The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, April 05, 1900, Image 3

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■ PEBBY, ThUBSDAY, AaBIL 5. local news, O-BOCSBIEa Fresh assortment of the very best Sweet CakeB. Graham Wafers in l lb packages. Delicious Cheese Straws in lib packages. \ XJneeda Biscuit, Uneeda Ginger Wayfers, Jersey Toast and Recep tion Flakes. 1508)3 of the choicest Country Hams. A choice line of Fresh Candy. Wiley’s Package Candy. Prepared. Cocoanut in 5c. pkgs. The best grades of Green and Roasted Coffees. Postum Qereal. Cocoa and Chocolates. Full line of Granite Iron Ware. Respectfully, W. B. SIMS, Perry, Ga. —Babbed P. Rocks are among the best. Eggs, 75c. for 18, deliv ered at this office. McM. Rainey. Thorough-bred Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale, $1 per setting. Duck eggs 50 cents. Chas. O. Kegg, Perry, Ga. Municipal Nomination, A primary election is hereby called for Saturday, April 7th, 1900, to nominate a mayor and six aldermen of the town of Perry. A. C. Riley, Ch’m’n. Dem. Ex, Com. Perry, Ga. Perry Municipal Ticket. FOB MAYOB, W. C. DAYIS. FOB ALDEBMEN, Db. J. R. SIMS, E. S. WELLONS, J. J. MARSHBURN, B. H. ANDREW, J. R. MILLER, A. A SMOAK. Election April 14th, 1900. Perry Municipal Election: The voters of the town of Perry are hereby officially notified that the annual election for a Mayor and six Aldermen, to serve during the ensniDg year, will be held on Saturday, the 14th day of April, 1900. R. N. Holtzclaw, Mayor. T. M. Killen, Clerk. OWNERS OF BIG COWS weighing 800 lbs- and over can sell Their calyes at $8.00 and $9.00 at 4 months old by applying in time to J. D. Milan at Hollinshead Place, or W. H. Harris, Fort Valley. Sidewalk Gleanings. LOCAL NEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY —Don’t forget to register. —Grand jury presentments next week. —Good farming weather is mnch needed. —All vegetation is at least three weeks late. —An,attractive program for me morial day is being arranged. ^—Miss Margarett Barfield, of Emerich, Ga., is in Perry, the guest of Miss Nell Rogers. —The county political campaign is in active progress, though all the candidates may not be oat. —Mr. R. W. Gamble of Bibb connty is in Perry visiting his brother in-law, Mr. J. R. Fudge. —Miss Etta Thompson of Bibb counuty is visiting relatives near Fort Yalley, the family of W. M. Haddock. Dale for Primary Fixed. Bank Burglar Captured. —Be the size of the cottou crop what it may, Houston farmers will not neglect their food and proven- dar crops. —Mrs. J. R. Fadge will return home this week from a visit to her parents at Pope’s Ferry and rela tives in Macon. —Before Buying get my Prices ou Meal, Flour, and Tobacco. Feed M. Houseb. First-Class Lumber. I have on hand a nice lot of first class Flooring and CeiliDg, thor oughly dried, and nicely drpssed. Can furnish any dimensions ' rough aud dressed lumber. A. J. Houseb, Eva, Ga. of H Clark, Chamicej., Ga., says DeWitt’s Witch Hnzel Salve cured him of piles that had afflicted him for twenty years It is also a speedy cure for skin diseases. Beware of daugerons counterfeits. Hotlzclaw’s Drugslore. —I sell the beef, the prettiest and the cLanest Rice in town. Ask 1 me to prove it. J. D Dabtin, Jb. TAX RECEIVER’S APPOINTMENTS. For the purpose of receiving state and coQDty tax returns for 1900,1 will be at the following places on the dates named: Perry, Monday an.l Tuesday, April 2nd and 3rd. JTaslam, Wednesday, April 4th, a. m. Barrow’s Mill, Wednesday, April 4th, p. m. Fort Yalley, Thursday, April 5th, all day. Powersville, Friday, April 6th, a. m. Claud, Friday, April 6th, p. m. Byron, Saturday, April 7th, a. m, Hattie, Saturday, April 7th, p. m. Perry, Monday, Apnl 9th, all day. Taylor’s, Tuesday, April 10th, p. m. Henderson, Wednesday, April £1, a jn. Elko, Wednesday, April 11th, p. m. Grovania, Thursday, April 12th, a. in. Hayneville, Thursday, April 12th, p.m. Kathleen, Friday, April 13th, a. m. Bonaire, Friday, April 13th, p. m. Dennard, Saturday, April 14th, a. m. Heard, Saturday, April 14th, p. m. Toy, Monday, April 16th, a. m. WellsfPn, Monday, April 16th. p. m. Respectfully, B. T. Stafford, T. B. H. C. —Miss Emmie Means of Elko was in Perry from last Friday morning to Sunday afternoon, the guest of Mis May Hodges. —Farmers tell us the wheat crop in Houston is very promising, and that the indications are that the oat crop will be decidedly good. —Tbe commissioners’ court min utes are unavoidably crowded Out of this issue, but they are good enough to keep until next week; —Mr. S. 3. Taylor, a well-known farmer and J. P. of the Lower 14th district is-a candidate for the Leg islature, and his announcement is in this issue. —Since last Thursday night Postmaster Bonghton has appar ently been happier than usual, and probably more dignified. A new girl baby at his home. —Dr. Wm. J. Holtzclaw will preach at the Baptist chnrch in Henderson next Sunday at 3 p. m. and will preach there on 2nd Sun day afternoon of each month. —We have unavoidably failed to personally mgntinn some of the candidates who have announced this week. They are all good men, and we will make amends next week. —Mr. W. M. Blewater of Fort Valley was with relatives and friends in Perry last Sunday. It is said he was disappointed because a certain young lady was not here that day. —All the young felks of Perry who are teaching school in the county, except Misses Mattie Mil ler and Annie Lou Holmes, spent last Saturday and Sunday with bomefolks. —Miss L. M. Kunz will have her spriug millinery rpening to day (Thursday),! displaying the latest styles ia a full line of sea sonable goods. The ladies are cor dially invited to attend. —The State Executive commit tee of the Baptists Young People’s Union have appointed Dr. Wm. J. Holtzclaw to make one of the prin cipal addresses at the convention which meets in Atlanta next Jane. —A number of Perry people went over to Fort Yalley last Sun day to hear Miss Emma Tucker, who has beenfor two weeks very effective in conducting revival ser vices in the Methodist churh there. May 15th is’the date fixed ou! which Houston democrats will hold their connty primary. The proceedings of the mass meeting and of tbe new executive committee are published in this paper. The campaign limitation, is fixed by correct authority, the caudi dates will use their powers of per - suasiou, aud the people must de cide as to who shall be chosen. Of coarse the decision in each case will be made on each a com parison of qualification and merit as the voters may think correct. Of coarse the candidates will be upright and manly in their con duct throughout the campaign, as all measure up to such a standard. There will be no attacks upon the apright character of an opponent, because no such attack could be sustained. The people will make qn honest,conscientious choice, be cause they desire the best men to serve them, and the nomination will be equivalent to an election. Now let the campaign proceed in good humor, and briskly,—a fair field and a full vote. Houston Superior Court, The spring term of Houston Su perior court has been in season since last Monday. Jadge Felton’s charge .to the grand jury was plain and forceful as usual. . Solicitor Hedges is present in the interest of the state, and Sten ographer Barnes is in attendance.' Several visiting attorneys have been here each day. The attention of the court has been given steadily to civil cases, while the grand jury has been busy with criminal affairs. — Mr. S. S. Taylor is forenqaD, B. 0. Holtzclaw clerk and Mr. D. H, duller plaintiff of the grand jury. This body will probably conclude its duties this week. The criminal docket will not be taken up by the court until next week. A man charged with having bur glarized the Perry Loan aod Sav ings Bank on the 14th of February was placed iD the Houston connty jail last Thursday afternoon. | Thp capture was made in Jack sonville, Fla. by Mr. Will G. Riley, brother of our deputy sheriff. The name under which the suspected burglar was arrested is George. W. Clark, and Mr. Riley followed him from Macon, where evidence pointing directly to his guilt was collected through the assistance of a local detective. The man is about 35 vears old, far from well dressed. He says he was born in England, and we learn he was known in Jacksonville as “Londou Red.” Mr. Riley and ibose who assist ed in the capture -ef Clark think the evidence they will produce is sufficient to convict. Of that evi dence it is best to say nothing here, as the judicial investigation will be made daring the term pf ■our Superior court now in session. It is not- believed that Giark is the only man connected with the Perry bank burglary, aud a recent press dispatch says three men were captured several days ago in Chat tanooga, Teno., who are said to have robbed the Perry bank, as well as banks in other Georgia and Alabama towns. We suppose there will be a re ward paid for the conviction, of the burglar, or burglars, but have not seen aoy such official statement. Democratic Blass Meeting. FRED, M. HOUSER, IS HEADQUABTEBS EOB Meat, Corn, Oats, Meal, Flour, Salt, Syrup, Soap, Potash, Shoes, Checks, Sheeting,. Notions, Tinware, Hardware, &e. Come to. see me. —Dr. E. Z. Simmons, Baptist missionary to China, delivered a most interesting lecture on Chinese Manners and Customs, at the Per ry Baptist church Tuesday night. He exhibited a Chinese Idol aod a shoe. —Mr. C, 0. Richardson a well- kuown popular citizen of Byron is a candidate for the Legislature, and his announcement appears in this paper. He says he will de pend npon his neighbors and friends for endorsement as to his qualifications. —The school children of Elko enjoyed the. first, picnic of the season last Friday. They intended to “Aprill Fool” their teachers,but the secret was not well kept, and at the close of school on Thursday Prof. Causey announced a holiday for Friday. —During the noon. recess of court Tuesday, Col. J. H. Hall of Macon delivered a speech in the su perior court room to an attentive audience. The burden of hi6 speech was unequal taxation, with special reference to unjustly low valuation of railroad property as returned for taxation. —Oar rotary motion artist says he is mighty -glad the reported case of small pex in Perry is not anything at all like that disearse, aDd that tbe£ didu’t “pontoon” the town. Dr. J. B. Smith exam ined the case officially, and de clared that he found no symptoms of smallpox whatever- -^-Another lyceum. attractionwill be'presented "in Perry on Thurs day night of next week. Mr. Polk Miller, a Virginia platform celebri ty,^wilFgive bis audience some rare southern folklore in dialect song andstory, with a masterful use of thebanjo. Re is reputed to be anexpert laughter maker. Iu accord with the usual custom and call of A. C Riley, chairman of the democratic executive com mittee of Houston county, a mass meeting of democratic citizens was called to order by J. H. Hodges, Secretary, Chairman Riley being ill, and unable to attend. Capt. W. C. Davis was elected chairman of the meeting: J. H. Hodges was requested to act as Secretary. On motion a recess was ordered for purpose of citizens of the dis tricts conferring and naming mem bers of the couuty executive com mittee. When meeting was called to ol der, the following gentlemen were selected by the citizens of the sev eral districts, aud they were elect ed by nnaminous vote of the meet iug. Upper 5th—Samuel Hill, P. H. Varrer, W. D. Tharp. Lower 5th—W. C. Lewis, T. W. Leverett, H. L. Byrd. ' 6th—C. M. DoPree, J. T. Lisen by. J. W- Rushing. Upper Town — Bright Harper, W. G. Edwards, J. H. Allen. Lower Town—C. C. Duncan,- J. H. Davis, J. J. Marsbburn, 9th— L. L Brown, O. M. Hoa- ser, C. J. DnPree. 10th—R. W. Hartley, J. Mi Pitts, Elbert Fountain. Upper 11th—H. Sasser, W. A. King, W. H. Talton, Lower 11th—J. O. Wardlow, H. E. Talton, W. R. Norris. 12th—T. H. Rentz, E. H. Wim berly, Jr., G. T. Brown. Old 13th—W. L. Means, J. H Grace, C. E. Eubanks. New 13th—J. H. Wimberly, R. M. Davis, C. Pearce. For SheriiT. To the Democratic Voters of Houston County:— I respectfully announce my candidacy for re- election to the office of Sheriff, subject to the primary of May 15th, promising a faithfnl dis charge of the trust reposed. ly, M. L. COOI-EK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Houston connty, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, Fort VaUey, Ga. J. F. Troutman, Jr. The friends of Henby J. Brown take pleas ure in announcing his candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Honston county, subject to the democratic primary. We ask for him the sup port of aU onr citizens, and promise that if elected he will perform the duties of the office as well as any man in our connty. For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Ordinary of Honston connty, subject to demo cratic nomination. In all probability yon will never have an opportunity of voting for an old r this office again, as we are fast Confederate for passing over the river, and will soon be resting uDder the shade of the trees. Respectfully, J. W. Comma. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Honston connty, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, Saji. T. Hokst. Having received encouragement from all sec tions of the connty, I announce myself a candi date for the office of Ordinary of Houston coun ty, subject to democratic nomination. Respectful ly, Jno. H. Hodg'es. For Cleric of the Superior Court. I am a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Honston connty, Ga., at the ensuing election; subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, M. A. Edwards I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston county, subject to Democratic nomination. Respectfully, I. T. WOODARD. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce my candidacy for Tax Re ceiver of Honston connty, subject to democratic primary. Feeling profoundly thankful for for- " wiU fully appreciate the support mer favors, I of the democracy of Houston in this contest. " D. Anderson. In response to the earnest solicitation of many fnends, I announce myself a candidate for t3n ' ~ Honor Boll Perry Public School. 1st Grade— Eliza Cater, 98.85, Theresa Hodges, 98 28, Mary Hem- mingwaY, 96, Martin Howard, 93.- 14. 1st div. 2nd Grade—Stella Cater 99.57, Willierine Rainey, 9942, lone Smoak, 97.35, Janie Holmes, 95 28, Clifford Powers, 94.71, Es telle Andrew, 91.71. 2nd div. 2nd Grade—Mary Ben nett, 97.28; Lottie Hightower, 93.- 28; Ethel Woodard, 9185. 3rd Grade—Sadie Wellons, 97.- 50; Bessie Smith, 97.37; Mary Hightower, 97.25; Estelle Edwards 96.25; Louise Moore, 93.50; W. H. Norwood, 90 50. 4th Grade—Cora Cbapmau, 96.- 75; Harry Holtzclaw, 96 50; Sam Hodges, 96; Lucy Lee Van Lan- dingham, 93.62; Alva Lee Aber nathy, 93; Olga Thnrmond, 93; Robert Zarks, 92 87; Kate Boon, 92.12; Louise Dasher, 92; JobDie Marsbbnrn, 91.12; Rapert Day, 90.62. ' : 5th Grade—Kate Lou Howard, 99.22; Sam Nunn, 98 77; Juliette Hurst, 96 22; Mabel Gnrr, 93.88; Miller Edwards, 92.55; Emory Riley, 92.2,2; Ethel Killen, 92. 6th Grade— Haflie' Hemingway, 98.33; Gena Riley, 97; Mam^Hons-- er, 94 94; Mary Lou Rainey, 94.38; Mary Rix Marsbburn, 92.22. 7th Grade—Jack Holtzclaw, 95.- 90; Joe Tom Warren, 95.40; John nie Wasner, 94.35; Clyde Gurr, 94- 30; Ira Nunn, 91 60; Lizzie Riley, 90.10. Irregalar—Howard Miller,91.12. 8;h Grade—Gnssie Riley, 96.22; Annie Blewster, 93.33; John Hodg es, 91.67. 8th Grade —Bessie Houser,98 31. Sanders, J. M. McKepzie. Upper 14th—E. B. Hose, S. W. Hickson, C. S. Cutts. The new committee retired, for purpose of organization, and the mass meeting adjonrned. W. C. DavI8, Chairman. Jno. H Hodges, Secretary. The county papers are requested to publish these proceedings. Millinery Display. ie office of Tax Receiver sf Honston conn ty, subject to democratic nomination, and will appteciate the support of the voters of the connty without a thorough canvass. Respectfully, J. H. Culler. I take this method of announcing my neme to my friend3 of Honston county as a candidate for Tax Receiver; subject to democratic nomi nation. Notice will be given through the col umns of the Home Journal of my rounds among my friends, as stated in my card. A. McD. King, Echeconnee, Ga. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Honston county, sub ject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, B. T. Stafford. Eor Tax Collector. t hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Ta: .x Collector of Houston county, sub ject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, S. L. Speight, Henderson, Ga I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Honston Connty, subject to Democratic nomination. BROWN RILEY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax CoUector of Honston connty, subject to action id will appreciate the of the democratic party,an_ support of my fellow citizens. R. J. DuFree. The many friends of Mr. R. G. WATSON announce him a oandidate for Tax Collector of Houston connty, subject to democratic nomi nation. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Honston conn ty, subject to democratic nomination. The as sistance of my friends, and all democrats, is earnestly solicited. J. C. Davidson. Collector of Honston connty, and urged by a large number of friends from aU over the county, I hereby announce my candi dacy for that office, subject to democratic nom ination. I will fully appreciate the support of the democrats of Houston. W. B. Brooks. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Count- Treasurer of Houston county, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, Jno. H. Houser. —FIELD PEAS.—50 bushels for sale; apply at once. Also, Georgia Groundpeas. JosiahBass, Echeconnee, Ga. Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Canton, N. Y., writes, “I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doc tors and medicines without benefit. I was persnaded to use Kodol Dys oepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a pan acea for all forms of indigestion.” It digests what you eat. Holtz- clawB Drugstore. —Nice La. Cane Syrup, just' re ceived at 40e. Feed M. Houseb. Iam prepared to repair Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., at low rates, guaranteeing satisfaction. Call at store of Mr. F. M. Honser. J. S. Rainey, Perry, Ga. SPANISH GROUNDPEAS- 100 bushels for sale, on farm near Mossy Hill. Address, E. J. Thompson, Perry, Ga. —5,000 stalks Green Sugar Cane, 1,500 pounds country cured Hams, 1,000 pounds country Lard for sale at correct prices. A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga. —Scrapes—all the sizes in Ter rell’s Scrapes at L. M. Paul’s. —I am Agent for the celebrated Cbattanobga tytwo-horse Plows; and fixtures always on hand. W.D.Day. —200 Bash. Fresh Water ground Meal just received. Feed M. Houseb. —New lot of Glassware jnst re ceived. Some low prices quoted on same at L. M. Paul’s. MEN’S SHOES'*^ H L. M. PAUL’S. Have you ever stood in our Shoes? Would you like to? It won't cost you much. It will mean a great deal of comfort to you, It will mean that you’ve used your mon ey well. . . . . Suppose yon look at onr Men’s Yelour Calf Shoes; soft, flexible, stylish, don’t skin up. Two qualities— §3.50 and $4.00 Men’s Box Calf Shoes, the best wearers on earth— §3.50 and §4.00 Men’s Yi&cal Calf Shoes, all hand work— §4 50 Men’s Yici Kid Shoes. Ko leather in the whole cate gory is so well suited for spring and summer. We have them plain and cap toes at— §2.00, §3 00 and §3.50 Men’s Yici Oxford Ties, the very latest. They are the things for this season. Price— §3.00 Men’s Yici Oxford Ties, plain toes, soft and easy, at §2.25 Men’s Shoes. A fine line of the best weaiers to be found at— $1.25, $1.50,!$2.00, $2.50 Give' We will take pleasure in showing you the line, us a trial on A PAIR OF SHOES. L. M. PAUL, Perry, Ga. Latest I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Honston connty, subject to democratic nomination. W. J. Moore. For County Commissioner. Through the solicitation of my friends I have consented to become a candidate for Connty Commissioner of Houston connty, subject to democratic nomina tion. Kespectfully, Allen J. Todd. The latest styles and d9gigos iu trimmed and untrimmed hats, with a fall line of seasonable goods, will be attractively displayed iD Mrs. F. E. Norwood’s millinery parlor next Tuesday aDd Wednes day. All the ladies are cordially iDvited to attend. Miss Annie Norwood is with her mother this season, and they expect to show and sell some exceptionally pretty hats. WESTERN BEEF. I will hereafter use the best Lower 14th—S. S. Taylor, T. J. "Western Beef in my market, the Notice. A contribution has been started by a few ladies for the starving people of India, Any one desiring to contribute, will please leave the amount just as soon as possible at the Home Joubnal office, or Mr, F. M. Houser’s store, or with me and it will be speedily forwarded to the sufferers. Respectfully, Mrs. F. M. Houseb. Nearly every white voter who came to Perry last Monday regis tered, that being a prerequisite to voting in the county and state pri mary. In order that all others in the' conDty may have convenient opportunity-to register, Collector Miller will carry the book to each court ground in the county. A list of bis appointments for that pur pose willbepnblisbed4n the Home Joubnal; Tliat Throbbing Headache would quickly leave you, if you nsed Dr. King’s New Life Pills.’ Thousands of sufferers have prov ed their matchless merit for Sick Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not enred. Sold by H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist. —Plenty of Scovil’s Hoes. Leave us your order for them. L. M. Paul- local supply being practically ex hausted. Having to pay cash, I must require cash witheach order. This is not choice with me, but a necessity Respactfnlly, J. R. Fudge, Perry, Ga. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, III., writes, “I never fail to relieve my children .from cronp at once by using One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe e without ifeV Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe aud all throat aDd lung disease. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. —Grain Cradles are dow on the market. Speak early, and we’ll pnfc yours aside. L. M. Paul. —Go to W. D. Day’s to buy Coat’s Spool Cotton. —American Pearl Cigar, is the best value at 5c. - Feed M. Houseb. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Solicitor General. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of Solicitor General of the Macon Clr- cnit, subject to the democratic primary. Respectfully, Jas. p. Duncan. ’ I hereby announce myself a candidate for So licitor General of the Macon Circuit, subject to the democratic primary to he eeld May 15th, 1900. Most Respcctfolly, Hope Polhill. For The Legislature. I hereby announce myself a candidate for epresentative of Honston county in the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia, subject to democrat- is nomination. I hope the voters will consider my candidacy favorably without requiring a canvass of the connty, as it will be impractica ble-forme to do so. Respectfully, S. S. Taylor. To the People of Houston Coi I I respectfully ask yonr support in the demo cratic primary for Representative from this connty m the next General Assembly. I prom ise, if serve yon faithfully and to the ISC, U. C1CHLCW, W as best of my ability. " C. Richardson. To Houston Democrats:— In filling out yonr ballot for the democratic primary please remember me for the legisla ture. ’ Respectfully, - T. V. Fagan, Fort Valley, Ga. At the request of friends I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of Commissioner qf Hoads and Bevenues of Houston county, subject to demoerrt- ic nomination. Respectfully, Lower Town District. J. H. Allen. 1 hereby announce myself a candid ate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Houston connty, subject to democratic nom ination. Respectfully, Grovania, Ga. . J. Houseb. We, voters of the Upper Fifth and Tenth Dis tricts, recognizing Mr. -W. D. Thabp as a man well equipped in business qualifications, re spectfully present him to the voters of Houston county as a candidate for the office of commis sioner of Roads and Revenues, snbject to dem ocratic nomination. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Hons ton connty, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, Zach Hays. novelties in Dog- Co’lar and Pulley Belts, Ladies’ Ties and Collars. ...AT DAY’S... Everything new, pretty and attractive. An exquisite line of Embroideries and Laces in newest patterns. All-over Embroideries and Tocking with Lace for Shirt Waist Fronts. Tacked Or gandie with Puffs for Yoking and Waists. R. & G. and Thompson’s Glove-Fitting Corsets. Kid Gloves, Ribboo, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Shoes, Hate, at prices that can’t be beat, file Season -FOB- Sbirt : Waists. A nice line of ready-to-wear Waists just: received. 40c to $1 each. A fine line of Silk Waist Pat terns. Among them are new pas tel shades, do two alike, from 75c. to §1.00 per yard. Colored Wool Fabrics. The newest things in Colored and Black All Wool Goods for Skirts aDd Suits at— 50c. per yard, worth 75e. A beautiful liDe of Ladies’ Em broidered Handkerchiefs at 15c. and 25c. New Cotton Dress Goods. A charming assortment of Col ored and White Goods. Fine Solid Organdie, - 40c Irish Dimity, fine cords, worth 25c, for 15c. English Madras, fast colors, 15c. Best yd wide Sea Island Percale— 12Jc. 36 in. Fine French Percale, 16§c. Fine quality Imported Dimity, figured and stipes, Good Shirting Prints, Best Aprom Ginghams, 15c. 5o. 6c. @QMt SEC HV UM Xtems of. Interest. The many friends of Mb. W. C. Lewis respect fully announce him a candidate for Commis sioner of Roads and Revenues of Honston conn- tv, subject to democrat nomination. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Bevenues of Houfton county, subject to democratic ap proval. I hope the voters of the connty will give me a liberal support without a house to honse canvas, as 1 do not approve of that. Respectfully, Hattie, Ga. J. D. Cherry. I hereby announce myself a candidaee for Commissioger of Roads and Revenues of Hons ton connty, snbject to democratic nomination, Respectfully, E. L. Dennard. The friends of Mr. T. J. Sanders, of the Low er 14th district, announce him a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Reve nues of Houston county, subject to democratic nomination. We ask for him the support of democrats thronghont the connty, knowing that if elected he will faithfully and efficiently perform the dories of the office. To the Good People of Houston: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the - ”Cc ’ - ' office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Honston county, subject to democratic nom ination. Respectfully, - R. C. Aultman, Claud, Ga. To the Voters of Honston Connty: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues, snbject to democratic nomination. Bespectfullv, E. H. Wimbbbly, J B., Hayneville, Ga. In response to the solicitations of my friends of this section of the connty, I announce myself a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Honston connty (full term), subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, W. B. Watson, Bonaire, Ga. For Coroner: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner of Honston connty, snbject to democratic nomina tion. Bespectfully, A. B. Schilling. For Surveyor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for 8nrveyor of Honston connty, snbject to democratic nomination. Bespectfnlly, W^L. Cabb, WANTED! BeKabl9 man for Manager of Branch Office I wish to open in this vicinity. Good opening for energetic, sober man. Kindly mention this.paper when writing. A. T. MORELS, Cincinnati, 0. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. postage. -Best Evaporated Georgia cane syrup in bottles, ^ gallon cans, and 1 gallon cans at J. D. Mabtin,;Jb’s. overlook this ’‘ad,” as it may both interest you and save you money. WE HAVE ALL THE POPULAR GROCERIES. Pillsbury Yitos Wheat Food, 2 pkgs: 25c. Grape Nuts 15c. package. Whole Wheat Biscuit^ 15c. SOMETHING NEW AND SOMETHING GOOD, COBNED POES 15c. PEE CAN. Jane Peas, can .... 8c. Shrimps, can - 25c. Bed Kidney Beans, can Lobsters, ean Okra and Tomatoes, can .... 10c. Pineapple, can 15c. & 25c. Okra and Tomatoes with Com, can 10c. 4 cans Condensed MUlr 23c. Sugar Corn, can ....15c. Best Buckwheat, per sack... 45c. Macaroni, package .... 10c. 6 Bars Magic Cleaner Soap. 25c. Best Quality Peaches, can .... 10c. 25c. Backet of Axle Grease now... 15c. Apricots, 3-lb can White Cherries, can Early Bird Tobacco,'by the box,... 37J£e.Jb. IFOIEe CASH: 16 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00. 17 pounds Crawling Sugar for $1.00. 20 pounds Brown Sugar for $1.00. 7 pounds Best Santos Green Coffee for $L00. 9 pounds Good Green Coffee for $1.00. 23 pounds Good Clean Rice for $1.00. J. D. Martin, Jr. If You Want Anything HL BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS Chairs of any kind, Tables of all sorts, BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., You can save money at Paul’s Furniture Store. complete line of COFFINS and CASKETS always A on hand. - - GEORGE PAUL, Perry, Ga,