM, Attorneys at Law, Geobgia. 51AOOS, Will practice in the State and Federal I Courts. Office 306 Second Street. MONEY LOANS I On Houston farms procured at the low- I est possible rates oE interest. As low, if \ I not lower than tho lowest. Apply to W. D. Nottingham, | Macon. Ga. GEORGIA—Houston Count! : T. O. Skellie administrator of the es tate of Miss J. O. Kellogg, of said coun ty, deceased, has applied for letters of dismission from his trust: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at December term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this August 28, 1890. J.H.HOUSEB, Ordinary. Tfe indications are that several more prominent Georgians will be mentioned in connection with the United States Senatorship before the election occurs.—Columbus Enquirer-Sun. With the political pointers now before them, the democrats should stand more firmly united than ever before, and. give the democratic nominees the largest possible vote. —Forsyth Advertiser. The world does not care to hear from men that have made failures of their lives, but it will gladly listen to the successful man, that has gone beyond theory .and at tained practice.—Americas Times. MONEY TO LOAN. In sums of §300.00 and upwards, to be I secured bv first liens on improved farms. I Longtime, low rates and easy payments. Applv to O. O. DUNCAN, Nov. 20th, 1889.—tf Ferry 1 Ga. Attorney at Law, •Judge of Houston County Court, GEORGIA—Houston County: J. S. Vinson,- administrator, has ap plied for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of J. W. Bason, of said county, deceased: This is therefore to cite aU persons concerned to appear at the October term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this Aug. 28,1890. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. Pebby, Geobgia. Will practice in all the'Couits of this I Circuit except tho County Court. Attorney atLaw, Ferry, - Ga. Will practice in all the Courts of this cirrouit. z. SIMS, DEN TIST, PERRY, GEORGIA, jg-Office on Main street, lately occn- ! pied by Dr. W. M. Havis. First-class work. Prices moderate. Pat- ! ronage solicited. apl281y ID IE nST'IT X S T Perry, Georgia. Office on Main Street, King house. YOU CAN SAVE M! O JST E "5T AT THE IHUNK FACTOR!, GEORGIA—Houston County: T. V. Fagan, guardian of Mary C. Stewart, has applied for letters of dis mission from his trust: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the October term, 1890,of the court of Ordinary of said coun ty, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this Aug 28,1890. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. Best and Cheapest. WATCHES, CLOCKS, MLR! OF ALL KINDS, Silver Ware, Sewing Machines, More people are wasting their substance, losing their time and throwing away opportunities by restlessly moving about than by any other unfortunate habit of this age. Settle down.—Marietta Jour nal. During Mr. Cleveland’s admin istration it was not uncommon hear disgruntled democrats say that they saw no difference be tween it and a republican adminis tration. Possibly these soreheads see now what they did not then see.—Savannah News. It is said that financial extrava gance was the cause of the bloody revolt against the Argentine gov ernment. Financial extravagance will be one of the causes of bloodless revolt against the repub can congress next November. Buffalo Courrier. (N. Y.) Gradually the farmers of Geor gia are turning to the intensive system, and we may expect in a few years to see farmers every where drawing from their land at minimum cost the fullest measure of their possibilities.—Albany News & Advhrtiser. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ftSTLow PriceB. Best Work. - First-class Goods, FINCHER BROTHERS, FORT VALLEY, GA. RADAM’S KILLER. The Greatest Discovery of the Age. OLD IN THEORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. “I have heard some admirable addresses before the Agricultural Society, but a dozen colts on exhi bition at a state fair is a better lecture than I have ever-heard on stock, and a bale of hay is a finer lecture for grass growing.”—Hon W. J. Northern !he negro question is not insol uble. Congress has only to let it alone and it will solve itself. But the solution by a force bill isabout like trying to develop a sapling in to a tree by putting a crowbar un der its roots in order to pry it into bigness. It won’t work.—Mine- apolis Journal. YOU CAN BUY Maco-Nlade Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Hand-Bags. Pocket-Books, end other leather goods in this line of the very best quality, at Examine our stock when in the city. J. VAN & CO., 410 Third Street, Macon, Ga. RUNS EASY. GINS FAST. Cleans SEED PERFECTLY. NEVER CHOKES or BREAKS THE ROLL. ^ >thecelebrated COTTON bloom S3?..All - - jL.-wMcm: ^ This ftatoro la peculiar-to of Gin and is used on no other. Are and is used on no o«xer. Are {^\OUARANTEEI> and Axe Delivered • at anF B. B.atfMon have no Agent net LI G®neral Southern Agent, OSGOOD U.s. STANDARD SALES nr. Esglaw, Boilers and Food .GtuLSouth’n A g«nt, Atlanu,G vorDall**,T*x. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES. BRIGHT’S DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In short, all farms e! Organic and Functional Disease. The cures effected by this Medicine are in many cases Ml RAGLES I Sold only in Jugs containing Onc Grdlon Price Three Dollars—a small investment when Health and Life can bo obtained. “History of the Microbe Killer" Free. CALL ON OR ADDRESS H0LT2GLAW&”GILBERT, Perry,gGa.S Georgia is not particularly noted for its good thoroughfares, and if the next General Assembly will pass a new road law, or amend the old one so as to make it effective, it will go down to history as the wisest body of lawmakers that has assembled in the state within the memory of the oldest inhabitant.— Dawson News. connection with other nations, to feel that we have a reciprocal union with them. But for the imposi tion of the enormous tariffs which are: charged upon ..articles import ed into our country, the prices of our manufactures would not only be lower, but the prices of import, ed goods would also be decreased. The outlook indicates tbat-4he tar iff will never be reduced, there fore, in the face of this insur mountable object in the way of our tirade with foreign nations, Mr. Blame’s policy of reciprocal trade comes in the shape of a compro mise, and- will no doubt be exceed ingly beneficial to the mannfactur rers and producers of America. It simply means that where na tions will allow our product and manufactures to enter their ports free of duty, that we will also al low their goods to enter our ports with the same freedom from duty. This will open up to us new ave nues of trade aud a new market for our farm products. For instance, Brazil, which now furnishes 76 per cent, of the coffee used in the United States, and on which coffee there is a very large tariff, also uses large quantities of cotton and woolen goods, machinery and provisions. This reciprocal trade will open up a direct avenue for us iiito the Brazilian markets; and while our coffee trade in the United States would be increased, aud would greatly benefit the Brazilian grow ers, we would be able to ship our cotton and woolen manufactures di rectly into the Brazilian ports free of duty. Brazil now uses §21,000,000 worth of cotton goods per annum. By the reduction of duty most of these goods would be taken* of course, from the United Slates, and the trade would be greatly in creased under the new arrange ment. Under our present policy we purchase $7O,OOO,Q0O from Bra zil, while in return we only send our §8,000,000 worth, and the bal ance against the United States in this transaction is sent to Europe to pay for merchandise which Bra zil buys from European countries. This shows the immense impor tance of the reciprocal policy. We do not wish to be understood as claiming that reciprocity will in any way supplant our demand for tariff reform, but we mean to show iu this article that where we have a trade with other nations which is not strained by our high tariff system that it is greatly beneficial to all parties concerned. FOR MEN ONLY] [LOST or FAILING KAXH00D; ineral and NERVOUS DEBILITY; Weakness of Body andKind, Effects [of Errors or Exoeu win Old or Young; lOODfbllr Restored. How to enUrw and SgSlifiK&SgEgSg If You Have CONSUMPTION I COUGH OR GOLD BRONCHITIS IThroat Affection SCROFULA I Wasting of Flash Or on V Disease telfare The Throat and lungs are Inflamed-, lack of- Strength or Kent Power, you fan he relieved and Cured hy PURE COD LIVER OIL Witn Hypophospbltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ask for Scott’* Emulsion, and let no as- planatlon or oollcilation induce you to accept a substitute. Sold by all Druggist*. SCOTT A BOWSE,Ch*ml*t8 f N.Y. ADVERTISi perky iiailruad schedcle Daily, Except Sunday*. Leave Perry at 7-50 A. m. Arrive at Fort- Valley 8:40 a. m. Leave Fort Valley at 11:85 p. m Arrive at Perry at 12:20 A. it. Leave Perry at 3:05 p. m. Arrive at Fort Valley 8:50 p. M Leave Eort Valley. at S:25 p. h - Arrive at Perry at 9:10 p. H. TBCE HOME JOUBNAE SUBSCRIBE FOR. The approaches of evil are so noiseless, so insidnons, that one is often hopeless in its clutches be fore even the suspicion of danger dawns upon them. This truth is as applicable to political evils as it is to moral ones. It embraces the en tire field of human endeavor.— Sparta Ishmaelite. Malaria. The matter of roads is one of the most important with which our people have to deal. Nothing can possibbp add more to the progress and prosperity of the agricultural masses than a system of good pub lic roads. This is something in which the farmers axe more inter ested than any other class.-Greens- boro Her al-Journal. Thoughtful and earnest Democrats everywhere realize no time since the feverish days of recon struction has it been more imper ative for the Democratic party to preserve its organization intact than now. The peril of Bepubli- can misrule to the country—to the South especially—is growing more apparent and threatening each year. There is danger ahead for our people and it can only be sue-, cessfully met and averted by* a sol id, well organized Democracy. Columbus Enquirer-Sun. Is your system full of malaria? Do you feel weak and mean all over? Have you got the ague? Then why don’t you do something to get well?- You say quinine doesn’t do you any good.' Well, you needn’t let that discourage you. There is one remedy, Smith’s Tonic Syrup, made by Dr. John Ball, of Louisville, Ky., that’s far ahead of quinine. It will cure chills and fever when quinine and everything else fails. This reme dy never has failed. In some neighborhoods where chills and fever are common, it is found' in every household. Why a man would as soon refuse his family food to eat, as to refuse to get an other bottle of Smith’s Tonic Syr up, when the old bottle gave out. It is a great preventive of ague. A single dose will sometimes keep off an attack. A few doseS will break up the fever and cure the chills. It does not leave any un pleasant after effects as quinine sometimes does. It will not harm the most delicate individual Give it a trial, and you will soon be well. Your child is troubled with worms. That’s why he is so peev ish. Give it Dr. Bull’s WorrvDe- stroyers. They taste good and will make him healthy. That better schools are demanded, especially in the rural districts, is almost a universally conceded fact. Nothing short of good schools, for ten scholastic months in each year, accessible to the people will do the growing children of the state jus tice. Furthermore anything short of first-class schools managed by first-class teachers is injustice to the children. To furnish such schools will require money. The mone^ if. obtained, must come largely-from. the people. Are the people willing to be tax ed for this purpose? If we are to have au efficient public school sys tem. for the state, it must come in this way. It can come in nother. There are advocates, and the number ’s increasing, for taxing the whites to educate white chil dren, and taxing the negro to edu cate negro children. If this idea be consummated the difficulties in the way of good public schools will, to a great extent, be removed. The two races races are separate and distinct, and it is but natural that the whites should have an antipa thy to be taxed for the education of the negro, But will'the whites submit to taxation for the education of their children? If so let them out and speak definitely on this question that their representatives in the legislature may shape legis lation accordingly. It is quite clean that unless the people will submit to taxation for education®, purposes, they cannot have such a public school system as will be for the best interest of their children. While it may be-*true that many of us have and will soon cease to be patrons of schools thrbugh our own children, yet we presume there is none of this class who propose to ignore this question, if they de sire the upbuilding and prosperity of the country. In our judgment the southern state that soonest esi tablishes the best system of public schools for the education of chil dren-will rapidly become populous in her rural districts and gradual ly rise in the scale of prosperity. Hence now is the opportune time for the people to discuss this ques tion thoroughly that they may be able to reach definite conclusions concerning the same. examination of it. He observes ; try is now in progress in Arkansas, j Georgia are confronted with a new carefully certain signs which indi- j The democratic candidate for gov- problem. They find it difficult to The Swiss Government has offi cially proclaimed its unbelief in the tradition that William Tell shot the apple from his son’s head, and has ordered all books which contain any reference to the epi sode from the schools. At Altorf two statues have been set up, one of Tell and the other of his son, and it is recorded upon their ped estals that they stand up the exact positions occupied by Tell, Sr., and Tell, Jr., when the shooting was cate fertility soil. Some of these indications are given ini an article recently pub lished by the ehief'of the Agricul tural College at Down ton, Eng land. They constitute a guide by which even the inexperienced ag riculturist may judge with some degree of confidence of the pro ductiveness of the land. Black indicates barren soil, as the color is in most cases caused by an excess of vegetable matter or peat. White soil is also poor, as it is thin and chalky, or contains white sand close to the surface. Yellow also, whether dark or light, light gray, bine, a piebald or varie gated color, are each indicative of poverty. Good soil should be from twelve to eighteen inches deep. A clear ly cut furrow, or a footprint made when the soil is moist, which shows clear, sharp edges and the nail-marks, indicates tenacity, necessary quality in productive soil. In loamy soil the footprint is indistinct—the edges crumble away. The herbage, which of one kind or another usually covers soil, must be taken into consideration. The quantity and quality of this growth is a sure indication of the yielding power of the soil. A vig orous growth of ash, sycamore, and chestnut indicates good land, Larches grow on barren uplands and soil which can hardly he put to any other use. Beeches thrive on the thinnest of limestone, and birch will grow in infertile soil. The evidence of plants is impor tant. Chickxveed denotes fertility. Nettles, dandelions and butter cups do not grow on poor land. Thistles also indicate good soil, Certain wild grasses show bar renness. Grass lands which seem covered xvith dead, unkempt stuff, like badly made hay, is always barren. The state of the crops should be observed also, though that may indicate more as to the character of the farming than the quality of the land. barrennes of ■■ ernor is the Bev. James P. Eagle, I secure reliable help, and are seri- . , -r» i version, become a Jew, but done! If there were, none, how J, came those statues there ? Every right-minded person will see that the Swiss Government is clearly in error. The Chicago News, which is au thority in such matters, estimates that the time spent in one month by the. ladies of the United States in looking under behind doors, if applied in another direction, would supply the heathen world with suspenders for the next three years. Scrofula All His Life. Canada, according to Dr. J. C. Bourinot, received the title of “do minion” instead of “kingdom,” at the time of the confederation of the provinces in 1867, becap&e this Earl of Carnatv, then Secretary of State for the colonies, thought the latter designation would be objec tionable to the United States, which had just before so emphati cally objected to the establishment of an empire in Mexico. All through summer and fall I was troubled with chills and fevfer. I finally got a bottle of Smith’s Tonic Syrup, which stopped the chilli at one*—C. H. Wells, Mid- ville, Ga. I consider my cure by S. S. S. one of the most wonderful on rec ord. I had the worst type of Scrof ula from my infancy until I was 22 years of age. My whole young fife was embittered and made mis erable by loathsome disease. I not only suffered from the Scrofu la, but was so marked that I was ashamed to associate with, and was avoided by, my playmates and fel low workmen. I tried every known patent medicine, and was first and last attended by more than a dozen reputable physicians, but in spite of all, the disease continued to grow ivorse. About, four years ago a friend from Pittsburg ad- did, and after taking seven bottles I was cured sound and well. The old skin peeled off and was re placed by a new skin, as smooth and free from blemish as any per son. 1 have had no return or symptom of the disease. • Henry Y. Smith, Belmont, W. 7a. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co:, The majority of people use the words Israelite, Hebrew and Jew indifferently, as though they had the same meaning. As a matter of fact they have wholly distinct meanings, especially to those to whom they apply. The word He brew refers to the race, Israelite to the nation, which no longer exists, and Jew to the religion. Men of the Hebrew race, Israelites by na tionality, ceased to be Jews when they embraced Christianity, but they did not cease to be either He brews or Israelites. In the same way an American might, by. con- that would not make him Hebrew, any more than embracing Catholicism would make a Celt Shakspeare speaks of “ah Ebrew Jew,” show ing that there were Jews that were not of Hebrew blood. “Before our ancestors were, in a national sense, Israelites,” says the Hebrew Jour nal, “they were Hebrews, a name which was and is to-day a rare dis tinction. The word Jew is a nar row name for one separate religious distinction.” a Baptist. The labor candidate ously considering the advisability for governor is the Bev. N. B. of securing white labor. It is not Fizer, a Methodist He has been & matter of race prejudice with endorsed by the republicans, themjrat a matter of dollars and Both candidates are eloquent cents. Experience has shown that preachers and excellent stump the negro cannot be depended on. speakers. They are figuratively He can’t stand prosperity, and speaking, turning Arkansas upside I w hen he has a few dollars in his down.. pocket a fife of ease and luxury The Baptist and Methodist de-jbas more attraction for him than nominatioris^are ’“very ’ sGOTg^'iii'Prork: - * Thus it'has 1 happened r that ArKansas. More than four-fifths I some of the largest mill owners in of the people, white and black, are the state have suddenly found divided in their religious leaning themselves without a sufficient between them. Nearly the whole number of hands to run their mills of the population of Arkansas lives and they have been forced tempo- in the country. There are bnt few rarily to shut down, cities in the state and they are There are millions of dollars in- small. The country people are vested in the' lumber industry in, pretty strong in their religioas con- Georgia, and a great deal of work victions, and they stand by their | done in the mills is by contract, respective churches with a devo-1 shut down, therefore, nearly al- tion that is little less than heroic. wa y s results in a loss of material The gubernatorial contest, there- aad money. Under such conditions fore, has lost much of its political I th® mills cannot be run at a profit, character. It has become a sort of I -Negro labor has geneally been pre test of strength between the Bap- ferred, but those who have favored tist and Methodist denominations. ^ le block man have of. necessity The blacks appear to be about as become advocates of white labor, much interested as the whites, effort is now being made to irn- For the time being they seem to P°rt laborers from Europe. The have forgotten the republican par-1 p! an ' is to build good homes for • ty. They know very little about them in the healthy pine regions politics, but they think they know Ibis state and give them all the a great deal about religion, Thep an( l they can cultivate to induce black .Baptists, therefore, are pbem to settle there permanently, shouting themselves hoarse for the ^be plan is a good one. Besides a Bev. Mr. Eagle, and-white Metho-1 thrifty class of immigrants would dist3, democrats though they are, build up the country, add to its have, it is said, taken off their wealth and help to solve the labor coats, and are working energetical- P r °blem. I an ^ enthusiastically for the TJle Father of Forty-nine Ohil- Eev. Mr. Fizer. (lren . What the result of this contest will be cannot be predicted with Tne father of forty _ nine cWI _ any degree of certainty, because it dren, forty-five of whom are still cannot be approximately deter- alive. mined to what extent blact Bap-| Daniel Wingfield is his name, tists and white Methodists will and he is a polite and respectable vote for their respective churches old negro who received a good rather than for their respective rearing during the early ante-bel- parties. lum days. There is no doubt that a big vote His head is almost j white now, will be cast | an d he bends beneath the trials of years, but he has lost none of tho Sometimes,” writes a co pondent of a trade paper, “I have I “ ur , tesy which he learned darin K hari ^ u l - . iiv the days when he was the slave of had to make holes m steel that was a good master too hard to cut or file easily. Then Daniel is a white washer and' make a mixture that will cut a I lives in a little cottage on Hulsey A little girl only 11 years old, was arraigned in a Brooklyn police court recently, charged with drun kenness. Beside her was her mother, charged with the same of fense. The latter was sent to prison for ten days, and the child, a fair-faced little one, clothed in rags, has been placed under the care of Sisters of Mercy. Mother and daughter were arrested while reeling and cursing in the street. hole. I mix one ounce of sul- j street, Atlanta, phate of copper, quarter of an ble has only been married twice ounce of alum, half a teaspoonful anc ^ second wife is now alive, of powdered salt, a gill of vinegar, S, 1 ? be became rike and twenty drops of nitric acid! ISl° £ f e V6 JHU and b 7 This will make the hole.” ' his second wife 37 children-forty- nine m alL Only four of these Few have any idea of the terri- have died, ble waste of bird life that the | He keeps trace of all of his chil- fashion for birds as trimming in- dren i and knows-pretty accurately volves, remarks the New York where they are located. Chatter. Forty millions of hum- He was born in Fayette county, ming-birds, sunbirds, orioles, ^is state, in the year 1806, and gulls, seabirds, waxwings, birds of bas lived in the state his entire paradise and flycatchers are an- Hfe. nually immolated to'this end. | In many respects he is a remark able character.—Atlanta Joar- He Was Innocent: “I missed I na i several of my chickens last night, Uncle Jasper. Do you know any- A queer thing happened to thing about them?” “Cunnel, I Greek peddler in New York city believe de law do not require cal- the other day. He got a new suit, ludgemmen to answer questions I a clean shave and a shine and when which might discriminate dem- be went home, the dog who had selves.”—Puck The Pulpit and. the Staffe. Bev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Brethren Dhurcb, Bine Mound, Kan., says: “I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King’s New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my vfsed me to take S. S. S., which 1 parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bot tles of Dr. King’s New Discovery, and am sound and well, gaining 26 lbs. in weight. Arthur Love, Manager of Love’s Funny Folks Combination, writes “After a thorough trial, and con vincing evidence, I am confident Dr. -King’s New Discovery for Consumption beats ’em all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try-it. Free trial bottles at Holtzclaw & Gilbert’s drug 349J Yillebe St.,New Orleans, Oct. 22, 1889. Wm. Badam, Esq.: Dear Sir—I wish the afflicted and suffering to know that I posi tively assert that for twenty-nine years I have constantly suffered intense agony with that most ter rible disease known as hemor rhoids, or piles, in their very ivorst form. I have tried every available prescription, but to no curative end. I have taken one jug (which contained one gallon) of Microbe Killer, and it bas com pletely cured me. It now feels like a dream that I ever suffered with that disease. It has also cured me of an insatiable thirst which I have had all my life. Go try it, all mankind, and do not let your prejudice blind yon against this world-renowned mediciu e. If 1 possessed the means I would as they need to bring about a cure. This testimonial ought to show the Microbe Killer’s efficacy. I con sider the Microbe Killer para mount. I remain most respectfully, Chapped Handsj Chilblains, Mrs. E. E. D. Wat* For sale by Holtzclaw <fc Gilbert, sole agents, Perry, Ga. been his pet for years failed to rec ognize him and bit a piece out of his leg. A Garfield, Oregon, citizen has discovered that the squirrels that are shot aud left on the ground are devoured by their fellows, and he has turned the knowledge to ac count. When he kills a squirrel he cuts a hole in it and puts in strychnine, and in this way has killed a large number of the •pests. A young man in Dubuque, Iowa is said to have lived for twenty years on nothing but soda wa ter. Water in Snake river has been so low this season that settlers have bitterly complained of the dust raised by the salmon going up stream. They threaten to ask for _ an appropriation to sprinkle the give all the afflicted as many jugs r ^ ver p* dle nuisance is repeated next year. Buckleu's Arnica Salve. Salt Biieum, Fever Sores, Tetter' _ d all Skin Eruptions, a tively cures Piles or m quired. It is guaranteed perfect satisfaction or mone flltuloil PriY»n O'A nn.4^ * I funded. Price 25 cents pei Atlanta, Ga. store. Begular sizes 50c. and §1 Subscribe for the Home Journal For sale by Holtzclaw