The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, December 24, 1891, Image 1

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PERKY, HOUSTON OOtJNTY, GEORGIAN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24,1891 Houston's Public School, Law Pro and Con, Continued. ' 3= ' m B 25 Xa! -3B B, OorneJ SECOND and POPLAR Sts., MACON, GEOPCIA. DEALES Ilf— ’ C. E. Gilbert Elected. The election for Treasurer for Houston county, to fill the ^nnex- Hail glorious birthdey of our Savior! Let each and every Christian sing; ' "We. a nation of such favor, Should a^acred tribute bring, Should Mb. Editob:— As “Observer” has again put himself upon record, as champion of the opposition to Houston’s Public School Law, with a lengthy, and what he doubtless considers, and 'believes to be, an unanswera ble resume of obeTv<ar Lord .and King. ' Think not that weian 'gain God’s favor, if we|labor not for Eim; Seek f ho poor, as did onr Savior, T lough in tuo haunt.s of vice and sin; Tiuiwe.inay true glory win. W-ion oar homes are bless’d with gladness A id .we’ve plenty in onr store, list’s cheer the hearts jppressd with sad ness, Let’s’help &a_worthy,.humble poor, And God will qaickly give ns more. Into the abodes of grief and sorrow Let’scarry sunshine while we may; Put off not until to-morrow What wa may perform to-day, Lest our hearts bo led.astray. Lazarus was poor and needy, Although he was a perfect saint; The rich man was both full and greedy, And heeded not the beggar faint, Though hunger was his chief complaint. Ah! could that rich man buy salvation, With Ms luxuries so sweet? He could not think of birth nor station. But by the beggar take his seat, And oven stoop to wash his feet. The smallest deed done in His name Is greater-far than wordly fame; Let’s show some weary soul the way, What greater homage coufd we pay To this; our Savior’s natal day? Mbs. S. E. Mitchom. December 1891. pired term of Mr. W. Branson, de- ceasec, held Wednesday, was in some respects without precedent in the county. There were only two candidates in the field, Mr. A. D Skellie, of Fort Valley, and Mr. C. E. Gilbert, of Perry—both good and .capable men. re have the Stock, the The most popular-Shoe Store in Macon. Why? Because prettiest store, the most goods, the Lowest Prices. Sr DON’T FAIL TO .SEE US ON . c the subject. I must again ask permission to in vade your columns with a reply. I promise to be brief, as there is bat one point in his remarkable criti cisms that deserves special notice. In his extreme prejudice to the law he has worked himself up to the point where he thinks he sees -great danger of there being two le gally constituted quorums formed out of the fourteen men to be chosen by the grand jury as the County Board of Education, and that these might become antago nized and set np two separate and distinct seta of public school ma chinery for the county. In which event he says: There would be a le gally constituted deadlock, with no provisions made to effect an ami cable adjustment of the difficulty. * * * * Did any body ever i hear of two qaorums in one body before? Now, if “Observer 5 ! o mmmm _ mmmm 557 CHERRY STREET The polls were open at ev ery precient in the county, except at Taylor’s, and earnest wqrk for both candidates was done at every point. Good humor prevailed, and no effort was made, so far as we have heard, to personally discredit either candidate id any respect. It was remarkable that the ma- large- at eacli precinct. CAEBIAHEs, BETSIES, WASONS, HOAD CARTS,. ildreirs Carriages, Harness, Saddles, Whips, - Leather, Goat Wsgons^’Etc., Etc gH CALL ASTD SHE. ME, OH WHITE FOE PRICES. S» COTTON ASIDE COMPETITION -CARET YOUR COTTON TC FIASCOS, 1 ORGANS, ; From $125.90 Upward, I From $45.00 Upward. . Sheet Music 80c, If you "wish, to SAVE HONEY write us and mention tins paper. Easy Terms for Pianos and Organs, and the Most Liberal Mouse in the South to deal with generally. jority was While the ^colored vote figured largely in the contest, there was no positive-friction of a' disagreeable nature. The negroes at the sever al precincts voted as they were ad vised by the white men of the re spective localities. In other words, the negroes voted as did the major ity of their white neighbors. \. We are informed that a number of the canvassers favoring the elec tion of Mr. Skellie, made the issue appear to be one town against the other, The tax books of the city of; ry will close on the 1st ofJani 1892. C. 0. Duncan, Jb., Poplar St. • Consignments ob Vhroiigii Bins ^onciiefi. Being centrally located and in the very midst of the Mayors, v/o possess advan tages not heretofore enjoyed. - ggi- WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. s©a Go to TV. Brunson’s store and get goods at cost ' W. Bbpnbok, Jb., Fx’r. —Call and see* my line of Sta tionary is all I ask. L. A. Fbldeb. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Op Stock of Christmas Goods is the choicest ever shown in Per ry, embracing a great variety of novelties in Toilet Articles, Silver Ware, Albums, Lamps, Vases, etc., m new and unique styles. construc tion of the law were true, there might be some danger of something new happenning under the Ban— something that rarely happens in the business transactions of this mundane sphere—namely, the for mation of two antagonistic quo rums of seven each, out of four teen. But, fortunately for the law, and the county too, his construc tion is incorrect. I think I can get “Observer" out of the meshes, and pilot him out of the wilderness into which his prej udice has drifted him. The law We do not know'positively that this is true, but we are told emphatically that no such issue was made by the friends of Mr. Gilbert Our people have no desire to make a direct fight against Fort Valley in any shape. However, the consolidation of the vote at Perry to-day gives the office of county treasurer to a most excellent man, one who will faith fully, honestly and ably perform While his DO 1 The children must all be at the court house promptly at 6 o’clock, at half past six’ they will march up stars in pairs, .and as they reach the top step the organ will sound, and they will Tha-Echo Comes Back Holtzolaw & Gilbebt. —L. A Felder’s drug store is headquarters for Christmas pres ents of ever, description-from a Christmas Card to the Finest Al- bums. —The finest stock of Christmas goods in tor^n at Holtzolaw & Gilbert’^ come m singing “Welcome Merry Christmas.” During the singing the tree will be unveiled, The children of each Sunday school will be provided with seats, inside of the bar. Prayer by Rev. N. D. More house. At the close of the prayer, Old Kris Kriugle makes his Appear ance through the fireplace and makes a speech. At the close of his speech, his aids empty the tree. As “Old Santa” reads the | Parlor Suits, Climber Suits, Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables km Safes, Mattresses, Bureaus, etc. of all-descriptions.!!i Complete Undertaking liepartirient. G-EOBQE PAUL PERRY, - - GEORGIA, the duties of the office, friends rejoice at his -successythey fully appreciate the fact that the defeated opponent is the peer of any man in the county in all the good and'clever qualities of a man and citizen. The vote as polled at the several precincts was as follows: Perry—559—Gilbert 543; Skel lie 16. Fort Books for Children ever brought to Perry at L. A. Feldeb’s Drug Store. AS PURE AS *THE^PURESTf Bast . material. Bast nttaeliments. Consequently the best judges buy the “X>Qj>JLEBSX1'0.” and are made happy. D. C.. HARRIS & CO'., Bole Agents, - 613 Cherry ti’cct, - - MACON GA. JAMES MILLER, Local Agent, Perry, Ga. constitute, defacto, the County Board of Education, and when these meet to organize, they shall elect from their' own members a president and a superintendent, which superintendent shall be exo- ficio secretary, and also treasurer of the Board, and the remaining twelve shall constitute the County Board of Education proper, any seven of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of bus iness. The president will be the presiding offieer of the Board, and the superintendent will be the ex ecutive officer, or, it might be bet ter expressed, ministerial officer of the Board, bnt will not either be allowed a voice in the workings of the Board proper, except in case of an equal division or tie of the Board proper, on a question, when the ballot or decisive vote* would be in the hands of the president I will now leave my,friend “Ob server” to study the problem at his leisure, and see whether or not there can be two dangerous antag onizing quorums of seven each, formed out of twelve. Duplin. Powersville, Ga., Dec. 18,189L I desire to call attention to the fact that I have in store, next to the Bank " -" • i A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF^ name on the girts, from the tree, and that perspn rises to his her or conveyed mm MB 'FAMILY GROCERIES, ABSOLUTELY PURE. For Sale at 35cts. Per T. M. KILLEN, Perry Georgia. DALLAS CLARK, Boot & Shoemaker, West end of Carrol Street, PERRY, - - GEOREIA. Will make or repair Boots and Shoe& repair Harness, and aH Leather Work. Good Work, Low Prices. Half-Soling, Sewed, 75 Ctenl* “ “ Pegged,. 50Cent* Patronage Solicited. I also ran a restaurant in connection with mv shoo shop, end will serve meat* atallhours. 7 Passenger Schedule ATLANTA AND : FLORIDA RAILROAD. In effect Jasi, 37th, 1891. J Valley—878—Gilbert 7; Skellie 871. Powersville—162—Gilbert 48; Skellie 114. Centerville—106—Gilbert 82; Skellie 24 Wellston—148—Gilbert 136; Skellie 12. Bonaire—107-Gilbert 103; Skel lie 4. Katbleen-107-Gilbert 107; Skel lie 0. Factory—95—Gilbert 93; Skellie feet, the presents ai to them by the “police. After the tree is e schools will rise and sing MizpaJ), Rev. J. C. Brev/ton.wjll pronounce the benediction, and thus closes the exercises of the evening. —A merry Christmas to all! —Christma§—^tyee to-morrow night. s—We make no effort this week to give full local news of the coun- mm Fruits and Confectioneries, : Tobacco, Cigars. i Fish Every Satiu-day. JIy Stock is FRESH aud PUBE, find prices very LOW. I Agent for the SINGER SEWING MACHmE._Pull Hue of Fix! J. M. NELSON, Perry. WM Everything sold at spot U#fli Prices, Mo' Discounts to Middle Men ijpicl Ebv£sbc:b.iia.e 3Ih=©p. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Gorton Presses and General Machinery. CoUco Gin?, Cane IViHis and Saw’ Mills ■ DEALERS IN tip 11 g m I © i Ii rs i § § d Bir" Spscia Aitention to RE I.:S. Schofield’s Sot MAC-ON Tharp—77—Gilbert 57; Skellie —We have had regular Christ mas weather for the last several days. —Miss Mary Kingman, of Ma con,is in Perry visiting Miss Annie Honser. —All-day meeting of Stonewall sub-A lliance at the court house next . Saturday, beginning at 10 o’clock a. m. —Friends of the Houston pub lic school act must bear in mind that it will require two-thirds of the vole cast yesterday to ratify the law. • t-We have on file several com munications concerning the Hous ton Public School Act, and we fear all of them cannot be published next week. —Misses Claud Lswsod,.Annie Wellous, Kate Day and Tonie Martin, pupils of the Southern Fe male College at LaGrange, are at home to spend the Christmas holi days. , .—Mr. Walter Honser, of Ma con, was married on the 16th inst. to Miss .Jaylor, at the residence of the bride’s". father, Mr. S. S. Tfiylor, near Monteznma. Their maity friends cordially con- 70—Gilbert, The pricG.Avil! be low; the work ggg“ Ask ^or; what you want, strictly first-class. 87—Gilbert, 78: GEORGIA. E. CROCKETT, Proprietor THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. J Good Mothers — the.Life of the Nation. Contains the best features of any Weekly printed..'M. QUAD7 late of the Detroit Free Press, writes a page of matter every week. THE GEM OF ALL FEMAtE REMEDIES, XiTJX©3E5S5 — A safe, simple and Harmless remedy for all irregularities of women. It has been extensively used by Dr. A.-B. Barry, a prominentphysician of Atlanta, Ga., of SOyears’ experience, with unvarying success. It makes child-birth easy, diminishes danger to mother and child, and is a sure cure for excessive, painful, scanty op suppressed menstrua tion, lencorrhepa or whites, fiailiitgror dis placement of tbe womb, gravel, all fe male urinary troubles, and the annoying symptoms incident to a change in Kfc. It entirely and permanently relieves all pains incident to female diseases,indigestion, saelr- Tieadaezie, constipation, general lassi tude and depression ct* spirits. It builds up from the first dose, it makes women - , REGULAR, HEALTHY AND HAPPY, For the cure of hysteria, neuralgia, ovarian piilns, restlessness, nervousness, etc., it is with. • out a rival or a peer in the whole range of ma teria medica. It is not a so-called patent medi cine, but it i3 prepared by the direction of aa eminent specialist, who ha3 made female dis eases a life study. It never fails, and is A PANACEA-FOB SUFFERING WOMEN; Thousands.of whom attest its virtue and sou nd. Its praise.' By the use of Luxomni the whole rvstem is strengthened and invigorated, and. 1 o vely woman is made more lovable. For youn g- girls just budding into womanhood it is the best of friends. Sent by mail, securely packed and Tree from observation, for ?1. Wc guanustcc .satisfaction or the money will be refunded. Send .stamp for Circulars. Address loxomni Com- iSany, I*. G. Box 357, Atlanta, Ga. References: Capital City Bank, Atlanta Con— • -stlfutiou, Commercial Agencies. Colloden.. The Angel o£ Death has again vistited our lodge and token with him onr brother, ,T. J. Anderson, to the Grand Lodge above, to knock at the door for admission, to which we hope he has the signs and pass words to gain for him an entrance and a seat near. the. Grand Master of the Universe. Brother Anderson is'the only member this lodge has lost by deaths for several years,andin consequence we teel his death the more heavily. He was sick only a few hoars, and his death was a great surprise to At 2 o’clock last Wednesday af ternoon, the 16th inst., at the resi dence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nelson, of Fort Valley, Mr.. Georgejj. Stripling Leave Fort Valley..-.. Arrive KnoxvilleL...., “ Colloden K “ Williamson...... “ Fayetteville “ E.T.V.&G.Jnn u Atlanta,. SEND EOS SAMPLE COPY. 6.45 am 1447am 8.15 a m 025 pm 9.06 a m 413 p m 10.05am 6.05pm and Miss Viola Nelson were united in the holy state of matrimony, Rev. I. F. Griffith making the two hearts to beat as one. Only a few near relatives and friends were present, bat the affair was one of happiness. The parlor was decorated with flowers and vines to suit the occa sion. The attendants were Mr. John Stripling, of Heard, with Miss Mattie Wiliiamson, of Fort Valley/ and Mr. George Hunt with Miss Mattie Stripling, both of Heard. After, receiving hearty congratu lations, the bride and .groom left immediately for their fntnre home, the homestead known as the Gray place, near Heard. The.groom is oiie of onr. most ingenious and industrious young men, and the bride was one of .the fairest belles of Fort ’Valley.. The groom is an intimate friend of the writer, and we wish him a successful voyage over the sea of life. We, among a host of other friends and relatives extend onr heartiest congratulations to th> young couple, and hope that their path through life may be lighted up with happiness, . peace and prosperity^ . Plow Boy. for Infants and .OhildTren. Castc rria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour i Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, •King Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- Witffc ait injurious medication. NEW TOEK CITY. / "os. X and 2 daily, and make conhec- tion with O. B. E. at Port Valleyita points in southwest Georgia* Departs SSsSSS^.V Nos. 5 and 6 daily, except Sunday. Pas sengers arrive and depart from E.T. V. & G. Junction at end - of Pryor street dummy line. T-W. Gabkett, Geo. P. Howakd, Superintendant, Gen’LPass.Ag’t. I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- J I ent business conducted for moderate fees. - < ! our Office is Opposite U. S. patent oftice< [ and we can secure patent in less time than those { i remote from Washington. < ► Send Ynodel, drawing or photo., T^th-Gcscnp-1 [tion. We 'advise, if patentable or not, freeof J : charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , > a pamphlet. “Hoyy toObtainPatents, with' • cost*of same in the I/. S. and foreign countries | ! sent frea Address, « When we enter the. lodge room an<^ find his chair vacant, we are deeply grieved and sad; we miss him with his bright and cheerful disposition at onr meetings. Therefore be it resolved - L That in the death of Brother Anderson, Perry Lodge No. 76 L O. O. F. has lost a faithfnl and efficient member. 2. Thatwq extend our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved wife, sod, brother, and other relatives. 3. That we wear the nsnal badge of mourning.for thirty days; that a copy of these resolutions bo spread on the minutes of the lodge; that a copy be sent to the family of our deceased brother; and that they be published in the Home Joubeal, J. N. Tuttle, Z. Sims, J. W. Clabk, G. G. Tounbley, Committee. Perry, Ga., Dec. 21, 1891. ©©w&e©, OPP. patent Office, Washington, D. C-. <i. T. CHASfiF •J. G-SI.LTEK, j.k: kotiiebt, F- X.EILL. •J. A. GEOIIGE. The fourth quarterly session of Houston County Alliance will be liekpoith Stonewhll Sub-Alliance etYerry, on Saturday, the 2d day of .. • j&ip siasir, KOETSwssf,.. WASHINGTON, D. C. Practice in tbo SUfTtilMH COTJRT of tLe United States, ' TH3 COUSi: OP CLAIMS, AU tie Executive Becaitmests aai Ssfora- Congress. djaimfr for Jndisu pepredatioas collected Pension Cases Prosecuted, Patents Promptly. Secured, -pfnl Attention Given to all Classes of Land Cases. Liberal Arkffigeinents Made Wita Local Attorneys or for ITransfer of cases- •• • • 'i January 1892, commepcing at 10 o’clock. Secretaries of Snb-Alli- ances will be prepared with corrpct reports and remittances. Geo. M. Feagin, W: D. Ceoom, Pres. Secretary. Fort Valley Leader please copy. —I am selling the entire stoc-k of dry goods, shoes, groceries, etc., We want year trade. Will make it to your interest. Ter F. HOUSER will do the rest. and U L.Gr.nge with A * W P B Bfor U etj ud beyond and intermediate rtation. For further informUtoanohr la x j HAit&is. ^sasTOia „ L i £*L“. t . A « <mt > Ticket Agent, IaOi H BUftSi, Traveling Facsengar Agent. A C KNAPP, Traffic Mai W. Beunsox, Je., Ex’r. Subscribe for the Home Children Cry for if itoher’s Oastoria INDISTINGf^R KICAD DOWN. nXAituna. 4:15 P. M. 4:45 •• « 5dJi « « 5:42 •« « 6:22 «* •« 6:37 «« “ 7:15 •« « 8:00 *« «• 8:18 «« « 8:45 - «• 9:03 « “ 9:18 •• « 9:45 « ‘ Lv Macon Ar “ Sofkee Xv “ Lizclla «* •* Montpelier •• “ Colloden -* “ Yatearille “ Thomaeton « ••Thnn’er’g Spai" “ Woodbnry •• " Harrie City ■* •J Odeaae “ MountviUe “ At Xa Orange Xv f 1 j ^ r* 3 § IS j ipjjjj _ k JL -a