The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 20, 1900, Image 2

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PRICE, 91.60 A YEAS, IN ADVANCE. PaMIsIied Every Thursday Morning. Jno.H, HODGES, Editor and Publisher Perry, Thursday, September 20. Copies of this paper may be found on file at the office of our Washington cor respondent, E. G. Siggers, 918 F. Street, N. W., Washington, D. O. Pees. Kruger has escaped from South Africa, and will take refuge in Holland. There was snow in Wisconsin last Sunday, with the thermometer at 20 degrees above zera. Wesleyan Female College opened the fall term with over 212 students, and there will be more. Georgia towns and villages with out manufacturing are not increas ing in population and prosperity. (PIThe people of Macon and their visitors will have a big tini3 during the street fair in that city next week. Good prices for cotton counter acts the ills of a short crop. Geor gia farmers are nearer financial in dependence than in many years. The southern farmer will gain an other signal business victory when sweet potatoes become a staple arti cle of commerce in the north and east. Delegates to the Cuban constitu tional convention were elected in all the provinces of the island last Sun day. The election was quiet at all points. The coal miners’ strike in Penn sylvania will give practical denial of the republican claim of increasing wages and prosperity among labor ing people. In point of post-office receipts, Atlanta is in a list of thirty leading cities of the United States. The Gate City is sure to be in the push continually. Col. John P. Shannon, former leg islator, state senator and past grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ma sons in Georgia, died at his home in Elberton last Sunday morning. There should be no lukewarmness in Georgia politics because of the certainty of democratic success in the state. Our nominated candi dates are entitled to a full vote. There has been more fighting in China between international troops and Boxers, and it is feared much more will follow. There is much disagreement between the powers. During September and October there will be several street fairs and two agricultural and industrial fairs in Georgia cities—at Augusta, Ma con, Columbus, Albany, Atlanta and Valdosta. Mckinley’s letter of acceptance was a disappointment to his politi cal friends, who considered it lack ing in strength. Democrats are sat isfied it will not help the_republican cause materiallv. A Jones county fair is being held at Bound Oak this week. For prac tical home benefits, county fairs are better than those on a more expen sive scale. It would materially ad vance the agricultural interests of the state should there be a fair in each county in Georgia every year. The war in South African has been about ended, though there are a few thousand Boers under arms, and terms of peace have not been arranged. The brave defenders of liberty in the Transvaal and the Or ange Free State were simply defeat ed by the overwhelming force of •numbers. The Road to Prosperity. Progressive steps in business are the only means by which individu als and communities can get into the road to prosperity. As the farmers gain headway on the road to prosperity, nearing the goal of financial independence, cer tain lines of mercantile businsss must necessarily be curtailed, unless there be an increase of population through the introduction of indus tries that make of raw materials ar ticles of use. In other words, communities oth er than those devoted entirely to agriculture cannot continue progres sively prosperous without manufac turing industries of some character. Figures of the recent census al ready show that those towns and cities have grown in population most wherein factories have been established since 1890. Without exception every cotton mill, or other factory, established in Georgia within recent years has caused an increase of population and prosperity where located. The argument and the illustration are not new, and the full force thereof is recognized by all thinking busi ness men. Strange to say, however, the people of some towns fail to catch the inspiration, and seem con tent to jog along in the old rats and take what comes their way. * There are numbers of instances where factories have been built od installment payments of subscrip tion, going steadily on in the work of making goods for the people gen erally and profits for the stockhold ers. Bonaire Agricultural Club. Mb. Editor:—In your issue of two or three weeks ago you remarked that “you did not know whether our agricultural society had been organ ized or not.” Yes, we organized, with a good number of members, both men and women, but we have Endured Dentil Agonies. Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garrettson, of San Antonio, Tex., to lie down when attacked by Asthma, from which he suffer ed for years. He writes his mis ery was often so great that it seemed he endured the agonies of .. . _ 0 death; but Dr. Kings New Discov- not had-a meeting since. We pro- eT y for Consumption wholly cured The Macon Street Fair. Beginning next Monday, next week will be full of sight-seeing in Macon. The street fair will occupy a half- mile of the park on Third street, and pleasure will reign throughout. There will be a floral parade; agri cultural, industrial, commercial, flo ral, stock, chicken and other exhib its will be presented in attractive style. Amusements will be present ed in great variety, jnusic, parades, shows, extraordinary displays of fire works at night, street masquerade, crowning of the floral queen, etc., besides a brigade reunion of confed erate veterans. Enumerate all the attraciions we cannot, but there will be free show enough all the time, day and night. The railroabs have arranged con venient schedules, going in early and coming out late, and the pas sengar rate is one fare for the round trip. Besides all this, you can trade while in the city. As to choice firms to buy from, read the advertise ments in the Home Journal. Held for stricken Galveston has been heartily accorded from all sec tions of this country, and from Eng land, the aggregate amount contrib iited being more than $1,000,000 in value. The latest estimate is that the death list is more than 5,000, and the property loss many millions. It is said the city will be rebuilt. Editor McIntosh of the Albany Herald says: “We have enjoyed many a good country dinner in south Georgia which probably did not cost five cents a plate. Not on ly cheap living, but good living as well, is had in the country by thrift and by producing a variety of food crops on the farm.” With the complications in China and the contentions with the uncon querable Fifipinos, this government seems to be tending toward an un enviable position “between the devil and the deep blue sea.” To avoid such a situation the defeat of Mc Kinley in the November election is necessary. In a great battle the odds are al ways against the party attacking an entrenched position. The republican- party is so situated, and the demo crats must use their superior ammu nition and patriotism to the very best advantage, else they cannot capture the stronghold. Mr. T; A. Jacobs, who has been with Eads, Neel & Co. for the past ten years, ha 3 associated^ himself with our force, and will welcome his many friends who call upon him, giving them his personal attention. pose to meet once a month—Satur day 3 p. m. before the third Sunday —and cordially invite all who feel interested in the prosperity and wel fare of the farmers. Let us give our experiences, “ups and downs,” and benefit each other, f After we get to moving on, we propose to have contests on different products, not for the that will be in them, but for pleasure and improvement in our methods of farming. We know and well re member the benefits resulting from the “Idyle Wild” club of the past, and why should not the Bonaire Club of the present approximate its results? We can see no reason to prevent. Only let each member, male and female, put their hearty good will to the wheels and push with a vim. Much good will be ac complished, agriculturally and so cially. We don’t propose to mar or im pede “The Cotton Growers’ Pro tective Association” interest- in the least, but do all we can to benefit ourselves. We charge no fee for membexship. It will cost only a little time (a half day per month), for which we ex pect good pay. More anon. Respectfully, Quid. Hon. W. J. Bryan’s letter of ac ceptance was published Tuesday. It is characteristic of the man, strong, clear, positive. He illustrates the strong points of the democratic plat form, and points out republican du plicity and weakness. As before^he emphasizes imperialism as the para mount issue, but shows the great harm being done by trusts, and gives his positive views concerning all other issues pertinent to the campaign. Another missing word contest has been arranged by the Atlanta Week ly Constitution for September and October. One-tenth of the money received on subscriptions during the time will be divided between the cash subscribers who supply the cor rect word. The sentence is as fol lows: “There are a number ■ of our men here among the residents and hidden in the cloisters; but for the fear of the they do not let themselves be seen.” Subscribe for the Weekly Constitution at this of- 'fiee, and get the two gapers- one year for $2.10. Each such subscrib er is entitled to a guess. Thl Macon Shoe Co. begins busi ness auspiciously, with good men in control'and good goods in the store. The members of the company need no introduction to Houston people. In addition to members of the com pany, Messrs. H. V. Balkcom and F. W. Kilpatrick, formerly with Roff Sims & Co., are serving customers with their accustomed cleverness. The half-page advertisement in the Home Journal this week gives fit ting introduction to this worthy es tablishment—not one word too much is said. Call and see. Miss Jewett,- the Boston white woman who proposed to lead a cru sade in the south against lynching, was refused the opportunity of ad dressing a colored church conven tion in Richmond last week. Her attitude is repudiated by leading negroes throughout the south. him. -This marvelous medicine is the oply known cure for Asthma as well as Consumption, Goughs and Colds, and all Throat, Chest, and Lung troubles. Price 50/ and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw’s Drug Store. Southwest Georgia will see times of wonderful prosperity this fall and winter unless the bottom drops out of the cotton market. Our farmers are learning the lesson of diversified farming, and their cotton brings in surplus money to provide comforts and luxuries for the home,—Bain- bridge Democrat. For the lack of room and suffi cient money appropriation, 400 or morejchildren were denied admission to the public schools of Atlanta. Poisonous toadstools resembling mushrooms have caused frequent deaths this year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you ask for De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counterfeits. De- Witt’s is the original Witch Hazel Salve;- It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. Holtzclaw’s drug store. LOW RATE EXCURSION TICKETS To the Free Street and Agricultural Fair, Macan, Ga., Sept. 24th«29tb, Via Central of Ga. Railway. One fare for the round trip from all points in'Georgia for civilians, and one cent per mile for military and brass bands in uniform,- twenty or more on one ticket. Don’t miss the Half Mile of Sights. One week of continuous pleasure and enjoyment. Japanese jugglers, startling aerobatic feats, balloon ascension, con gress of international dancing girls, ap pareled in gorgeous costumes, theaters of all nations, open air concerts, Marvel ous effects ill. electric illustrating. For full particulars see your nearest, ticket agent. *320.1 jMj|.*|tfti}no2i ‘oSvapc) *< •AGUora pnnjojOAi. jo ‘ojnoc . 'OQ’Si ‘soxoq s i eojno Anvnsn auO 'jfwuaisisjad ‘Anu8|TBd‘ 32i «£ *sn joj qo no a in otjm.'$gj22njp uac "*'* uiojj avaoio •oafpsinasSimjaig > *>89J98!psnoAJ9n3no ‘ooovqoij joj o jxsap oq? soAoraaJ oM**!q*qo90Tiqo!>aiiniP[-oAJ9n enoi?ao9 no £ aoxpioqM. no£ s?s&x$l -THE- Hon. Pope Brown is expected soon to announce himself a candidate to succeed Gov. Candler as governor of Georgia in 1902. He has a strong following now, and with a clever campaign will win. Roosevelt seems to be the mouth piece of the republican campaign, It is certainlv large and loud enough to fill the bill. Bryan is a one-term man, and pledges himself not to offer for re election if chosen president. ’ A TEXAS WONDER. Halls Great Discovery, One small bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery cures - all kidney and bladder ‘ troubles, .removes gravel, cures diabestes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder; in and wemen, .regulates bladder troubles- in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bqttle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned;. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P.O.Box629, St. Louis, Md. Send for testimonials. Sold- by all drug gists, and H. J. Lamar & Sous, Ma con, Ga., and H. M. Holtzclaw, Perry, Ga. READ THIS. Cuthbert, Ga., April 2,1900. This is to certify that I was af fected with gravel and that I took sixty drops of Hall’s Great Discov ery and - it completely cured me. It is worth $1 per bottle to any one heeding it,. - J. T. Stevens, WANTED—ACTIVE 3IA2f OF GOOD CHARACTER FALL TERM, 1900, Begins the first Monday in- September arid continues 3J4 months. Incidental fee for resident pupils $2 25; non-residents $2.50. E. H-lHoJland, Principal, and compe tent assistant teachers. This is a graded school of high order, and under competent instructors it read ily ranks.with the best high schools of the state. The incidental fee must he paid in cash to the secretary and treasurer of the board, Mr. B., O. Holtzclaw, before pupils will be permitted to enter the school: It will be more beneficial to the chil dren, more agreeable to the teachers and more satisfactory to the Board of Edn cationand and parents if each child is permitted to enter on the first day of the term and not be allowed to miss even one recitation during the entire session. Good Board can be obtained in private families at from.$8 to $10 per month. Any other information can be obtain? ed by addresssing either of the under signed. E. N. Holtzclaw, Pres. B. O. Holtzclaw, Sec. and Treas. GEO. I. SCHERER, (Successor to F. A. Schbneman.j ' DEALER' IN’ Wine, Beer, Ale, Porter, CIGARS, ETC. Lunches Served at Any Time. Ladies’ Parlor in Toy Store, where Lnnches can be served at any time. ' AN EXCELLENT LUNCH, 10c. Sample Room :in rear of Store- Best Service. 411 THIRD STREET, . MACON; GA. FOR ifcENT FOR 1901. The farm formerly belonging to Rob ert Felder now rented to J.' W! Taylor, containing 125 acres; also the farm for merly belonging to G. F. Cooper, now rented to Samuel Cook, containing 180 acres; also farm formerly belonging tc C. F. Cooper, containing 401)^ acres; 7 al so farm formerly belonging to C. F. Cooper part of which is now rented to James Houser, containing 911J| acres aiso farm formerly belonging to E.F. Davis now rented to E. J. Thompson, containing 1280 acres. Please make def- inito offer and give references. The farms are also for sale. Barker & Holleman, Atlanta, Ga. HOUSTON^ SHERIFF’S SAIL “ Will be sold before the court house ioor in the town of Perry, Houston county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in October, 1900, .the following property, to-wit: One 12-horse power portable Engine > and Boiler and one Sawmill Outfit com- j plete, consisting of saw, carriage, Men- , drill saw frame, etc., all of said propeity being of. the Birdsall make, includidg all fittings and fixtures pertaining to said sawmill, engine and boiler. Said above:described property, or machinery, is located in-tbe woods southwest from the dwelling house on the plantation of Mrs;- Fannie Berry, in Houston county, known as the West Place, situated five miles east of Perry, on the public road from Perry to Tlajneville, where it can be examined. Said Property being diffi cult and expensive to transport, will be sold where if is, and not brought and ex posed at court house on day of sale. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Mrs. Fannie Berry to satisfy a mort gage fi-fa in favor of Macon Savings Band against said Mrs. Fannie Berry, and issued from and returnable to the County Court of Houston county. M. L. COOPER, Sheriff. Sept. 4th, 1900. WHERE’S KILBY? Ton know KILBY? Course you do. Well, lie’s left Perry and gone to Macon and joined-himself with 0 2s E OP THE LEST CLOTH ING CONCERNS IN GEORGIA. He’s with THE UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS, and would be mighty glad to have yon eall to see him when in Macon, or send him your orders; it will be appreciated. We are now in the ROFF SIMS BUILDING, 120 Third Stiect. .COME TO SEE US. imiii The Up-To-Date Clothiers, MACON, GEORGIA. , rt ft f iftftftftft. “That’s Eczema that makes yonr arm so red and It-dhy. This Watt's Eczema Ointment will cure it. It cares Tetter, Ringworm and all sorts of Bkln diseases, and only costs 25 oents a box. All the drag stores sell it, and lots o! people use it. The Taylor and Peek Drag- Co. In Macon, make it." Sold by K. L. CATER, Drriggist, Perry. Ga: to deliver and collect in Georgia for o!d| estab lished manufasturing wholesale house; §900 a year sure pay. Honesty more than experience required. Our reference,any hank in any city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Marin facturers, 3rd Floor, 334 Dearborn sfc, Chicago. CASTOYIIA. Hosts the A The Kind Yoa Hava Always BougjS Signature ' of pur- THE HAPPIEST GIRL in town is she who has received Engagement or .Wedding Bin, chased here. * Our stock of Jewelry is' particularly well supplied with.these articles of. fem inine adornment, and their beauty is- not equaled by any other assortment in the city. The settings are unique, and the work manship excellent. The stones are with out flaw and very brilliant. There is a great variety of prices, and good quality at all figures. EXECUTOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Houston county, I will before the court house door in the town of Perry, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 1900, the following -property belonging to the estate of Green Fitzgerald, late of Houston county deceased, to-wit:. Balance of lot of land No. 16 in the 2nd district of Dooly county, Ga., and bounded on the south and east by lands of Martin G. Mims and od the north by estate of Green Fitzgerald, said tract containing 45^ acres more or less. Also, one-third undivided interest in the Pnblie Steam Ginnery and land on which said ginnery is located, known as Elko Gin Co.; in the town of Elko, said county and state: Also, 12 share sin the Brick Warehouse at Elko, Ga, W. B. FITZGERALD, Ex’r. will of Green Fitzgerald, deceased. Sept. 5tb, 1900. GEORGIA—Houston County. H. L. Harris has applied for perma nent letters of administration on the es tate of Mrs. H. C. Harris, late of said county, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the October term, 1900 >' the court of Ordinary of said count/ and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this September 3,1800. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary -Gardeners and Truck Growers VJ,U - sav monby m b% k buyin s * i > > > * » l > i ’ Genuine Bermuda Onion Seed and Sets, Valentine and Refucee Beans, l Matchless and Monet-Makee Tomato, Etc., Etc. SEVERYTHING FOR THE SUMMER AND FALL GARDEN. > ! * ONLY HIGH GRADE TESTED SEED OFFERED. » E3?“Largest Combined Seed and Nursery House in tt: South. j, THS POMONA NURSE RUSS l Addbbss THE GBIFFING BROS. CO.. > and EXCELSIOR SEED FARMS, f Catalogue free. Jacksonville, Fla.$ ** SUMMER PALL LANTING ’ ■ — “THE UNION,” MAEGN’S FASH10N S-TGREt. We have the most Up-to-Date.Ladies’ Outfitting Department in Middle Georgia. Everything Ready-to-Wear. Besides all high-grade mer chandise. If yon buy from ns you get the Style. WE GUARANTEE everything to be satisfactory or -refund your money. i SAMPLE ORDERS Will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on us when in Macon. WE PAY THE EXPRESS On all cash orders of $5,000 and over—except on heavy do mestics. McCALL’S BAZAER PATTERNS, 10c. and 15c. None JBe.tter. Everything Marked in Plain Figures, and the Same Low Price to E\ ery body. 552 and 554 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. . F. S. HARDEMAN COTTOU \ COi, FACTORS. -DEALERS IN- PENNSYLVANIA PURE RYE, EIGHT YEARS OLD. OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS. Eour full Quarts of this Fine Old, Pure RYE WHISK KY , $3.50 EXP #S We ship on approval in plain, sealed boxes, with no marks to indicate contents. When |you receive it and test it, if it i3 not satisfactory, return it at our expense and we wil return your §3.50. AVe guarantee this brand to be EIGHT YEARS OLD. Eight bottles for §6 50, express prepaid; 12 bottfes for-S9 50 express prepaid. ' One gallon jug, express prepaid, S3 00; 2 gallon jug, express prepaid, §5 50. No ebarge for boxing. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies aud will save you SO Per Cent. o;i Your Purchases: Quart, Gallon. Kentucky Star Bourbon, § 35 SI 25 Elkridge Bourbon,.: 40 150 Coon Hollow Bourbon.... 45 160 Melwood Pure Bye 50 190 Monogram Bye... 55 . 2 00 McBrayer Rye..... GO 225 Baker’s AAAA.... 65 240 O. O. P. (Old Oscar Pepper) 65 240 Old Crow .... 75 250 Fischer’s Golden Wedding ».• 75 2 50. Hoffman House Rye 90 3 00 Mount Vernon, 8 years old 100 350 Old Dillinger Rye, 10 years old 125 4 00 Tbe above are only a few brands. Send for a catalogue. All other Soods by the gallon, such as -Com Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc., sold equally as low, from $125 a gallon and upward. We make a speoiasty of the Jug Trade, and all orders by Mail or Telgeraph. will have our prompt attention: Special inducements offered. Mail Orders shipped same day of the receipt of order. The Altmayer & Flateau I I ruimirn Liquor Company, U. L. r I N b H L K [606,508, 510, 512 Fourth Street, near VJ Union Passenercr Hennt. FORT VALLEY, GA. I Union Passenger Hepot. MACOX, GEORGIA. Groceries and Planters’ Supplies. Nos. 409, 413 & 415 Poplar St,, MACON, CA. COMMISSIONS ON COTTON 50c. PER BALE. LIBERAL ADVANCES ON COTTON IN STORE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. If You Want Anything A in romiTOii* BEDROOM, SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC , Yon can save money at . Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete line of COFFINS and CASKETS always on hand. G-EOIIGE PAUL, Perry, Ga. GET OUR PRICES BEFOREiBUYINC sses 3 Seed Getten evators, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, or ANYTHING in MACHINERY or MILL SUPPLY LINE- We Operate Machine Shops and Foundrv, MALLARY BROS, MACHINERY CO., Mention this paper, MACON, GEORGIA.