The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, December 25, 1890, Image 3

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LOCAL NEWS. PERRY, I HtFBSDAY, DECEMBER 25 & CO. 652 and 654 CHERRY STREET MACON, GA. This progressive clothing firm have just opened their magnificent new ales- rooms at the numbers designated above, and here may be fouridthe largest and best assorted stock of Clothing and Rents’ Furnishings to be found in the state. The vast Salesrooms have been fitted up with all the conveniences known vo the retail trade, and the army of sales men, who have won an enviable popular ity for their house-by their polite and accommodating ways, will be found in the new house ready to offer to their old friends better bargains than ever. The entire stock of goods is new; all of the old goods will be closed out in the old store, and everybody who visits the new emporium will find a brand now stock, and the largest and handsomest elothing establishment, in Georgia. Don't forget the place, 552 and 554 CHEESY STEE2T, MACON, GA. Best and Cheapest. WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELM Of ALL Kl® Silva; Ware, Sawing Machines, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY SSfLow Prices.' First-class Goods Best Work. FINCHER BROTHERS, FORT VALLEY, GA. XMAS PRESENTS, the most beautiful and useful for any age or sex at Holtzclaw & Gilbert’s, .—I have just received a nice line of Stationary ' L. A. Felder. Sidewalk Gleanings. local news flitiora m cotoxy. —Mem- Christmas to I Doubtless many gobblers will be gobbled to-day. Regular meeting of Stonewall alliance next Saturday—27th lost - The twentieth volume of the Home Journal is completed with this issue. —Mr; H: B. Wallace, of Butler, spent last Sunday in Perry—a so ciety visit ’—A fine lot of fresh Batter and Cheese just received at W. M. Davis’s. —A full assortment of Xmas Cards at Dr. Felder’s Drug Store. Call and see.them. r—Books and Games for the chil dren cheap at Dr. Felder’s Drug Store. —C. P. Marshall can sell you Shoes cheaper than any one. —A nice line of Lap Tablets at Er. Felder’s Drug Store. Notice to Stockholders. The stockholders of The Perry Loan and Savings Bankare hereby notified to attend the annual meet ing on Wednesday, the 7th day of January, 1891. The board of di rectors for 1891 will be elected. J. D. Martin, Cash’r. Perry, Ga., Dec. 11,1890. —Give me a call before buying yonr Xmas. - L. A. Felder, —If you* have a broken vase, bowl, or piece china, buy a bottle of Stratina and have it mended at Dr. Felder’s Drug Store. Notice. Mr. F. S. Cater is desirous tBht his friends of Houston aud adjoin ing counties, should know that he is now with the Empire Store, Ma con, Ga., where he will be pleased to see them, and give special atten tion to all orders entrusted to his care. f MUST HAVE IT. All indebted tome will please call at once and settle, c. P. Marshall, Ferry, Ga. —Dr. Felder’s Drug Store is th s Place to get your Xmap pres ents for the children. —We have just received a nice lot of Jeans. " c, F. Cooper & Co. Georgia Rust Proof Oats. 90 Cents a Bushel. I have for sale 40(1 bushels of first-class Genuine Georgia Bust Proof Oats, on-farm near Perry. T. D. Gubb. -^Try the celebrated Momaja Coffee, the perfect blend. For sale by W. M-Dayis, Perry, Ga. : —Go to CL F. Cooper & Co. for a Hat. —I want all your Cottou Seed. Best prices paid. C. P. Marshall. —We buy Cotton Seed. C. F. Cooper & Co. —School Satchels and Writing Tablets, cheap at Dr- Felder’s Drug Store. —Don’t fail to give ns a trial whenever you want to buy any- hiug. Will do our best for yon. C. F. Cooper & Co. Subscribe for the Home Journal. Mr. Sam Felder, of Atlanta, is spending the holidays with his sis ters in. Perry. ‘ —The condition of the Perry sidewalks have just been changed from good to better. —Minor Hall, of Cuthbert, is spending Christmas in Perry, with relatives and friends. Quite a number of visitors will attend the masque party and ball at the court house to-night. —Santa Claus, has liberally sup plied Perry with toys and presents, according to the means on hand. —Mr. Ben. Cade, of Washing ton, Wilkes county, is in Perry vis iting his brother, Mr. E. B: Cade. Houston farmers will make greater strides in progressive agri culture next year than ever before. —Hon. R. N. Holtzclaw return ed home Moday night, the legisla ture haviug Adjourned at aoou that day. -The Lunch party at the court house Friday Sight will be a very pleasant affair. All should at tend. The next quarterly convention of the Houston county alliance will be held at Henderson early in .Jan uary. —The election of county officers will take, place just two weeks from to-day, Wednesday, January 7th, 1891. . . —Powers Cooper, who is.a cadet of Moreland Park Academy, near Atlanta, is spending the holidays at home. —Teachers of public schools in Houston received their pay to-day (Wednesday), several days earlier than heretofore. —Misses Annie Duncan and Etta Davis, who had been visiting friends at Americus, returned home last Saturday. —-Mr. Avant’s monkey is an un ending source of amusement to those who pass along the western part of Cairoll street. —The next term of Houston High School will open on the first Mon day in January, 1891, with Prof. W. B. Dew as principal. —Mr. and Mrs. W. Brunson, Jr., of Macon, are spending the h days in Perry, with the family of his father, Maj. W. Brunson.’ —There are about five hundred bales of cotton stored in the ware house in Perry, more than ever Be fore held here at this season of the year. —Mr. E. L. Saunders, of Win chester, Tenn., was in Perry last Saturday and Sunday, visiting his uncles, Messrs'. J. D. and T Martin. —Miss Mary Lee Felder, of Cnth- bert, is in Perry visiting her broth er, Dr. L. A. Felder, and other rela tives, at the residence of Mr. C. F. Cooper. —Miss Lucy Felder will open a school in Perry, on the first Mon day in January next, at the Felder residence, Main street. Tuiti moderate. —Master Joe Palmer, son of Maj. Joseph Palmer, - has received, the appointment to West Point military academy, subject to the usual examination. jy; r . E. E. Miller, who is a stu dent of the Peabody Institute at Nashville, Tenn., is spending the holidays at home with his paYents near Perry, Mr.* and Mrs. J. R. Miller. —Judge A L. Miller and fami ly are spending the Christmas hol idays in Perry. The Judge is de voting the greater portion of the time to the birds and other ganm near town. —Mrs. L. W. Pooser and two children, and Mrs. Sarah Smith and one child, of Orangeburg, South Carolina, are in Perry yisit- in<* the family of Judge J. H- Houser, father of Mrs. Pooser. —Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Houser, and two children, went down to Sa vannah last Saturday. Mrs. Houser and the children . The best results thkLc.tii baiso- euVciJ by . proper iy ntii;z:ug the protiuctive-'soii and' ISt- gefilui clf- mateiof Houston catrutyHIsve -nbt ■yet been realized, thouglTmuch has been done on that line within re cent years. Much.profit is now annually placed to the- credit of Houston farmers through means that were unthongbt of twenty-sfive years ago Ouly -a few years ago none;of ;oiir people received revenue.from the sale of fruits, and uow nearly half a million dollars are devoted to fruit culture in the couuty. In 1889 the peach crop alone brought -over two hundred thousand dollars into the county, besides the thou sands realized from the sale of oth er fruits. The culture of watermelons for sale began later, and now hundreds of car loads are annually shipped north, aud many thousands of Yankee dollars come, as -their price, into the pockets of Houston farmers. Within the last few years cows for profit were scarcely thought of in Houston. Now many of our farmers realize neat sums annual- ly from the sale! of ; butter, fine stock and beeves; several regular dairy farms are in successful oper ation ...... Our farmeis have also leSaSed that there is money, in hog-raising, and much Houston pork is annual ly sold in our neighboring cities. As these sources of profit have been made manifest within a com paratively short time, so has it been demonstrated that the produc tiveness of Houston soil can be in creased by the carefnl cultivation of not only the regular crops, but that its adaptability is almost with out limit. A few years ago the average yield of corn, cotton, oats, peas, po tatoes, sugar cane, etc., was much lower than now, and the tendency is toward a much higher average. As now many products have been utilized, so will our progres sive fariqers discover that there are still others not now used that can be made to further increase the fame of Houston as one of the most excellent comities in Geor gia, or even the entire South. It is not our province to say here and now what else • will be added to the profitable products- of Houston soil, but we are satisfied that such additions will be made to the list within a comparatively short time. Houston intelligence and energy wonderfully increased the produc tive scope of Houston soil, and the best has not been realized. Our farmers are growing more progres- sive-every year. We expect to see the day when the amount of cotton now grown in the county will be athered from- less than, half the number of acres now cultivated, the acreage per plow much de creased, the number of products greatly enlarged, and the* entire business much more profitable, than now. '.York for Perry People. z a public - There Is much wyrk charavit - iL .1 thy r ei>/K> of Perry should do, and the .beginning can not lie” too early; Why hot start with the new year? M-uclr of this work is of a char acter to beneficially affeet the en tire county; The enhancement of values and the increase of business at the capital, city of the county will of conrse increase the tax re turns, and thereby lessen the tax rate on the property of every citi zen of Houston. The proposed Houston Improve ment Company should be organ ized at once. A'stock company of this sort will find much work to do that will not only build up the town, but yield handsome profits to the stockholders. Dwelling houses are needed for• would-be residents. A commodious boardinghouse is needed for the northen people who desire to spend the winters here. It is needful that- decisive steps- lle at once taken to secure the io cation of the county fair at Perry. This is decidedly the most central place available in the couuty, and at no other place -in the county could a fair be so,satisfactorily and successfully held. If possible a permanent park should be secured,; buildings erected, and complete arrangements made. A determined effort should be made to secu-e another railroad outlet. Then, it is a miltual duty that the merchants of Perry owe to themselves and the farmers of the surrounding country, to demon strate in a practical way that our town -is an excellent market for our neighbor farmers to patronize. Our merchants should sell at such prices that the farmers cannot af ford to go to more distant towns; and they should bny produce so lib erally that a double attraction will s continually at Perry. Then, the farmers should con stantly bear in mind that Perry is Houston town, and that every dollar spent in Houston is a dollar added to the prosperity of the county of which they are citizens. ill these things done, the natu ral advantages of oar town -would assert themselves, and material benefits would multiplj continual- repobted by ' " The fail term of t ly- Make the prosperity that natu rally belong^ here manifest to eve ry observer, and there will be a great increase in business. Manu facturing enterprises -inaugurated would add more to the volume, and still higher we could climb. These thiugs can all be accom plished, but only through an in telligent combination of money and work. T. —We understand the minstrel performance at Pine Level School House near Tharp’s mill, last Fri day night was a success. A large crowd attended, and though the admission price was small, about 825 dollars was realized. Several young mSn attended from Perry. The boys were in earnest in their desire to afford a pleasing enter tainment, and their efforts were worthy or -the saccess attained. The absence . of a specific report preyeDts us from giving any de tails. The programme was well chosen and faithfully executed. —The county tax books were closed last Friday, aud since then about one thousand executions have issued. A majority of these, how ever, are against negroes and do not represent a large sum of mon ey. On the last day Deputy Col lector Killen was especially busy, and the aggregate amount collect ed was considerable. Of course many of those who have not paid are abselute defaulters, and will never pay, though several thousand dollars will yet be collected. The amount uncollected is larger than it was last year, but this fact is on ly an evidence of the present scar city of money, and is not to be construed as an indication of a less degree -of prosperity. Each execution issued and collected; means -50 cents tor tne collector and 50 cents for the constable. —Mr. J. J. Marshburne ’ passed through Perry Monday enroute to Unadilla, where he will engage in mercantile business. We regret that Houston has lost such an ex cellent citizen, and his family, yet we wish for them success and hap piness at their new home, —The newly elected officers of Perry Lodge No. [35 F. A. M. are: Rev. J. O. Brewton, W. M.; Dr. J. B., Edge, S. W.; L. M. Paul, J. W.-; M. A. Edwards, Sec,; George Paul, Treas.; A. B. Schilling, Ty ler. —The newly elected officers of Perry Chapter No. 65 R. A. M., are: J. B. Smith, H. P.; T. H. Killen, K; W. D. Day, Scribe; J. D. Martin,-Sec.; W. D. Day, Treas.; A. B. Schillng, Sentinel —Messrs. James and Oscar Cheek, recently of Pike county,are now citizens of Houston. They have rented the Kjllen farm just west of Perry, and are now domi ciled there. We are informed they are first-class farmers, and we are safe in saying they will become thoroughly-identified with the best interests of the county. We cor dially extend to them the right hand of fellowship. ; ’ —A very interesting meeting'of the “Numa Hook” missionary soci ety was -held at the Methodist church last Snndaynigbt.. Though under Methodist management just now, this society is entirely unde nominational in its purposes and work. It is devoted to domestic missions, and there is a place in the organization for every white resident of Perry and vicinity. •on -High School for 1890 closed last Friday, the 19thJnst., with great, credit to the.teacher, Prof. D. G. Lee,, and entire satisfaction to all the pa ti4ns. Some examinations of. the pupils ivere‘made, also composi iioits -and speeches were read and spoken by tha girls and boys, in which they acquited themselves in a very complimentary manner, shoving to the people that Prof. Lee-has been,an energetic worker in his school, and that nothing oil his part was leEt undone. Some years ago Prof. Lee grad uated at Mercer University, since which time he has made teaching school his profession, bavin taught at different towns in our state with entire satisfaction, the last .being in Cartersville, Ga. His thorough education, connected with several years experience, ren ders Prof. Lee one of the best prin cipals that the Byron High School has ever had, and in obtaining the services of such a man, we compli ment our board of trustees, hep’e they will continue to look for- ward to the interests of the school atfd will "ver lend a helping hand to Prof; Lee in tne advancement of the school, which is the very up. building of our’ town. . . • The spring term -will commence the first Monday in January, 1891, and a larger, patronage than has ever before been known is expect ed, as several applications for en tering pupils lias already been made, and w ewould like all persons wishiug[to patronize the school to make all necessary arrangements at'once, as it is very important that each pupil should be present at the beginning of the term. A few evenings ago the young people of Byron met at the hospit- table home of Mr. W. B. -Dupree, in lesponse to a cordial invitation extended them by the family- Quite a crowd was out, and at nine o’clock they were served yitlr syl labub and cake, of which all were asked to partake freely. All present expressed themselves ab having a nice time,and begto exteud to Mr. DuPree and family many thanks for their kindness toward them. This was the first party of the season, but with such young people as Mr. Willie Harper and Miss Fannie DuPree at the helm, Byron will get there “Eli.” Miss Mattie Walton, daughter of Mr. V. E. WaltOD, while out horse- back riding last Saturday afternoon was thrown from the- horse and •badly hurt, but we are glad to say not seriously. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mollie Vischer, of Maples- ■viile, Ala., is visiting her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jackson Miss Lizzie Barfield, of . Walden is the guest of Miss Mattie DuPree, Mr. C. E. Bateman is spending a few days with his folks of our town. Mr. Tucker, of Lakeland, Fla., is visiting Mr. C. M. Evan$ and family. Miss Anna Collier, of our town, left last Saturday, the 20th inst„ for Warwick, Ga., where she will spend Christmas with her relatives and friends of' that place. We wish her a pleasant trip. We are glad to note that Mrs, Foster, wife of Rev. J. M. Foster, who has ba.m sick for sometime, i improving. Maj, E. H. Ezell,, former princi pal of the Byron High School, now of the Butler M. & F. College, spending a few days in Byron, the guest of Mr. V. E. Walton. Dec. 22,1890. Lunch Party. A Lunch Party will be given Friday night, December 26th, at the court house, by the ladies of the Methodist church, for benefit of’church. Every lady and girl, married or single, is earnestly so licited-to attend with lunch, and every gentleman, large and small, is invited to come and eat. Gen- tlemeil will be charged 25 cents, and boys under 12 years of age, 15 cents, for privilege of drawing. Coffee or tea five cents per cup extra. Powebsville, Ga., Dec. IS, TO Mr. Editor: Permit me, through 3-onr elo- umus, .to acknowledge the receipt of. a check, drawn upon the Ex change Bank, of Macon, by Stone wall alliance, for §10/ for the re lief and benefit of Bro. T. J. Bur den, who had the misfortune, on the 5th inst., to lose-almost his en tire earthly possessions by fire,— the work of an incendiary. The members of that alliance have not only the thanks of Bro. -Burdeu, but ot the entire brother hood. Fraternally, W.. D. Croojt, Sec’t’y., Pomona” alliance, and of • Hous ton County Alliance.- XMAS GOODS. Our display of Holliday Goods this season is larger than it has ever been. Our line of Plush Goods will compare favorably with any city store in quantity and qua’ ity, aud our prices are much lower. We invite every one to call and see for himself. Ladies especially invited to call no trouble to show goods. Holtzclaw & Gilbert, Perry, Ga. ONE CAl-t LOAD JUST RECEIVED AT.. 2L.- im c-Ajrs-K’s- Brick For Sale. I have for sale at Perry 75,000 good brick, at SS per thousand. C. H. Moore. Christmas and New Year’s Cards. -A large lot of the latest and most beautiful designs at the Drug Store of Holtzclaw <fc Gilbert. —If you want a fine suit of Clothesrcheap, go to C. P. Marshall’s. Perry, Ga. —We have just received a large lot of Hats, andean suit anybody. C. F. Cooper & Co. Hall and Library Lamps, a beautiful line at Holtzclaw & Gilbest’s. —We keep all kinds of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hardware anti Groceries, and Will sell as cheap as anyon * C. F. Cooper & - Co., Perry, Ga —I have just received a nice line of Stationary * L. A. Felder. EViTT’S ifAMOUS LftDiES* SHOES, M.4RCY B iiO’H’ Shoes for Men, Women, Boys 4 Girls and Babies, of every Age and Sex. Dtf Goods{Notions, Beets. Snugs, lais, Hardwaie, Erackery, Glassware, Tinware and Groceries. CHRIS I'M AS GOODS. ALL AT CLOSE FPRICES TO CASH BUYERS — —AT— Xi_ M CATERS . PERRY, GEORGIA. www wmm —You can get anything yon want fro the table, at bottom prices, from W. M. Davis. —Dr. Feldep.’s Drug Store is the Place, to get yonr Xmas pres ents for the children. —Fresh Mullet, Shad and Oys ters every Saturday, at, W. M. Davis’, —The most beentifnl line of shawls ever brought to Perry, at New York cost, at C. P. Marshall’s. —A full assortment of Xmas Cards at Dr. Felder’s Drug Store. Call and them. —Call at C. F. Cooper & Co’s, and buy you a pair of Shoes. Subscribe for the Home Journal. # —Give me a call before buying yoar Xmas. L. A. Felder. —Tickets for the county election should be ordered at once. —Get a good Hat at C. P. Marshall's. Santa Glass AT THE STORE OF L, M, PAUL., PERRY, - GEORGIA. P S'# Just reeeivecl«fiom Ve\v Vorlc a full line of THCOBBEB, WHYLANB & CO’S. FANCY | GKOGBMIES, The Best in the Conntry. Everything you want can be found at iny store, at :E50CZE£f; [BOTTOMI s. GALL AND BE CONVINCED. W. M. DAYIS, Perry, G-a. gr PURCHASES DELIVERED IN TOWN. jsg§~ MAHil!!^ W««M8 'i5 f - WHOLESALE GROCERS, • Macon, - ij ‘S-epicglsi, Do the largest business of' any\Eo use in Middie Georgia who deal DIRECTLY WITH THE PEOPLE. Saving largely increased our uavital, we are determined during the season of 1891, to sell on a closer margin and do even more business ’ . BOTH FOR CASH AND ON TIME, Than we have ever done before. Send your orders, and call to see us at ■ -A-llisur-Lce IS-ead.qL'U-stxtcrs; 420 aud 422 Third Street, - - Macon, Ga. s&Mis, w®mmm «?. et,, Write for Special .Prices to Alliance Clnbs. “vgg Largest, cheapest and Most >and Lot for Sale. will remain through the holidays, visiting the famify of her father, Mr. J. W. Houston. ' -Miss Tinee Dozier, of Macon, w spending Christmas in Perry with her sisier. Mrs. E. M. Fuller. She has been visiting relatives in Florida during the last several mouths. Her many friends here Itr eglftdtoseeher. —Some very heavy hogs have been killed in Houston-this season. The largest we have heard of was killed by Mr.-M. F. Dorsett, over 500;jnext by Mr. S. L. Norwood, 362 pounds.. Mr. A A. Smoak kill ed ten that ayeraged 300 pounds. . —The social festivities of the Christmas season were begun here last Monday night at the residence of Capt. W. G. Davis, the occasion being a children’s . party given in honor of Miss Lawson Davis, of Macon, niece of the host. —A party of travelers from[Ful- ton county enroute to Florida pass ed through Perry Tuesday morn ing. The party consisted of two inoval the only reason for selling. That irouseand lot on Ball street, faciugDW. D. Day’s warehouse, Six j-boms; lately renovated, and made good as new. Splendidly lo- :ed for boarding-honse. Re- —Though not overflowing with lucre, Perry is in line with the Christmas procession, men arid three or four women. They were very well eqni with two covered wagons, and the necessary camp outfit. -From the Macon 'News we learn that Mr. John-E. Hauga- brook, of Montezuma, was married in Houston last Sunday to Miss Ida L. Scarborough, in the upper part part of the county. No particu lars given. —I have 2 splendid farm Horses for "sale, for cash or on time. O. H. Moore. ec, 25.—it Perry, Ga, Only a small cash payment re quired. For terms, see Mrs. D. D. Bateman at the house, or, J. D: MABTiN,at Perry Loan and Savings Bank, Perry, Ga. Mules at public Sale. - Ou the first Saturday in January next, four good nrules will be sold at Public outcry before the court house door in Perry. Terms cash. Mes. C. E. Davis. i r : ; —Von can buy a new first-class Singer Sewing Machine for S2o at (IS. You will think so when you see our profusion of “Gift Goods” for this Christmas Season. TOYS—-Without number and at all prices. PLAYT MNGsj—From a-penny up, for the youngsters of both sexes. DOLLS—To please little girl patrons and their parents’ purses. FANCY GOODS—Elegant things in China Ware, Vases, Plush Goods, etc., etc. But we haven’t space to enumerate half the goods, and won’t waste time trying. One thing is certain: WE CAM SELL you JTJST THE THUIG you WANT AT JUST THE PRICE you WISH . v ; , . - TO PAY.* L. M. PAUL, Perry, Gra. Stock of New Goods ever Brought to this Market. Y OU ARE INVITED to come in and inspect the PRETTIEST, NEWEST, NICEST and MOST COMPLETE LINE.OF NEW SPLENDID GOODS! BIG VARIETY! ' LOWEST PRICES! BARGAINS WITHOUT A PARALLEL! d- IP- MARSHALL, Corner CARROLL agd JERNlGAN Streets, PERRY, GA. W3sm ./Ari? PERRY, FJLTJTJ1,; GEORGIA, m-r.-. stgSgp, _ . . ^— febr JobeS. Go>dw-i,Trcor^-Y^=t work f u r as. Reader, - FTrRMITTJRE, FOB CASH OR OM SNSTALljlEWT. Parlor Suits,, Cliamfcer Suits, Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables Safes, Mattresses, Bureaus, etc. of all descriptions. Complete Undertaking Department. W. J. ROSS S CO, Wholesale Manufacturing and Pietail Dealers in • U Buggies, j ROAD -CARTS, HARNESS, WHIPS, ROBES, BABY COR* wmmmm ■ nH