The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, December 18, 1890, Image 4

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YOU CAN SAVE Select Siftings. fe Sized Picture FREE OF CHARGE, If Framed at CHAS. C_ HOLT’S R T S T O IR, IE, HEADQUARTERS FOR-—-— Attorney at Law, Ofeece: '510 Hcebeeby Steeet, MACON, GEORGIA. Special attention given to business in Houston county. A New York city beggar makes $2,500 a year at his business. Russia has a law suit still pend ing which is 500 years old. A Vassalboro (Me.) farmer raisr ed 100 bushels of nice potatoes from a scant half acre of land. Fonr different millionaires in Boston have private libraries con taining 12,000 volnmes each. Coffee, brown bread and herrings constitute the national breakfast of the people of Holland The man who invented the- pig- in-clover puzzle has been sent to an insane-asylum in St. Louis. Paris bicyclists must obtain li censes, and they are not allowed to ride unless they wear the regu lation tag. In Greenville, Tenn., still stands the olcf building in which Andrew Johnson once plied' the tailor’s needle. The autograph of Christopher Columbus is quoted at about $800 , in Europe; Titian’s brings $600, ; and Rhaphael’s $300. A rich find of silver is reported to have been made- in Calhoun county, Ala., in what’appears to be 1 a mine formerly worked by In dians. One of the sights near Nebraska City is a ma«sive stone temple built by the Mormons in honor of Joseph Smith after their expulsion from Nauvoo. It was also used as a fort In the alliance procession at Hntchingson, Ran., was a mon strous wagon containing fifty or sixty children. Over the vehicle was a banner bearing the inscrip- J. B. EDGE, Physician and Surgeon, Pebrt, Georgia. Office adjoining Perry HoteL Can be found at office during the day, and at Hotel at night. All calls promptly an swered day or night. Macon-Made Trunks { Valines, HAVE YOUR PICTURES TAKEN AT MONEY TO LOAN. Satchels, Hand-Bags, Pocket-Books,□ and other leather goods in. this line of •the very best quality, at In sums of §300.00 and upwards, to be secured by first liens on improved farms. Longtime, low rates and easy payments. Apply to G. 0. DUNCAN, Nov. 20th, 1889.—tf . Perry* Ga. $1.50 to $5.00 PER DOZEN. Send in yonr Pictures and take advantage of the Life-Sixad Picture offer. OUR NEW IMPROVED SINGER HIGH ARM, THIS STYLE, ONLY$26.00 (|) CHAS. C. HOLT, Macon, ©a. Examine our stock when in the city G3-iEO. "W. CASE, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS 410 Third Street, Macon, Ga. MONUMENTS, TRON FENCES, ETC-, 464 PLUM STREET, - - - - MACON, GA. Manufacturer and Importer of the best grades of Italianjand American Marble and the following noted Granites: - BARRE, CONCORD, QUINCY, RED BEECH, WESTERLY, BAYFUNDAY, CLARK,S ISLAND, DICE. Satisfaction guaranteed. No money till work is complete. Correspondence sad work prompt. Don’t buy yonr monuments until yon write me. I will save 1 yea money. “I TTG2 LUKK.U. Free by mail ■ IE Vr a LARGE TRIAL BOTTLE. ■ AIm. TreatU. om Epilepsy. _ DON’T SUFFER ANY LONGER. GivePostOEceindBk®= pW*. IUU CHEMICAL CO., 3660 Fainnomt Ave. PMU.FS Give the Yery Best Returns in CHERRY STEET, MACON, GA- f HEADQUARTERS * FOR LADIES DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, MILLINERY, HATS, * SHOES, HOSIERY, LACES. In fact everything desired in the Dry Goods line. Courteous clerks. Ladies to serve lady customers. Quality guaranteed. Prices at the The most expensive rose now sold to swell people] is known as the Mme. John Lang. Who Mine. John Lang is even the florists •themselves do not know. The price of them is $1.50 each. In size they equal the American Beau ty Rose, but they are lighter and more delicate in color. Floral dec orations, it is said, will be much more abundant this year for din ners and similar entertainments than they ever have been before, and a great many of the cheaper varieties of rose will be used. The Catharine Mermet, the Capucid and the Cusine roses are all com paratively inexpensive and all beautiful. Violets are, if possible, moire popular than ever. They sell now for'182.00 a bunch, and there are fifty or seventy-five vio lets in a bunch. Later on they sell for higher prices still. There are club-men in town who have- two bunches of violets delivered at their club every day. One florist lowest point. V. E. WALTON. Gents’ Furnishings, Staple and Fancy Articles. BEST GRADES OF GUANO A SPECIALTY} P IANOS $25 CASH O RGANS $10CASH and THE BALANCE next December 15th',-' WHEN CHOPS ARE SOLD SEND YOUR ORDERS TO SPOT CASH Prices. Specially Reduced, and the LOWEST Known, on stand ard instruments. Cherry Street, JMACON, GEORGIA, • OF E. CROCKETT, and makeyourself rich and the boys happy. -E. CROCKETT, Macon, Ga. The Philadelphia Record esti mates that the. ‘avarage wages of persons who work oh fayms and in the mechanical arts is $1 per day. This being the case, Mr. David A. Wells puts the cost of the Federal Government this year in a striking light when he says it will take 460-, 000,000 days work to pay the $460-, 000,000 appropriated by congress. A San Francisco undertaker lias fitted up a large and handsome fu neral. parlor, where funerals may be held. It is intended to meet the needs of families who live in hotels and boarding houses. All the em ployes are-attired in black and wear black silk hats. ...... H TH,S OFFER COOD tor imserj ssas.’.a'”""-" iale <89Q M NO EXCEPTION. SsdsSBP OUR ENTIRE STOCK. §§Blne Grass Rye, Hume Bourbon, □Lj □Mellwood Rye, . ’RSBSSW Finch’s Golden Wedding Rye,p S. W. Private Stock North Caro lina Corn and Apple Brandy. Ga. Hand-Made Peach Brandy. The best goods for the money in Georgia. Give me a call when in the city, or send me your orders. POLITE ATTENTION GIVEN ALL GUESTS. COMFORTABLE Write far Circular— Summer Offer1890. The w hi chart mesas | LUDOEN & BATES, Southern Music House, SAVANNAH. CA. ROOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS. RATES: $2-00 PER DA YU There are|7,000 millionaires in the United States, where, in 1860, there were only two. . His Daughter Suffered from Eczema. Liberal reduction by tha week, or by; *! thnj; month. -JUUH BETWEEN MACON, FORT - VALLEY, PEItBY AND OLUMBCE. (Southwestern Division.) * Schedule went into effect August 24th, 1890. (Standard Time, 90th Meridian.) My daughter suffered-for five years with an attack of Chronic Eczema that baffled tlie treatment of all the best practitioners. I then commenced to try a course of f JUsl killer. The Greatest Discovery of the Age. OLD IN TKBORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. - Lv. Macv»n. Lv »r. Wiso. Lv Ar Rutland. La At Walden. Lv At Byron Lv j Ar Powersville. Ar j 10:18 10:36 10:30 10:1» 10:07 CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER. BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES; BRIGHT’S DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In short,alifoniis el Organic and FuhcUonai Disease. Tho cores effected by this Me&idne are in many MIRACLES! Sold only to Jogs containing One Gallon. Price Tiiree BcPIlars—asimill Investment | Ax.Fort Valley. Lv SCOTT’S J—tuin EMULSION COUCHS 11 — CURES I Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hygophos- ' ihites sad pure Norwegian Cod fever Gil, the potency of both biing largely increased. It is used, by Physicians all ever the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Dniggists. SCOTT a DOWNS, Chemists, N.Y. 8.25h. m.i 11.35 a.m. I Leave Fort Valley Arrive I 8.35 a, m 3.50p.m. 1 ■ .non - A T> T.n.n J „ „ DUX. « had disappeared, and she is now well and enjoying unexcelled health. These are plain and sim ple facts, and I will cheerfully an swer all inquiries, either in person or by mail. V. Vaughan.);Druggist, Sandy Bottom," Va. XT IS THE BEST. I have used Shift's Specific for cleansing the blood of impuirties, and find it to be the best in the market. It not only purifies the blood, but-is a most excellent ton ic, and builds up the general health promptly. J. Munday, Litchfield, 111. Treatise on Blood and SkinBis- Lv Perry 9 DO am At Ft Valley 9:45 a m. Lv Ft Valley 5:15 p. m. Ar Perry 6:00 pm For farther particulars relative to ticket rates, schedules, best routes, etc., writ* to or call upon E. M. FULLER, Agent, Perry; J. C. McKENZIE, Smpt. Macon E. T. CHARLTON, Gen’l.Pas. Agent, Savannah, Ga. To card Biliousness, Sick Rgadseae, Cons pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, tnke Perry Variety Works. One hundred and twenty saws running at,the Variety Works. We We Hare a Complete Stock and Full Assortment of Commercial - .. Stationery, and dnplicatejMacon or Atlanta prices in this class of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. arVE US 4 1RIAL ORDER can gin your cotton and make you happy in forty minutes. While others are chinning, we While others are chinninj areginning. Use the SMALL Sise (40 little Beans to the bottle). THEY ABE THE MOST C0SVEME5T. Suitable ior all Agoo. Price of either riie, 35e. per Battle, in eighteen, or 150,000, -live on chanty with a tendency toward crime. In London the proportion is one in thirty. np it says $1.50. We don’t give Mwi#lliO>uii«aror«etMeopi>OTor««»i>«)b any chromes or gold rings; we fjtWmimmmSfm'&mf don’t ask you to the theater,- but -we will let you shell yonr corn free SUBSCRIBE ADVERTIE of cbnrge. E. J. Fulbeb, for. IK Lessee Perry Variety Works. THE HOME JOUBNAL gldn y Persons Arc Gnw v f o'-} overwork or household c “ rcs Broiyn^s iV&ii T>itters rebuilds the systeiu..;i:*:s dijiesiiotj, cess of bile, and curer- " ealaria. x Getthe geatime When the celebrated animal trainer Martin, who died lately, ; had retired to private life, one day he took a notion that he would vis it his former large menagerie, which he had not seen for five years. It was in Brussels, and he started for that city from his coun try seat near Rotterdam. At 4 o’clock, the time for feeding, he entered the menagerie. He min gled with the crowd and waited un til the animals would receive their food, for which they were waiting with wild impatience. While they were eating he began to cough. Suddenly the animals paused in their treat _and listened, then broke into wild bowls of joy and tore at the iron bars, so that many of the timid visitors fled from the menagerie. Then Martin stepped forward. With a movement of his hand and with his powerful voice he com manded silence, and suddenly, all was quiet. Ho swung himself over the bars which separated the vis itors from the animals, and put his hand into the cages to fondle the animals. A mighty tigress show ed more joy than any of the others. When Hartin’shand glided over her magnificent far, her limbs trembled nervously, sbe uttered weak, tender grunts, and through the iron bars with her rough tongue, sbe licsed the face of her former master.' When he went away she lay down without eating any more food. ? ©Q e»g, CHUTA STOISE IMPORTERS jAND DEALERS IN. QfcORCIA'S PRIDE THE OLD RELIABLE! MEAL AND FLOUR 0. P. & l £. WILLINGHAM &C0., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DBALBBS IN SASH; DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS MANTELS, PAINTS, OILJLIME, AND SUbBUtt HjyilWAllg MACON, - - - - - - GA- Glassware, Silveware, Woodenware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Camps, CHANDELIEPS, OIL STOVES. TINWARE.Etc ARTISTIC POTTERY, HOUSEKEEPERS’ NOVELTiES. Solo Agents for City of Macon for the ) Celebrated Buck’s Brilliant Cooking Stoves and Ranges. 363 Second Street, 164 & 166 Cotton Avenue, MttseHti- 'a - a » Mb C. L. BATSMAN. . miTtiiiMTiiAi. BYRON, .... - ..... Ga. about Managing Tramps. Mistress;—Did anyone call while I was out? Servant—No one, ma’am, ex ceptin’ a tramp. He wantedjsome- thin’, to eat; but I told him there was nothin’ reddy, and he’d have to wait till th’leddy of th’ house got back from cooking-school, an’ mebby she’d make him somethin’. Misstress—Of all things! Did he wait? Servant—Fo, ma’am. He run- ned.—New York Weekly. The New Orleans Picayune has discovered that" t1ip only State that has been absolutely uniform in its congressional representation is Rhode Island. It had two mem bers under the first census and the same number ever since. It is bound to remain in the same cate gory another ten years. Its popu lation in 1880 was 279,531, and it is now 328,000. This is a variation which.precludes change, whatever basis of representation may be adopted. Delaware has always had just one, except under the third census it had two. There are the only constant quantities in the en tire category. There are nearly h 50,000 colored people in New York City. Some of them have built up fortunes in real estate speculation. Ono of them accumulate! an estate worth . $100,000 iu the catering business. A -, number are worth $200,000 each. Though the wife may not be the senior, she is never the silent part ner in a matrimonial firm. THE NEW DISCOYEKy. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the mauy whoknow from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If yon have ever tried it, you are oue of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about' is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King’s New Discovery ever after bolds a plaee in the house. If you have never used it and shosld be afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at ouee and give if a fair trial.’" It is guaranteed ereryiime, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw <fc Gilbert’s: -Drugstore. ■ -DEALERS IN- Tbe JLocal News of Every District, BSCXIXB3B AA.'T CETCE HU’QUrA THE HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL 8.40 a.' m. Leave Fort Valley Arrive 6.35 p nr. 8.54 “ Arr Everett’s Arrive 6.20 « 9.07 “ Arrive Reynolds Arrive 6.07 “ 9.23 “ Arrive Butler Arrive 5.50 “ Arrive Scott's Arrive 5.37 “ 9.47 if Arrive 'Howard Arrive 5.24 «* 10.00 « Arrive Bostick Arrive 5,11 « 10.11 •* Arrive Geneva Arrive 5.00- «• 10.20 •• . Arrive Juniper Arrive A50 " 10.27 •* Arrive Box Springs Arrive 4.42 “ 10.40 “ Arrive Upatoie . Arrive 4.27 « 11.02 “ Arrive Schatulgn. Arrive 4.07 “ 11.30 a.m. Arrive Columbus Leave 3.40 p. m. PUB LXSHEX) Latgest Circulation. Best Advertising Medium. iHiil T Subscription Price $2 a Year, Unless Paid Strictly in Advance.