The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, April 12, 1900, Image 2

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mm . PBICE, 51,50 A'YEAS,'IN ADVANCE. 3Published Every Thursday Horning. Jno.H.IEODG-ES, Editor and Publisher Perby, Thursday, A mil 12. Copies of this paper may be found on - file at the office of oar Washington cor respondent, E. G. Siegers, 918 F Street, N. W., Washington, 1). C. FORT FOR CONGRESS. He Makes Formal Announcement' of His Candidacy. To the Democrats of the 3rd Congres sional District:— I am a candidate for Congress from this district, subject to the democratic primary, to be. held on the 15th of May. If nominated and elected I shall devote my entire time and energies to the duties of this high office, and especially to the in terests of the people of this district. The best hope of good govern in the triumph of democrat ic principles. If you see fit to honor me with this high office, I will nse my best efforts to secure the passage of those laws which will carry out those principles and promote the public good. Most respectful!!, Allen Fobt. Dewey’s Candidacy. CONG. LEWIS ANNOUNCES. Our Washington correspondent writes of Admiral Dewey’s presiden tial aspirations as follows: “Admiral Dewey’s announcement that he a candidate for the presidency took away the breath He Issues an Address (o the People of the Third Congressional District Staling His Desires. To the Democrats of the Thirl Con gressional District of Georgia:— I announce myself a candidate for Judge Fort’s announcement for congress insures a lively campaign in the third district, as it is his ex pressed purpose to make a thorough canvass of the district. As judge of the superior court and as'a member os the state railroad commission, Judge Fort earned distinction and -popularity. In 1896 he made a creditable race in opposition to Mr. Lewis, and his friends will be vigor- I; ous in' their support this time. , We notice that our, young friend, Tom Felder, is a candidate to rep resent Bibb county in the legisla ture. ■’He was born in Perry, and we are glad to see him occupying a front position in his profession, the law. We have known him since ba byhood, almost, and we are prepared to endorse him without reservation. His native talent, education and business acquirements qualify hind in a positive degree for the position of honor to which he aspires. Tom has won what he has by earnest ap plication guided by good sense and judgment. Could .Houston people vote for him, Tom Felder would un doubtedly be elected. The Kentucky court of appeals decided last week that Gov. Beck ham, democrat, is the .legal chief magistrate of thatstate. The con test was represented by able counsel on both sides. The court is com posed of seven judges, four demo crats and three republicans. Two of the republicans sustained the decis ion in favor of Beckham. It is said the republicans will carry the case to the United States supreme court. A special to the Atlanta Constitu tion says; “There arer no signs of abatement of the popular indigna tion against the unfair treatment of Porto Rico by the republican ad ministration. The revolt on the part of the republican masses seems to be increasing rather than diminishing, and the republican leaders do not attempt to conceal their anxiety over the situation.” Georgia populists met in conven tion in Atlanta Tuesday, and it is said a state ticket will certainly be placed in the field., Col.-W. L.JPeek most likely has been nominated for governor, though J. H. Traylor of Troup and M. W. Gross of MbDuffie were prominently mentioned for that office. of the political leaders for a time, the nomination to the 57th congress, but when he followed it by a state-; subject to the democratic primary merit that he was a democrat, the of May 15th. I offer as my reasons atmosphere rapidly cleared, and in- for announcing my candidacy my telligent discussion of the situation past services to the - district, arid my became possible. Democratic lead- record in congress. I am and have ers agree thatr it is-impossible for been in complete harmony with my the Admiral to wrest the nomina- party, arid have spared no opportu- tion from Bryan. There are 930 nity to work "for the upbuilding of votes in the democratic national the democratic party against the ex convention, 620 of which are neces- j travagant and unjust legislation pro- sary to nominate, and 311 of which, posed by the republicans. I have can cause a deadlock. The largest'never'hesitated to denounce boldly possible estimate of the anti-Bryan * on the floor of the house the unwise forces is only some 250, makingj and discriminating methods ernploy- Dewey’s nomination out of the j ed by the republican majority. I question. But though the Admiral have been at my post of duty all the cannot be named for president on while, and given my entire time to the democratic ticket, he can have the people of my district. I have the nomination for vice president if treated each constituent with the he will take it. In fact, a boom for him for this post has sprung up with unexamplecLrapidity, the only doubt being whether he will accept. But to run on an independent ticket would be sure defeat, and it is be lieved that he will accept the vice-' presidential post after he finds that he can get nothing else. He may continue Iris striving for the first place up to' the very nomination of Bryan, and yet accept. t|ie vice pres idency. Shrewd leaders base their idea that he will do this on the mo tive which has undoubtedly led him to be a candidate for office at all. They say that it is Mrs. Dewey’s doings. She wants the right of precedence at all functions, and if she cannot get to the very top, will probably big coritented with the sec ond place. As wife of the vice pres ident, she will precede all the am bassadors’ wives, the wives of the supreme court justices and senators —everybody, in fact, except the wife of the president. Further, Dewey would not lose his place in the navy by accepting. He could go on the retired list and hold both places at once, drawing the salary of either one while vice president, and going back to his navy post aftei the close of his term.” Commissioners’ Court minutes* most careful consideration, looking after and taking care of their every wish.' I thank the people of my dis trict for their confidence and sup port in the past, and I ask for a con- tinuence of their support, promising my ceaseless vigilance and untiring energies to promote their best inter ests in the fnture. While I am not officially advised of any opposition to me, I feel it my duty to make •known my wishes to the people of my district. E. B. Lewis. In offering for re-olection, Mr. Lewis only asks for the endorsement that he deserves. He is in thorough accord with the democratic party oh national issues, and in close sympa thy with the people in- affairs that concern them vitally in every-day business. He knows the needs of the people, and his record in con gress proves that he is anxious to serve his constituents whenever op portunity i8 presented, tn this cam paign we do not propose to be a partisan, but just now we feel con strained to say that we are convinc ed that Mr. Lewis should be re elected. HOUSTON COUNTY BAPTIST UNION To be Held* with Fort Valley Baptist Church April 28tb and 29th,1900. PROGRAMME. A Letter From Manila. County commissioners’ court of Houston county met in regular ses sion April 3rd, 1900. Present, Com missioners Feagin, Dennard, Hodge and Hays. The chairman of the board being) ter, which was received at the Perry Some weeks ago it was reported here that Mr. Emanuel Todd, son of Mr. Allen J. Todd, of near Eva, Houston county, had been killed in a battle near Manila. The lack of communication added to the uneasi ness of his family and friends. By request we publish the following let- Five days this month will be de- voted to the Georgia Chautauqua at t Albany, beginning on-the 22na. The program is rich with instructive and pleasure-giving entertainment. ..The Central of Georgia Railway will give i best passenger accommodation and exceedingly low rates. Within a week the British forces in South Africa have met several se rious reverses. At one time five com panies and seven field guns were captured by the Boers. Again there comes, from the Transvaal intima tions that there will be intervention to stop the war. Nine dwelling houses in South I Macon were burned Wednesday ■ morning of last week. Being out- ; side the coloration, the fire depart- ment did. not respond to the call. ; Most likely- this will prove an argn- ment for annexation to the city. • . Gen. Otis has requested permis- ) j sion to return to the United States, j. and he will cease to be governor-, general of the Philippine Islands on May 1st He will be succeeded by Gen. McArthur. >; At Savannah last Monday Mr. ] John M. Egan was elected president qf the Central of Georgia Itailway J Co., and Haj. J. F. Hanson was I - chosen chairman of the board of di- i rectors. ■ Geohgia drummers will meet in conventionAt Maconon April 19th; under the auspices of their T. P.'JSu \3n : business and pleasure they will spend three days in the Central Uity. =e=R A negro named Allen Brooks was lynched at Blooiningdale on Tues- absent, Commissioner Feagin elected chairman pro tem. The minutes of the last court were read and approved. The petition for a new public road in the upper 5th district, de scribed in March minutes of court, jvas laid on the table indefinitely. Commissioner Feagin submitted report of commutation tax collected and expended for the lower 5 th, up per J.ltli and lower 31th districts, A petition was filed for a new public road in the lower 5th district leading from Macon and Hawkins- ville road near the residence of C. B. Wellborn, between the lands of said Wellborn on the south and the lands of M. V. Avera and J. B. Scarborough on the north, thence through the lands of John King es tate to the intersection of Macon road at Bay Gall branch.” Accom panying petition is a written agree ment of land-owners to donate right of way. Ordered that petition take its regular course. The tax collector submitted his final settlement for 1899. Ordered that Commissioner DeDnard be au thorized to examine and approve the same. The management of the poor house and the supervision of roads and bridges in the upper town and lower town districts were placed in the hands of Commissioner Den nard. The allowance of Thomas Had dock, indigent confederate soldier, was increased to $4 per month.- Jerry Lowe and wife were allow ed $2 per month, and Mrs. Harold Jones.$1.50 per month from pauper fund. • It was ordered that Ryal Murray be sent to the poor house. According to accounts filed and paid, ’the expenses of the chaingang for March were $358.87. Smallpox guards ware each allow ed $2 per day. Whereupon, court adjoxrned. C. E. Brunson, Clerk. Mb. Emanuel Isaacs, the famous caterer of Macon, is a remarkably active man for his hge. He was 80 years of age on. March 17 th, and is as active and erect as many men a score of years younger. He was born in London, England, but has lived in Macon 57 years. 'He was honorably discharged from the U. S. naval service on March 24 th, 1844, under the signature of Capt. R. F. Stockton, of the ship Princeton. He served through the Confederate war, and was one of the seven original members of the Macon Volunteers who returned home from, the war. Mr. Isaacs is well known throughout the state, and is now personally managing the popular Cafe on Third street, Macon, Ga. The candidacy of Admiral Dewey is laughed at by leading politicians throughout the country, and it is not believed he can secure the nomina tion of either of the two dominant parties. He declares himself a dem ocrat, but does not deny that he will be ah independent candidate in case the democratic nomination is not day of last week., He had criminal-' given him. He has never voted in ly assaulted a white woman. a presidential election. postoffice on March 28th: Feb. 13 th, 1900. My Dear Father:— I have been expecting a letter from you for a long while, but so far have been disappointed. I have been in the hospital for some time, but am now much better. I like this country very much. The flowers bloom all the year roancC and there is every kind of fruit one can think of and some that people in the States never heard of. Monkeys run wild here the same as squirrels at home. This is now the dry season; the wet season will begin in June or July. I think the fighting is about over here, although they are still fighting some all the time. Write to me soon and tell me how all the family are getting along, and also give me all the neighborhood news. Write soon. Your affectionate son, Emanuel Todd. Byron Brieflets. • By Byron. The second quarterly conference of the Byron charge was held last Saturday at Liberty Chapel. Sever al Byronites were in attendance. Mrs. T. D. Warren has been quite ill for the past few days, but her condition is better to-day (Monday). Rev. N. T. Pafford assisted in, a revivakat the Methodist church in Oglethorpe last week, and this week he is helping in a meeting at Macon. Dr. Moultrie Warren came home last Friday from Vanderbilt Univer sity, having completed the medical course there. Dr. Warren bids' fair to rank among the best physicians of the country. His friends are anx ious that he should locate here, and it is probable he will do so. Rev. B. A. Geiger and family are recovering from lagrippe, which seems to have been epidemic, as none of,.the family escaped. It was announced at the Metho dist Sunday school last Sunday, by the superintendent, 4hat on next Sunday, 15th, offerings for starving India would be received. Members and friends will please will please bear this in mind.* A “Luncheon!’was served the pub lic at the residence of Maj. E. H. Ezell last Friday evening by the la dies of the Baptist church foi the benefit of that church. Thb affair was most pleasent, and the results very gratifying. -SATURDAY MORNING. 10:30. Devotional exercises. . 11:00. Preaching. Organization and adjournment im mediately after preaching. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 2:30. Devotional exercises. 3:00. Snbject: Missions*. 3:30. Duty of pastor concerning missions. 4:00. Duty of church concerning missions. 4:30. Duty of individual Chris tians concerning missions. 5:00. Adjournment. SATURDAY EVENING. 7:15. Devotional exercises. 7:45. Preaching. SUNDAY MORNING. • 9:30. Sunday School mass meet ing. 1st. • Song and prayer service, 30 minutes. 2nd. The relation that should ex ist between Sunday school and church, 30 minutes. 3rd. Sunday school work in gen eral, 30 minutes. 11:00. Preaching by Dr. A. A. Marshall, President of Monroe Fe male College. After preaching adjournment. SUNDAY AFTERNOON. 2:30. Devotional exercises. 3:00. Discussion of Houston coun ty work. 3:30. Reports from field. 4:00. Condition and needs of field. 5:00. Adjournment. SUNDAY EVENING. 7:15. Devotional exercises. 7:45. Preaching. W. J. Holtzclaw, J. A. Harris, Committee. Teaclicrs taice Notice. Arrangements nave been made to P^y the teachers of the county at t lie expiration of each month. Money isdow id hand for the third month, and teachers can secure ri-tm? at any time. Money for the s fcoud "mouth has not yet arrived from Atlanta, but is looked for every day. Most Respectfully, E, S. Wellons C. S C. Card of Thanks. I return thanks to the citizens •if Perry and all others present for Jheir kindness to me during ! tie fire at my house last Friday. J. B. Smith. Perry, Ga., April, 10—1900. GEORGIA CHAUTAUQUA, Twefth Annual Session, Albany. Ga., April 22nd to 28th, 1900. For this occasion the Central of Georgia Railway will sell low-rate round trip tickets from Macon, Fort Gaines, Bainbridge and Columbus, Colored Educational Meeting. To the colored teachers of Hous ton county. There will be beld on 3rd Satur day,21stinst »jtn educational meet ing, (New Hope Baptist church, commencing at 11 a. m.) to which you are cordially invited to attend. Respectfully John F. Webb G. W. Humphreys. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern which is not afraid to be generous. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds have given away over teu million trial bottles, and have the satisfaction of knowing it has cured thousands of hopeless'cases. Asth ma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe and ail throat, Chest and Lnng diseases are surely cured by it. Call on H 41. Holizeiaw, Druggist, and get a free trial bottle. Rpgnlar size 50c and SI Every bottle guaranteed MELVIN, General Repair Shop. We Set; the Clock Right And charge moderately for the work. Timepieces which have become erratic in their movements, going fast or slow, or not going at all, "will be put in thor ough working order, and guaranteed, at moderate prices. J. L. FINCHER, FORT VALLEY, GA. GIFTS FOR FIVE MILLION LADIES. TheiMost Remarkable Offer Ever Made by a Reliable,Concern. Ga., Eufaula and Columbia, Ala.^ and fetermediate points, at one fare round trip, plus 25 cents admission, to civilians; and at one cent per mile in each direction for military compa nies in uniform—20 or more on one ticket. Tickets on sale April 21st to 28th inclusive, limited for return three days from date of sale. From all other points on Central of Georgia Railway,and from South eastern Passenger territory, fare and a third, on the certificate_plan. The Central offers unusually at tractive schedules, and perfect pas senger service to and from Albany. For full particulars, rates, sched ules, programiness, etc., apply to any agent of -this company, or to J. C. Haile, Geu. Pass. Agt, Savannah, Ga. In almost every neighborhood there is some one whom life ha. been saved by Chamberlain’s Co! ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chiouic- diarrheai by the use of that medi cine. Such persons make a pour of telling of it whenever opportu nity offers, hopiug that it may lv.- the means of saving oth r lives. For sale by all dealers —We are are prepare.! for the Fishing season. HeplES, Lines, Sinkers, Poles, &o L. M. Paul. To Cure Constipation Forever# Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25a* II G. C. C. fail to cure,- druggists refund moaey. MERITORIOUS PREPARATION. —Mr. W. J. Walker, of Craw ford county is a candidate for state senator for .the 23 1 seoa'orial dis trict,- and bis announcement ap pears in this paper. Mr. Walker is the present representative of BY AMOS GRAY, M. D. _ ... United Stat^fejaltU Reports.. After exposing^aij^condemniDg many of the doubtful and’even injurious prep arations for the hair and scalp which are produced and put on the market by dif ferent manufacturers,it is indeed a great relief to be able to make a report npon so worthy a preparation , as “Anti-kink ” It is a preparation that will straighten and take the kink out of curly hair, and is manufactured and sold to the trade by Darragh & Rich, of New York City. In common justice to these gentlemen, we as heartily commend it as we have in the past condemned many so-called hair growers aiid restorers, and other prepa rations for'the hair and scalp. For some days “Anti-kink” has been the subject of a painstaking investiga tion on the pari; of the compilers of these Reports, ffiid a spirit of fairness impels the statement- that the most searching examination brought to light much in connection with “Anti-kink” that is wor thy of the highest consideration; in fact, it in every respect merits our highest praise, and affords the most gratifying results and absolute safety in its use* There is no head of hair that is so kinky or curly, no matter what the na tionality or color may be, that a thirty (30) day treatment of “Anti-kink” will not straighten out in' a most gratifyidg manner. If properly and vigorously applied, as directed, it will impart such a lustre aud brilliancy to' the hair as will make the nse of all other preparations as Brillian- tine entirely unnecessary. We have devoted-much time and labor to a thorough investigation of this truly wonderful hair preparation,in order that we might intelligently advise our read ers all over this broad laud, whose inqui ries reach us by every mail as to its vir tues and worth, and it is with a high degree of satisfaction that we find the' results of our investigation warrant us in giving “Anti-kink” the strongest ed itorial and official endorsement of the United States Health Reports. Those who follow the suggestions herein con tained may rest assured that in every es sential feature “Anti-kink” will be found Editor Home Journal Flease announce that for a limited time we will give, absolutely free, an elegant sterling silver plated sugar shell—choice of any of onr 40c. patterns—to every married lady in the United States who will write us a letter stating that it is her first request for one of our souve nir gifts. We wiil promptly send illustrations from which selection may be made. There is nothing to pay. The gift is absolute. Onr object in making this sensational offer is every most effective advertising that we can do. We will not send these sugar shells to lists of name3. This is too expensive a gift to send to ore each lady will please send her own name only, But one to a family and none to children. Ladies, please write to-aay, giving full postof- QU AKER VALLEY MFG. CO. fice address. Morgan and Harrison Sts., Chicago, 111. BESTFORTHE BOWELS uuiTcio every uuy, you re bu.R, or win uc* Jtveep your bowels open, and be well. Force, in the shape of violent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. The smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping the bowels clear and clean is to take CANDY CATHARTIC » WM nMKTIC JK ^TRADEMARK registered GEORGIA—Houston County. J. T. Lisenby. administrator of the es tate of Harmon H. Lisenby, deceased, has applied for dismissibn from liis trnst. This is therefore to cite all .persons concerned to appear at the May term, 1900, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should net be granted. Witness my official signature this February 5,1900, SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary Pipe Fittings, Engine Trimmings, St ea Fittings, Elbows, Tees, Unions,'JGppW Globe and Angle Valves, Steam r ™ Water Guages, Tallow Cnps, Lnbriea. tors. Inspirators, etc., Belting, Hose and Packing, Lubricating Oils. I manufacture a Belt Dressing t ], ■will positively prevent Belts ”fr 0 m slipping: m Bicycle Repairing A SPECIALTY. I am thoroughly equipped for all kinds of Bicycle Repairing. All kinds of Bicycle Material on hand. UPeixisna. Salats The BEST HOUSE PAINT market. on the W. ’ll. MELVIN, Fort Talley, G a , IMTOIETIErr To lend on mortgage at 8 per ceat. No Commissions Charged. If yon borrow $1,000 yon receive SI 000. Yon furnish, abstract, pay for recording, inspecting fees and stamps; Apply to L. S. TGUXSLEY, Attorney-at-Law/ Perry, Ga. Mew Store! New Goods! PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY! I hate jusi opened a nice line of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES in the Feagin Building at. . . With Mr. W. B. Stafford as manager, and will sell goods at Macon prices. I solicit the patron age of the community. Respectfully, JOSIAH BASS. Spring’s Steps Are on the heels of the tardy Winter, and all men’s thoughts Now turn to the shedding of Heavy clothes for lighter ones— We open the season with the biggest boast we have ever made, and that is in regard to our Bit $10,00 SUITS ill Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 30c, 25c, 50c. Write for free sample, and booklet on health. Address 8tcrl!ng Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, Now York. 322a KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Executor’s Sale. By virtue of an order by the court of Ordinary of Houston county, Ga., at the regular April term, 1900, of said court, I will sell before the court house door in Perry, Ga., on the 1st Tuesday in May, 1900, within the legal hours of sale, the following tracts or parcels of lands lying and being in the 9th district of said county,, belonging to estate of D. W. Visscher,} deceased, to-wit: 19 acres in the N. E. corner of lot No. 203, 183 acres of lot No. 182, 120 acres of lot No. 183, and 77 acres of lot No. 215, containing in all 399 acres, more or less. Said lands sold for the purpose of paying the debts and making distribution among the heirs of said deceased. H. A. Mathews, Ex’r. D. W. Visscher, dec’d. GEORGIA—Houston County. J. A. and W. B. Watson, administra tors of the estate of J. O. Watson, de ceased, have applied for dismission from said trust. This is therefore to citejall persons concerned to appear at' the 'July term, 1900, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this April 2,1900. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Houston County. Application having been made for M, l. Edwards, Clerk Superior conrt, to be appointed administrator cum testamento annexo of J. W. Hardison, deceased: This is therefore to cite aU persons coi cerned to appear at the May term, 1900, of the conrt of Ordinary of said county,and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this. April 2,1900. SAM. T. PURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County. W. L. Means has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Deanna Lane, deceased. This is therefore to cite aU persons con cerned to appear at the May term, 1900, of the court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness mv official signature this April 2,1900. . SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. Crawford coan’y, in tbe Georgia legislature and his service has . .... been faithful a'nd 'satisfactory to jtobe.a most excellent article, and sure his constituents. His reputation Itofchieve success where direetions are j ^ . followed. Salesmen wanted, as a citizen and as a represents tive is of tlie best, and be is coin mended by fellaw representatives of other counties. WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office I wish to open in this vicinity. Texas rivers overflowed their banks Good opening, for energetic, sober man. last week, and much damage to agri- Kindly mention this paper wlifcn writing ;1 culture resulted. In some sections a. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati, 0. | ! •a ■ GEORGIA Houston County. S. J. Kent has applied for dismission from guardianship of Mrs. Minnie Lee Schilling, nee Miss Minnie Kent. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the May term, 1900, of the court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this April 2, 1900. SAM T- HURST, Ordinary. Beam the ? yjTtlB Kind Yon I the corn crop was totally destroyed. Illustrated catalogue 4- cts. postage. : - >Y ■ mg', This is our hobby, and you’Jl find them all right. Would you examine the workman- snip? You T iI find ic first-class. The style? Right up-to-date. The patterns will suit the hard to suit, and sizes to fit all shapes. Give them a look. BENSON ft The Up-to-Date Clothiers, MACOE", 408 Third Street. GEORGIA. THE DADDY OF ’EM ALL Was made, Sold and Effected Scores of Cures of All Blood Dis eases Before Others Were Thought of. Guaran teed Purely Vegetable. The formula for our Blood Purifier has been in the possession of the Haslarn family alone for three-quarters of a century. Our Mr. J. E. Haslarn made S. S. S. for the first thirteen years of its existencs. After he ceased to make it he received the following letters: THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlanta, Ga., May 16,1895. Mr. J. E. Haslarn, Marshallville, Ga.: Dear Sir—Please inform ns how the roots were proportioned when you were making S. S. S. for us. Did you use equal quantities of each root? Thanking you in advance for the information, Very truly, The Swift Specific Co., By S. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlanta, Ga., May 18.1895. Mr. J. E. Haslarn, Marshallville, Ga.: Dear Sir—In reply to yonrs of 17th,you evidently misunderstood our former let- trr. What we want to know is that when you made S. S. S. for this company some years ago did you use the same quantity of each root. We cannot see how this in formation could affect your business, and if you can give it we would appreciate the favor. Very truly, Swift Specific Co. Ask your druggist for it and take no other. §1.00 per bottle, 6 bottler for §5. H. H, H. COMPANY. MarshaUville, Ga. HOLTZCLAW’S DRUGSTORE, Perry, Ga. MANKIND MUST EAT DRINKand SLEEP We have the accommodations at onr Hit 411411 «®« S41« We supply all the Best ’Brands of WHISKIES, BRANDIES AND WINES. HOME MADE CORA! WHISKEY a Specialty. JUG ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTiON. MEALS 25- cents. BEDS 25 cents. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. IKE I, G, HARDISON WHISKEY C0„ 508 Foplar Street. MACON, Ga. FERTILIZERS. We are SOLE AGENTS in Middle Georgia for the—- SWIFT FERTILIZER WORKS’ Pure Animal Matter Fertilizers. . We can furnish you anything in the GUANO LINE. li will pay you to see usYbefore placing your order. MATTE! & WAfSS, 519, 521 & 523 Poplar St., MACOJf, GA. ! J- -