The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 13, 1900, Image 2

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PSICE, $1.50 A TEAS, IE ADVANCE. Published Every Thursday Horning. Jsno.H.HODGES, Editor and Publisher Pebey, Thursday, September 18. Copies of this paper may be found on file at the office of our Washington cor respondent, E. G. Siegers, 918 F. Street, N. W., Washington, I). C. It is declared that Hon. Tom Watson of Georgia will vote for Bryan and Stevenson. The politicians are troubling them- telves about Georgia state politics swo years ahead of time. The Georgia state and county ticket to be voted next month will be the longest ever voted in this state. Two hundred and eighteen townB will send delegations of citizens to the Macon street fair, says the Tele graph. The national democrats are cer tainly making an aggressive cam paign, and, being right, they ought to win. Hon. ( Arthur Sew all, democratic candidate for vice president in 1896, died at his summer home near Bath, Maine, last Thursday. In objecting to the school histo ries used in the south, the Grand Army of the Republic is both impu dent and hypocritical. The greatest percentage of in crease in the taxable property of Georgia, aggregating about $20,- 000,000, is in the southern part of the state. ’ John D. Nockefelleb, of the Stan dard Oil Company, has given $150,- 000 to a negro college in Atlanta, thus lubricating the wheels of an ’^educational vehicle. Within the last several weeks quite a lot of republican campaign literature has been sent to this of fice It makes very fair wrapping paper for stale fish. Joel Chandler Harris, the crea tor of “Uncle Remus” folk lore, has resigned from the editorial staff of the Atlanta constitution. He will devote himself to literary work. A system of 'waterworks on the state convict farm near Milledgevilie has been contracted for. The cost of the sysrem will be $4,212. The farm is a source of revenue to the state. It is not unlikely that the increase in the population of Georgia will necessitate a new apportionment of congressmen, and therefore a new arrangement of the congressional districts. A new afternoon paper will soon be published in Atlanta, says the Telegraph correspondent. The re port says Josiah Carter, late of the Atlanta Journal, will be manager of the new paper. Bishop Turner will influence many negroes to vote for Bryan and Ste venson. The Bishop declares he will make democratic speeches in several states where the colored vote is a positive factor. The American troops will be at once withdrawn from China, and orders to that effect have been for warded to Gen. Chaffee at Pekin. This does not indicate, however, that the complications with China have been settled. It is said that England and Germany have de clined’to withdraw their troops, and there may be complications of a se rious character between the powers. Uncle Sam don’t care for anything more on that line. County Expenses Reduced. ■' - As stated last week, the county tax rate for 1900 has been reduced to $5.80 on the thousand, the rate for last year having been $7. Knowing that there is a slight decrease in the total valuation of taxable property, we asked Chair man Miller of the board of county commissioners, how the tax reduc tion could be made. s He replied that the reduction in the tax rate is a result of a material reduction in the county expenses, the estimated expenses this year be ing about $8,000 less than the ex penses of last year. When the present county board of commissioners assumed control of county financial affairs in January, 1899, it was determined that the taxes of each year must pay the ex penses of the year in which the levy is made. In 1899 the convicts of Macon county were hired and worked on our chaingang. The total expenses of that year aggregated about $18,- 000, and the board borrowed about $11,000. This borrowed money was all paid, and on January 8th, 1900, the county treasury contained $2,- 821,99, as against $182.84 on Janu ary 13th, 1899. This year the Macon county con victs are not used in our chaingang, the average of convicts is less, and there is a consequent material re duction in the chaingang expenses. With other economies practiced, Chairman Miller says the reduction in expenses thir year will aggregate about $3,000. This will make the needs of the county about $15,000, and the tax levy of 5.80 will afford that amount. The board borrowed this year about $8,000. This will be paid out of the 1900 taxes, and the new year will be commenced with about $5,000 in the treasury. This makes a very creditable show ing for the present board of county commissioners, and when the new board assumes control next January the county finances will be in much better shape than in January, 1899. The premium list of the Georgia state fair, to be held in Valdosta from October 29th to November 4th, inclusive, presents some excellent prizes. The county making the largest and best display of products will receive a cash premium of $500; second best $300. The best individ ual display of products, $300. The same liberality goes through the en tire line of agricultural, industrial and stock products. The list of amusements will be in keeping with the industrial exhibits. It is already assured that there will be fivq or six county displays. A terriffic storm of wind and water| devastated Galveston and all the gulf coast of Texas last Satur day. Definite information concern ing the destruction cannot be ob tained, but the death list is estima ted at from 1,000 to 5,000. Galves ton was flooded several feet deep, by a tidal wave, and fully half the residences and many qther. build ings in the city were wrecked. The damage to the cotton crop was also very great. Assistance in food, clothing and tents has been furnish ed by the federal government. President McKinley gave his let ter of acceptance of the republican nomination to the public last Satur day. The greater portion of the letter is devoted to the Philippine policy, much effort being used to explain the mistakes that have been made. Very little is said about trusts, but he insists that the money question must not be ignored. It is a strong presentation of the republi can \ iew of the campaign issues. -Editor Shepard of the Fort Valley Leader is a canidate for the office of state Librarian. He is well endorsed, and his qualifica tions are fully up to the require ments of the position. -Dr. C. Z. McArthur of Fort Valley'will visit Byron next Mon day to fill some dental engage- Mossy Hill Notes. BY SOCKS. No news is always goo that old adage still holds true, then oy AS1 the readers of the Journal have had £ or all the very best news from Mossy Hill for the last few hot months. My stars, how hot it has been! We just couldn’t come, boys. We couldn’t do anything but sweat and swelter. Even some of our “big meetin’s” got so hot that lots of good folks couldn’t handle ’em. But then we noticed that Stew Pan ’lowed it was ' glori ous. Selah. There have been at least a hun dred men from Jasper county to visit Mossy Hill since the first of July with the view of settling here. They all come with best recommen dations, and we extend a cordial welcome. We are glad to note that- several have made, trades and will locate with us another year. One month ago we proudly show ed the visitors the prettiest crops seen on the land in ten years. But it looks mighty tough now, though this is still God’s own country, and I believe if the neighbors could on ly pray together sometimes, things would not be so tough. Our community was greatly shock ed at the announcement of the death of that noble Christian lady, Mrs. H. S. Malone, which occurred at her home in Henderson on Wednesday night.of last week. Mrs. Malone was one of my nearest neighbors for two years, and I am very sure my family never had a truer friend nor better neighbor. She will be greatly miss ed by us all, but the greatest loss falls on our church and her home, The grief-strickeu husband and lit tle daughter have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood, Messrs. Will Davis and Eden Tay lor of Macon were on the Hill last week and enjoyed good sport hunt- iug. , Mr. Pet Till of Evanston was with friends Sunday. Quite a happy crowd of young people passed over the Hill on Tues day of last week to spend the day at Norwood Springs. Endured Death Agonies. Only a roaring fire enabled J. || " Ml Garrettson, of San Antonio, —Mr. George W. Smith of Bay Village, Ark., desires infornratien concerning his relatives in Hous ton County. His father’s name is "Joseph Smith, and he married Miss Mattie Culpepper near Clin- to nin Jones County. The gen tleman writing for information is now 27 years old. Poisonous toadstools resembling mushrooms have caused frequent deaths this year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you ask for De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counterfeits. De- Witt’s is the original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. Holtzclaw’s drug store. BEPOKT Of the condition ot The Perry Loan & Savings Bank, located at Perry, Ga., at the cJoss of Business on Sept. 5ih, 10 OO. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $40,431.66 Overdrats, 1,074.12 Banking House. 1,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures, 1,100 00 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State, 6,684.63 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States, 3,238.63 Currency, 856.00 Gold. 520.00 Silver, Sickles and Pennies, 739.06 Checks and Cash Items, 1.104.37 Interest paid, 567.35 ' R. Stamps and Stamped Checks, 54.60 Advances on Cotton, 12,637.65 Total, $69,007.86 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, Paid in. Surplus Fund, $18,600.00 4,000.00 Expenses and Taxes Paid Due to Banks : 2,469.56 and Bankers in this State, 608.15 Individual Deposits, Subject to.Check, 20,732.29 Time Deposits, $18,197.S6 Bills Payable, including Time Certifi cates representing money borrowed, 4,400.00 Total, $69,007.85 STATE OF GEORGIA,—OCHTOy Couxty. Before me came «T. D. Martfin, cashier of Perry Loan and Savings Bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. D. Martin, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed beore me. this 11th day of Sept, 1900. H. Lawson, N.P. H. C., Ga 5/5 Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. Me. T. A. Jacobs, who lias been with Eads, Neel & Co. for the past ten years, has associated himself with our force, and will welcome his many friends who call upon him, giving them his personal attention. THE HAPPIEST GIRL iu town is she who has received an Engagement or (Wedding Bing pnr- chased here. Our stock of Jewelry is particularly well snppliedwith these articles of fem inine adornment, and their beauty is pot equaled by any other assortment in -the city. The settings are unique, and the work manship excellent. The stones are with out flaw and very brilliant. There is a great variety of prices, and good quality at all figures. J. L FINCHER, FOBT VALLET, GA. e down when attacked , from which he suffer- years. He writes his mis ery was often so. .great that it seemed he endured the agonies of death; but Dr. Kings New Discov ery for Consumption wholly cured him. This marvelous medicine is the only known cure for Asthma as well as Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price- 50/ and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw’s Drug Store. LOW RATE EXCURSION TICKETS To tlie Free Street and Agricultural Fair, Macan, Ga., Sept. 2itli-20th, Via Central of Ga. Railway. One fare for the round trip from all points in Georgia for civilians, and one cent per mile for military and brass bands in uniform, twenty or more on one ticket. Don’t miss the Half Mile of Sights. One week of continuous pleasure and enjoyment. Japanese jugglers, startling acrobatic feats, balloon ascension, con gress of international dancing girls, ap pareled in gorgeous costumes, theaters of all nations, open air concerts, Marvel ous effects in electric illustrating. For fall particulars see your neares’t ticket agent. TRIAL TREATMENT B.B.B. FREE. Cures Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism and AU Blood Troubles. The Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) treat ment for impure blood and skin diseases is now recognized as a sure and certain cure for the most advanced stages of can cer, eating sores, eczema, itohi'-g, skiD humors, scabs or scales, syphilitic blood poison, serofnla, ulcers, persistent erup 6EQ. H. SCHERER, (Suceossor to F. A. Sfcboneuian.) DEALER IN Wine, Beer, ,Alc, Porter, CIGARS,. ETC. Lunches Served at Any Time. Ladies’ Parlor in Toy Store, where Lanches can be served at any time. AN EXCELLENT LUNCH, 10c. Sample Boom in fear of Store- Best Service. 411 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA.' FOR RENT FOR 1901. The farm formerly belonging to Bob- ert Felder now rented to J. W. Taylor, containing 125 acres; also the farm for-' merly belonging to -C. F. Cooper, now rented to -Samuel Cook, containing 180 acres; also farm formerly belonging to C. F. Cooper, containing 401% acres;! al so farm formerly belonging to C. F. Cooper part of which is now rented to James Houser, containing 911% acres ai8o farm formerly belonging to E. F. Davis now rented to E. J. Thompson, containing 1280 acres. Please make def inite offer and give references. The farms are also for sale. Barker & Holleman, Atlanta, Ga. HOUSTON SHERIFFS SALE. Will be sold before the court house loor in the town of Rprry, Houston county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in October, tions, pimples, boils, aches and pains in 11900, the following property, to-wit bones, joints or back, swolen glands, ris- One 12-horse power' portable Engine ings and bumps on tlie skin, rheumatism I and Boiler and one Sawmill Outfit com- or catarrh, or any form of skin or blood plete, consisting of saw, carriage, Men- 'S MIIsBY? 99 You know £ Course you do. Well, he’s left Perry and gone t» Macon and joined himself with ONE OP THE BEST CLOTH ING COKCERKS IK GEORGIA. He’s with THE UP-TO-DATE CLOT 11II IRS, ail( j would lie mighty glad to have you call to see him when i n Macon, or send him your orders; it will be appreeia ted. We are now in the ROFF SIMS BUILDING, 120 Thin I Stiect. • COME TO SEE US mien & mmm The Up-To-Date Clothier; MACON, GEOR&IA. Gardeners and Truck Growers W,LLSAV 5£ney m byLwyinq\ diseases. Men, women and child, en are being cured in every state by Botanic Blocd Balm for purifying the blood, and expelling the germs and humors from the entire system, leaving the skin free from eruptions, and rosy with evidence of pure, rich blood. No sufferer need longer despair,—help is at hand,—no matter how many discouragements you may ha-' e met with, Botanic Blood Balm (B,B.B.) cures permanently and quickly To satisfy the doubters, we will give to any sufferer a trial treatment absolutely free that they may test this wonderful remedy. B.B.B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is sold by all drug stores, with complete directions for home treatment, for $1.00 per large bottle. For free trial treat ment, address Blood Balm Co., 8 Mitch ell Street, Atlanta, Ga., and Trial Treat ment will be sent at once. Write to-day. Describe trouble, and free medical ad vice given. Over 3,000 voluntary testi monials of cures by ’using Blood Balm. Thoroughly tested for 50 years. American Surety Company of New York Petition to can cel deed, &c., in •Houston Superior The British and American [ Caurt, Oct. Term, Mortgage Co., Limited. J 1900. To The British & American Mortgage Co , Limited:— Von are hereby comhnnded to be and appear at ,tho Superior court to be held in and for the county of Houston on the first Monday in October, next, to answer the pi ait tiff.-.’ complaint in the above stated case,as m default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the’ Honorable W. H. Felton, Jr., Judge of the said Court, this Sep tember 3rd,-1900. ’ M. A. EDWARDS, Clerk. drill saw frame, etc., all of said propeity being of the Birdsall make, includidg all fittings and fixtures pertaining to said sawmill, engine and boiler. Said ■above described property, or machinery, is located in the woods southwest from the dwelling house on the plantation of Mrs. Fannie Berry, in Houston county, known as the West Place, situated five miles east of Perry on the public road from Perry to Hayneville, where it can be examined. Said Property being diffi cult and expensive to transport, will be sold where if is, and not brought and ex posed at court house on day of sale. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Mrs. Fannie Berry to satisfy a mort gage fi-fa in favor of Macon Savings Band against said Mrs. Fannie Berry, and issued from and returnable to the County Court of Houston county. M.L. COOPER, Sheriff. Sept. 4th, 1900. DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in the reach of all. A. B., B. S., Normal and Business Man’s courses. Good Laboratories; Healthful, invigorating climate; military discipline; ood moral and religions influences. Cheapest board in the state;.abundance of .country produoe; expenses from $75 to $150 a year; board in dormitories or private families.' Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all un der the control of the University. A col lege preparatory class. Co-education of sexes. The institution founded especial ly for stndents of limited means. Send for catalogue to the President, Jos. S. Stewart, A. M, Loans negotiated on improved farms, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business Of fifteenyears standing. More tVm.n three million dollars in loans negotiated. Facilities unsur passed. HOWARD H- SMITH, No. 814 Second St,. - Madon, Ga. Dr. H. W. WALKER, DENTIST. Office, Union Dry Goods Go., Cherry st. MACON GEORGIA. c. z. mcarthur, DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office oyep SJapppy’s Drugstore. To lend on mortgage at 8 per cent. !g Commissions Charged. If you borrow $1,000 yon receive 81 000. You ferfiish abstract, pay HI recording, inspecting fees and stamps; Apply to L. S. TOUNSLET, XI/- Attpriiey-at-law, Perry, Ga, W. B. Fitzgerald, J, G. Fitggerqld. Big Creek Poultry Farm, ELKO, GA, Breeders of S. G. Brown Leghorns, Black Langshans, -Black Miporcas and Pekin Bucks. Ea«s at |i.50 for-15. White Plymouth Bocks, AS GOOD AS THE BEST. Eggs—W. P. Bock, Pekin Ducks and Bronze Turkeys $1.00 per setting if you call at White Rock Poultry Farm, Perry, Georgia. casivorxa: j tie . yf Tile Kind You Hava Always Bougflt EXECUTOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Houston county, I will before the court house door in the town of Perry, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 1900, the following property belonging to the estate of Green Fitzgerald, late of Houston county deceased, to-wit: Balance of lot■ ot land No. 16 in the 2nd district of Dooly county, Ga., and bounded on the south and east by lands of Martin G. Mims and od the north by estate of Green Fitzgerald, said tract containing 45% acres more or less. Also, one-third undivided interest in the Pnblic Steam Ginnery and land on which said ginnery is located, knrwn as Elko Gin Co., in the town of Elko, said county afid state. Also, 12 share sin the Brick Warehouse at Elko, Ga, W. B. FITZGERALD, Ex’r. will of Green Fitzgerald, deceased. Sept. 5th, 1900. GEORGIA—Houston County. H. L. Harris has applied' for perma nent letters of administration on the es tate of Mrs. H. C. Harris, late of said County, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the October term, 1900.. >- the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this September 3,1900. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary RUMMER FALL -ANTING Genuine Bermuda Onion Seed and Sets, Valentine and Refugee Bra: sa, IEVERYTHING Matchless and Monet-Makbe Tomato, Etc, Etc. FOR THE THE SUMMER AND FALL. GARDEN. ONLY HIGH GRADE TESTED SEED OF1=ERED. J SSfLargest Combined Seed nlNarserjr House in tt ; South. THE POMONANBB8EBIES „ ) Adbbess THE GRIFFING BROS.^CO.. AND EXCELSIOR SEED FARMS. ’ - - “ Jack sor>v 2 * » t Fla.i Jl UI%MIMIM HI——WllllllWmsJHMiJI “THE UNION,” ■ MM0N’S FASHION ST0REL We have the most Up-to-Date Ladies’ Outfitting Department in Middle Georgia. Everything Ready-to-Wear. Besides all high-grade mer chandise. If you buy from us you get the Style. WE GUARANTEE everything to be satisfactory or refund your money. FESnSTSKLVANTA PURE RYE, EIGHT YEARS OLD. ’ OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS. Four full Quarts of this Fine Old, Pnre RYE WHISKIOY, $3.50 IVe ship on approval in plain, sealed boxes, with no marks to indicate contents. When |ycm receive itand test if, if it is'not satisfactory, return it at our expense and we wil return your $3.50. We guarantee this brand to he EIGHT YEARS OLD. Eight bottles f or $G 59, express prepaid; 42 bottfes for $3 59 express prepaid. One gallon jug, express prepaid, $3 99; 2 gallon jug, express prepaid, $5 59. No charge for boxing. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bonrbon Whiskies and will save you 50 Per Gent, on Your Purchases: Quart, Gallon. Kentucky Star Bourbon, .$ 35 $1 25 Elkridge Bourbon.... 49 150 Coon Hollow Bourbon 45 160 Melwood Pure Rye. 50 Monogram Rye 55 McBrayer Rye CO Baker’s AAAA.....: 65 O. O. P. (Old Oscar Pepper) 65 Old Crow.. 75 Finoher’s Golden Wedding 75 Hoifnian Hoqsq Rye 90 Mount Vepjon, 8 years Qld...,...... 100 Old Dillinger Rye, 10 years old 125 The above are only a few brands. Send for a catalogue. All .other goods by- the gallon, such as Corn Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc., sold ffually as lpy, from $125 a gallon and upward. We make a specialty of the Jrg Trade, and all orders by Mail or Telgeraph will have our .prompt attention: Special inducements offered. Mail Orders shipped same day of the receipt of order. - Tke Altmayer & Flateau Liquor Company* 606, 508, 510,. 512 Fourth Street, near Union-Passenger Hepot. ‘ t’UEACOSr, GEORGIA. SAMPLE ORDERS Will receive prompt and careful attention. Call (to ns when in Macon. WE PAY THE EXPRESS On all cash orders of $5,000 and over—except on heavy do mestics. McCALL’S BAZARR PATTERNS, 10c. and 15c. None Setter. Everything Marked in Plain Figures, and the Same \* Low Price to E\ erybody. 552 and 554 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. I S. HARDEMAN & CO*, COTTOIT FACTORS. -DEALERS IN- Groceries and Planters’ Supplies. Nos. 409, 413 & 415 Poplar St,, MACON, CA. COM MISSIONS ON COTTON 50c7PEB BALE. TIBERAL ADVANCES ON COTTON IN STORE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. If You Want Anything wriii a BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., Yon can save money at Paul’s .Furniture Store. A complete line of COFFINS and CASKETS always on hand. GEORGE PAUL, Perry. Ga. w. J. R. SIMS, OPERATIVE DENTIST. Grown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA. C. DAVIS, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DERBY, GEORGIA. Having retired from military service the practice.of law is resumed. Office in Masonic BaiUling: up stairs 0. 0. DUNCAN. j; P. DUNCAN. DUNCAN & DUNCAN. PEBRY, GEORGIA. We have made arrangements to nego tiate loans on Farming lands, at 8 par cent, interest, in sums of §300.00 and up wards, where security is first-class. W. H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengante. .' OKETCJB OVER DOW LAW BANK, FORT VALLEY. : GEORGIA. Notice to Creditors and Debtors. GEORGIA, Houston County. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of Mrs. Georgi a , f' dock, late of said county, deceased, to render in an account of their demands to me, within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to me. M, A. Edwabds, Adm r. Estate Mrs. Georgia C. Haddock, dec U. August 22,1900. Notice to Creditors and Debtors. GEORGIA—Houston County. ‘ •Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of John W. Woolfolk. lato of Baid county, deceased, to render in . account of -their demands to me, wit the time prescribed by law, made ant. And all persons mdebte said deceased are hereby requested make immediate payment to me. Mrs. Hattie Bass Woolfolk, Adm’x. Estate J. W. Woolfolk, dec d. August 15th, 1900. C. M. DnPREE. Attorney - at • Law, Bybon, Ga* Money to loan on Farm Lands.