The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 27, 1900, Image 2

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Tms Mqme JomtwM PBICE, $1.50 A YEAS, IN ADVANCE. Pabllshed Every Thursday Homing. Jiao.H. HODGBS, Editor and Publisher Perry, Thursday, September 27. An Expensive Inconvenince. Copies of this paper may be found on file at the office of our Washington cor respondent, E. G. Siggers, 918 F. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. The Filipino insurgents don’t stay ■whipped worth a hardly. Meboeb University opened last week with about 300 pupils in at tendance. Valdosta will present an excep tionally attractive state fair the last week in October. Forty per cent of the cotton con r sumed in the United States is used in southern mills. Expansion of cotton manufactur ing in the south is fraught with progress, profit and prosperity. The tide of political favor is mov ing toward democracy with com mendable force and steadiness. Hanna says he doesn’t believe there are any trusts in this country. What’s the matter with Hanna? Georgia democrats owe the party and the candidates a full vote at the October and the November elections. Make things at home, and home folks use the home-made things. Prosperity cannot elude such a drive. At this distance it seems that this country is in grave danger of entan gling alliances as long as our troops remain in .China. Richabd Choker, chief of Tamma ny Hall, hits made bets aggregating $65,000 that Hon, W. J Bryan will be elected president. Roosevelt, the would-be vice pres ident, is called “Terrible Teddy” be cause of the excessive size of his mouth, voice and teeth. The price of cotton vascilated somewhat last week, though there was no denial of the reports that the crop is very much short, International troops attacked and captured several Chinese towns last week. One of these was taken by U. S. soldiers under Gen. Wilson. The Btreet fair in Macon is pro gressing nicely, and the visitors are having lots of fun at small cost, un less they voluntarily increase the ex penses. Republican speakers do not use argument in references made to Bry an and Stevenson, or their speeches. They use bare assertion, personal abuse and money. A cotton carnival will be in prog ress at Griffin from October 4th to 6th-inclusive, and all who desire to attend can go over the Central at one fare for the round trip. The colored Odd Fellows will be in annual convention at Louisville, Ky„ from October 2nd to 7th, and the Central of Georgia Railway will sell round trip tickets >for one fare* The grand lodge of A. F. & A. Masons will be in session at Ameri cas from October 2nd to 5th, and the Central of Georgia Railway will carry passengers at one fare for the round trip. The Filipino insurgents were un usually active' last week in 'several provinces of Luzon, and other is lands. About 100 Americans were killed. Documents captured show that the junta at Hong Kong is ag gressive, and that Aguinaldo refuses to consider peace proposals. The schedule operatecPbn the Per ry branch railroad is a daily incon venience to our people, and to those who come here on business. The first train each day, Sunday except ed, arrives at 11:35, and leaves 15 minutes later. Answers to important letters-reeeived on that train cannot be forwarded until 4:45 p. m. from j Perry. Persons going to points above Fort Talley cannot return the same day, but must spend the night away from home, even if the business can be transacted within half an hour. This inconvenience becomes de cidedly expensive to Houston coun ty during each semi-annual term of our Superior court. The late arrival of the morning train prevents the opening of the court on the first day of each week of the term until near ly 12 o’clock, thus losing practically half a day. According to court rules any part of a day is counted a whole day when the per diem of jurors, court officers and non-resident wit nesses are paid. Thus when court is in session parts of two weeks the expenses of two half days are paid without any return in service. This cannot be avoided with the present schedule, the judge and solicitor living in Macon, unless -these offi cials come to Perry the day prior to the beginning of the term. The minimum expense of the court is about $150 a day. Wouldn’t it be better for the judge and solicitor to incur the ex pense of one extra night in Perry rather than that the county should pay for full service on the first day of each week of each term when on ly half a day of service is rendered? Of course it is not to be expected that a special train will be operated for the convenience and benefit of the court. It is not just that the county should thus be taxed because of an inconvenient railroad schedule. There should be a remedy. The republican campaign fund is a trustful affair. The trust managers willingly furnish it and, trust the republican party to continue gov ernment favors heretofore accorded the trust corporations. The man agers place their trust in persuasive influence of this trust money to in duce the people to again trust the federal government to the tender mercies of Hanna & McKinley and their gang of trustees. Boss Hanna has reached the con clusion that he is a superior cam paign speaker. The democrats should encourage him in that conclusion. The boss talks as if he thinks his opinions should have the weight of military orders from an officer to a private. As to states in 1896, the electoral vote was very nearly evenly divided. The votes of 22 states and one vote from each of 2 states, Califymia and Kentucky, were given to Bryan, while 23 states, less one electoral vote from each of 2 states, voted for McKinley. \ Germany has demanded of China that Prince Tuan and other leaders of the Boxer crusade be punished according to the offense committed. This demand is not* thoroughly en dorsed by all the powers, though its justness is not disputed. As a forerunner of the Macon street fair this week, the Telegraph issued a red letter edition last Sun day, outlining the enticing features of the fair. Marshall Campos, who was su perseded by Weyler as Spanish cap tain general of Cuba, died at his home near San Sabastian, Spain, last Sunday morning. A new steamship line'between Sa vannah and Philadelphia, will be put in operation October 1 by the Mer chants and Miners’ Transportation Company. x —The cotton in about all open. Houston is Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. Mr. T. A. Jacobs, who has been with Eads, If eel & Co. for the past ten years, ha; associated himself with our force, and will welcome his many friends who call upon him, giving them his personal attention. State and County Election. Mr. Varner Dead; The state and county election will be held next Wednesday,. Oc tober 3rd.' % . "“'T * The people of Houston are enti tled to vote at the following pre cincts : Perry, Fort Yalley, Powersville, Byron, Hattie, Wellston, Bonaire, Kntlileen.D'ejonarct HearflfClaiid, Hayneville, Elko, Henderson, Taylor’s, Haslam’s. The pells will be open at Perry from 6 a. m. to 6p. m. and at-the other precincts from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Necessary papers, including tick ets, have been prepared. In addition to the state and county officers, judges and solicit ors, to be voted for, an amend ment. to the state constitution must be considered. This amen d- ment provides for placing all indi gent widows ofl Confederate sol diers on the state pension, roll. On the ticket the amendment is stated “For” and “Against,” and the voter must'scratch oiit-the proposition contrary to his desire. It is hoped the full democratic vote will -be polled. The vote will be consolidated at Perry Thursday* one manager from each precinct bringing the returns. Hr. Paul H. Varner died at his home in.-the Upper. 5th district Tuesday^! last“"week, the .18th inst- The- burial was in the-fami ly cenfCtery oh tKe r 19th> Mr. Varner had* been '.critically ill two or three weeks preceding his'death-. ' He was "a progressive farmer, an excellent citizen and neighbor, a- member of the Methodist church. About four years ago he married a daughter of Hon. M. F. Ether idge of Hattie, but there are no children.' He was scarcely more than 30 years of age. With the bereaved widow and relatives' many friends sincerely sympathise. ' . A TEXAS WONDER. Registration by Districts. Maj. R. N. Holtzclaw,.. chair man of the county board of regis tras, has kindly furnished , us the figures of the registration lists, by- districts, for the October election. He says it is the largest registra tion ever known for a state elec tion. The figures are as follows: Upper 5th, 181 white, 9 col. Lower 5th, 99 white, 2 col. Sixth, 170 white, 10 col. Ninth, 360 white, 9 col. Tenth, 92 white, 24 col. Upper Town, 55 white, 34 col. Lower Town, 134-white, 24 col. Upper 11th, 41 white, 4 col. Lower 11th, 27 white, 17 col. Twelth, 51 white, 3 col. Old 13th, 66 white, 4 col. New 13th, 71 white, 8 col. Upper 14th, 41 white, 3 col. Lower 14th, 20 white, 9 colored Total whiie, 1408, total colored 176. Total white and colored 1584. Only these can vote in the Oc tober election, and all must vote in the districts wherein they re side, unless they come to Perry to vote. The board of managers of each district will have the list of their district only at the polls,' while, at Perry the .managers .will have the lists of all the ; districts. The state and county election, will be next Wednesday, October, 3rd! The report of the Taft commis sion, recently made public, by * the president, is the most extraordinary official document that has probably ever been put forth, even during the present administration. It is little more than a republican campaign document from start to finish. So evident is this that it has been sus pected and freely charged that it was written or doctored in Wash ington. The chances are, however, that this is not so. The Taft Com mission knew what President Mc Kinley wanted and wrote it for him. The report is so frankly mendacious that its effect will probably be di rectly the contrary of what its au thor hoped. If there were the least approach^to tranquility in the Phil ippines General MacArthnr would never have protested against taking any of his 65,000 men for Chinese operations. The members of the Philippine Commission have not been outside the fortified limits, of Manila since their arrival. There could be no better proof of insecure conditions than this. Eveiy private letter coming from officers and en listed men in the islands tells of constant turmoil and apprehension, and not one of them breathes any hope of cessation of hostilities. The press dispatches are of the same tone. —Washington Correspondence. America’s Most Artistic House. After two years’ careful search and inquiry the general assent of compe tent critics decides, that the most ar tistic house in America is located in one of the Middle Atlantic States, The house is unpretentious external ly and is little beard -of outside of art circles, but it is indisputably the supreme triumph ini interior decora tions and furnishing. Its owner and occupant has graciously consented to reveal its artistic beauties to the public through The Ladies’ Home Journal, and two whole pages of an early - issue of that magazine will be devoted to picturing the interior of this superb home. Poisonous toadstools resembling mushrooms have caused ' frequent deaths this year. , Be sure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you ask for De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, There are poisonous counterfeits. De- Witt’s is the original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases =. Holtzclaw’s drug store. Hall’s Great Discovery, One' small bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabestes, seminal emissions, weak and- lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder, in both men and wemen, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, v and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Md. Send for testimonials. Sold by all drug gists, and H. J. Lamar & Sous, Ma con, Ga., and H. M. Holtzclaw, Perry, Ga. • BEAD THIS. Cutlibert, Gal, April 2,1900, This is to certify that I was af fected 'with gravel and that I took sixty drops of Hall’s Great Discov ery and it completely cured me. It is worth $1 per bottle to any one beetling it'. J. T. Steven's, Endured Death Agonies. Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garrettson, -of San Antonio, Tex., to lie down when attacked by Asthma, from which he suffer ed for years. He writes his mis ery was often so great that it seemed he endured the agonies of death; but Dr. Kings New Discov ery for Consumption wholly cured him. This marvelous medicine is the only known curefor Asthmaas well as'Consumption, Goughs and Colds, and alLThroat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price 50/ and $1.00. Guaranteed Trial bottles free ; at Holtzclaw’s Drug Store. SEO. H. SCHERER, (Succossor to F. A. Schoneman.) DEALER IN Wine, Beer, Ale, Porter, CIGARS, ETC. Lundies Served af Any Time. Ladies' Parlor in Toy- Store K where Lunches can be served at any time. AN EXCELLENT LUNCH, 10c. Sample Room in rear of Store- Best Service. 411 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. TRIAL TREATMENT B.B.B. FREE. Cures Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism and All Blood Troubles. The Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) treat ment for impure blood and skin diseases is now recognized as. a sure and certain cure for the most advanced stages of can cer, eating sores, eczema, itclii- g, skip humors, scabs or. scales, syphilitic blood poison, scrofnla, ulcers, -persistent erup tions, pimples, boils, aches and pains in bonea, joints or back, swolen glands, ris ings and bumps on the skin, rheumatism or catarrh, or any form of skin or blood diseases.. Men, women and childien are being cured in every state by Botanic Blood Balm for purifying the blood, and expelling the-germs and humors from the entire system, leaving the* skin free ■from ernptions, and rosy with evidence of pure, rich, blood. No snfferer need longer despair,—help, ris at hand,—no matter how* mahy discouragements you may ha- 1 e-met with, Botanic Blood Balm (B,B.B.) cures: permanently and quickly, To satisfy Ik® doubters, we will: give to any sufferer..a..trial treatment absolutely free that ’they/ may test this wonderful remedy. j8.BR (Botanic Blood Balm) iSsSold bycall drug stoves, with complete directions for home treatment, fpr $1.00. ■per lArgeibottle. For free trial treat ment,; address-Blood Balm Co., 8 Mitch ell Street, r Atlanta, p| andJTrial Treat ment will be sent at dn< once. Write to-day. Describe trouble, and free medical ad vice given,!.‘.Over .3,000 voluntary testi monials of|cures by .using Blood Balm. Thoroughly tested for 50 years. ■s witn touHHHV nerve-killing tobacco habit.: removes the desire for tobac sajaritw I will, patiently, per,latently. One t, 31, usually cures; J boxes, f 2.60, aranteed to care, or we refund money. S SmtSiy Co., CUeeco, Montreal, Sow fork. "That's EciRma that makes your arm so red and Itchy. This Watt’s Roxema Ointment will cure it. It cures Tetter, Ringworm and all torts of skin diteases, and only costs 25 oents a box, All the drug stores sell .lt, and lots hi.* people nse It. The Taylor and Peek Drug Co., in Macon, make It." : Sold by R. L .-CATER) Druggist, Perry. Ga: GEORGIA—Houston County. H. L. Harris has applied, for-perma nent letters of administration on the es tate of Mrs. H. G. Harris, late of said county, deceased, - This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the October term, 1900, of the court of Ordinary of said count /and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this September 3,1900. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary ' m mm 463 Poplar St., MACON, GA. WANTED—ACTIVE HAN OF GOOD CHARACTER to deliver and collect in Georgia for old! estab lished manufasturing wholesale house; $900 a year sure pay. Honesty more than experience required. , Ourrefr GEORGIA Houston County. H. C. Lewis has applied for exemp tion of personalty, ana setting apart'and valuation of homestead, and I trail pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m. on Jag Filling a Specialty. - Prompt Attention to Mall Orders. PBICE XIS T, Per Gallon. NELSON COUNTY RYE, _ §2 00 Children’s Sh- es, 50c. to f 1.00. Infants’ to Misses’, 75c. to $ 1.50. Spring Heel. Ladies’ Lace & Button $1.25 to $3.00 Heavy Winter Shoes, 1.00 to 1.50 Gents’ Dress Shoes. $1-50 to $3.50 Farm Shoes, 1.25 to 2.00 Your Money’s Worth Always. OXjISBIT <Sc —CHERRY AND SECOND STREETS, MACOjSV GA. The pen sufficiently nimble to tell all good points of our the Fall and Winter.. has not been found. Glance among the va rious priced suits. The cheapest a sorts are excellent and the styles just right. It seems-insulting to link TEN DOLLARS with these clever plain and mix ed cheviots, nobby cassimers. And the All Wool Serge Suits at It simply shows that the meager purse is am ply able to get clothing of excellence for a small outlay. Single or double breasted coats. We will keep you dressed right up to date, if you buy your clothing here. THE HAPPIEST GIRL in town is she who has received an Engagement or Wedding Ring pur chased here. Our stock of Jewelry is particularly well supplied with these articles of fem inine adornment, and their beauty is not equaled by any other assortment in 'the city. The settings are unique, and the work manship excellent. The stones are with out flaw and very brilliant. There is a great variety of prices, and good quality at all figures. J. L. FINCHER, FORT YALLEY, GA. HOUSTON SHERIFF’S SALE- Will be sold before the court hoiise loor in the . town, of, Perry, Houston county, Ga., between the legal hours of gale, on.tlle first Tuesday in'October, 1900, the follbwiug prqpertyCtQ-wit:'1 , ■ One 12-liorse power, portable Engine and Boiler and one Sawmill’Outfit com plete, consisting of saw, carriage, Men- drill saw frame, etc.; all of said propeity beipg of the Birdsall make, ihclndidg all fittings and fixtures pertaining to said sawmill, engine and boiler. Said above described property, or machinery, is located in tbe woods southwest from the dwelling house on the plantation of Mrs. Fannie Berry, in Houston county, known as theWest Place, situated five miles east of Perry od the pnblic road from Perry to Hajneville, where it can be examined. Said Property being diffi cult and expensive to transport, will be sold where if is. and not brought and ex posed at court bouse on day of sale. Levied on and to be sold as the ‘property of Mrs. Fannie Berry/to satisfy a mort gage fi-fa in favor of Macon Savings Band against said . Mrs, Fannie Berry, and issued from and returnable to tbe County Court of Houston county. M. L. COOPER, Sheriff. . Sept. 4th, 1900. Benson & Honser. The Up-To-Date Clothiers, MACON, GEORGIA. THE UNION,” MAHON'S FASHION' STORE. We have the most Up-to-Date Ladies’ Outfitting Department in Middle Georgia. Everything Keady-tO-Wear. Besides all high-grade mer chandise. If you buy from us you get the Style. WE GUARANTEE everything to he satisfactory or refund your money. SAMPLE ORDERS Will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on ns when in Macon. WE PAY THE EXPRESS On all cash orders of $5,000 and over—except on heavy do mestics. MeCALL'S BAZARR PATTERNS, 10c. and 15c. None Better. Everything Marked in Plain Figures, and the Same Low Price to Everybody. 552 and 554 CHEERY STREET, MACON, GA. COOPERS [LAUREL VALLEY N C CORN, 2 00 NORTSIGEORGIA. WHITE CORN, 200 rauaSD GIN 200 200 NEW ENGLAND RUM, OLD SOUR MA3H COHN, MONOGRAM RYE, DOUBLESTAMP JUNJpER GIN, MILL CREEK CABINET RYE, aa SB? aa 3 r > tne “ay of October, 1900, Kentucky soub mash rye, at my office. Sam T. Hurst, Ordinarv I star a rye, O™, ovuwi ’ uar y. ! AMASON’S AAAA RYE, CHESTNUT GROVE RYE, 2 50 250 300 PENNS Y I,VANIA PURE RYE, EIGHT YEARS OLD. OLD SHARPE. WILLIAMS. Four full Quarts of this Fjne Old, Pure RYE WHISK E Y , $3.50 **§as We ship on approval in plain, sealed boxes, •vrith no marks to indicate contents. Whenlyou receive it and test it, if it is not satisfactory, return it a* our expense .and we wil return your $3.50. We guarantee this brand to be EIGHT YEARS OLD. Eight bottles for $6 50, express prepaid; 12 bottfes for $9 50 express prepaid. One gallon jug, express prepaid, $3 00; 3 gallon jug, express prepaid, $5 50. No charge for boxing. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies and will save yon 50 Per Cent. on Your Purchases: Quart, GaUon. Kentucky Star Bourbon,. ..v. $ 35 .$125 Elkridge Bourbon Coon Hollow Bourbon ... Mel wood Pure Rye... Monogram Rye McBrayer Rye Baker’s AAAA O. O. P. (Old Osear Pepper) Old Crow .... Fincher’s Golden Wedding. 75 Hoffman House. Rye................ 90 Monnt Vernon, 8 years old, 100 Old Dillinger Rye, 10 years old 125 The above axe only a few brands. Send for a _ catalogue. All other floods by tha gallon, such as Com iVhiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc., sold quaily as low, from SI 25 a gallon and Upward. Wemake a spedasty of the Jug Trade, and aU orders by Mail or Telgeraph will have onr prompt attention: Special inducements offered. / Mail Orders shipped same day of the receipt of order. 40 45 50 55 60 05 65 75 150 i?o 200 The Altmayer & Flateau Liquor Company, 3 00 606*508, 510, 512 Fourth Street, near . I™ Union PassengerHepot. 400. MACON, GEORGIA. If You Want Anything BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., Toil can save money at Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete line of COFFINS and CASKETS always on hand. F. S. HARDEMAN & CD. FACTORS. -DEALERS IN- Groceries and Planters’ Supplies. Nos. 409, 413 & 415 Poplar St., MACON, CA. COMMISSIONS ON COTTON 50c PER BALE. > TIBERAL ADVANCES ON COTTON IN STORE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. improved . and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen- SCore than three million dollars loans negotiated. Faculties unsur passed. HOWARD SL SMITH, Ho. 414 Second St.. Hacon, 0a. To lend on mortgage at 8 per cent. No Commissions Charged. If yon borrow $1,000 yon receive $1 000. You famish abstract, pay for recordibg, inspecting fee6 and atampp; Apply to L. S. T0CNSLEI, Attorney-at-Law, Perry, Ga. Educate Tear Bowel. With Cascareta, C«£<Jy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. O. fail, druggists refund money. EXECUTOR’S SALE. By viyae of an order from the Court of Orihnary of Houston county, Ivill before the court house door in tbe town of Perry, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the_ first Tuesday in October, 1900, the following property belonging to .tbe estatei of Green Fitzgerald, late of Houston county deceased, to-wit: Balance of lot of land No. 16 in the 2nd district af Dooly county, Ga., ana bounded on the south and east by Janos of Martin G. Mims and on the north by estate of Green Fitzgerald, said tract containing 45M acres more or less. nmg&M mS-JI ,. Also, one-third undivided interests the Public Steam Ginnery and land on which 6aid : ginnery is located, knrwn as (Elko Gin Co., in the town of Eiko, said county and state. Also, 12 share sm Brick Warehouse at Elko, Ga, W. B. FITZGERALD, Ex r will of Green Sept. 5th, 1900. tob wobK JVIGALTL.Y EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE—\ GEORGE PAUL. Perry, Ga- ■