The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, December 13, 1900, Image 3

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Pebby, Thursday, December 18. JjOCAIi NEWS, Jiuas Goods. A complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, to suit"everyone. Special Mention: Capitola Flour, Mince Meat, Fruit Cake, Large Quantity of Nuts, Citron, Currants, Eaisins, Spices, Sauces, Jams, Preserves, Jellies, &c. t^7“_ t-rs_ SI < bvIS 7 PERRY, GA. you want the Best Flour an d Best Meal go to Tharp’s Mill ■^TCane Syrup, this year’s crop at40/per gallon. Fred M. Houser’s T^iice line of Umbrellas from 50c to $8.00 W. D. Day. Sidewalk Oleaui LOCAL NEWS OP TOWN A17D CGtNTT ' I - - Marriage In Perry. — Only 12 days within which to get ready for Christmas. —Houston farmers will begin business nest year in good Bhape. , , , - v: x i ^ „ ants and relatives enjoyed a wed- to..v?. Leoli !' G ? eeu Houser of ding dinner at the home of the Fort Valley will be married on bride’s parents A very pretty home marriage was solemnized on Evergreen street Wednesday afternoon, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller. Prior to the marriage the attend- December 19th, to Mr. George H. Holliday of Atlanta. Mr. W. R. Rogers of Macon was the guest of Mr. W. M. Gor don from last Saturday afternoon, to Monday morning. _—Mr. J. D. Martin, Jr. and wife and Miss Hate Day went jap to Atlanta last Monday, and re turned Wednesday morning. —Preaching at Houston Factory Baptist Church next Saturday at 10 a. m. and on Sunday at 2 p. in., sun time, by Dr. W. J. Holtz- claw. At 3 o’clock p. m. the bride and groom marched from a rear room through a portierre in the middle of the spacious hall, and under a beautiful Christmas arch, they stood, Mr. Morgan E. Wil liams of Ansley, Ala., and Miss Claudia May Miller. Rev. W. J. Holtzclaw, in his happy style, performed the ceremony that made them man and wife. Miss Martha Emile Lawson presided at the organ, The attendants were, W. M. Blewster of Fort Valley and Miss Mattie Miller; J. E. Miller, Jr. a „ j -n & nd Miss Annie Anderson of held atthe y ^morv P tat moJ^ ■“‘"“•jj OTPfteigpJj night, and after a spirited contest, the medal was awarded to Sergt. J. S. Rainey. The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. They never gripe. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. Educate Your JSowels With Cascaretf. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forerer. 10c, 25c. ir C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Repair Shop. I have opened a Repair Shop in the Oliver building, and am bet ter prepared than ever to repair Watches, Clocks, Guns, Pistols, Bicycles etc, Charges reasonable. All Work guaranteed. All asked isatrial. J. S. Rainey, Perry, Ga. Best for tlie Bowels. No matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. GASCA- BETS help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy, natural movements, costs yon just 10 cents to start getting your health back. CASCA- BETS Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. 0. stamped on it. Beware of imitations. It’s Getting COLD and you are going to kill HOGS and of course you must have SALT. The place to buy it cheap in large lots or by the sack is from Fred. M. Houser. Artificial Digestion. Is that all that you want? It is not all that you can get. T. & P. Stomach Tablets contain the best digestive agents. These digest the food; but if this was all they would not and could not cure you. They have combined with these digest ive ferments, Tonics that act di rectly on the organs of digestion, and Laxatives that regulate the Liver and Bowels, putting the sys tem in condition to perform its own work. This means that if you will half way^take care, of your stomach a cure is certain. T. & P. Stomach Tablets are for sale by all druggists. 50c. a box. Free sample by mail if you will write lor it. TAPLOR & PEEK DRUG CO., ftiacon. Ga. GEORGIA—Houston County. M. A. Edwards, administrator of the rotate of C. H. Shrigley, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the realty be longing to the estate of said deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the January tenn, 1901. of the court of Ordinary of said count/ and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not he granted. Winess my official signature this December 3,1900. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary GEORGIA—Houston County. L fl. Tharp and E. L. Dennard, ex- ecntors of the essate of B. F. Tharp, de ceased, have applied for leave to sell the ^alty belooging to the estate ot said de ceased. This is therefore to cite all persons con- 5?™ e d to appear at the January term, ls 01, of the court of Ordinary of said Jo&nty and show cause, if any they have, "hy said application should not be eranted. ss my official signature this r 3,1900. SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County. Miss Clifford W. Pool, administratrix «the estate of Mrs. Priscilla W. Pool, e? d,has applied for dismission from her traet: this :s therefore to cite all persons con- S el to appear at. the February term, //’Of the court of Ordinary of said > and show cause, if any they have, application should not be Panted. *8 my official signature this fir 5,1900. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. —The present term of Perry Pablic School will close next Fri day, December 14th. The Spring term will begin on the first Mon day in January. Two brothers of Messrs. J. E. and W. J. Cheek have recently moved into Houston County, and will engage in farming near Perry. They are cordially welcomed. —Mr. W. G. Riley, who is in business with the up-to-date Clothiers, Benson ,& Houser, Ma con, Ga., was with friends in Per ry Sunday evening and Monday morning. —At the State Poultry Show at Jackson last week, three premiums were awarded to Cornish Indian Games exhibited by Mr. E. L. Dennard; Second on Cockerel, 2nd and 3rd on pullet. —Rev. T. W. Ellis returned to Perry Tuesday and will preach at the Methodist church Sunday. As the Conference saw fit to re move him from the charge, we are glad he will be a neighbor,at Mar- Shallville —Dr. Wm. J. Holtzclaw will deliver his address on “A Century of Foreign Missions” at the Tatt nall Square Baptist church in Macon next Snnday night, in con nection with a “Century Day” in the interest of missions. —Mr. and Mrs. R.- W. Gamble of Macon, parents of Mrs. J. R. Fudge, have moved to Perry to live. Our citizens cordially ex tend them the right hand of fel low-ship. Mr. Gamble will en gage in farming next year. —Mr. H. T. Gilbert and fami ly have moved from the Day house on Ball street into the Gordon house on Washington Avenue, and Mr. J. D. Martin, Jr. and wife will soon begin house-keeping in the house vacated by Mr. Gilbert and family. —Tax Collector Miller will close his books Thursday, Decem ber 20th, and at once executions will be issued against all who have failed to pay. He will be in Per ry every day until the 20th, and accept tax money any time except Saturday evening and Sunday. —This week members of the Perry Baptist church are holding cottage prayer services each even ing. Monday the services was held at the home of Mrs. Jobson, Tuesday evening at the home of Prof. E. H. Holland, and each other evening there will be a pray er service at a home in Perry. —At the December business meeting of the Byron Epworth League, at the home of Mrs M C Vinson, the following officers were elected: President, Prof S T Gil bert; 1st V Pres, Miss S F Craw ford, 2nd V Pres, Miss Joanna Vinson; 3rd V Pres, Miss Sadie Peavy; Secretary and Treasurer, Will Peavy. -Edward Swanson, a profession al snake-charmer, died at Fort Valley Sunday from the effect of the bite of a rattle snake. He was handlinig the snake in pubics Saturday, when the reptile bit him on the arm. The'snake had juit- been received from Florida, and it was understood the fangs had been with drawn. —The Houston County Baptist, Volume 1, No. 1, reached this of fice Tuesday morning. It is a 5 colume quarto, puplished in the interest of religious work in Hous ton county, and as such we give it cordial welcome. .The announce ment says it will be issued once a month and and mailed at Perry. Subscription, 50/ a year,-must be sent to Dr. W J Holtzclaw, Box 81. Perry, Ga. —Mr. J. Henry King, recently with Cater Bros., Forsyth, was with home folks and friends in Perry last Thursday and Friday. He is now in business with the Strong Shoe Co., - Macon, Ga., where he will be glad to see and serve his friends. Thu fact that Henry Kingwas reared in Perry is sufficent guarantee that he is a man worthy of the utmost confi dence, and a business man of ster- llng qualities.. The Strong Shoe Co under the management of MrV Stewart Watson, is fully up- to-date in all its appointments, and no foot-wear of inferior qual ity is sold. Every pair of shoes 11 11 hdSiisfcy call on Valley and Miss Minnie Martin of Denmark; Stephen Johnson of Unadilla and Miss Annie Wellons; Miller Marshall and Miss Bessie Williams of Pinehurst; Sadie Wellons and Bessie Smith, flower girls. The decorations were of Christ mas character, holly, bamboo, mistletoe and flowers. There were many presents from the numerous friends and rela tives, beautiful and useful. When congratulations had been spoken, the happy pair, accom panied by several of the attend ants, went to Tivola, and thence to Unadilla, where there are rela tives of the groom Thursday there will be a recep tion dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henderson, in Houston county, about four miles from Unadilla. After December 20th, they will be at home in Ansley, Ala. . Mr. Williams has certainly won a prize in the lottery of life. We join the many friends in extend ing cordial congratulations and best wishes. Masonic Officers. An election held in Perry Chap ter R. A. M. December 4th, re sulted as follow's: A. C. Riley, H. P.; L. M. Paul, K., C. P. Marshall, S.; VV. D. Day, Treas.; T. M. Killed, Sec.; J. P. Duncan, C. H.; Geo. Paul, P. S.; J. D. Martin, R. A. C ; S. T. Hurst, M. 3 V.; J. N. Tuttle, M. 2 V.; A. Bryant, M1V;A.B. Schilling, Sentinel. At a regular meetiug of Hous ton Lodge No. 35 F. & A. M., at their lodge Hall in Perry, the fol lowing "elective and “appointive officers were chosen for the ensu ing year: A. C. Riley, W. M. ’ C. E. Brunson, S. W. W. W. Howard, J. W. T. M. Killen, Secretary. L. M. Paul, Treasurer. A. B. Schilling, Tyler. C. E. Brunson, General Mana ger. J. H. Hodges, S. D. B. H. Andrew, J. D. C. P. Marshall and W. A. King, Stewards. A nderson—Philips. Wednesday afternoon, Decem ber 5th, at the home of the bride’s aunt in Macon, Mr. George D. Anderson, Jr. and Miss Clara Philips were married. Mr. Anderson returned to Hous ton with his bride, and next day they with a number of guests en joyed a wedding dinner at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Anderson, near Myrtle. The groom is a prosperous young mi reliant of Myrtle, on the Perry Branch railroad. The bride is of Clinton, Jones County. Many friends cordially extend congratulations and best wishes for their future prosperity and happiness. Choice Christmas Goods. We can suit all sorts of people with Christmas articles, suitable for presents or their own use. Nicest variety of Cologne, Ex tracts and Toilet Waters. Superi or quality and style of package. Special assortment of Books, Poems, Gift, Toy, Scrap Books and Albums. Elegant Toilet Sets, and many unique Toilet Articles. Art Medallians, new, unique and beautiful in design and frame. Pretty and Funny Games for children. . Artistic Glassware for useful and ornamental purposes. • Beau tiful Wave Crests. _ Individual China pieces, and many other articles. Come and see.. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. To My Friends. Since severing my connection from the firm of Tabor & Parker at Taborton, Ga., I have accepted a position with Adams & Johns ton, Second street, Macon, Ga., wholesale and retail Grocers. I am prepared to sell goods very cheap ; would be glad to have you call to see me before buying. Respectfully, J. S. Tabor. Dwelling Burned Near Bonaire. The elegant home of Mr. Geo. M. T. Feagin was destroyed by fire last Saturday,about 12 o’clock m. The fire caught on top of the house, in a valley where leaves had fallen from surrounding trees. The fire had gained such head way before it was discovered, that only wearing apparel and bedding were saved. About all the fur niture, including a fine piano was burned. Mr. Feagin was sick in bed, and was carried from the house by his physician, Dr. S. D. Smith, with the assistance of one or more men. The house contained seven rooms, well built and elegantly furnished. We are told the loss is at least $8,000, with some in surance. The many friends of Mr. Fea- gin and his-family sincerely sym pathise with-them in their loss. Mrs. Harman of Hawkinsville, was visiting her parents, and Dr. Smith was there on a professional visit at the time. Sunday Judge J. H. Houser and Mr. W. J. Moore of Perry went to visit Mr. Feagin, knowing he was sick, but they didn’t know of the fire until they got there, The family are'temporarily oc cupying another house on the premises. all Small-Pox Situation. Since our last publication, five new cases have been reported, light, 2 on Col. Duncan's place, at Mr. Howard’s and one on the Jacob Sasser place. One death on Col. Duncan’ place, a negro man. Miss Howard is convalescent Negroes near Kathleen and Bo nairewill be discharged this week. Another Negro Killed. Another negro was murdered in Houston County last Sunday morning at about 4o’clock. Adam Hunnicutt and a woman were returning home from a fish supper that had been given Sat urday night. 'When in the road not far from the residence of Mrs. M. F. Tharp, in the tenth district, the couple were approached from behind by John Williams, alias Romulus Williams, and Williams fired two pistol balls into the bodv of Hunnicutt. Just prior to the shooting, wit nesses say, there were no words between the two, though deceased had been threatenedby Williams, who escaped directly after the murder was committed. Sheriff Cooper and Coroner Schilling went to the sceene of the murder Sunday morning, in res- ponce to a request, but as there were two witnesses to the shoot ing, it was illegal to hold an in quest. Sheriff Cooper made diligent search for the murderer, but fail ed to find him. Lecture at Court House. Next Saturday afternoon at the Court liouss in Perry, at 2 o’oelok, there will be free lectures by Rev. D. J. McGehee, Chas. Rountree, and other colored speakers. The subject will be “The Race Ques tion”. All who feel an interest in this subject are cordially invited to at tend. This notice is published by re quest of those arranging the dis cussion. Oyster Supper At Toy. We are requested to announce that there will be an oyster sup per at Toy Friday night, Decem ber 14th. A very pleasant evening promised all who attend, with the further privilege of assisting a very worthy cause. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Election Notice. An election will be held on Sat urday, Deccember 29th, Inst., for Mayor of Perry to fill the- unex pired term. The vacancy caused by the resignation of W C Davis Mayor. .Dec 12th, 1900. By order of City Council. Thos M Killen, Clerk AT PUBLIC SALE. The Joel Mann Store House in Perry, and one heavy Herring’ Iron Safe will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in January next. —If you want something nice for a Christmas present, go to Holtz claw’ b Drugstore WANTED—A competent house keeper for private family. Address Lock Box 98, Perry,Ga —We were never better supplied with all kinds of Table Glassware and Table Crockery. We are ready for the Christmas trade. L. M. Paul —Mr. Josiah Bass, one of Hous ton’s prominent citizens, writes as follows; “After trying various remedies, without obtaining any benefit, I was cured sound and well by Mucalee Chill Stop. It is the best remedy in existence for chills fever and malaria.” Every bottle guaranteed. It costs you nothing if it fails to cure. Sold by drug gists at 50 cts. Manufactured by H. J. Lamar & Sons, Macon, Ga 'Tortured A Witness. Intense suffering was endured by witness T. L, Martin, of Dixie, Ky., before he gave this evidence: “I coughed every night until my throat w r as nearly raw; then tried Dr. King’s New Discovery which gave instant relief. I have used it in my family for four years and recommend it as the greatest rem edy for Coughs, Colds and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. It will stop the worst cough, and not only prevent but absolutely cures Consumption. Price 50/ and $1.00. Every bottle guaran teed. Trial bottles free at H. M. Holtzclaw’s Drug Store. —I offer my Horse, Buggy, Wag on and Harness for sale. Horse is gentle and will work anywhere. J. D. Martin, Perry, Ga. —A big line of Toys, We ex pect to be headquarters for Santa Claus again this Christmas, L, M, Paul, —Good Wagon Harness and Plow Gear cheap at Fred M. Houser’s. Agent for Chattanooga two-horse Chilled Plows, also for White Hickory Wagons. W. D. Day, —Boys’ Express Wagons in Iron and Wood at L. M. Paul’s, PURE-BRED POULTRY. Mammoth Bronze Turkeys for sale: $5.00 per trio, or $2.00 for a choice young Tom. Also, 15 Cornish Indian Game Cockerels at $1.00 each. None better. E. L. Dennard, Perry, Ga. Agent for the Celebrated Barns- ville Buggies. W. D. Day. De’Witt’s Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, re move obstructions and invigorate the system. Holtzclaw’s-Drugstore GEORGIA, Houston County. Fayette Jefferson lias applied for ad ministration on the estate of Army Law- son, late of Eaid county, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the January term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this December 3,1900., SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. <§ This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets the remedy that enres a cold In one day . WANTED—Active man of good character to deUver and coUect in Georgia for old estab lished manufacturing wholesale bouse; $900 a year sure pay. Honesty more tban experience required. Our referenc, any bank in this city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope Man- | ufacturers, third floor 334 Dearborn st.,Chicago, flow Are YTonr Kidneys 3 Dr. Hobbs’ Sparajms Pills cure all kidney ills. Sam ple free. Add. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N. Y. W. B. Fitzgerald. J. G. Fitzgerald. Big Creek Poultry Farm, ELKO, GA. Breeders of S. C. Brown Leghorns, Black Langshans, Black Minorcas and Pekin Dhcks. Eggs at $1.50 fur 15. 0 M. DuPREE. Attorney - ax - Law, Byron, Ga. Money to loan on Farm Lands. A House Full of Them icy- is sum. a* * t-■— . . . . lie roiiffkiindWorks off the Cold, wffl be found just as represented.. Tablets street, if you want foot-wear, x i\o ray and they are on the move.' We have a new and complete stock of everything in ««F00TWEAR> Any price and any Size. Shoes that wear .and fit. GIVE US A CALL. 405 ffyrd‘St., Maceit 6a. GET OUR PRICES OH HARDWARE Before You Buy Elsewhere. We Quote You a Few Prices: 3- inch Strap Hinges, 4- inch “ “ 5- inch “' “ 6- igch “ “ 8-inch Heavy “ 10-inch “ “ 12-inch “ “ All sizes in. Bolts for plowstocks. Screw Hooks, Screw Eyes; from smallest to largest sizes. 5c Pair. 5c ct 8c t c > 10c it 15c ct 20c ct 25c Li Hooks and Staples, Hasps and Staples, - 5c each, and upward. All sizes in Wood Screws, Rivets for mending Harness,&c. Sand Paper, coarse or fine, 10c dozen sheets. Trunk Locks, 5c up. Wardrobe Locks, 5c up. Chest Locks, 5c up. Shoes, Shoes, Slioes. A BARGAIN FOR MEN—Men’s Genuine Solid Leather, High Cut, Soft Peg Brogan Shoes, (h4 AA worth SI .25 pair, Cp A • U V All sizes and kinds of Men’s Shoes, Ladies’ Shoes, Girls’ Shoes and Boys’ Shoes. An Oil Grain Creole, soft and com- dj4 A fortable for any man, solid leather, pair tpXtfCU You positively will lose money by not trading here. BACKET - STORE. GO TO DAY’S. If yf u have not been to Day’s you should go to Day’s to-day. I have just openedja case of the Best Prints. They Kp yJ are beauties, at uu j U- A nice line of Underwear for Men, Women and Children at very low prices. Thompson’s Glove-Fitting and W. B. Straight Front (J>-j OA Corsets. Price kpJ.»Uv/ I am offering a great bargain in Ladies’ Fine Shoes that cost from $1.75 to $2.50. $4 K A Your choice for.... 100 Kid Gloves fyr None better. 50c Xmas Umbrellas. They are beauties. Silver trimmed. Each, $2.50 and $3.00 A big line of MEN’S NECKWEAR in all the latest shapes. Colored Stiff Bosom Shirts in all the latest designs. From 50c. to Some beauties in * Smyrna Rngs. From $i.0° ’ Hurrah For Christmas!! Hurrah For Santa Claus!! The happiest, the j oiliest, the most joyous season of the year is just 13 days off. The season which brings with it the time-honored custom of gift giving, which was begun 2000 years ago by the three wise men of the East. We can’t begin to enumerate in this issue the hun dreds ot pretty Novelties and numerous pleasing Toys, not to say anything about the good, useful, everyday-needed ^ things that make nice presents. "We put you on notice—* we have them; they are here. Just a Suggestion. In making Christmas Gifts, 00 choose something for use as well as beauty. For instance, Umbrellas. They are useful about £ of the year. We’ve got a beautiful line of Men’s and Ladies’; we’ve got them from the 50c. cotton to the $3 Silk. Handkerchiefs are useful about three-thirds of the year. We’ve got them for Men, Women and Children; we’ve got them in Cotton, Linen and Silk; we’ve got them from 5c. to 75c. each. Men’s Mufflers are useful. Bed-Room Slippers are usefui, for Ladies and Men. Rugs are useful. Silver Thimbles are useful. Nice Purses are useful. Children’s Knife, Fork and Spoon sets are useful. Scissors are useful. Pocket-Knives are useful. Gloves of all kinds are useful. Men’s Neck Ties are useful. Silver-Plated Novelties are useful. Glassware of every description is useful. Table Cutlery is useful. Hand Mirrors, Folding Mirrors, all kinds of Mirrors are useful. Waste Baskets, Lunch Baskets, Work Baskets, are useful Chamber Sets, Tin Water Sets are useful. We have them. Everything in and ready, but don't delay. Watch out next T TIT T) A TTT week for our regular Christmas ad. JL» JU* 1 ilULt Correct Styles. There is nothing to justify distrust as to styles or make or material when you get your Clothing from us. Eyerything you see here is correct, fresh, nobby—the latest and best that money, experience and care could secure. Examine our offerings before you buy your Winter Suit or Fall Under wear. BURNETT & GOODMAN, The New Stere. 454 Tfiird St. MAG0H, fiA. CALDER B. WILLINGHAM, JR., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Crockery, Stoves, Lamps House- Furnishing Goods. GOMPLETE LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS. TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON, GA.