The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, January 24, 1901, Image 7

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1 MwasaBMULai^muiMin »■■ 11 m iheibimbs—wmmbh—h——————— . COME, SEE and EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED. BEARS OTJR GUARANTEE Of Merit, Durability, Style and Finish, and that You get your money’s worth Whether of our own make or of the many manufacturers’ which we handle. Our Line of Fine Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Laprobes, Whips, Etc., Etc., are the perfection of the manu facturers’ art ::Agents for the Celebrated:: Fish Brothers’ Farm Wagons. If you get a FISH WAGON, you get the BEST WAGON MADE. The Williams Buggy Company, 522 & 524 Poplar Street, MACON, GEORGIA. m ■ > iHiaT Interference in Venezuela. Several days ago it was announced that United States warships had been sent to Venezuela to protect the rights of American -citizens in that country. Concerning this fact and the surrounning conditions, our Washington correspondent writes: “Compelled thereto by the agents of the Asphalt Trust, the United States government has sent war ships to Venezuela with the avowed object of interferring by force of arms to prevent the disarmament by the Venezuelan government of the employees of the trust, who are re sisting the decrees of the courts of the republic, in favor of a weaker ri val, which is also an American cor poration, but which has not the ear of the administration. It is some what difficult to ascertain the exact situation in the asphalt regions. It is known, howeve, that years ago the Asphalt Trust obtained a con cession in the state of Bermudez. In 1888 it acquired an additional concession, which contained asphalt deposits. A few years later a Vene-- zuelau company acquired a tract ad joining that of the trust, and trans ferred its rights to an American company. Disputes arose as to the boundary between the two, the trust claiming it to be the meandering line of a foot path through the for est, while the new company asserted that the line should be straight. If so run, Lake Venezuela, which is very valuable, would be in the grant of the new company. The case was arbitrated, decided against the trust and President Castro ordered the property turned over to the smaller corporation. At once the trust de clared the arbitrators were bribed, and refused to surrender the land in question. Obviously, the United States has no right to interfere. It is the right and duty of Venezuela to maintain order in its domain and execute the law. A quarel there be tween rival American' business asso ciations over Venezuelan concessions concerns that government exclusive ly. If the conditions were reversed and the dispute between syndicates composed of Venezuelans in the United {States, our goverment would not tolerate interference,jbnt would compel the rivals to submit their claims to the courts,” A Fobt Valley correspondent of the Atlanta Constitution gives some interesting details of an education al institution just outside the corpo rate limits of that city, of which many Houston county people know nothing. The institution is called the “Fort Valley High and Indus trial School,” and is devoted to the education of colored youth, male and female. Besides the literary course, the boys are taught the the ory and practice of farming, carpen try, drawing,etc., while the girls are instructed in cookery, sewing, laun- drying, etc. The school farm this year embraces 30 acres, devoted to truck raising. The property of the school is said to be worth $10,000, and the names of four hundred pu pils are on the roll this year. J. W. Davison is the founder and princi pal, and he can tell whether the cor respondent has overdrawn the pic ture or not. The Weather Calendar That Predict ed The Galveston Storm. One of the best calendars of the season is the “Cardui Weather Chart and calendar for 1901,” published by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. ^ The Home Journal office has just received one from the publishers, which consists of twelve sheets of paper, 18x20 inches in size, all fastened together with a gilt tin strap and a brass loop hanger. Each strip contains the calendar for one month in large figures that can be read across any room. Under the figures patent weather signals in dicating Prof. Devoe’s Weather forecasts for every day in the year appear. This is the calendar that accurately predicted the Galves ton storm a year before it occur red. We understand a few copies of it can be secured by sendsng 10 one-cent postage stamps to the Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. . — — —■ The Prince of Wales will be cr rw ii<xi King of England and Em peror of India, with imposing cere monies, as soon as the arrangements can be perfected by the privy coun cil. Only The Best. Ms. Editor:— Permit me to submit a few sug gestions, or ideas, to your readers. Were all thinking people to deter mine that nothing but the best is good enough for their use, the im petus to improvement in' all avenues would be great, and the progress continual. In farming use the best lands for the best crops, plant only the best seeds, with best fertilization, cultivate with the best implements and the best judgment. This would give the best results, increase the productiveness of the soil and con stantly add to the quantity and quality of the products. Proceeding on this line, the use of the best breeds of poultry, hogs, cattle and other animals would constantly add to the quality and usefulness of these valuable and needfnl adjuncts of farm life. In mercantile business the use of the best selection in each grade of merchandise would enhance the character of the business, increase the profits of the sellers, and to the buyers there would be greater con fidence, good will and satisfaction. Of course there are some who can not all times afford to buy the very bust, but in using the best within their means,the desire and ability to raise their demands in quality would surely come. Individually to all people, the ability is within their command to use only the best thoughts, words and actions in their intercourse with other people.. It is not my purpose here to be come the mentor of anj individual, nor to enter into the details of any proposed reform, but merely to give foundation for thought and action along a line whereon there is much room for improvement. Perhaps someone eles may desire to elaborate this subject, and, per haps, I may write again. Respectfully, Thinker. Ben Hill Notes. BY NEIGHBOR- Mrs. J. G. Cline has qaite a large and interesting music class here. She has taught music in this com munity a number of years, and at no time has the class been more promising than new. A Sunday school was organized at Ben Hill Sunday, 20th inst. This is a good move, and one that we trust will succeed. Officers will be elected next Sunday. The Ben Hill School is in a flour ishing condition. Prof. Cline is known to be a successful teacher, and one ever ready for any undertaking that is for the advancement and benefit of his pupils. There will be an oyster supper at the academy Friday night of this week, the proceeds to go toward buying an organ for the school. In addition to oysters, fruits, candies, etc., will be served. Every one is invited to come out. M. W. J. Ingram, who has been quite sick, we are glad to know is improving. Miss Fannie Belle Vinson, our popular assistant teacher, is board ing with Mrs. Charley Hardison. Miss Fannie Belle is popular because she deserves to be. —If you want to buy a horse, mules, hire an animal or team, have your team cared for while in Macon, go to Branan’s stable on Poplar street. —-High Grade Acid and Bright Cotton Seed Meal, Good for grain, On hand for sale, or Exchange for Cotton Seod. J. P. Cooper, Perry, Ga. GOOD POSITION. Wanted: Young ladies aad gentlemen in every county for office work, clerk ship, etc. Must make small deposit or give security. Previous experience not necessary. Good salary. Address “Frank,” Box 485, Nashville, Tenn. Evans Bacon ) Libel for Divorce in vs [• Houston Superior Amanda Bacon ) Court, April Term,1901, To Amanda Bacon: You are hereby required to be and ap pear at the Superior Court to be held in and for the County of Houston^ State of Georgia, on the first Monday in April next, then andthereto answer the plain tiffs petition for divorce in the above stated case, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall ap- nertaiu. Witness the Honorable W. H. Felton, Jr., Judge of the said Superior Court, this January 9th, 1901. M. A. Edwards, Clerk. Grovania Missionary Society. The Woman’s Missionary Society of Grovania met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harrison last Sat urday evening according to appoint ment, with Mrs. J. J. Houser as president, Miss Maggie Rentz re cording secretary, Mrs. J. T. Riley corresponding-secretary, Mrs. W. S. Riley treasurer, Mrs. T. H. Rentz vice president. The meeting was opened by song, prayer and talk by the president. This society was organized about 8 years ago, the average attendance of about 4 until last Saturday, when they had a full attendance of 14 or 15. These ladies are good workers for the cause, and seem to be enthused about their society. We wish them much success. The program was as follows: Song, “O, for a heart.” Prayer. Scripture reading, John 15th; talk from 9 th verse, “I am the vine.” Select reading by Mrs. J. T. Riley, “I seek not yours, but you.” Reading, “On, Pilgrim, on,” by Miss Mattie Miller. Song, “Just as I am.” Roll call. Minutes of last meeting. Payment of dues. Distribution of leaflets. Song, “Nearer My God to Thee.” Benediction. Joe Bedge. A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’s Great Discovery, One small bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabestes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder, in both men and wemen, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Md. Send for testimonials. Sold by all drug gists, andH. J. Lamar & Sous, Ma con, Ga., and H. M. Holtzclaw, Perry, Ga. READ THIS. Cuthbert, Ga., April 2,1900. This is to certify that I was af fected with gravel and that I took sixty drops of Hall’s Great Discov ery and it completely cured me. It is worth $1 per bottle to any one heeding it. J. T. Stevens, THINS ON THIS. If a Doctor writes a prescription for you it costs you Two ($2.00) Dollars. If your druggist fills it, he wants fifty (.50( cents or One ($1.00) Dollar. We offer you a prescription filled and ready for use at twenty-five (.25) cents a box, that is guaranteid to cure Ecxema; Tetter, Itch, rialt-Rhenm, Barber’s Itch, Itching Piles, Scald Head and all skin Deseases. WATTS’ ECZEMA OINTMENT, Twenty-five Cents a Box. All Druggists. Taylor & Peek Drug Co. 5 MACON, GA. BANKRUPT SALE. In the District Court of the United States for the Western Division of the Southern Distriot of Georgia. In the matter of J. A. &■ J. H. Coffee, Bankrupts. By virtue of an order from the Hou. Alexander Proudfit, Referee in Bank ruptcy. will be sold by auction before the court house door in Perry, Georgia, be tween 10 o’clock a m and 4 p m on the 1st Tuesday in February, 1901, the following real estate, to-wit: That tract of land in the thirteen th(l 1 district of Houston County, Georgia,con taining 720 acres of land, more or less, and bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by the Montezuma and Hawkins- villeroad, on the sonth and west by Big Creek and on the east by the lands of the late Stephen Brown. Also, one Meridian Hay Press and one McCormick Shredder. Said property be ing the same as scheduled by said J.A. Coffee, bankrupt, as his property. Terms of sale cash on confirmation by said Referee.} This January 7th, 1901. A. C. RILEY, Trash e in Bankruptcy. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold at public outcry at the late residence of T. B. Chancay, dec’d, in the lower Uth district of Houston county, Ga., on Saturday, January 26th, 1901,all the personal property belonging to the estate of said deceased: Consisting of mules, horse, cattle, hogs, corn, fodder, peas, potatoes, cotton seed, buggy, wag on, farming utensils, household & kitchen furniture, etc. Terms cash. L. H. GARFIELD, Tern. Adm’r. WANTED—ACTIVE SIAN OF GOOD CHARACTER to deliver and collect in Georgia for old estab lished manufasturingwholesale house; $900 a year sure pay. Honesty more than experience required. Our reference,any hank in any city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manu facturers. 3rd Floor, 3& Dearborn st., Chicago. MIV80N Issued Weekly, William J. Bryan, Editor and Publislirr, Lincoln. - Nebraska. Terms—Payable in Advance. One Year $1.00 Six Months. 60 Three Months .35 Single Copy .07 No travelin canvassers are employed. Terms for local agents will be sent upon application. All money should be sent by P. O. order, Express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks or stamps. We club with The Commoner. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-A-Week Edition. Almost a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. The presidential campaign is over but the world goes on jnst the same and it is full of news. To learn this news, just as it is—promptly and impartially—all that yon have to do is to lohk in the colnmns of The Thrice-a-Week Edition of The New Fork World which comes to the subscriber 156 times a year. The Thrice-a-Week World’s diligence as a publisher of first news has given it circulation wherever the English lan guage is spoken— and you want it. The Thrice-a-Week World’s regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year. We offer this unequaled newspaper and Home Journal together one year for $2.00. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. Pianos At Greatly Reduced Prices. Fifty new Upright Pianos will ciose out at greatly reduced prices within the next few weeks. Among them such celebrated makes as Steinway, Sohmer & Co,, Kranieli & Bach, Stultz & Bauer, Bash & Gests, Lester and Royal. Call at once and secure one of these bargains F. A. GUTTENGERGER & CO., 452 Second st., Macon, Ga. \ Peach Trees! * 5 HEARS, PERSIMMONS, PLUMS, FIGS, MULBERRIES, CAMPHOR TREES, GRAPES, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS. 1 of Trees- Best Qus! f t\ Lo\? P^ces. SACCLENNY, FLa. n POMONA MISERIES at MIAMI, FLA. (JACKSONVILLE, FLA. ADQffESS TH" CRJFFINC DROTHC-S COMPANY, free upon application. f>.'o, BOX 633 S, JACKSONVILLE. FLA. =hk-. m