The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, December 06, 1900, Image 1

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% ... . • - .- —t -•."a-V ; f-..'trttS-Sj k T" JOHN H. HODGES, Proprietor, DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS. PROCRESS AND CULTURE. #1.50 A YEAR INADVANCE. VOL. XXIX. PERKY, HOUSTON COUNT Y. GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1900. S/ ' z ^ j ^ . NO. 49. C. B, LETTER FEOM PHILIPPINES. Noel Martin, Soldiering in the TS. S. Army, Writes to Vis Father at COTTON FACTOR, MACON, GA, -, Money to loan to responsible farmers at a low rate of interest. My connection with the cotton mills of Macon gives me advantages unsurpassed in handling cotton consigned to me, and I solicit your shipments. c b. whjMngbam. Fort Valley About Condi tions on Fanay island. Sportsman!; BB;:Stri3E TO SEE OUR NEW LOT OF Hunting Boots, Hunting Shoes and Leggings. SHOES OF-ALL KINDS FOR ALL PEOPLE. CLISBY <&c l&GjgZJ^TZ-, MACON, GEORGIA. TO PARTICULAR We have done our best to collect an assortment of Suits and Furnishings this Fall to satisfy you in every detail. In fact, we have bought the highest grade of goods that money could secure. Don’t let these factsjslip your memory when you get ready to | buy your Winter outfit. We can make you look 1 ,‘TAILOR-MADE” in every FEATURE from a TIE to tin OVERCOAT, and our prices WON’T “JAR” your pocketbook. 519 Cherry St., Macon, Ca. If You Want Anything m BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, — DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS DOMgSfiOSEWIH0 _ BEDSTEADSv'MATTRESSE^r SPRINGS, WINDO W SHADES AN© POLES* BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., You can . ' • Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete , line of COFFINS and CASKETS always on hand. GEORGE PAUL, Perry, Ga. I We have the most Up-to-Date Ladies’ Outfitting . Department in Middle Georgia. Everything Ready-to-Wear. Besides all high-grade mer chandise. If you buy from us you get- the Style* WE GUARANTEE everything to be satisfactory or refund, your money. SAMPLE ORDERS Will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on- ns when in Macon. WE PAY THE EXPRESS On all cash orders of $5,000 and over—except on heavy do mestics.^/ *Yi : ' McCALL’S BAZARR, PATTERNS, 10c. and 15c. None Better. Everything Marked inJPlain Figures, and the Same Low Price to Everybody. 552 and 554 CHERRY STREET,'MACOK, GA. ■ - Dao, Panay I:, P. I., Feb. 11, 1900. I received yonxs of Dec. 8, 1899, yesterday,and will answer at once- Youre of Nov. 5 waft received, by me at Gapiz Dec. 21, and answer ed Dec. 23. Yours ofNov. 23 was received by me at Dao Jan. 22, and the answer was mailed here Feb. 3. Bear in mind that it takes nearly or quite four months to write and'receive an answer. Our mail is assorted at Manila, Iloilo and Capiz before we ever hear of it. We expect to leave here and go to Capiz before March 1, but do not know for certain. We are in dangerous position here, inas much as we have a very small force (only one company), and'we have, to furnish the guard for all wagon trains carrying supplies to troops further from Gapiz than we are. On Feb. 5 I was placed in charge of detail. of ten men to guard four cart loads of supplies, ‘being- Judging By Appearance. ing sent to Go. B. at Dumarao, to Cantero. I had three men about 85 yards in advance of us acting as “the point,” or if a regiment or more were on. the march it would be called the advance guard, and when about three miles from hare a volley of about thirty rifle shots rang out and two, of the “point” fell severely wounded. It was a fine placefor an ambush, as we were right in the middle of a small hollow almost entirely surrounded by thickly wooded Hills, and the Khakiaks were in , trenches and firing on us from three sides. I bad my men get in a ravine, and for nearly three min utes we “lay low”—at that time we had located their fire, and ordered three volleys to be fired at 150 yards, in other words, “point blank.” This stopped their fire for an instant, and our two wounded men, supported by the third man of the point, reached Private Earl was shot in the right arm between the wrist and elbow, ball coming out just below elbow, entered again at elbow and came out back of arm in muscu lar part, making a hole you could put your fist in. Private Hinson was shot in right shoulder, and ball did not come out. As soon as they reached us we heard the “Khakiak” bugle call and I got up and itood in the road trying to see them. I made the rest of the men stay under cover I saw them (about 15) come out of the woods to my front and right and attempted to cross .the road so as to get in our rear, fired six shots, and two of the men fired a few and the “K’s” retreated. We killed one. Private Keating, Thos. F., in answer to my call for a volunteer to go to Dao for medical assist ance, started for Dao. In all, the fight lasted 25 minutes, and my entire detail only fired 83 rounds of ammunition' Our captain, a major and a lieutenant of .the sig nal corps gaye all of us credit for accurate shooting, and praised us for being cool and not wasting any shots. Where we fired r on them in-the trenches ojir-shots went right , to the. mark. ' Our two wounded men arC doing well .- 7 . The'Khakiaks are dirty cowards. It is impossible to get them in the Open; t They are in bands of from 30 to-; 100, and lay in wait along the road for a small detail and then fire a few shots and retreat, The worst of it is that they.are al ways in ambush and you can nev er see one of them. I have beep under':, fire five times .and this is the first time I ever, saw one, un lefts it was to see them running one or two miles away. : We esti mated this gang at 30, hut na tives have since reported that there were fully 40 rifles in the I rang. Now 40 rifles mean at least 80 men; so you can form your own estimate of their fighting qualities',' when they* were afraid to attack'ns .after wounding two men the first .fire, and retreated without getting their killed. We did not mod any. wounded. Private JC reached Dao, O. K., and we Lad the captain and "40 men with us in about 80 minutes after the enemy had vamoosed. We all have the utmost contempt for the “K’s” markmanship. Their first volley was fired at “the point” at a range of less than 30 yards. Our Christmas was not so very drill,; au the natives celebrated in great style. - Written for the HoxbJocixu. It. is not true that all men judge all things by appearance, but it is true that too many men and wo men permit appearances to influ ence their judgment in great de gree. In most matters, however, very few surrender to the influence appearance so completely as did the venerable citizen of a New England County who was being questioned in court to determine his qualifications as a juror in criminal trial. All the questions usually asked had been satisfactorily answered when the solicitor said: “Juror look upon the prisoner; prisoner look upon the juror.” The man held an open hand above his eyes, leaned forward and closely scanned the features of the accused. Straightening him self, he diliberately turned toward the bench and said, “yes, judge, I think he’s guilty. ” Quickly came, “the prisoner objects,”: and that man waft not one of the jury to try that case Paper Fron Gotton Seed. A'Keen Clear Brain. Your best feelings, your social josition <& business suectess depend argely on the perfect . action .of 70hr Stomach and Liver. Dr. ’King’sNew Life Pills give increas ed strength, a keen, clear brainj high ambition. A 25 cent box will make yon feel like a new be ing. Sold by H. M. Holtzciaw, Druggist; Mr. Robert Thomas, formally superintendent of the Glendale Paper Mills, an enterprise owned and controlled by S. M. Inman aud W. A. Hemphill, of Atlanta has made what he believes to be a great hit in New York City. He has discovered a process by which the common cotton seed hulls can be made into paper at about one- half the cost of manufacture from wood pulp. Mr. Thomas has in terested leading capitalists in the enterprise with the results that a $5,000,000 company is to be or ganized in Trenton, N. J. for the purpose of erecting plants in va rious parts of ehe cotton belt. Pa per by this process will, be a great deal cheaper and the farmers will find the movement advantageous to a-more ready disposal of their cotton seed. An exchange tells of a lady who tried to scare her husband, who was quite a hard drinker, so he would reform. To do this she pro cured the costume of a devil that had. been worn at a 'masquerade. The next time the erring’’ Spouse came home feeling happy she quickly donned the costume ; as he opened the door she stepped forward and said in sepulchral tones: “Come in with me—I am the devil.” The result rather startled her, as the response with which he greeted her was: “Zat so? Shake, ol’ boy, I’in your brother-in-law, I married your sister.” . - A Woman’s Awful Peril. “There is only one chance to save your life and that is through a,n operation” were the startling words heard by Mrs; I, B. Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wis., -from her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her-of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaun dice. Gallstones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to rise Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. It’s a wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50/. • Guaranteed. For: sale by H. M. Holtzciaw, druggist. ; There is a-new distilling process which was shown recently at the Paris exhibition This process de pends upon the. employment of a microbe which will convert starch first into sugar and next into al cohol. The whole pperation is carried on in closed vats, every material being Sterilized, so that there can be no microbes present except those especially bred in the laboratory for the purpose. These microbes were first found in Chi- neese yeast and have been .taken to Europe. They are, however ijuite distinct from the yeast plant. The Colored Orphan’s Home. Mb. Editor—Please allow me space in your paper to represent the Orphans’ Home for colored children. This home is in South Macon, Bibb county, Ga. On Thanksgiving day it was one year old. It has splendid facilities, and is in a healthy locality. A kind set of managers and 30 or phans occupy the home. Being a young institution and in great need, the aid of all good friends was asked and many-liber ally responded. Mrs. Sallie Jack- son and Rev, D. J. McGhee labor ed with zeal in behalf of the or phans in the home and for those who should be there. Both white and colored citizens of Fort Val ley, Powersville, Marshallville and Perry and those living in the im- mediete vicinity have been very benevolent. Their charities in clothing, shoes and provisions aid in meeting the necessities of these destitute orphans and meet the approval of Our God, who hath commanded his earthly subjects to “Love thy neighbor as thy self.” The good people of Marshall ville and Montezuma heard the signal for the cause of God and humanity and came with their assistance as the .good Samaritan did of old. All whom we did not ask for aid we hope will not feel slighted, because the gate will not be closed, for we will have, the poor with us until time shall end. This record on earth may grow dim as the.years go by, or may be lost along the road of time; but in the archives of eternity it. will be kept safely, and our deeds of kindness will be made known. Then the righteous rewards will be given by our elder brother, Jesus Christ. Let the elevated mind imagine that His melodious voice is heard*?/;- “I was hungry and ye fed ,pae, . naked and ye clothed me. Enter thou into the joys of thy Lord.” Then we can see and know the benefit of our labors when rescued, suffering hu manity and laboring, donating humanity shall rejoice around the throne of God together. Dear friends and readers, just think of it. The seeds of good we sow Both in son and shade will grow, And will keep our hearts aglow While the days are going by. To Ouk Whitb Friends :— We are trying, to imitate your excellent civilization on all lines Please lend ns your sympathy and assistance, and we will try to make good citizens of many who might become vagabonds and dis turbers of the peace. We are your earnest, humble workers, Sallie Jackson, Rev. D. J. McGhee, Jb. OLD SCHOOL BOOKS Beaflfit, Sold and Exchanged. Full Line Houston County Books. McEvoy Book and Stationery Co. 572 CHERRY ST., MACON, GEORGIA, Our stock' is now complete, consisting of a large and choice selection of Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Cut Glass, Statuary and Silver Novelties, and everything usually found in a first-class Jewelry Store. Yow is the time to select your Holiday, Wedding and Birthday Presents. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Catarrh Cannot be Cuerd with Local Applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or con stitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts direct ly on .the blood and mucous sur faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not quack medicine. It was • pre scribed by one of the best physi cians in thiB country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is - composed.; of, the . best tonips known/ communed with the best blood* purifier ft,' acting' directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect comcination of the two ingredi ents is what produces : Such won derful results in curing catarrh Send for testimonials free. - F. J. Cheney & Co.-, Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. „ Hall's Family Pills are the best Help is needed at once when cvra/vn’a lifo la in rlotirror A-nf person’s life is in danger. A*neg-' of those annually discharged owe lected cough or, cold mdy soon be-: come serious and, should be stop ped at once. One -Minute Cough Cure quicldy cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and othe throat and lung troubles. H. M. Holtz- cfaw’s Drugstore., - According to a statement just issued in Washington, the mineral production of the United ’ States las increased nearly $200,000,000 in tpn years, amounting now to $876,000,000 per year. Thegreat est increases were in petroleum and copper, To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money of it fails to cure.- E. W. Grovel signature is on each box. 25/- To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cas carets Candy Cathartic. 10c or Be. UC.C.C. tall to core, druggists refund money. More than 20 per cent. of. the men dischrrged from the service of the New York Central railroad company twenty years. ago were dropped from the rolls, for drunk enness. Now, however, with thir ty thousand men in the employ of the company, less than 1 per cent rtf aMnnallw— V the loss* of their situations to oyer indulgence in liquor; This change in*conditions is said to : be largely due to the beneficent- influence of the railroad department of the Young Men’s Christian Associja-- tion.—Ex. Don’t use any of the ^counter feits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them. are worth-? less or liable to cause injury. The original DeWitt’s Witbh Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and skin diseases.', Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. CASTOR IA lor Infanti and Children.. Tin Kind You Kin Always Bought Bear* tha Signature of I 320 Second St., MACON, GA. ML C. BALKC0M % Agt. I am better prepared than'ever to supply yonr wants in Hardware, Stoves, Cutlery, Tinware, WOODENWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, mm,fimw, mm I buy goods for spot cash, and therefore I sell as low as anybody in Macon. 308 THIRD STREET. NEAR POSTOFFICE. SAM MAYER. W. B. WATTS. intiis COTTON FACTORS, MACON, GA. Advances made to farmers at low rates of interest. WE DO A-STRICT COMMISSION BUSINESS. Shipments Solicited. Mayer & Watts, Macon,-Ga. The pen sufficiently nimble-to tell all the good points of our . Fall and Winter.. hag .not been found. Glance among the va rious priced, suits. The cheapest 'sorts are excellent and.the styles just right. It seems insulting to link TEN DOLLARS With these clever plain and mix ed cheviots, nobby cassimers. And the All Wool Serge It simply shows that the meager purse is am ply able to get clothing of excellence for a small o’utlay. Single or double breasted coats. We will keep yon dressed right up to date, if you buy your clothing here. mm The Up-To-Date Clothiers, I MACON", GEORGIA,