The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, July 02, 1891, Image 2

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/- MTbA THAT YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED At tlie prices -we are asking for our Serge Suits! lese Prices go as Low as- --— 10.00. Perhaps you cannot realize how such suits can be made for such a fignre, and it does seem incredible, but you will be still more amazed when you find out how excellent they are as to quality of mate rial. As a matter of fact, they would be cheap at much higher figures, for the greatest possible care has been exercised in finishing them, and they can be favor ably compared as to Pit, to made-to-or der suits. T77" a elite 1 ’ s Central City Clothing House, 515 Cherry St., - MACON, GA. PRICE, TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. Published Every Thursday Horning. no. H. HODGES, Editor and Publisher Perry, Thursday, July 2. The Georgia legislature will convene in adjourned session next Wednesday. The annual ^biennial session of the Georgia legislature will have a bigJot of work to do this summer. It is reported that au alliance split is threatened in Texas, and that a league opposed to the sub- treasury plan will be organized. *?g-« Georgia t is represented - in the military drill at Indianapolis this week by the Southern Cadets and the Ployd Rifles of Macon, two ex cellent companies. Predictions as to the number of bales that will be produced is not the only speculative feature intimately connected with the grow ing cotton crop. Senator Colquitt and Con gressman Crisp, of Georgia, will be the chief speakers at the Tam- mtfny Hall celebration in New York, on July 4th. The interstate champions and the state champions, the Cadets of Macon, and the Rifles of Perry, ware very properly the favorite .companies in the encampment last week,.. It is now accepted as a fact that Blaine will be a candidate for pres ident, and the preponderance of opinion is that the republicans will nominate him. The democrats will defeat him. . ' The people of Georgia are not pleased with the great length of the sessions of the legislature, and the legislators will feel this dis pleasure next year, unless some thing is done in that direction this summer. Georgia farmers and Georgia legislators have proven conclusive ly to Georgia editors that gratui tous advice is not appreciated. Yet Georgia editors will continue to publish what they think is right. They are built that way. The Georgia Weekly Press As sociation will go on an excusion to Washington City, and probably to New York . The convention will meet in Atlanta on the 14th last., and' the editors will be splendidly entertained. We hope to be with ’em'. THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE- Though the Georgia legislature is composed largely at farmers,the work accomplished during the win ter session does not make it spe cially distinguished above other legislatures. __ N The adjourned session begins next week, and there is much to be done, and much will be asked for that should not be granted. Foremost among the things that should be done is to arrange for future sessions to be within the letter of the constitution. The con stitution declares that the sessions of the legislature shall be tfi-enni- al, and 40 days in length. But this same constitution makes it possi ble for annual sessions to be held, and of such length as suits the convenience of the legislators. Right here the people are dis pleased, and justly so. It is a known fact that special legislation occupies —the greater portion of each session, and as a consequence matters of general im portance must be relegated to the rear, thus rendering adjourned sessions absolutely 'necessary. Muelrof the special legislation de- man-led is of no interest whatever to anyone outside of the city, town or county directly affected. Much of this legislation could be more intelligently managed by the_city, town or county authorities directly at interest.- The burden added by this great mass of local legislation does not fall equally upon the peo ple of the state, and_therefore it is unjust that so much of the time of the legislature should be thus oc cupied. The. large- cities present more than half the demands for this kind of work', though the counties which ask for none at all must bear their full share of the expense. It is unjust, and a rem edy for-tlie evil should be applied. The solution is noj; difficult. The constitution could be so amended that a commission iu each county •xould manage the legislation need ed therein, by vote of the people in accord with a well-regulated gen eral law. The legislature must re-arrange the state into congressional dis tricts, and mnek time will be de voted to this work. The powers of the agricultural department, and of the railroad commission, need enlargement,and we daresay these propositions will receive careful apd favorable con sideration. , These and many other things are to be done, and no doubt the coming session will be active, in teresting aud lengthy. Ozbukn, the Atlanta murderer that was to have been hung last Friday, has been reprieved until the 24th of Julyi. JEIe was report ed insane, but a jury impaneled to try -the case declared him sane. Then a petition for a reprieve was presented to the governor. It is now charged that the appearance of insanity was caused-by the ad ministration of whiskey and nar cotics in large quantities by the county physician. The physician has been severely censured by the grand jury, and his removal from office demanded. HEARD HU3EUINGS. _ REPORTED BS-PLOW BOY. . Rain needed. Crops promising; and in fine condition. Ur. J. B. Hunt made the finest oats I have heard of—256 bushels on five-acres. -The postmaster at Heard is work ing faithfully to get his office on the daily route from Perry to Kathleen. This would be much more convenient, especially for George Stripling. "T hear the Wideawake Literary Club has been organized in the Eva surroundings. L wish it the prosperity it deserves. Perhaps it will awake my brother correspon dent at that place. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Morris, of Cordele, .were with relatives here last Saturday and Sunday. The literary club met Saturday- night,aud the large audience seem ed well pleased. The program for the next meeting is interesting. Mr. Stafford has captured-the negro who escaped from him some time. ago. Mr. Stafford bought him out of jail the first of the year, and the negro decided not to work his time out. It is reported that a “wild Texas pony” came through here last week.. He politely took off a fine riding bridle for John Stripling. Rev. Thomas Reynolds, Craw ford county, preached a most ex cellent sermon last Sunday to the largest congregation we have ever seen at Pine Level. He handled his subject well, aDd made it plain. The house was overcrowded, many having to stand outside. We were glad to see so many youngsters from Bonaire in this vicinity last Sunday. I hope Mr. King will drive a different mule next time, so he can go home with us, as he started last Sunday, but his mule wouldn’t work. The Sunday school at Pine Lev el, under the management of Su perintendent Andrews, is in a. flourishing condition. We have the material to make a fine show ing, if we will just have the will. June 30th 1891. The convention of ministers and laymen^ to elect a bishop or the Episcopal di.ocese of Georgia, met in Macon yesterday. McEIrse’slSine ofCardul and THtIFC:D'S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for salt: br the following merchants in Honston ccnniy: XD Hood, Byron;’ Holtzclaw & Gilbert, Perry: W Brunson. Perry; J D Marshall, EDcc; Cray Bros.. Toft Talley, GTTShnr-ey, Fort Valley, A E Wimberly, ilayntvillej'A l» Jones, Hen derson; W F Hurst, Myrtle, R 31 English, Powers- ville. MILCH COWS FOR SALE. Anyone wanting a good Milch cow and calf can be supplied by applying to tap on my farm near Perry. S. L. Norwood. - —Best Flavoring Extracts and 3pices at exact cost at J. M. Nelson’s. $20 REWARD, Will be paid for a dark bay mare mule that strayed nr was stolen from my pasture near Perry. She is about 15^ hands High, about 12 years old, and a piece had been clipped out of right ear; was track ed to Powersville. - E. L. D’ennard, Perry, Ga. Tenement t«> itenf. Tiio Bateman house, comer o£ -Ball ami Commerce streets. Inquire at house, ol L. W. Pierce, June 23, 2t Perry, Ga. GEORGIA—Houston County: Mrs. N. J. McDowell, widow of G. W. McDowell, deceased, has applied for 12 months support for herself and one mi nor child from estate of said deceased, and the appraisers appointed to sot apart the same have made their return to this office. Ordered that citation issue ac cording to law. This is therefore to cite all perrons con cerned to appear at the August term, 1S91, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness mv official signature this June ?9,1891. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. Georgia—Houston County: Chas. L. Bateman, administrator of es- tate'of Hincheu Taylor, deceased, has ap plied for dismission from said trust: This, is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the October term, 1891, of the court of Ordinary of said county, aud show cause, if any they have, why said application should- not be granted. - Witness my oSicial signature this tbe 29th of June, 1891. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. irack Our Whip! As we have received our Immense Stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Eats, we invite our Eouston County friends to call and see the largest and handsomest lineoj Goods shown in Macon. Everything for warm weath er; Light Clothing, Regligee an!Puff Bosom Shirts, Un derwear, Eats, Etc. Rdspectfvllg, J. H. HERTZ, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS 574 & 576 Cherry, cor Second St., ASfaoozi, ■ G-eorgia. Application far Railroad Charier Notice is hereby given as required by the sixteenth paragraph of the seventh section, of the third article of the Consti tution of Georgia, that application will be made to'che Secretary of State, after due publication of intention, for aohar- terfor the South- Brunswick, Atlanta and Northwestern Railroad Company, in accordance with the Artioles-of Asso ciation hereto appended-. < ARTICLES OB’ASSOCIATION. STATE OF GEORGIA, | FULTON COUNTY , Know all men by these present that we William D. Wheelwright, James O. Bloss, George T. Dixon, Herbert Richmond and William M. Walton, all of the city, coun ty and State of New York,. do associate ourselves together under these articles of Association as the South Brunswick, Atlanta and North Western _ Railroad Company, to construct, maintain and op erate a railroad from Waynesville iu the county of Wayne and State of Georgia to Fort VaHev in the county of Honston and State of Georgia, said railroad to be the length of one hundred and fifty-five miles, more or less, and to run -through the counties of Wayne, Pierce, Ware, Coffee, Irwin, Dooly, Pulaski and Hous ton. The capital stock of said railroad company is three million, one hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into thir ty-one thousand shares of one hundred dollars each. The names and places of residence of the company, who shall manage its af fairs for the first year and until others are chosen in their places, are William D. Wheelwright, James O. Bloss, George T. Dixon, Korbert Richmond and William M. Walton, all of the city, county and Stato of New York. The general offices of the company shall be at Fort Valley, Houston county, Georgia-- Tii witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, our places of resi dence and the cumber of shares of stock which we agree to take in the said rail-' road companv, this the first day of June, 1891. Wsi. D. Wheelwright, 82 Wall St. N. Y Sixteen tbonsand sha res. James O. Bloss, 49 Cotton Exchange, N. Y. One hundred shares. George T. Dixon. Cotton Exchange, N. Y. One hundred shares. Herbert Richmond, 52 BA Way. One hundred shares. W. M. Walton, • 52 Bd. Way. One hundred shares. RUM£. k. smith. CHAS. 21. ii *U. j, SMITH cSs'. 410 Ohebby Stjbeet, - - - MACON, —f 00 . —DEALKRS IN ■■ ■■ - MACII I UsTIE E,ir s Steam Engines, Boil eis | SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS GINS-, PRESSES, MOWERS, HAY BAKES MACHINERY SUPPLIES April 30-6m. STAND ASIDE COMPETSTIOij PIANOS, j. ORGANS, From SI25.00 Upward, i From $45.99 Upsari Sheet jyiusic SOc. to SAVE HONEY writ- ua is paper. Easy Terms for p,- 0 „ GEORGIA MUS!" HOUSE, MSCOS 01, jeS'Iianufacturers* Wholesale and Retail Agency for WEBER, STEIKWavI EVERETT. STARR Pianos; PACKARD, NfiWMAN BROS., Jno. CHUECbJ CO., SILVER TONE Organs. 41 Bonaire Items. It is time, thrown away to dis cuss now the fitness of any man for the democratic nomination for president. The national convention will find, the right man at the proper time. Let the platform demand in emphatic terms a tariff for revenue only, a reduction of the power enjoyed by national banks, free coinage-of silver, a tax on incomes, and any man of na tional repute will do who will pledge to it his allegiance. The Ocmnlgee fiver 'ivas drawn upon last Friday to make up the deficiency in the supply of water at Macon. This caused the citi zens and the city officials to “kick” vigorously, and legal steps have been taken against the water com pany. - Every public opinion published recently indicates that-Hon. C. F. Crisp will be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. He is deservedly popular throughout the union. Iu mental equipment, parliamentary knowledge and firm ness, he-is eminently fitted.for tire place. Lf the July meeting of the Geor- gia legislature is only a continua tion of the winter session, the leg-, islators will not be entitled to mileage. They received mileage last year, and of course they will not so outrage the proprieties as to vote themselves mileage twice for one session of the legislature. The democrats of Ohio are not entirely harmonious in the begin ning of their state compaign. There is a city faction zealously at work to* defeat the re nomination of Gov. Campbell, though he is said to be decidedly tbe strongest man in the 'state for the office.' It is hoped, however, that the Refection will be more than counterbalanced by tbe republican loss that will be caused by the People’s Party. It looks a little strange that of all the "papers in Georgia that re ported the military encampment last week, the Macon Telegraph is the only one that failed to speak in complimentary terms of the Perry Rifles- This is altogether nri- neighboriy, especially as the Perry company is ranked by experts among the bpst in- the state. It is said that the' democrats of Kansas are on friendly Terms with the alliance leaders of that state, and it is- not improbable that the republican party will coma to grief out there next year. It is rumor ed that the People’s Party will combine with the democrats in ar ranging an electoral ticket next year. - . '• , Goy. Bois has been re-uomi Da ted by the democrats of. Iowa; and the perfect harmony prevailing warrants'. the hope that the; state can be safely depended upon to contribute to democratic victory iu the natioual contest uext yean ■ - BY THE BOSS. - . Fine weather for shipping mel ons. The first load was shipped from here Monday \ by Sasser & Sons. Tbe crop here is not as good as we once expected. We are glad to hear of such a come-out in the cotton crop around Wellston. Gentlemen, what have you been doing all this time? You well know that tbe full growth of your cotton heretofore has been es timated 1 foot and 6 inches high.— We fear the improvement has been too severe at the start, for it is im possible to get a darkey to work in a place where he can’t see the son. So I advise you to top your cotton the 1st of July. Our farmers are well up with their crops, and ready to ship their melons—iu a few days. Judge King says he has some fresh laud corn amidst which he can see lightning bugs at twelve o’clock, in the day. This beats Wellston s cottau, and I give it es I got it. §§B. says if D. comes to Bonaire in the next week' and four days and takes the same girls to ride, he will send him back with his head tied up. J, , y- - V Negro Sold for One Dollar. The following remarkable state ment is clipped from the Montezu- jna Record: “Bill Irwin and Ar chie Davis, two gentlemen of very dark color, had a row up in Hous ton county the other day, on Mr. Carey Solomon’s place. It seems that Bill went to Archie’s house and tried to slice him up for some cause or other, aud Archie put in a demurrer to the sanguinary pro ceedings. Bonnie Bowman, color ed, elected himself deputy sheriff and appointed two other -negroes as his assistants. ‘They went for Bill and arrested him. He was carried before Jnstice Taylor for trial. After the trial the sheriff took the. prisoner to his house for the night, and kept him safely by locking a chain around his hands and tying him up to the joists of the house. Next,day be took Bill down' in Dooly county aiid sold him to a white man nnmed Jim Jones, aud one dollar in cash was the consideration. He is to work for Jones until enough money is made to pay the costs m the case, then we suppose 'he will breathe, the pure air of liberty once more. All this happened in a community almost as completely africanized as Hippolyte’s Haytian dominions^ and is onlv a specimen of what may be expected in the future where ignorance holds full sway.” £®“W1NE OF CASDUI, a Tonic for Women. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having demands against tho estate of Gup. W. McDowell, lato of Houston county, deceased, are lioreby notified to render in their demands to the undersignc-d according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. U. P. MARSHALL,- Adm’r. estate Geo. W. McDowell. This 18th day of June, 1691. A NE-W BOOK • FROM COVER TO COVER. 1 Fully Abreast ■with, the Times. Now and then, daring these sul try spring days, the heat is relieved by a passing breeze. We mop our ■ dewy brows and exclaim, “how nice!” This reminds ns that the heat of hard times has only been re lieved by tbe “breezy” prices we have “originated” and “establish ed.” -Wo quoto the words, because they represent purely what we have done. The same exclamation,“how nice,” is a common expression with- . in the walls of our store, and it comes every time from delighted customers, who adopt it as an Ex pression of the delight at our goods and prices. There’s no use talking, wo have certainly got the clothing, the hats, the children’s suits, the furnishing goods, and everything — that goes with a first class clothing house. So. why shouldn’t wo do the business? Others say they have the same, but why don’t they do. tho trade? The answer is plain, Either tho goods are faulty, or tho prices. Both must match. You can’t combine poor goods and high juices. If yon have shoddy goods, you will do well to givo ’em away. If you havo good goods, yon must make the prices moderate. That’s the only combination that goes. And that’s tho way we do it. The secret’s your’s now, and all wo ask for tell ing you, is that you show yourgood judgment by caking advantage of it. Others have done it, and why not you? Yonr money is worth as much as their’s. and. will go as far. Come this week, and we noil show yon big drives in everything apper taining to clothiug or furnishing goods. gags .-.c/- :; :. r i' i-b iSKUc-e.. --• The Atlanta Journal will pre sent a magnificent-. §300 sword to the most -popular captain of a Georgia military company. -The decision will be reached by ballot It is a foregone conclusion that the prize will be voted to an Atlanta captain. Hollis, of the Zouaves, is the leal . i “ , A GRAND INVESTMENT for tho Family, School, or Professional Library. The Authentic 'Webster’s Una bridged Dictionary, comprising tho issnos of 1864, ”79 & ’84, copyrighted property of the undersigned, is now Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged, and as a Cisti,, r-n idi-in p. title, bears the name of Webster’s Interna tional Dictionary. . Editorial wort upon this revision has boon in active progress for over .Ten Tours. Not less than One Hung., dred- paid editorial laborers havo boon engaged upon it. Over 8300,000 expended in its preparation before the first copy was printed. Critical comparison with any other Dictionary is invited. Get fho Best. G. & C. MEIUtlAM & CO., Publishers, Springfleld, IVIass., U. S. A. Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated pamphlet free. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Houston county, I will sell before the court house door in Perry, Ga., within the legal honrs-of sale on the first Tuesday in July next, the following property belonging to tbe-estate of Har riet Holleman, deceased: One house and lot containing, % aero more or less, in New Hope (a suburb of Perry) in said county, and known as tho Harriet Holli man place. Terms cash. W. BRUNSON, May 26, 1891. Administrator Star Clothing Co., 610 Cherry Street, MACON, - 4^ GEORGIA’ Date Wachtei, Manager. Sign of The Big Star. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Honston county, T will sell on the first Tuesday in July, 1891, before the court honse door in Perry, a Ga., within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, at public outcry, all the realty of the estate of A. P. Smoak, de ceased, consisting of lots No. 73 and 74, (each containing 202)4 acres more or less), the west half of lot No. 87, and'20 acres off northeast comer of lot No. 55, being in the aggregate Five Hundred and Twenty-five (525) acres moro or less, in the original Tenth district of said county. Terms cash. Z. B. MEANS, - " Administrator A. P. Smoak. . May 26, 1891. •rsxi: csi..t:axiii.T33X> ffli I HI BLOOM Sill wr§8 latest ;:aprovenents , F«*e of ciflL-M. F’tHt IHL W & is 13 \!a]Axil'’t* x” \V r e carry Htocfc ut various Southern points -for quick upon receipt of ordors. “OSGOOD” U.S. Standard If 1681 SCALES Sunt on trfnl: Freight JmM. fully wnrmnlwL S V'VT Ofli-’r S:.V~ Pr^.j ..rtl.mately Low. 1*. ”V. A Gen. Southern Manager ATI.A l*.v. (. A DA LLAS. TEXAS. THE NEW mm store, Corner of Carroll and Ball streets, PERRY, CEORC1A. EURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. TOILET ARTICLES. State of New York, ) City and County of New York j Before me, a Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Georgia residing in New York, personally appeared William D. Wheelwright, James O. Bloss and George T. Dixon, who being severally duly sworn^ say that the names to said articles of As sociation above subscribed to are the genuine signatures of the persons named therein, and that it is intended in good faith to construct and to maintain and operate the road mentioned in such arti cles of Association. Jno. A. Hii/leey, A Commissioner of Deeds, for the Sate of Georgia at No. 56 Wall St. N. Y. City. June ilth 1891. HOUSTON SHERIFFS SALES. Will be sold beforo the court honse doorin the town of Perry. Honston county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in -July 1891, the following property, to-wit: 147)4 acres off west side of lot No. 31, cut off by a straight line; 40 acres off the east side of lot No. 34, cutoff by a straight line; 40 acres i ff the east side of lot No. 35, cut off by a straight line, and the south half of lot No. 36, containing 101 acres; alsa lots Nos. 28 and 29, contain ing 400 acres, and containing in the ag gregate 727)4 acres, moreor less, in the 9th district of Houston county, and lev ied on as the property of James D. Buff, defendant in fi fa, and. in his possession —in favor of the New England Mortgage Security Co., vs J D Buff. Also at the same time and place, that tract of land in the town of Fort Valley cornering on Collego and Parsonage streets, containing one aero, more or less, and being part of the old Everett ceme tery; bounded east by lot of Mrs. Wm. Parker, north by lot of Mrs. M. J. Ander son, west by Parsonage street and south by Collego street. Levied on as tbe property of C. D. AndersoB, jr.. to satis fy a fi fa from April term of Honston Su perior court 1889, in favor of Chesapeake Guano Co., vs. C D Anderson, jr. M. L. COOPER, This Jnne 2,1891. Sheriff. IF YOU WANT- TO BUILD ft HOUSE r-ox- Easy Terras, —OR— szEcrcrEeiE FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT —OjST— The Installment Plan, TAKE STOCK -Em- > THE INTER-STATE I desire to call attention to the fact that I have in store, next toil, I Bank ' A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES,! Fruits and Confectioneries, Tobacco, Cigars, etc, Fish Every Saturday. My Stock is FRESH aud PURE, an'd prices very LOW. Patronage solicited Agent for tho SINGES {SEWING MACHINE. Full line of Fixtures and Oil on Lail I J« M. NELSOU, Perry. G-a. [i lnl yLiJii I have just received a nice lot of early Spring Goods consisting of WTS, GHAMS, i And other DRESS GOODS, which the ladies are invited to examine. B-eaprl SECOIS* pTS* HARDWARE, AND A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES. Prices LOW, and Goods FIRST-CLASS. Srii PERRY, Ga. Can-oil street, OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING FOE SFlisI Is now ready, and the styles are BEAUTIFUL and tlio PSICES LOvv. Stock of HA i S and NECKWEAR was never so Complete, I A fll assortment of UNDERAVER, and we cannot fail to| please the most fastidious. ISST Call on us, or SEND YOUR CRESS. '%r.{ SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, ' . J ZF’ou.n.cIrsr arid. Sliop. Manufacturers of bteam Engines, Boilers, Cotton Freeses and General Machinery. Cottoo Gin-, Cane Mills and Saw Mills 1 DEALERS IN / DLL |p!2) IBD ft ©'HOG NO STS 5; U P P U £§.; Specia Attention to REPAIR WORK. “Sat J/ pi Schofield’s Sons & Co., Prop’s. MACON, - GEORGIA. -FT dt-b; t DRV, 'SMOBSM, POLITE ATTENTION GIVEN ALL GUESTS COMFOPJAM-t | ROOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED AVITII THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS. a- — RATES: $2-00PEE DAY. SP* 2 * Liberal reduction by tho week, or by thp mnuili. -MOOTSY TO LOAOT Eine Perfumes a Specialty. THE LIGHT RUNNING “DOMESTIC,” THE STAR THAT LEADS THEM Ali Is Made Upon Honor, and Sold Upon Merit. In sums of §300.00 and upwards, to be secured by first Kens on improved farms. Long time, low rates and easy payments. Applyto O. C. DUNCAN, Nov. 20th,1889.—tf Perry* Ga. . MONEY LOANS On Houston farms procured at the low est possible rates of interest. As low, if. not lower than the lowest. Apply to W. D. Nottingham, tf- . Macoh.Ga. Kerosene and Lubricating Oils. EESCB1PTI0NS C2.EEFULLT COH- tJNDED by one of the be3t druggists in the state. ' _ A choice Kne of Cigars and Tobacco Always on hand. Open on Sunday from 10 a. m., and from 3:30 p. m. to 6 p. m. A share of pubtie patronage is rospect- TERRY IWF’GSGO. s NASHVILLE,TENN. | fully soKeited. L. A .'FELDER, M. D., Proprietor. ASSOCIATION, Columbus, Ga. For varticulars, apply to J0EN R. EODGES, Agt., Perry, Georgia. STGREHXTURESi CyAik tor Catalogue. How is the time to subscribe for the Home Joubkal. IVSnmOT |S§ir A and mort after a little experience. We can ftirnleh yon the cm- The Bets Cose: 3^ I CNEflD The Cry of Te-dayit CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Bust. material; attachments. Consequently tho best judges be) fi6 ®03ML12STIC.” ariq^are made happy. D. C. HARRIS & CO., Sole Agents, ' 013 OJiexrry Stareet, - - MACON <»- v ' JAMES MILLER, Loeal Agent, Perry, Ga.