The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, April 12, 1900, Image 3

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Sidewalk Gleanings. LOCAL HEWS OF TOWH SHE COEHTY local news, GROCERIES. A fresh lot of Evaporated Syrup in 1 gallon cans; also in barrels. Qianticies of Prunes, Evapora ted Peaches and Apples. Wiley’s celebrated Candies iD fancy boxes for Easter. Every kind of Heinz’s celebra ted Pickles and Condiments. AH kinds of Canned Meats ard Fruits. Best Cheese and Macaroni. Goshen Batter to arrive. Yery respectfully, W. B. SIMS. new political an- at —Don’t be undecided about a Corset. Buy the Kabo at SI.00, or the W. K. at 50c. Either one is a gem at the price.. We've got all the sizes. L. M. Paul. —Pratt’s Food makes money for the dairyman, the poultry keeper, horse owner and swine raiser. Yon will find it at J. D. Martin, Jb’s. —I have a good work. Horse for sale. Feed M. Houses. Thorough-bred Barred Plymouth Bock eggs for sale, $1 per setting. Duck eggs 50 cents. Chas. O. Kegg, Perry, Ga. —30 hour Alarm Clocks, 79c. each. At Perby P. O. Perry Municipal Election. The voters of the town of Perry are hereby officially notified that the annual election for a Mayor and six AldermeD, to serve during the ensuing year, will be held on Saturday, the 14th day of April, 1900. K. N. Holtzclaw, Mayor. T. M. Killen, Clerk. First-Class .Lumber. I have on hand a nice lot of first- class Flooring and Ceiling, thor oughly dried, and nicely jdressed. Can furnish any dimensions of rough and dressed lumber. A. J. Houser, Eva, Ga. —Go to W. D. Day’s to buy Coat’s Spool Cotton. H. Clark, C-hauncey, Ga., says BeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cared him of piles that had afflicted him for twenty years. It is also a speedy cure for skin diseases. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. Hotlzclaw’s Drugstore. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smote Your life Away. To quit tobacco easily and torever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, talce No-To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or SI. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Acdress Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. wwri CLEAN TOWELS. SHARP RAZORS. WHITE BARBER. Will appreciate a call from you. JESSE DOLES, Fobt Valley, Ga. Rear of Dr. Hobbs’ Drugstore. TAX RECEIVER’S APPOINTMENTS. —Perry municipal election next Saturday. —Bead the nouncements. - —The moonites fear a.cold snap will borne: with easter day. —The prospect for a good fruit crop was never better than now. —Mr. Kirby Jones of Americas is in Perry visiting his mother, Mrs. George Paul. —Houston Baptist Union at Fort Valley April .28th and 29th. See program in this paper. —The program of exercises for memorial day is about complete, and will be published next week. —Miss Louise Biley reiurned home last week from an extended visit to relatives and friends Fort Valley. —Jadge Fort, who is announced a candidate for congress, was with the people at Perry Taesday and Wednesday. —Miss Maggie Bentz of near GrovaDia, was in Perry last Satur day and Sunday, the guest of Miss Mattie Miller, k —Mrs. R. W. Gamble of Macon is in Perry visiiirig her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Fudge, who returned home last Sunday, —Much cotton was planted last week, and within another week the entire crop will be planted, the weather permitting. —An entirely green egg, jnst as laid by the duck, was sent to this office with 8 others Wednesday morning by Mrs. 0. O. Kegg. —Mr. John Murph and Miss Edna Frederick of Marshallville were in Perry last Sunday, guests at the home of Judge A. 0. Biley. —Some orchard owners report that many of the young peaches are falling off, and apprehension is felt that the crop may be short. —We are glad to note that Mr. Felder Houser, of near Myrtle, is steadily recovering from a severe and protracted attack of peritoni tis. will be pleas ingly illustrated at the court house- in Perry Thursday night, April 12th. This will be done by Mr. Polk Miller, a literary artist of Houston democrats who desire to votain the primary on May 15th, must register not later thaD May 5th. In order that this may be con venieuiiy done, books for the pur- —The Perry Epworth League will present a special Easter pro gram at their regular service next Sunday afternoon. Everybody in vited. —The first ripe strawberry we have seen this season came from the garden of Mrs, J. N. Tattle at the Perry Hotel, and was shown Tuesday afternoon. —Bev. T. W. Ellis went down to Valdosta Monday morning in res ponse to a telegram summoning him to the bedside of his mother, who was seriously ill. —The grand jury presentments, a letter from Pension Commission er Lindsay to Ordinary Hurst, and other original articles, appear on the first page of this paper, -The annual Perry Public School picnic will be enjoyed at Bay creek on Friday, April 13th. The pat rons are invited to join the teach ers and pupils in this outing. —Not a few Houston farmers are now feeling the disagreeable effects of a short corn crop last year. They are “hedging” against a repetition of that condition. —Mrs. M. A. Hodges, who has been in Perry, two months with For the purpose of receiving state and .. . county tax returns for 1900, 1 will be ats of her sod, the editor rinfAQ nnmAi! ? * nf .fliia nnnpr ia now in hi n nor fho the following places on the dates named: Perry, Monday and Taesday, April 2nd and 3rd. Haslam, Wednesday, April 4th, a ; m, Barrow’s Mill, Wednesday. April 4th, p. m. Fort Talley, Thursday, April 5th, all day. Powersville, Friday, April 6th, a. m. Claud, Friday, April 6th. p. m. Byron, Saturday, April 7th, a. m, Hattie, Saturday, April 7th,,p. m. Perry, Monday, April 9th, all day. Taylor’s, Tuesday, April 10th, p. m. Henderson, Wednesday, April Cl, a.m. Elko, Wednesday, April 11th, p. m. Grovania, Thursday, April 12th, a. m. Haynevilie, Thursday, April 12th, p. m. Kathleen, Friday, April 13th, a. m. Bonaire, Friday, April 13th, p. m. Dennard, Saturday, April 14th, a. m. •Heard, Saturday, April 14th, p. m. Toy, Monday, April 16th, a. m. Wellston, Monday, April 16th, p. m. Respectfully, B. T. Stafford, T. R. H. C. EGGS FOR SALE. Pit Games SI.50 per 15. Cornish Indian Games S1.50 and $5.00 per 15. Mammoth Bronze Turkeys $2.00 per 9. EELDENVALE POULTRY YARDS, mcli22-2m JE. L. Dennard, Dennard, Ga. FRED. M. HOUSER IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Meat, Corn, Oats, Meal, Flour, - Salt, Syrup, Soap, Potash, Shoes, Checks, Sheeting, Notions, Tinware, Hardware, &e. Come to see me. of this paper, is now visiting the family of her nephew, Mr. H. E. Taiton, near Kathleen. —More grain harvesting ma chines have been sold in Houston this spring than ever before in one year. Several such machines have been on exhibition near the eonrt house in Perry this week. —Within ten days LaGrippe has invated nearly every home in Perry’, and it might be said that the malady is now epidemic. We are glad to note, however, that there are no serious results. —Thesoeial and Literary month ly meeting of the Perry Epworth League will be held next Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Ca milla King beginning at 8 o’clock. All Leaguers are requested to be present promptly. —More than 600 ^Wbite voters have already registered, and it is hoped all will have done so before May 5th. Any one can register at any time, but in the district books the voters mast register in their respective districts. —We are requested to say that the people of Fort Valley will be prepared to entertain a large num ber of delegates ard visitors dur ing the meeting of the Houston Coanty Baptist Union. They ex pect a large crowd and cordially invite attendance. Each train on the days of the meeting will be met by the reception committee, and homes provided ail who come. —For several weeks it has been said that the best wheat in the county was the patch belonging to. Mr. W. J. Msore, near the Perry railroad depot.- List Saturday morning we examined a six acre patch of wheat belonging to Mr. E. E. Barrow in the Upper 14th district, that is equally as good, if not better, than Mr.- Moore’s wheat. Mr. Barrow may contest for one of Macon premiums. Virginia, who comes here under i pose have been piaffed in all the the auspices of the Perry Lyceum.! districts, at the places and with the Mr. Polk Miller is reported to be the best dialect talker and sing er ever beard on the Southern stage. ^Besides he is a master per former on the banjo. In order that our readers may have an idea of what a. treat is in store for those who attend the en tertainment Thursday night, we reproduce a few comments from well-knowB men. Gen Fitzhngh Lee says: "I kaow Polk Miller well. When he is sketching the ‘foe de war’ negro, if you did not know that he was Polk Miller you would think he was a darkey of olden time, and if yon didn’t know he was an old- time darkey yon would think he was Polk Miller.” Mark Twain in introdneiog Mr. Miller at.the Madison Square Gar den concert Hall, New York city, said: “Mr. Miller is thoroughly competent to entertain you with his sketches of the old-time negro, and I not only commend him to your intelligent notice, bnt I per sonally endorse him. The stories I have heard him tell are the best I have ever heard.” We could give many more such notices, but these are sufficient. At the court house Thursday night. Performance begins at 8 o’clock. Admission 50e. and 15c. Will be Sent to Paris. The following letter explains it self; Atlanta, Ga., March 30,1900, Prof. E. H. Holland, Prin., Perry, Ga. Dear Sir:—In accordance with our pledge and the desire of the United States Commission to the Paris Exposition, the following pa pers, that were submitted by yonr pupils in competition for the prizes that we recently offered, have been selected and forwarded with many others and the prize essays, to the United States Commissioner of Education, to the Paris Exposition, and they will be kindly given a good place in the United States Educational Exhibit, These papers, of each class, will be handsomely bound in separate volumes, in turkey morocco and gilt, and stamped in gold on the side as per the inclosed slip. With kind regards, American Book Company, By Jos. Van Holt Nash. The papers referred to are those written by Miss Clifford Powers (prize essay), Asa Woodward, Sam Hodges, Miss Cora Chapman, Miss May Thurmond, Miss Alice Hoi land and Miss Annie Blewster. The patrons, teachers and friends of onr school have just cause for feeling gratified that so many pu pils wrote essays which were con sidered worthy to form a part of Georgia’s Educational exhibit at the woild’s fair-in Paris. The awards were all made by a com mittee of able judges selected by the American Book Co. persons named below': Hattie,—with M. F. Etheridge. JtVellston,—with W. C. WatsoD. ByroD,—with O. L. Bateman. Powersville,—At Carter’s store. Chance,—at Mathews’ & Go’s store. Fort Yalley, —with B.H. Wright. Myrtle—with G.D. Anderson,Jr. Heard,—with J. M. Heard. Claad,—with E. Sullivan. Bonaire,—with W. A. King, Kathleen,—with W. B. DuPrse. Haynevilie,—at Haley’s store. Elkr,—at store of Eubanks & Co, Henderson,—at store of Hodge & Eubankfe. Lower 14th,—witb.T. J. Sanders Upper 14tb,—at Barrow’s mill. At Court House. Superior Court. The first week of oar Superior court was concluded last Thursday afternoon when the grand jury was discharged for the term. All but two of 45 civil cases were finally-disposed of. The second week began at about 11;40 Monday morning, and the criminal docket called. Tuesday morniog . Mr. Jo-I T. Laoe was placed on trial under in dictment for murder, he having shot and killed a negro man, below Henderson, last November. The case was given the -jury at about 6 p. m., and at 10 a verdict of not guilty was rendered. Wednesday morning Steve Fred erick, col., was placed on trial for murder. The court will probably adjourn for the term Thursday. For ShciiSf. To tLe Democratic "Yoterslof Houston County:— I respectfully announce my candidacy for re- election to the office of Sheriff, subject to the primary of Stay 15th, promising a faithful dis charge of the trust reposed. Faithful! Hy, M. L. Cooper. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Houston county, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, Fort Valley, Ga. J. F. Troutman, Jr. The friends of Henry J. Brown take pleas ure in announcing his candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Houston county, subject to the democratic primary. We ask for him the sup port of all our citizens, and promise that if elected he- will perform the duties of the office as well as any man in our county. For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Ordinary of Houston county, subject to demo cratic nomination. In all probabUity you will never have an opportunity of voting for an old Confederate for this office again, as we are fast passing over the river, and will soon be resting under the shade '' i of the trees. Respectfully, J. W. Colter. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Houston county, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, Sam. T. Hurst. Having received encouragement from all sec tions of the county, I announce myself a candi date for the office of Ordinary,of Houston coun ty, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, Jno. H. Hodges. For Cleric of the Superior Court. I am a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston county, Ga., at the ensuing election; subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, M. A. Edwards. I hereby announce mysglf a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston county, subject to Democratic nomination. Respectfully, „ I. T. WOODARD. Henderson Dots. BY STEW PAN. miss Rogers’ Entertainment. The most enjoyable society event of the season was the Yiolet Te.a given by Miss Nell Bogers Tues day evening, at the lovely home of her mother, on* Washington Ave , in houor of her charming guest, Miss Barfield, of Unadilla. At 9 o’clock the doors were thrown open| to admit the guests, the leading members of the social set. The floral decorations were beautifully artistic in their sim plicity. The hall and parlor were daintily perfumed with the odor from many lovely sprays of the Yellow Jessamines. The diniDg room was profusely decorated with the modest violet, and as the coup les assembled to partake of the ele gant repast, the ladies in tbeir dainty evening dresses and the gentlemen, handsome and gallant, the delicate violet glow from the lamps which was cast oyer all, made up a perfect picture of artis tic beauty. Probably the most enjoyable feature of the evening was the music, by Miss Laeson and Miss Cooper, -also the Cornet Soioes, Schuberts Serenade—and a selection from “The Bohemian Girl,” by Mr. E. H. BraseltoD, which were thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. Braselton is certainly an artist in this line, and the selections last night were especially appropriate for the occasion. The guests v£ry reluctantly took their departure in the wpe - sma’ hoars’—all voting Miss Bogers a charming hostess. April 4th. Reporter. Bain is much needed in this com munity now, but the corn is look ing fine, that which has come up, though much will be re-planted. Bev. Wm. J. Holtzclaw filled his regular appointment here 3an : day; he will be pastor of the Bap list church here this year. There is some talk of a game of base ball between the Jnniors of Henderson and the Juniors of El ko at Henderson, on the fourth Saturday, April 28th. I will tell you more about it later. Last Saturday was eonrt day here. Perry was well represented here Sunday when those, pretty gi.fls came; come again girls. Messrs, Eugene and Dempsey- Brown of Grovania, were ^here Sunday. Misses Edith and Elina Houser of Elko, attended preaching here Sunday. The old negro sayings, “a good many from hero are. attending big meetirg (that is court) in Perry this week. I heard one old negro say the other day that when' court was go ing on in Perry, “dat; he jes keep one plank tore up in de middle of bis hoase-all the time, so if de sheref comes atter him dat he jus goes through where the plank is tore up, and tells his wife to tell the sheriff dat Daniel isn’t home.” The boys say that they are going to have a base ball team right; and expect to defeat every team they play; so lookout. It looks like it wants to rain, so - I will watch the clouds as they pass over. So good bye,hoping to hear from Socks soon. April .9,1900. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce my candidacy for Tax Re ceiver of Houston county, subject to democratic primary. Feeling profoundly thankful for for mer favors, 1 will fully appreciate the support of the democracy of Houston in this contest. c. D. Anderson. At the primary held last Satur day, the following ticket for Mayor and aldermen of Perry was nomi nated without opposition. They will make good officers, and will be elected next Saturday. FOR MAYOR, W. C. DAYIS. FOR ALDERMEN, Dr. J. B. SIMS, E. S WELLONS, J. J. MABSUBUBN, B H. ANDREW, J. B. MILLER, A. A SMOAK “I think DeWitt’s Little Early Bisers are the best pills in the world,” says VY. E. Lake,-Happy Creek, Ya. They remove all ob structions of the liver and-boweis, act quickly and never gripe. Holtz- claw’s Drugstore. —FIELD for sale; apply at once. Also, Georgia Gronndpeas. Ga. SPANISH GBODNDPEAS — 100 bushels for sale, on fBrm near Mossy Hill. Address, E. J. Thompson, Perry, Ga. —5,000. stalks Green Sugar Cane, 1,500 pounds conntry cured Hams, 1,000 pounds country Lard for sale at correct prices. A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga. lam prepared to repair Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., at low rates, guaranteeing satisfaction. Call at store of Mr. F. M. Houser. J.S. Bainey, Perry, Ga. —I am Agent for the celebrated Chattanooga tytwo-horse Plows; and fixtures always on hand. W, D.Day. In reipoDse to the earnest solicitation of many friends, I announce myself' a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver sf Houston coun ty, subject to democratic nomination, and will appteciate the support of the voters of the county without a thorough canvass. Respectfully, J. H. Culler. I take this method of announcing my nume to ray friends of Houston county as a candidate for Tax Receiver; subject .to democratic nomi nation. Notice wiU lie given through the col umns of the Home Journal of- my rounds among my friends, as stated in my card. A. McD. King, Echeconnee, Ga. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Houston county, sub ject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, B. T. Stafford. Eor Tax Collector. I hereby annotmee myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Houston county, sub ject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, S. L. Speight, Henderson, Ga I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Houston County, subject to Democratic nomination. BROWN RILEY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector of Houston county, subject to action of the democratic party,and will appreciate the support of my feUow citizens. R. J. DuBbee. The many friends of Mb. R. G.' WATSON announce him a oandidate for Tax Collector of Houston county, subject to democratic nomi nation. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Houston coun ty, subject to democratic nomination. The as sistance of my friends, and all democrats, is earnestly solicited. J. C. Davidson. Having been earnestly solicited to enter the race for Tax Collector of Houston county, and urged hy a large number of friends from all over the county, X hereby announce my candi dacy for that office, subject to democratic nom ination. I will fully appreciate the support Iff the democrats of Houston. TV. B. Brooks. For County .Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Count'/ Treasurer of Houston county, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, Jno. H. Houser. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Houston county, subject to democratic nomination. W. J. Moore. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Commissioner of Roads and Reve nnes of Houston county, subject to dem ocratic nomination. Respectfully, Geo. M. JPeagin. Through the solicitation of my friends I have consented to become a candidate for County Commissioner of Houston county, subject to democratic nomina tion. Respectfully, Allen J. Todd. —Pratt’s Poultry Food is the greatest poultry regulator knownT Ark for Pratt’s—take no other. J. D. Martin, Je. J. L Carson, Protbonotary, Wash ington, Pa., says, “I have found Kodol Dyspepsia Cure~an excellent remedy in case of stomach trouble, and have derived great benefit from its use.” It digests wbat yon eat and can not tail to-enre. Holtz claw’s Drugstore. —Remember, Pratt’s Food cures and prevents cholera,, and makes young pigs grow. For sale by ■ - J. D. Martin, Je - —We have the new Palley Belts in black, white and the desirable colors. 25e. and 50e. L M.' Paul. —Tops, Top Cords,-Marbles and Fishing Tackel. At PereyP. O. That Throbbing; Headache would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have prov ed their matchless merit for Sick Heada'ches. They make pare blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents; Money back if not cured. Sold by H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist. -Best Timothy for sale by Fred M. Houser. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. To the People of Houston County:— I desire to announce that I am a can didate for nomination for the office of- Solicitor General of the Macon circuit,: at the democratic nomination on May 15th. If I receive the nomination, it will’ be the prime object of my official career to so fill the office that when I retire therefrom you- will say to me, ‘I Well done'good and faithful servant.” Mabmaduke G. Bayne. For Solicitor General. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of Solicitor General of the:Macon Cir cuit, subject to the democratic primary. . Respectfully, Jas. jp. Duncan. I hereby announce myself a candidate for So licitor General of the Macon Circuit, subject'to the democratic primary to be eeld May 15th, Most Respectfully, Hope Pot.htt.t.. At the request of friends I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of Commissioner cif Roads and Revenues of Houston county, subject to demoerrt- ic nomination. * Respectfully, Lower Town District. J. H. Allen. 1 hereby announce myself a candidatefort be office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Houston county, subject to democratic nom ination. Respectfully, Grovania, Ga: J. J- Houser. We, vojters of the Upper Fifth and Tenth Dis tricts, recognizing Mr. W. D. Tharp as a man well equipped in business qualifications, re spectfully present him to the voters of Houston county as a candidate for the office of commis sioner of ltoads and Bevenues, subject to dem ocratic nomination. I hereby announce myself d candidate for lommissioner of Roads and Eevenues of Hous ton county, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, Zach Hays. The many friends of Mr. W. C. Lewis respect fully announce him a candidate for Commis sioner of Roads and Bevenues of Honston coun ty, subject to democrat nomination. I hereby annotmee myself a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Honfton county, subject to democratic ap proval. I hope the voters of the county will give me a liberal support without a house to house canvas, as 1 do not approve of that. Hattie, Ga. do not approv Respectfully, D. Cherry. I hereby announce myself a candidaee for Commissioger of Roads and Revenues of Hous ton county, snbject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, E. L. Dennard. The friends of Mi. T. J. Sanders, of the Low er 14tli district, annotmee him a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Reve nues of Honston county, subject to democratic nomination. We ask for him the support of democrats throughout the county, knowing that if elected he will faithfully and efficiently perform the duties of the office. To the Good People of Houston: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Commissioner ofJRoads and Revenues of Houston county, subject to democratic nom ination. Respectfully, R. C. Aultman, Claud, Ga. To the Voters of Honston County; L hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, E. XL Wimberly, Jr., For State-Senator. I hereby announce myself a candidate for State (Senator from the 23rd District, snbject to action of the democratic pri mary of May 15th/ If choson, I promise faithful service. Respectfully, "W, J. Walker. - For 'Ihe JLiegislature. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative of Honston county ih the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia, subject't Assembly of Georgia, subject to demoerat- is nomination. I hope the voters win consider my candidacy favorably without requiring a canvass of the county, as it will be impractica ble for me to do so. Respectfully, S. S. Taylor. To the People of Honston County;— I respectfully ask your support in the demo cratic primary for Representative from this county m the next General Assembly. I prom ise, if elected, to serve yon faithfully and to the best of my ability. Respectfully, C. C. Richardson. T. V. Fagan, Fort Valley, Ga. Haynevilie, Ga. In response to the solicitations of my friends of this section of the county, I announce myself a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Honston county (full term), subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, W. B. Watson, Bonaire, Ga. . For Coroner. I hereby announee myself a candidate Jor the office of Coroner of Houston county, snbject to democratic nomina- tion.; Respectfully, A. B. Schilling. For Surveyor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Surveyor of Houston sSounty, and it-is unnecessa ry to say more than that as I was bom a domocrat and have always been a demo crat, I shall continue to be a democrat and abide the nomination. Respectfully, G. W, Killen. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Surveyor of Honston conn ty, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully,- W. L. Carr, Subscribe for the Home Journal PHATT’S FOOD,' The Greatest of Animal Regulators. Makes horses robust and healthy by regulating the bowels, blood and digestive organs. Purifies the liver and kidneys, and thoroughly reno vates the horse’s system. Makes the dairy profitable hy pro ducing more milk and butter; calves grow strong and sturdy, and Hog Cholera is never known where Pratt’s Food is fed. It makes young pigs grow quickly and free from disease, and their meat juicy and tender. . ZF>0"CriITOOID THE GREATEST OF P0ULTSY BEGULATOES Makes hens lay regularly, cures and pre vents Cholera, Boup, Gapes, and all diseases of the flock. Young chicks grow healthy and free from disease when Pratt’s Food is Ted regularly. Pratt’s Food for Animals, 25a. the package. Pratt’s Food for Animals, 50c. the package. Pratt’s Food for Animals, 75c. the bag. Pratt’s Food for Poultry, 10c. trial package. Pratt’s Food for Poultry, 25c. the package. A coupon and measure in each package. Practical Hints” free, by J. D. Martin, Jr. Latest novelties in Dog Co’lar and Pulley Belts, Ladies’ Ties and Collars. .•■AT DAY’S.,, Everything new, pretty and attractive. An exquisite line of Embroideries and Laces in newest patterns. AH over Embroideries and Tucking witb-Lace for Shirt Waist Fronts. Tucked Or gandie with • Puffs for Yoking and Waists. B. & G. and Thompson’s Glove-Fitting Corspts. Kid Gloves, BibboD, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Shoes, Hate, at prices that can’t be beat. ¥he Season -FOR- Shirt : Waists. A nice line of ready- to - wear . Waists just : received. 40c to $1 each. A fine line of Silk Waist Pat terns. Among them are new pas tel shades, no two alike, from 75c. to 81.00 per yard. Colored Wool Fabrics. The newest things in Colored and Black All-Wool Goods for Skirts and Suits at— 50c. per yard, worth 75c. A beautiful line of Ladies’ Em broidered Handkerchiefs at 15c. and 25c. New Cotton Dress Hoods. A charming assortment of Col ored and White Goods. Fine Solid Organdie, - 40c Irish Dimity, fine cords, worth 25c, for 15c. English Madras, fast colors, 15c. Best yd wide Sea Island Percale— 12|c. 36 in. Fine French Percale, 16§c. Fine quality Imported Dimity, figured and stipes, - 15c. Good Shirting Prints, - 5c. Best Aprom Ginghams, - 6c. eosti m© sit m A Hew Spring Hat Is what yon need now. Lay aside the old dusty, weather-beaten winter hat you have been wearing so long and let ns fit you with something new and stylish for Easter. Our line is this' season as it usually is, com plete in every detail. The old, the middle-aged, the young, can all be fitted. Special notice has been given to the .. . Light-Colored Alpines and Crushers. Some new patterns;,, and the season’s latest will he found in this line. Men’s Straw Hats. Everything embraced in this line from the cheap Palmetto farm Hats the Straws for the tastes of the most fastidious. Boys’ and Youth’s Straw Hats. Special lines of these goods at the popular prices^ 25c. and 50c. All the sizes. Little Boys’ Hats from lOe. to 50e. Children’s Sailors, 25e. and 50c. Come early and we. will be sure to haye your size. - L. M. FAtTli* Berry, Ga. If You Want Anything in BEDBOOM SUITES, PAELOB SUITES, DINING TABLES, SID^JBOABDS Chairs of any kind, Tables of all sorts, BEDSTEADS/ MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES s ' AND POKES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., You can save money at Paul’s Furniture Store, A complete line of COFPIHS and CASKETS always on hand. GEORGE PAUL, Pe: