The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, January 25, 1900, Image 1

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r JOHN H. HODGES, Proprietor. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE. $1.50 A TEAK IIS ADVAISCE. S r OL. XXIX. PERRY. HOUSTON COUNTY. GEORGIA, THURSDAY/JANUARY 25, 1900. NO. 4. f as wmmm X)BY : C3-OOHDS : CO. Macon’s new and most popular store, the leaders of fash ion whose reputation for low prices is already established. You will find here the best values in every-department to he had in the state, and a force of most competent sales people to serve you. TAILOR SUITS Hi WRAPS, Below we quote only a few prices from the most complete stock in Central Georgia: I allies’ Tailor Saits, $5.98. Silk Shirt Waists, S2.99 to $10.00. Heaw Fleece-lined Vests, 21c. Heavy Corded Silk^Waists in all new Camels Hair Plaids, 25c. shades, $-5.00. Henry 10-4 Wool Blankets, $2.98. The “Regina” Kid Glove, all new shades Fur Collarettes, $2.98. 79c. We give below the names ot onr salesmen, any of whom would he glad to welcome you in our place of bus iness, or to receive your order by mail. Geo E. Scott, J. Tim Killen, Cland S. Cason, J. P. Cato, Miss Finger, Wm J. Juhan, D. M. Brown., W. W. Jackson, C. M.Peddicord, Marvin Vinson Louis N. Juhan, Geo. H. Walker, G. W. Hurley, Mrs. Horton, J. M. Guice. All Mail Orders prompsly fiUed by Experienced Salesmen. THE UNION DRY !G00DS COMPANY, 554 Cherry St.. MACON, GA. CALDER i. WILLINGHAM,OR,, Wholesale and.Hetail Dealer in Fins Oiitoa, Porcelain, Glassware, Lamps, STOVES, RANGES, AW MMSiriMSM© Triangular Block. -B MACON, GEOREIA. Before Planting - ZBTTY OTJIR. S ZBIROGGAILsrS JFOR MEN AND BOTS . ■fl.OO to fL50, SEE OUB HIGH CUT Lace Shoes .50. LADIES* SHOES AT $1.50 to $2.00 That are Wearers- Satisfaction Always. | Clisby & McRay, 574 & 576 Cherry Street, MACON, GA. Ask Anybody About THE PARK HOTEL 3^^-C03ST, jjj RATES $2.00k JD-A-1T. The Best Hotel in the South. Free Bus, Baths and Sample- Rooms. B. L. ^230^>^3IE3a:023. GEORGIA—Houston County. W, D. Tharp, administrator of estate at Hester Yamadee, deceased, has ap plied for dismission from his trust. This Is therefore to cite aU persons con cerned to appear at the March term, 1900, of the court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness mv official signature this GEORGIA—Houston County. December 4,1899. . — - _ . SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Houston County.., W. C. Epting has applied for adminis tration on the estate of Nancy K. Ept- Wsj, late of said conatv, deceased. I his is therefore to cite ail persons con- iqTa 6 ^ t0 a PP ear at the February term, —900, of the court of Ordinary of said county ,and show cause, if any they have, w “y said application should hot be granted. 'Fitness my official signatnre this January 2,1900. SIM. T. HURST, Ordinary. White Plymouth Bocks, AS GOOD AS THE BEST. Eggs—W. P. Rock, Pekin Ducks ahd- Bronzo Turkeys $1.00 per setting if yon call at White Rock Poultry Farm, Pebby, Geobgia. GEORGI A. Houston County. , • Ho J ga has applied for adminis- traaon on the estate of Sam Brown, rate of said county, deceased. ■this is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the February term, 1900, of the court of Ordinary of , said county, and e-how cause, if any they be granted.' nave, why said application should not b9 Witness granted. Witness my official signature this January 2, 1900. SaM T. HURST, Ordinary. G. Pearce, guardian of John Henry Marr, has applied for dismission from his trust. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the February term, 1900, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. ~ Witness my official signatnre this January 8,1900. SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County. Mrs; S IF. Crawford, widow of J. H. . Crawford, deceased, has applied for sec ond. year’s support for herself and three minor children from the estate of said dfiCGiSfid. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the February term, 1900, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not m v official signature this January 2,1900. - - . '. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. In Jlemoriam. -Written for tha Home Journal. In writing of our beloved Pastor, Dr. B. F. Tharpe. We as a church come with bleed ing hearts to offer onr last tribute of love and respect in memory of onr much beloved pastor, Dr. B. F. Tharpe, whom God in His infinite wisdom saw proper to take from us on December 20th, 1899. We are a3 sheep without a shep herd, as Bro. Tharpe has been onr Pastor tor the last 26 years. We loved him like a Father. Ha having baptized and received, with the exception of one, the en tire membership of our church. We feel that our loss is irrepa- ble, though we are sure that our loss is bis eternal gain. We feel that he is now with his God in Heaven, whom he so mnch loved to serve on this earth—re ceiving his reward. He was a noble Christian, loving and faithful pastor, always rejoic ing with those who rejoiced, and sorrowing with those who sorrow ed. He was pot loved by his ehurch alone, but by all who knew him. May we try to emulate the example he set before ns, that we too may gather with him at the Beantifu! River. Be it therfore resolved 1st. That while weare over whelm ed with sorrow, we bow in humble submission to the will of the Mas ter. Knowing that He erreth not in the disposition of His provi dence, aud while with sorrowing hearts we are mourning the loss of onr beloved pastor, his emancipa ted spirit freed from sin and sor row is basking in the light and love of an eternal andloviDg Fath er. He has fought the good fight, and won a glorious crown. We can imagine the glad an thems of welcome and the joyful greeting of loved ones gone before. 2nd. That wetbe members of the Henderson church find words in adequate to express the deep sor row and loss we sustain in his death. 3rd. That we extend to his family our deep sympathy in their great bereavement Earnestly praying that we may some day with them beepermftted‘ fa-sing with onr dear PaBtor “The Melodious,Songs of the Blest.” 4th. That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to his family, and a copy be spread on the minutes of the church book, and a copy be sent to the Home Journal for pub lication. Henderson Baptist Church. ' Jan. 14,1900. The Presidents said to be book ed for a tour across the continent next October. By chance, of course, the election will occur Dext Novem ber, a month atfer the tour. The desire of the people to hear their chief executive will, of course ne cessitate some car-end speeches, and a little whooping-op of the greatness of the administivition. And when San Francisco is reach ed there will be the launching of the battle ship' Ohio, and other speeches on the .card. But these things are merely accidental occur rences to be snre. The President wouldn’t think of electioneering! How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F- J- CHENEY & CO., Prop’s., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honora ble in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by * their firm. West & Traax, Wholesale Drug gists, T ledo O., Walding’ Kinnin & Maroin, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, Ohio, Hall’s Catarrh Care is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the .blood and mneons surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimon ials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Besides lookihg to us for mules, die British government has been obliged to ask as to supply them with wagons for the South African campaign. It is reported that 1,000 wagons are wanted at once for the campaign in Natal; that British mannfacturers could not funish them within the time speci fied by the’war office, and that the. order has been accepted by a com pany in Indians, F. B. Thirkield, Health Inspect or of Chicago, says: “Kodol Dys pepsia Cure can not be recommend ed too highly. It cured me of se vere dyspepsia.” It digests what you eat and cares indigestion, heartburn and all forms of dys pepsia. Roltzclaw’s Dragatoie. : Deliver Ms from Temptation. To Cure Constipation Forever. ■ . Take Casearets fia-nfly nathartift 10c or25Ck Subscribe for the Home Journal fir gc. a ran to cure, druggists refund mousy. Texas Farm and Ranch. There are_men who can conduct business ' profitably on borrowed capital, but even in this case it is more profitable ’to lend than to borrow. Bufcfa large majority of bnsiness men fail, swallowed up in the vortex of interest. ^Farmers, as a rale, ^should never ,borrow money to ran their bnsiness, for in straight agricnltnral operations in terest is greater than the profits. When the farmer thinks he has a scheme whereby he can wia on borrowed capital, he becomes a speculator, and may fail or succeed, just as other speculators do; but so far as he is a speculator he is not a farmer. Money lenders are crying’ aloud for facilities by means of which farmers can borrow mon ey by simply mortgaging their homes and personal property. We have known large sections where just such facilities were afforded, and farmers bit at the bait like hungry fish, and continued to pay interest as long as they lived, and then the lenders foreclosed and took the farms. Who owns the large sngar farms in southern Lou isiana? Are they not the money lenders of years ago? One recent !y died who had taken in by fore closure farms covering more than 100,000 acres, bat the farmers who formerly peopled ’that section— where are they? We believe that the worst that conld befall the farmers generally would be easy facilities for. borrowing money. The farmer should never borrow unless compelled by circumstances beyond his control, or when he has decided to embark in specula tion. Not one farmer in ten can earn enough to live on, snpport a family, pay interest and ultimately extinguish the principal. So we say to farmers, baware of the mon ey-lenders,for it is easier to escape from the bag of a grizzly bear than one of them; and pray to be deliv ered from temptation. Young Mr. Hay, son of our Sec retary of State, who has been ap pointed to the consulate at Preto ria, South African Republic, is to specd some time in London, hob nobbing with the high officials and great people of Great Britain. It is suggested that President Kroger will refuse to receive him, on ac count of this stay and associations in England. His associations, ac cording to the probabieBoer view, will incapacitate him for taking a purely unprejudiced view of affairs in South Africa. Boer Strength. Old People Made Young, J. 0- Sherman, the veteran edit or of the Vermonlville (Mich.) Echo, has discovered the remarka ble secret of keeping old people young. - For years he has avoided Nervoasness, Sleelessness, Indi gestion, Heart trouble, Constipa tion and Rheumatism, by using Electric Bitters, and he writes: “It can’t be praised too highly. It gently stimulates the kidneys, tones the stomach,' aids indigestion, and gives a splendid appetite. It has worked wonders for my wife and me. It's a remarkable remedy for old people’s complaints.” Only 50c at Holfzclaw’s drag store. Macon Telegreph. Boar strength is not measured merely by Boer bravery and deter mination. Fourteen years ago, be fore gold was discovered, the Trans vaal republic had a revenue $1,092,500 and expenditures $973,000. Four years ago its reve nue was $21,790,000 and expend! ture3 $20,625,000. Salaries alone amounted to $6,000,000. In 1886 they were but $259,000. Military expenses, which were but nominal in 1894, bounded in 1897 to $5,000,000. In the Orange Free State, with a population 'of only 80,000, the revenue' rose from $1,300,000 in 1895 to $4,500,000 in 1898. Although Norway has four teen times as many inhabitants, its revenue is less than that of the Transvaal, and it is said that some of the government officials in the latter country are paid higher sal aries than are allowed our cabinet officers. The Boers are. now in possession of the richest gold and diamond mines in existence. They can therefore offer rewards that the adventurous mercenaries from the various countries of the world will duly appreciate. The Boers will not need to depend for foreign re cruits merely npon those who hate England and Englishman. Their only problem is to transport these mercenaries to the scene of war in spite of the British fleet watching the coast and the obstacles pre sented by the nentral territory that must be crossed. But we are assured that recruits have already been smuggled in, and what has been done once will be done again Under these circumstances, even if the British were more success ful than they are, the prospects of an early conclusion of th9 war would not be bright. Joseph Jenson, a clockmaker of Richfield, Utah, has just complet ed a wonderful clock, which, in ad dition to striking the hoars, halves and quarters and showing the phases of the moon, tells jast what time it is in every city in the world, This is done by means of a globe which revolves inside a transpa rent globular glass. On this glass is marked a line which represents 12 o’clock noon. As the globe re volves this line is always over that part of the world in which it is noon at that time. Other lines represent the hoars, and in this way it is easy to get the exact time in any given place. In view of Great Britain’s pres ent embarrassing sitnation, it is not surprising to hear that Russia has “reviewed” her claims to certain Chinese lauds, has through her consul at Hankow announced her intention to take “forcible posses sion,” and in consequence “the re lations between the British and Russian residents are strained to the breaking point.” The lion is in trouble and the bear grows bold. I want to let the people who suf fer from rhenmatism and sciatica know that Chamberlain’s Fain Balm relieved me after a number of other medicines and a doctor had failed. It is the best liniment I have known of.—J. A. Dodgen, Alpharetta, Ga. Thousands have been cared of rheumatism by this remedy. One application relieves the pain. For sale by all dealers. '‘It’s advisable for a man to keep his temper,” Bays the Manaynnk Philosopher, “beeanse : when it goes he’s liable to give himself away with it.” The modern and most effective care for constipation aud ait liver tronblers—Ihe famous little pi 11 a .known as De Witt’s Little Early Risers. Holizclaw’s Drugstore. Does It Pay To Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for uongbs and colds is all right, but yoa want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and danger ous results of throat and lung trou bles. What shall yon do? Go to a warmer and more regular. cli mate? Yes, if possible; if not- pos sible for yon, then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized conn- tries with success m severe throat and luDgtronbles, “Boschee’s Ger man Syrnp.” It not ouly heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays iufla- mation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cares the patient. Try one bottle. Rec ommended many years by ail druggists in the world. Sample bottles at Holtzclaw’s Drug Store No American has seen Aguinal- do for six weeks. He is in flight, or was at last advices. The lack of information respecting his where abouts gives the news fakir a chance. Within the week he has baen reported at Vancouver, B. C, and at a port in Mexico, not to mention a story of his arrival with his suite at Hong KoDg. It may confidently be expected that his arrival and identification in Atlan ta will be reported within the next few days.—Savannah News. 'STRONG SHOE CO.. MACON, GEORGIA. SOLE AGENTS FOR Shoes—all styles. “WALK OVER,” Shoes on the market. QUAL1T¥ J’ithe famous Ladies' $3.00 the lest value in Men's $3.50 We carry always in stock a complete assortment of everything that is new and good in footwear. Mail orders promptly attended to. STRONG SHOE CO.. MACON, GEORGIA. LESSER’S ~ Here yon can find everything that is New, Up-to-Date, Fashionable and Stylish in Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, Jackets, Wraps, Furs, Infants’ Cloaks, Dress Goods, Silks, Blankets, Comforts, Knit and Muslin Underwear, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Cotton Dress Staffs, Domestics of all kinds, Best Makes of Corsets, Table Damask, Napkins and Towels, Bed Spreads, Art Pieces with Accompanying Wash Silks. In fact everything per taining to a Frst-Class Dry Goods Store. Special attention paid zo out-of-town orders. Promptness in delivery a prominent feature. In connection with our business we have a First-class Dressmaking Establishment on the second floor, where all kinds of costumes are made at reasonable prices. Any information given by Dress-Maker in regard to style and selection of trimmings. The people of Perry and surrounding country are cordially invi ted to come and visit onr store and inspect our stock before buying elsewhere. LESSER’S, 559 CHERRY STREET, - Macon, Q-n. About j Jewelry. There are various kinds. We have the sort that you would not he ashamed of after years of service. We consider quality first, price next. Shoddy has no place in our vocabulary. Geo. T. Beeland, Jeweler, Send for Catalogue. Triangular Block, Macon, 6a. Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels, Art Goods and Art Novelties. We carry the largest stock of any firm in the state, do the best work, and sell at living prices. Mail orders solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. When in Macon he sure to call at onr store. W. Lamar Williams, 422 Second St.,MAcoiNy Ga. CAFE, 413 Third Street, MACON, CA. .. L. T. Travis, Agent Southern S. B , Selina, Ga, writes: “1 cannot say too much in praise of One Minute Cough Care. In my case it worked like a charm.” The only harmless remedy that gives imme diate results. Cores coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, and all :tbroat aud lung troubles. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. For Infants and. Children. Tbs Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signatnre of I I have recently returned in harness to meet my old friends, and will endeavor to make as many new ones as possible. I am now prepared to FEED ALL WHO COME, G and will give them a cordial greeting and satisfy the inner man with the best in the market at most reasonable price's. My Restaurant is more ESPECIALLY for LADIES, having no connection with saloons... ... If you wantanything choice to eat,you wm know That Isaac’s s the place to go. Old Veteran Caterer, E. ISAACS. GANS& tIPMAN, DEALERS IN FINE WINES AND LIQUORS, 551 FOURTH STREET, Opposite Union Depot, MACON, GA. Pay expressage on all orders for 1 gallon or more Oat of town orders solicited. All mail orders receive prompt attention. Subscrioe for The Hoke Journal V. C, 3 -Dealer in- 5 Ammunition, |l ***w* w f niiiiiiuiiiinin, WAG0H MATERIAL,' J PLOWS. Pi@W @©y? s TIN-WARS, & e . Third St., Near Post-Office, MACONS’, GEORGIA.