The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, April 19, 1900, Image 1

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jr W. 3- riizgerald-: T. G.EitzgeraliL Bi2 Creel PaaItrjFarni T ELKO, GA- ' Breeders of S. <T- Brorwn: Leghorns, Bangshans, Black Mlnorcas and fetin Ducks. Eggs at $1.50 fur 15. IF YOU WANT @88 um Try a policy in. Tie Union Central OF FR4ISE FOR POLHILE. —11 be pleased to serve you. T. UJ. WHITE, AgL, W- H. HARRIS, DEMT1ST. Successor te Dr. W. A. Blassengamc. OFFICE OVEE DOW LAWBA3JK, FOOT VALLEY. GEORGIA. Dr. H. W- DENTIST. Office, Onion Dry Goods Oo.^Cherry st. MACON GEORGIA. G. z. McArthur, DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over 3’appey’s Drugstore. White Plymouth Socks, AS GOOD AS TSi E BEST. Eggs—W. P. Bock, Pekin Docks and Bronze Turkeys $1.00 per setting if yon call at White Rock Poultry Farm, Petrov, GeoBGIA. darrafi R. Ellis, # # with WILLIS E. DENNY. 0 ffices : 11 & 12 Commercial BanfcBldg., Macon, Ga. r\ at. 33 ill? REE. Attoeney - ax - Law, Bibos’, Ga. Money to loan on Farm lands. J. R. SIMS.. OPERATIVE ,Y DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PEEBY, GA.. W c. 5 > .ANTES* ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FSBSY, GEORGIA. Raving retired from military service the practice of law is resumed. Office in Masonic Baildtng: up stairs B. J. DASHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Pebby, Ga. i3T Office in Masonic Building. G. C. DUNCAN. J. P. DUNGAN. DUNCAN £ DUNGAN. PERRY, GEORGIA. We have made arrangements to nego tiate loans on Farming lands,, at 8 par cent, interest, in sums of $300.00 and up wards, where seeuritv is lirst-claas. Loans on Farms PER GENT. AT We are now able tn negotiate loans on fanning lands PROMPTLY atsev- en per sent interest. Security Loan and ftastract Eq„ 370 Second st, Macon,. Ga, J. J. Cobb, T. B. West, President. Secretary <Sr Attorney. Loans negotiatad on improved farms, at lowest market rates, and an most*liberal terms. -juoiuoaa ux muccu v coaj »a More th«n- three m-minm dollars in loans negotiated. Facilities unsrtr- paased. HOWARD TB. -SMITH, No. 314 Second St.. THaotm, Ga. ELECTRO -GALVANIC BELT wfll cure all your Aches and'Pains; Dyspep sia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and aO. Ner- vous Troubles: Heart, Stomach, Liver ana Kidney Disorders; and the many nameless ills which afflict us. 3afe and P'.easant to wear at ail times, and liy anyone. Can be laundried and.wfll last for many years. The- Greatest ErieBtL to* Suffering; WomfiH, readily overcom ing all their Tnaladigg, hi-TghtTmino- tliegr eyes and clearing their aomplexrons. Price, 31. 3*2 and SB. accordmgto power. POSITIVELY GUARANTEED, feud ? for circTTlarg Bixie Etalrk Belt CliheiLdOljimne 1 County Tells of T¥?g Record in That County. The CuIIodsn Herald, contains a communication from, a citizen of Mourns county with, reference to Hon. Eope-Polhiil, of Bibb, who is a candidate for solicitor general, will be read with, interest in this circuit. The communication is as follows;; “Editor Herald: “Monroe county regrets that she is {lot in tile Macon circuit, for there is not a man hr the broad limits of our county who would not be delighted to help Hope. However, we cannot believe that the goad people of aur sister cir cuit will fail to elect him. “ While he has adopted; the great city of Macon as his home, ancthas now become one of her foremost lawyers and best, citizens, slili he never forgets hia old Monroe coun ty friends and is always ready to give a helping band and a cordial greeting.. “He is one of the strong yonng men of Georgia and is made of the stuff out qf which our best states men are fashioned. There to no office too high for. him to fill, and mark my prediction, he will yet be heard to the highest counsels of the state “The people of Bibb have here tofiore honored him by electing him to the Legislature, and old politicians at Macon said at the time that no man ever made such a. spl endid race He led tiie ti cket by a magnificent majority, and he did not disappoint his Mends in the halls of the Legislature, and was considered one of the very best representatives Bibb county ever had. He was the originator of the fell to permit the people to elect judges and solicitors by the people, for we all remember his letter to the opposing csndidates- in Bihb to allow the people to ex press their preference at the polls. But his opponents did not dare to accept the challenge. His propo sition to his opponents was enact ed into a law by the next Legisia tare, and now they are compelled to meet bim before the people of the mreoit. Hope is strong with the people, for he has been their friend. He is from them- and of them, and while he was a poor struggling teacher in this county, making money to educate himself upon, he was always popular and was con sidered one of the vary best teach ers he our county. He has proven faithful to every trnst. He is the soul of honor, and when he be comes solicitor'of his circuit, the evil doers had better emigrate. “ ‘When the just rule thepeo pie rejoice’, and £ believe it will not be long before the Macon cir cuit will have a. solicitor of whom it will he proud. “While Hope lived in Monroe county, he knew more people than any other six men, and every man, woman and. child in the county loved him, and we are told that nearly every man iu Bibb county is his personal friend.' “Hope is big hearted, Broad minded,, cultured, eloquent and truei Here’s hoping, that he will receive the largest majority that was ever given in such, a contest. Monroe. Cotton Mills as City Boilders. Wfey He Favors Sr. Lewis- Found His Folks at Last. A recent issue of the Mauufae hirers’ Becord’contains an article showing how cotton mills build up a town. Among ;other. things it Spreads- Lika Wildfire. When things are “thebest” they become “the best selling” Abra bam Hare, a leading druggist of Belleville, O., writes: “Electric Bitters are the-best selling bitters £ have handled to 20 years. Ton know why ? Most diseases begin in disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stom acfa, regulates- liver, kidneys and bawels r parifiesthB blaadi strength ens the nerves,hence cores malt* fades of maladies. £t builds np the entire system. Buts new life; and vigor into sSy weak, sickly, run down man or woman.” Brice 50 cants. Sold by K M. Holtzclaw, ■f-ihn McGowan, of Clay county, Ela,.claims to be the oldest pee- doner in this country- Recording to papers now on file to to^. hie is T2T years aid- Ha was born in Ireland an March 357T779, and came to this country in: ISG4. He enlisted in theSeventieth. Con neeticnt regnnenfcrn lHSB, when he Fnn officials are inclined, to believe hi« statement. “No familycan afford to be with out One Kfimte. Gough Gore It will stop a cough and cnre a cold rnm-fa- Him an?. otlffir medicine, writes C. W. Williams, Sterling ■Ftmr, Ba. Rentes croup, bronchi tie and all throat and graven harmless “Not" on! j~ do eotton m3 Is bring profits favstockfioiders-, they bring profits to all in a community by building up the towns in which they are located. They are em phatically the townbaildereof this section. They are filling the Car ol inas and Georgia with prosper ous towns. Columbia, which, was sleepy and unpromising,bus sprung from a population of10,036to 1800 to 30,000. It is now wide awake and fall of promise Griffin,, in Georgia, a town midway of Atlan ta and Macon, sapped by both,, was in a. state of decay, but co tton mi I is have placed it in a prosperous and substantial condition. Greenville, in Sooth Carolina, had 8,607’peo- pleih 1300; it will show inthenew ce nsus over 15,000., which had 5,500 in 1390, will, show 12,000 this year.. Gaffney, which consisted a few years ago of a rail road station and lime kiln, has been turned by mills into a pros perous little city of 3,000 people Pelzer, which was a spot on the map, now contains 8,000. North. Carolina is full of similar exam ples of growth from and through cotton mills. “When one investment brings fn dividends and general prosperity ii.isno tvonder that towns from the EioGrands all the way to the Po toman-are gathering capital and building many mills, and large mills, too, in some-cases. The cot ton mill movement in the south, is the wonder and glory of these times in the cotton states. It can not be carried too far. Biiild mills in big towns and in little towns, and even at road, crossings, for every well managed mill is a gold mine alike to stockholders and to the pa hi ie” ! One af the aid-time southern ne- WashingtauD. G., April 9,1900. j gross went fat Boston- to make his ( Editor Times Recorder: E desire | fortune. through your calumnsto call fcheat | After a wed: of walking up and teutton of my friends futhia city ■ down he found himself pennfiess, and chronghaut. the Third Coir— and no workin: sight, gressional district; fa the near ap- - five in Congress. I hear there is to beoppositEmta Han; El B, Lew is, which I hope is not trae. If merit is to be rewarded them the honest voters in the district; should return their present honor able Representative to his seat in the next Congress. If there is fa Be a contestant; then £ would nrge yon fa put shoulder to shoulder in the fight and; gain a sweeping vic- Theu he went from house fa house, “BE yon please;, auh,” he began when trig rings at the front 'door w®e answered, “can’t yon give a po’ colored man work ter du, or somepin’ ter eat?” And the polite answer invaria bly was, “No,, mister—very sorry, but we have nothing for you.” Every one who answered his ring addressed him as “Mr.” but shot their doors and hearts against tory for Mr. Lewis. Especially db j hfnr. X urge my former associates and Finally; he rang the- bell at a friends on the railroads and in the j brownstone front- shops;* also the earnest ca. laborers of the S-A. M. to give their: sup port in accomplishing this end. As a former eitizen of Americas.! am proud to say that no district of Georgia is better or more ably rep- resented than the Third. Mr. Lew is is a man of undaunted courage. and stirring energy* where his peo- ihaek-yard way to the kitchen, and Jllles of Postage Stamps. C. F, Jenkins, in the Scientific American says that daring the year 1899 the United States Bureau of printing and engraving issued 2,400,000,000 of the common red two-cent stamps, (enough to go al most twice'around the earth- —=- Stacked one upon another they wanid pile up 150 miles beyond, aur atmosphere, equal in weight to two of aur big locomotives, and would make a blanket to keep the frost off the city of Washington. U these stamps worked in relays, each taking the letter as far as al lowed by. the postal, regulations,the message would he carried beyond the most remote star; and,.at the fastest speed at the disposal of the postal authorities,, would occupy millions of times the age of the earth in transit. Question Answered. Tea, August Flower still has the iargest sale of auy.medicine iu the civilized world’. Tour mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for Lidiges- tionoir Biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure etc. They used August Flower tu clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food; regulate the ac tion of the liver, stimulate the ner vous and organic action .of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad withheadaehes and other aches. Ton only need a few doses of Green’s August Flow er,, to liquid form, to make you sat isfied there is.nothing serious the matter with: you. Sample bottles at Holtzelaw’s Drug Store. The Athens public school has adopted what is known as the co ordinate system, by which they concentrate the work and” teach, thoroughly several different bran chea at one tnhe. It is used by many advanced Eastern schools Ta illustrate: No spelling books .are osed' the pupiis are given ten words a day. 'These they take home, learn the, meaning of them, and nest day write on* the boards sentences showing that the words are meantogof words all taught atone time,—-Marietta Journal. . ~ A Horrible Outbreak: “Of large sartsou mylittle daugh ter’s Lead developed into a caseaf acaldhead;” ;wrifees G- ©. Isbill of Morganton^ Temu, but- Backlen’s Arnica. Salve oumpletely cured hs2 TFa.« cmgruTiteed cnreforEczema. Tetter; Salt-Bheum, Pimples, Ul- ca^Sqrestoiff Pife, Oaly2Scat Holtzclaw’a Dru^tore : Is Blood dean hloniF mrnns -u ciean. Bo. Cascarets;—beauty for ten centz. All dxu^- gists, satfliacdon yiaraiii&svL XOe, 25c. 50c. Sabicribe for The Some pies interest is at stake. Ha is thoroughly alive fa their needs, heartily iu sympathy with their enterprises and growth. Ihavehad ample time and opportunity to note: the proceedings of this Congress as my hoars of duty are from_jl:3l F. M. till 11:30 P. M., and lhav availed myself at this privelrge As a master of coarse T have fella: lively interest in Mr. Lawis and have heard his speeches, watched his voting and know his attitude toward his constituents. He has proven to me beyond thesnspiciou the caoklL give you something— you. black—” But just there the old man fell on his knees, exclaiming: “Thank de Lawd, I fonn’ my white folks at last! Thank de Lawd,. I fonn’ ’em—I fonn’ ’em!”—Exchange. To be glad of life; because it gives you a chanea to love and fa .work and to plkm and look up at the stars; to be satisfied with your ’possessions, hut not to be content ed with, yourself until you _ __ .., have of a danbt his loyal ty to Iiis friends. niade the best of them; to despise When I made application for a po sition as machinist to the Navy Yard in Washington, I appealed to him for his assistance. Handing nothing in the word except false hood and meanness and to fear nothing except cowardice" to be governed by your admiration,, not him my letter&of introduction with by disanats; to covet nothing —r; E— - in ^ . j my application papers, he kindly endorsed the same and assured me he would give the matter his personal attention, which he did; and T received my appointment to a short while. It is no easy matter for a South erner to getand hold a position:dE any kind with, the government for the reason, that the'He now; pnbliean party is. to control of ayi. ary branch of the government by’ good, safe majorities and of conrse distributes the patronage to suit themselves As a result, most of the good places go to the constitu ents of Bepnblican members of Congress. It is a fact that I am thfr only Georgian employed to the Navy Yard here, and I know that L hold the place because of Mr. Lewis’ persistent efforts and infia. enea. Mr. Lewis is a man of convic tians,. with courage to. act upon them. He is an avowed friend* of the workingmen, and we should give our united support to his re- election to Congress for the. next term. Yery truly, C. W. T. JiBSEI Seware of Ointments for Catarrh. that Contain. Mercury, as mercury- will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when en tering it through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions -from reputable physicians, as the da magi they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from_them. Hall’s Catarrh Gore, manufactured by F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 , contains no mercu ry, and is taken internally, acting (Erectly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system.. In baying Hall’s Catarrh Cure .be sure- you get the genuine. Ifc is taken internally and made to To ledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimo niai s- free. Sold by Druggists; price 75<r per bottle. Hall’s Family Fills are tiie-best Hon. Seaborn Wright; of Borne, who. ran for governor of Georgia nn the Bopuliat-Prohibitian tiefet four years ago,, has announced himself as a candidate for the- Leg islature from Elayd county, sub ject to the Democratic primary, on the 15th of May. This looks like Mr. Wright intends to reinstate himself in the Democratic party, Otfo KbrB, Grand Chancellor, E P., Biionvflle, Ind-, says, “DeWitt’s WitdhHaz a l Sal ve soo th es the most defecate skin, and 1 heals the most stubborn ulcer with certaiu and Cures piles and skto Don’t buy. an imita tri-m- Hoitriiiaw’s Drugstore, A gentleman appeared,, and the old man began: “Boss, I is starvin’. Can’t you: gimme some vittles?”' “You darned black, kinky-head ed rascail’ exclaimed the gentle man; “hew: dare you ring the bell at my frontdoor? Go round the is your neighbors except his kind ness of heart and gentleness of manners;, to think seldom of your enemies, often of your Mends and .every (toy of Christ; and to spend as mceh.time as yon can, with body and- with spirit,, to Gods out-of- doors^ these are fettleguides goats on thff footpaths of peace. —Henry The Balimfbre Sun saysr It is Mated that the Georgia- Techno logical School will to a short time establish, scholarships for the pur pose of training. Georgia boys to take charge ofthenewcottou mills that are being buiit at such a rap id rate throughoutthe South. One -enterprising citizen of Macon of fers to pay for six scholarships. There seems to be a sentiment thronghoat the South against im parting expert labor necessary to conduct the cotton mills, and the mill owners are determined to edu cate competent men so as to suppLy thedemand. SOLE AGENTS FOR “WiM the fast value m Shoes om the markets of everything that is new and giod to footwear. MACON, GEORGIA. PRICES TO SUIT etebtbobt: I ha\ e just opened a nice line of DRY" GOODS and GROCERIES hl t&e Eeagin Building at - . . m Mr. ~W. B. Stafford as manager^ and will sell gauds at Macon prices- I solicit t&e patron age of tlie corarunnity. RespectfulXy, JOSIAH BASSs "Winter, and aR men's tlLonglits Now torn to the shedding of Heavy clothes for lighter ones— We open: tiie season. wiHi the biggest boast we bave ever made, and that is in regard to our KM i nr The Chattanooga Tradesman es timates that the Southern group of cotton-mills will.need 1,500,000 bales of cotton this year; nearly 50 per cent mare than all the mills in theUcited States used in 1875, showing what strides we have made since that date. As it is further estimated that the mills of the whole country will consume only 3,7-50,000 bales, it-will be seen that the Sooth now makes more than one-third of all the cotton goods produced to this country.. This is our bobby, and you’ll find them aU rights Would yon. examine the workman- snip ? You y U find ic first-close. The style? Right npM;o-date. The patterns will suit the hard to suit, and sizes-to fit all shapes. Give them a look. . -fo-I>ate Clothiers, MAmw, 408 Third Street. GEORGIA. The Best in tlto Worl to - WabefeaveGhambsriato’sCbagli Remedy tot he best to the world. A few weeks ago we suffered with a severe coid and a troublesome cough, and. having read their ad vertisements to our own and other papers, we purchased a battle to seeIf ifc would effect us. Itcured- us hefore the bottle was more; than half used. It is the best medicine! 1 out for colds and coughs.:—The Herald, AndarBcnvill^- Ind. For sale by all dealers. Along distance telephonerepeafc- er ar rangement hue been invented by- -which, it. to claimed,, messages may be relayed on-the telephone in much the same manner as tele sararelayed- His also claimed that two messugeg may be sent over the same wire at thasame- time, a sort of duplex tel ephony. The inventor is how at work upon a system of quadruplex telephony which,. iF successful, is likely to greatly decrease the cost ofany system. Cleanse the liver; p aiitg the Bloodj iuvigrirate the body by using De Witt’s Little Early Risers. These famous little piHaaiwaysaet There has not been an. execution promptly. FTo 1:zclaw’a. Drugstore. to the navy siuee 1849, and it isa ! ^— gfa-i kmg fact that of the numerous [ sol toss sentenced j to-, (fearh _forl military offenses totring the war 1 with- Spain not one 5 was executed. : —Exchange. proDOunce oar hurries to be weE baiit in every detail. The style. comfort and of our, . Gfe Second: and r’oplaiSSTreets, 2v£ACO ET-