The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, November 29, 1900, Image 3

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p EBB Y, Thursday, November 29. LOCAL new^, W. B. Sims’ Ad. Cleaued Currants, Seeded Raisins, Citron, Almonds, Molasses, Spices. Heckers’ Plain Buckwheat in 12 pound sacks. Will have plenty of Celery ana Cranberries for Thanksgiving. Mackerel weighing from lp>s to 9jbs, two for 25c. “ Fresh Goshen gutter, 80c. The finest Georgia Cane Syrup on the market. Salmon Steak, Shredded Cod fish, Shrimps, Gelatine, &c. Orders Solicited. _If you want the Best Flour and Best Meal go to Tharp’s Mill —High Grade Acid and Bright Cotton Seed Meal, Good for grain, On hand for sale, or Exchange for CottonSeed. J. P. Cooper. Perry Ga. Seed Oats and Wheat. I have for sale 500 bushels Geor gia Rust Proof Oats and 100 bush els Red May Wheat. A. A. Smoak £ Parry, Ga. Buy Your Guano Now? Iam now selling Commercial Fertilizers. Call and get • prices, deliverecVat nearest railroad depot. R. L. M archman, Perry, Ga. Sidewalk Gleanings. LOCAL MEWS OP TOWN A1TD COUNTY ™ , :J I —Thanksgiving is in order. —Court of Ordinary next Mon day. Small Pox in Houston. Within the last ten days a num ber of new cases of small pox have developed in the Couniy, until now the disease is nown to be east, south and west of Perry, but not nearer than six miles. A majori- —Legal sales and County Com- *7 of these cases have been light } missioners’ Court next Tuesday. | an d the only deaths out of about -Winter wither began last bunday, directly after a light rain. LUMBER.* 100,000 feet Long Leaf Pine Lumber, for sale. Mill 8 miles of Perry. S. B. Goodwin. Marshallville, Ga. —New Ga. Cane Syrup at 45/. Freb M. Houser- Edncate Your Dowels With Cascaretg. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10e,25c. If C.C.C. fail, drugRists refund money. Repair Shop. I have opened a Repair Shop in the Oliver building, and am bet ter prepared than, ever to repair Watches, Clocks, Guns, Pistols, Bicycles etc, Charges reasonable. All Work guaranteed. All asked is a trial. J. S. Rainey, Perry, Ga. Best for tlie Bowels. No matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCA- BETS help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy, natural movements, costs yon jnst 10 cents to Btart getting your health back. CASCA- BETS Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put np in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. 0. stamped on it. Beware of imitations. —Mrs. J. B. Edge of Cordele is visiting relatives and friends in Perry. Mr. Henry King of Forsyth was with home folks in Perry last Sunday. Rev. T. W. Ellis will preach at Henderson next Sunday, his last appointment this year. —There has been much vaccina tion at Perry since the appearance of small pox in the county. Dr. Wm. J. Holtzclaw will preach at Annie Small Schol house next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. —Postmaster Boughton has moved to the Bates house, at the west end of Washington Avenue. —We are told Mr. A. J. Houser will be begin this week to operate his roller process flour mill at Eva. —Seven parcels of real estate will be sold at public outcry be fore the court house door in Perry next Tuesday. -The ladies of Perry have made liberal Thanksgiving offerings to several needy families within a few miles of town. —Mr. Elijah M. Wiliams of Ausley, Ala., visited friends in Perry last Sunday, the family of Mr. J. R. Miller. —Mr. G. L. Slocumb and fam ily of Bonaire, visited relatives in Perry this week, the family of Mr. J. J-. Marshburn. —The weather chart in this of fice designates the day following thanksgiving day, the last of the month, as a storm period. —Fair weather was decidedly off Sunday and Monday, though the weather chart in this office so placed those days, and Wednes day. —Mr. Bright Harper informs us that he will soon be ready to furnish Perry house-keepers with seasoned wood sawed in proper length for stoves. —Judge and Mrs. Hurst and Miss Lula will attend the Crystal wedding of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Neil at Fort Valley Friday, No vember 30th, 1900. —Mr. C. E. Brunson and fami ly have moved from the' Gordon house on Washington Avenue to the Clark house, about 3 blocks south on the same street. —Within the next Bixty days there will not be half work on Houston County farms, and there will be much idleness among those who need to work every day. —Mr. Martin J. Nelson and family have moved from Unadilla to Perry, where they are welcomed as old friends. They occupy and own the Woodard house on Macon street. —December 12th is the day named for a marriage in Perry, when a business man of Alabama will secure "as a wife one of the most attractive young ladies, of our town. ■ —More mules than usual have been sold at Perry and other points in the county within the last thirty days. This very likely indicates an increased acreage -in cotton next year. —We are told there will be a considerable increase in the num ber of negro farmers in Houston next year. They become tenants as soon as they can buy a mule or a horse, on credit or for cash. —Mr. John R. Neil of Idaho, Mds. S. J. and S. T. Neil and Mr. Welton Dupree of Fort Valley were in Perry from Saturday to Tuesday, visiting their relatives, the family of Judge SamT. Hurst. —Mr. L. A. Houser and family have moved to Macon, where Mr. Houser will conduct a mercantile business. While we regret their departure, the best wishes of our people will be with them continu ally. —Last Saturday Ida Ponder,, the negro girl accused of drowning a boy in a well in , the lower 5th district, was before county court, and she was committed under the charge to the next grand ju- fcy. She is in jail. * u —Mrs. Beecher Smith,nee Miss Pearl Comer, two little daughters, Thelma and Valeria and Mrs. Dr. S.Jt. Owens of Somerset, Ky. are visiting their uncle and aunt, Maj. and Mrs. J. W. Colyer, at the Wells House. ■■■■UHL This week is observed as a sea- ? ot Mil could not cure you. They son of. Thanksgiving andprayer by Mve combined/with these digest-|th<}Wbinatn’s Home Mission -So ciety. Meetings-have been held in. Perry this week at the home .of Mr. Fred M. Houser, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after noons. —One of the largest hen eggs- we ever saw was given to this scribe last Saturday by Mr. Bright Harper. The egg is 8 inches in circumferehce one way, 6 inches the other, and weighed 3| ounces. An Ordinary hen egg weighs less than 2 ounces. Now is The Time TO BUY YOUR Plows AND Plow Fixtures, for they will be higher later on. We have in stock the best Two Horse Dixies and One Horse Dixies. I am also agent for the celebra ted “Atlanta Boy Carbon” Plow, the best plow of its kind on the market. We also carry Boy Dixie and Hai- man Handles and Beams, Points and Slides, Plow Bolts and Handle Bolts, the celebrated Blue Points, 2-Horse Plow Points, etc., etc. You will save money by buy ing these goods from us Fred. M. Houser, Administrator’s Sale. v Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Houston county, will be sold at auction before the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in December next', within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit': A certain tract of land lying in the town of Fort Valley, said county; and deeded to Mrs. H. C: Harris, deceased, on March 20th, 1888, by William 1. Greene. Said tract being a certain strip -of land king along the extension of College street: bounded south by extension of College street and lands of Chas. Cross tack, and bounded north, east and west oy property of H. C. Harris estate. Said strip lying immediately back of and west of the old garden of the 2. O. Harris oome place, of same width as said gar- ion, and extending back west of uni form width to the orchard on said place, ond containing one and one-quarter (1 J£) sores, more or less. Sold as the property of Mrs. H-C. Har- ttp. late of said county, deceased. Terms °f sale cash. This Nov. 5th, 1900. H. L. H Arbis, Adm’r. Artificial Digestion. Is that all that you want? It*is $®t all that you can get. T. & P. “tomach Tablets contain the best “tgestive agents. These digest the o°d; but if this was all they would r Ve ferments, Tonics that act di- the organ’s of digestion, Laxatives that regulate the I lv er and Bowels, putting.the sys- fila in condition to perform its JJ5 ^’ or k- This means-that if you m half way*take care of your “wtnach a cure is certain. . . ■, P. Stomach Tablets are for- e by all druggists. 50c. a box. for if 66 sam P le by mail if you will write t APL0R & PEEK DRUG CO., Macon. Ga. who had not received medical at tention, there having been no ap plication, and an infant. So far the malady has appeared in only two white families, those of Mr, H. E. Talton and Mr. Bed ding Howard, neighbors on the road from Dennard to Kathleen. There were three cases at the home of Mr. Talton, himself and two daughters, all well now. Mr. Talton has been up and attending to his farm duties a week or more, and we understand he . says the disease he had was chicken ppx. * At Mr. Howard’s one of. his children has about recovered from a case of varioloid, and his sister was quite sick with small pox, though she is now recovering steadily. By authority of Judge Hurst and Commissioner Dennard, Dr. R. L. Cater has attended the cases reported, and by the same author ity all reported cases and persons known to have been directly ex posed have been quarantined. While every precaution thought to be necessary is being made to prevent the spread of the disease, it is not known how many negroes have been exposed, and all people should be very careful. Vaccina tion should be general, and for a while promiscuous hand-shaking might be dispensed with. Though some who have been lightly afflicted say the disease is only chicken pox, and others de clare it is not small pox, Dr. Ca ter of Perry and Dr. Williams of Bonaire, having made careful ex amination, both declare it is small pox, though in light form, and prudence is certainly the better part of valor in this connection. Including several cases that were convalescent before the first report was made, there have been at least thirty cases. Of these two have died, an old man on Col, Duncan’s plantation, and an in fant near Bonaire. Under quarantined there are now, besides the two white fami lies mentioned above, four fami lies on Col. Duncan’s farm, one at Kathleen, one on the Watson place near Bonaire, one on the Major Belvin place. There are others suspected. There was a meeting of citizens at Perry Tuesday morning, and Judge Hurst has requested Gov Candler to have a goevrnment ex pert sent here. In the mean time there will be no relax of the pre cautions used. Thanksgiving In Perry. Thursday, Novembe 29fcli, will be properly observed in Perry as a period of thanksgiving and praise. All secular business will , be suspended, other than that ' which absolutely demands perfor mance. The post office wiU be open only long enough morning and after noon to receive and deliver the mails, from 11 to 12 a. m. and from 3 to 4 p. m. -There wiU be union services at the Methodist church, to which all are cordiaUy invited. Rev. W. J. Holtzclaw', pastor of the Baptist church, will be the principal speak- There have been some agree ments among the men to devote the day to bird hunting, hut from pulpit they have been . earnestly requested to attend the church service at 11 a. m and devote at least one hour to observing the form of thanksgiving within sa cred precincts. Much good has come our way, with mnch more to come, and we have cause to be thankful, and to express it. •>»«-«» ; Methodist Church Officials. At the last quarterly conference of the Perry charge, the following gentlemen were elected to serve their respective churches during the ensuing conference year. Perry Church:—Stewards, C. C. Duncan, F. M. Honser, J. H. Honser, L. S. Tounsley, W. B. Sims, A. C. Riley, McM. Rainey. Sunday School Superintendant, A. C. Riley. Henderson Church:—Stewards, J. W. Wimberly, S. H. Malone, W. T. Vanlandingham. Sunday School Superintendant, S. H. Ma lone. Andrew ©hapel, Dennard:— Setwards, R. H. Howard, H.,E. Talton, C. W. Houser. Sunday School Superintendant, R. H. Howard. / Recording Steward, J. H. Hous er. District Steward, F.M.Houser. —Rev. T. W. Ellis preached his concluding sermon of the Con ference year at Perry last Sunday morning, which was followed by the Sacrament of the Lord’s sup per. The pastor talked earnestly and with much feeling from the text: “May the grace of God be with yon all, Amen.”—The last verse In the last chapter of the last book of the Bible. —While it now appears that the increase in the number of negro tenants in Houston will increase the cotton crop, it is not believed that there will be any reduction in the acreage devoted to food and supply crops. • * : -o —A family of ten people, en- rnute from Ohio to Tifton, Ga. came through Perry last Sunday They were equipped with a house on-wheels, and had been on the road six weeks, lacking 2 days. —The indications now are that the cotton acreage in Houston will be increased next year. —Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, all kinds^of Spices, all kinds of Fruit. Knox’s Gelatine, Peter Cooper’a Gelatine. Heinz’s Mince Meat, Macaroni,. Cheese, &c., &c. The best Rice for 5c, 7c, 9c. The best Coffee for 15c. and 25c. J. D. Martin, Jr., Groceries, More Mules. At Winn’s stables in Perry you can Buy good-Mules cheaper than at any place this side of Atlanta. Call early and get first choice. G. W. Winn. —Finest lins of Pipes in town; 15 different kinds. Your choice for 25 cents. Call and see them at Perry Post Office. —Mr. Josiah Bass, one of Hous ton’s prominent citizens, writes as follows: “After trying various remedies,. without obtaining any benefit, I was cured sound and weU by Mucalee Chili Stop. It is the best remedy in existence for chills, fever and malaria.” Every bottle guaranteed. It costs yon nothing if it fails to cure. Sold by drug gists at 50 cts. Manufactured by H. J. Lamar & Sons, Macon, Ga, Democrat or Populist? Mr. Editor—Next Saturday the Justices of the Peace of the sever al militia districts of the connty will be elected. In the Upper Town district the contest -will assume the aspect of party politics. There are two can didates—a democrat and a popu list. The democrat is Mr. William B. White, and the populist Mr. Walker E. Boler. The district, as is the county, is overwhelmingly democratic. In every respect Mr. White is at least as good as Mr. Boler. In party service, Mr. White has ren dered valiant service to democra cy. Mr. Boler has fought democ racy with much vigor, preferring both populists and republicans. Can democrats hesitate as to their duty? Respectfully, Democrat. —Some of the negroeB declare that the disease now attracting so much attention in Houston is not small pox, but that it is elephant itch. Their story is that its first appearance was at Cordele, and it came as follows: A circus visited Cordele, and the straw used as bed ding for the elephants was gather ed up by some negroes and used in mattresses. , These negroes, it is said, were the first victims of the disease, and from them it spread. . -rl offer my Horse, Buggy! Wag on and Harness for sale. Horse is gentle and will work* anywhere. J. D. Martin, Perry, Ga. A nice line of Umbrellas from 50c to $3.00. W. D. Day. Both makers alid circulators of counterfeits commit fraud. Hon-; est men will not deceive you into buying worthless counteofeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. The original is infallible for curing piles, injuries, eczema and all skin diseases. Holtzclaw’s Drug Store, —Sutache Braids,10/ doz. yds, all widths. Black Mohair and Silk Braids. Low prices; big assort ment, at L. M. Paul’s. •” 500 Bu. Georgia, raised rust proof Oats at 50 per bu. at W. D. Day’s Demonstration in Conrt. In County Court on Wednesday of last week, Mr. Elisha Dukes, two sons and a nephew, O. M., E. W. and D. C. Dukes were on trial for simple larceny, The specific charge was for stealing corn and wheat from the farm of Mr. J. T. Hartley near Fort Valley, on which farm one of the young men was employed as agent or overseer. The jury returned a verdict, of not guilty, the trial having occu pied the entire day. It was after sundown when the verdict was ren dered, and the welcome declara tion was greeted with a loud dem onstration of approval, clamping hands and shouts by the friends of the accused. Judge Riley or dered sheriff Cooper to collect $5 from each "of the men making the noise, and a stampede ensued, and Sheriff Cooper secured only six out of about 15 or 20. When brought before Judge Ri ley, the offenders were permitted to explain. One of them will suf fice for all. He said, in substance: “Well, Judge, I didn’t mean, no harm by it; I thought court was adjourned. Anyhow, I was so glad I couldn’t help clapping my hands a little. I didn’t make much noise, no-how.” Judge Riley remitted the * fines, but warned the men that they must never again attempt such a demonstration in court. They promised, and departed with another measure added to their cup of jov. _■—— —;— Masonic Notice. A regular communication , of Houston Lodge'No. 35 F. & A/M. will be held on Friday evening, December 7th, at 7 o’clock. /Che master’s degree will be conferred. It is also the regular election night. By order, A. C. Riley, W. M. T. M. Killen, Sec. Nov. 26, 1900. — — Many people worry because they believe they have heart disease. The chances are that their hearts are all right but their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and prevents the formation of gas which makes the stomach press against the heart. It will cure every form of indigestion. Holtz- claw’s Drug Stare, -150 Bushels of Wheat for sale. W. D. Day. TAX COLLECTORS APPOINTMENTS, I will be at the following places at the time named for collecting state and county taxes for 1900. , Third and Last Round. Perry, Thursday, November 29. Heard, Friday, Nov. 30, a. m. Dennard, Friday, Nov. 3o, p. m. J. R. MILLER, T. C. H. O. FOR SALE OR RENT. The Following Farms in Houston and Twiggs, Counties. The following farms in Twiggs and Houston Counties: The Johnston Place, 4,210 acres, in Houston connty, near Kathleen, Ga. This place is one of the best equipped In Houston county, about 18 plows r ow running on it. New four-room dwelling, plenty of tenant houses, two barns, gin house, gin, engine, plows, gears, wagons and about everything on the place ex cept live stock and forage can be bought with ihe place. Q. W. McDowell Place, 616 acres, in Houston County, three miles from Perry : Thomas & John Lane Place, in Hous ton County, 510 acres near Khthleen, Ga: Nathan Toomer Place, 600 acres in Honston Connty, about five miles South west of Perry; L. P. Hose Place in Houston County, 483 acres three miles West of Perry: W. B. Carswell, Place, 345 acres in Twiggs County, three miles from Jef fersonville, Ga: T. E. Methvin Place in Twiggs Coun ty, also known as Moore Place, 370 acres seven miles from Jeffersonville: The owners of this property have money to invest and are willing to sell on time as cheap as lands can be bought elsewhere for spot cash. With a reason able cash payment to secnre trade, as long time as desired can be had on the balance at low rates of interest. Tan Geobgia Loan & Tbust Co. 565 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. Tkis'iigzmtare is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold In one day WANTED—Active man of good character to deliver and collect in Georgia for old estab lished manufacturing wholesale house; $900a year sure pay. B onesty more than experience required. Our referenc, any bankin this city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope Man ufacturers, third floor 334 Dearbornst.'.Cbfcago —The Little Gem Photo Pavil- ianwillbe-at Berry, Ga., Novem ber 27th, Tor two weeks only. , Photos 2 for 25/; Cabinets $2,- 50 per dozen; '8x10 Photographs $4.00 per dozen. A .’; Will'also make Photo Buttons of all kinds. V-“n / .. —Colins’ Axes and Home-made Hickory Handles at L. M. Paul’s A and they lire on the move. We have a new and complete stock of everything in «3F00TWEAR> Any price and any Size. Shoes that wear and fit. GIVE US A CALL- Co., mm Agent for the Celebrated Barns- ville Buggies. W. D. Day. • 405 Third St., Maceq, Ga. Just Received A good assortment of Ladies’ and Gents’ Gloves. Gents’ Bucksin Gloves, lined and imlined. Gents’ Cashmere Gloves. Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves. And in fact all kinds and sizes, nearly. The Be8t Boys Hose for 29c. for tongh wear. See them. Children Fast Black Hose for 5c. f /II sizes. A comp'ete line of ' for Boys .and Men. Winter Gaps Popcorn Poppers, Shovels, Pokers, Coal Scuttles. A good large Galvanized I A very large Caivanived Coal Scuttle for 25c. I Coal Scuttle for 35c. Racket Store. 60 TO DAY’S. If ytu have not been to Day’s you should go to Day’s to-day, I have just openedja case of the Best Prints. They are beauties, at... . < vH/ j U. A nice line of Underwear for Men, Women and Children at very low prices. Thompson’s Glove-Fitting and W. B. Straight Front Corsets. Price . .7.. I am offering a great bargain in Ladies’ Fine Shoes that cost from $1,75 to $2.50. Kf) Your choice for.... kpi.^U 100 Kid Gloves fyr None better. tlUU Xmas Umbrellas. They are beauties! Silver trimmed. Each, $2.50 and A big line of MEN’S UNDERWEAR in all the latest shapes. Colored Stiff Bosom Shirts in all the latest designs. From 50c. to $1.00 Some beauties in Smyrna Rugs. From 8>1.°° $3.50 L. M. PAUL’S IS THE PLACE To buy the goods you’ll want for winter. Ton have al ready had a foretaste of ihe cold weather that is soon to be here. Hadn’t yon better get ready now and he prepared for it? We have now a good supply of BLANKETS, hut they go fast when cold weather comes. Come early and get the choicest; 11-4 Fine All Wool Blankets at $5.00 11-4 Fine All Wool Blankets at $4.00 11-4 Fine All Wool Blankets • at $3.50 11-4 Cotton and Wool Blankets at $2.50 10-4 Cotton and'Wool Blankets at $1.50 Good values in Blankets at 75c., $l.*00'and $1.25 Bed Comforts, 75e., $1.00, $1.50 Ladies’ Knit Balmoral Skiris— Heavy Cotton, assorted colors, 60c Cotton and wool,extra heavy, 1.00 All woll, fine quality, 2.-25 Ladies’ Black Sateen Skirts, heav ily lined, a nice garment, $1.00 Ladies’ Near Silk Skirts— good quality," $1.75 Ladies’ “Oneita” Union Suits— fleeced, $1.25 Ladies’ Ribbed fleeced Vests and Pants, 50c each Ladies’ Ribbed fleeced Vests * and Pants,. 25c each Men’s Canton Flannel Drawers, good grade, 25c Men’s Heavy Canton Flan’l Draw ers, bleached & unbleached, 50c Men’s Bibbed fieeced Shirts and Drawers, 25c. and 60c. each Children’s Heavy Bibbed Vesta and Pants, 25c. and 35c, each A full line of sizes now, hut going fast. Don’t be behind." L. M. Pauli There is nothing to iustify .distrust as to styles or make or material when you get your Clothing from us. Everything yon see here is correct, fresh, nobby—the latest and best that money, experience and care could secure. Examine onr offerings before you buy yoftr Winter Suit, or Fall Under wear. BURNETT & GOODMAN, file New Store. 454 Tfiird St. MAG0N, GA. CALDER B. WILLINGHAM, JR., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hi If Bit - * /. v - ' ~-v . •' Crockery, Stoves, Lamps™ House- Furnishing Goods. A COMPLETE LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS. TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON, GA. -