The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, January 31, 1901, Image 3

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Pebry, Thursday-, January 81. local news, Tabli Necessities Can be found at my store during the year 1901, both in Staple and Fancy line. Your patronage is solicited. $ Respectfully, W. B. SIMS. —If you want a mule, or sever al mules, call at Branan’s stables, Poplar street, Macon, Ga. He proposes f to sell at lower prices than anybody. —If you want the Best Flour and Best Meal go to Tharp’s Mill Agent for the Celebrated Barns- ville Buggies. W. D. Day. Repair Shop. I have opened a Repair Shop in the Oliver building, and am bet ter prepared than ever to repair Watches, Clocks, Guns, Pistols, Bicycles etc, Charges reasonable. All Work guaranteed. All asked is a trial. J. S.Rainey, Perry, Ga. The Best Georgia Cane cheap by the barrel. The Best in town for the money. And Plenty of SALT ih white cloth sacks. You can save money by buying these things from Fred. M. Houser, Perry, Georgia. Artificial Digestion. Is that all yon want? It is not all that you can get. T. & P. Stomach Tablets contain the best digestive agents. These digest the food; but if this was all they would not and could not cure > you. They have combined with these digest ive ferments, Tonics that act directly on the organs of digestion, and Laxatives that regulate the Liver and Bowels, put ting the system in condition to perform its own work. This means that i£ you will half way take care of your stomach a cure is certain. T. & P. Stomach Tablets ore for sale by all druggists. 50c. a box. Free sample by mail if you will write for it. TAYLOR & PEEK DRUG CO.., MACON, GA. Death of Mr. Wellons. Last Sunday morning, just as the darkness of night was giving place to the light of a new day, the soul of Mr. E. Shelley Wel lons passed from time to eternity, at his home in Perry. About four weeks ago he was prostrated by an attack of bilious lagrippe, and . gradually grew weaker until death came. At the Perry Baptist church the funeral service, beginning at 8:80 Monday afternoon, was conducted by Rev.- J. 0. Brewton ©LCordele, formerly pastor of this church. He preached an impressive and com forting sermon from a double text; “Blessed are they who die in the Lord,—To die is Gain.” The floral offerings were many, and very beautiful. Every seat in the church was occupied. Rev. W. J. Holtzclaw, pastor of the church, was unavoidably absent, attending a Convention in Atlan ta. As a mark of special honor, and respect, the teachers and pupils of Perry Public School attended the’ funeral in a body. The burial was in Evergreen Cemetery Monday afternoon, at tended by the family, other rel atives and friends from all sec tions of the county. He was born in Crawford coun ty fifty-one years ago, was married to Miss N. L. Blewster on Jan uary 26,1861, and about that time he became a citizen of Houston county. For several years he taught school. Afterwards he was elected clerk of Houston Su perior Court, and was 8 times re elected. Then he served several terms as County School Commis sioner. At the time of his death, he was a deacon of the Perry Bap tist church, an alderman of Perry, and a member of the Perry Board of education. A man of considerable native talent and acquired knowledge, he was firm in his convictions, true and faithfhlto every duty, assum ed or imposed. Mr. Wellons was a true man in every respect, doing at all times that which he belived to be right, a Christian, an active and progressive citizen, a good neighbor, a steadfast friend. A truly good man has been call ed to his eternal reward. The bereaved family consists of the devoted wife, two sons and five daughters; and then the aged mother and three sisters. To these the tenderest ympathy of their many friends is sincerely extended. Death Of Mr. Barker. Kunz—Digsby. Last Friday, January 25th, Mr. William M. Barker died "at *his home in the lower 5th district, near Feagin’s mill. Though he had been in feeble health several months, quite sick part of the time, he died suddenly, sitting in his chair at the time. He was about 67 years old, an excellent man, true and steadfast as a friend and neighbor. He leaves a devoted wife, one son, one daughter, several grand children and four brothers, and with these bereaved many friends sympathise. — : Card Of Thanks. We desire to extend our most heartfelt thanks to each and every one who so kindly assisted us during our affliction. You can never know how grateful we feel. May the Lord bless you all. Mrs. E. S. Wellons and Family. WANTED—Active man of good character to deliver and coUect in Georgia for old estab lished manufacturing/wholesale house; §900 a year sure pay. B onesty more than_ experience required. Our reference, any bank in this city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope^ Man ufacturers, third floor 334 Dearborn st.,Chicago. C. Z. mgabthurT DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. “ MONEY. Loans negotiated on improved farms, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen years standing, j More •fc’ha.Ti three million dollars in . loans negotiated. Facflitiesunaur* j passed. HOWARD BL SMITH, Ho. 814 Second St.. Maeon, Ga- Stop the Cough andWorks off the Cold Laxitive Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. BARRED P. ROCKS. Again I am offering for sale Eggs from this excellent breed of poultry. 75c. for 15. McM. Rainey, Perry, Ga. Incubator For Sale. One 200 egg Stahl Incubator, in good condition, for sale, At home near Perry, E L Dennard, —The dwelling formally occu pied L. A. Houser for rent by * Fred M. Houser. j A marriage with romantic ele- . ments was solemnized in Perry [Wednesday afternoon, January j 23rd. The happy couple went to the Court house in a buggy, the li cense was procured, and thence they went to the railroad dopot, where Justice C. H. Moore per formed the ceremony which made man and wife of Mr. J. Benjamin Kunz and Miss Ophelia Digsby. The groom is the eldest son of the late Mr. Marcus Kunz of Per ry, and is manager of the Kunz Grocery Co. The bride is from Baldwin coun ty. but for ssveral months hpd been visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Follendore near Perry, and other relatives in Houston. The marriage was a surprise to all, as there had been no intima tion of such an occurrence. The friends of the couple extend cordial congratulations and best wishes for their future welfare and happiness. «««. Old Man At Work. Editor Journal:— I desire to report a fact that ought to encourage the young col ored men to be industrous and true. An old man who now feeds my horse, draws water, etc,, worked with me and under my direction more than 50 years. That old man is Archy Ross. He is very old, but being unwilling to live in idleness, he applied to me for work, and I employed him. G. W. Singleton. —Prof. J. W. Ratcliff, teacher of the School of Magnetism at Pawnee Rook, Kansas, is at the Perry Hotel, and will remain here at least two weeks. He teaches Hypnotism, Magnetism, Mental Science, Mediometry, Telepathy and kindred sciences. He'profess- es to heal by magnetism. • See his advertisement in this paper. SHOES FOR MEN!! When we say we have the right Shoes at the right prices, w T e mean exactly what we say. When we sav we have cut piofits closer than ever before to gi\e better foot wear at the old popular figures, we are not saying it to make a “blow” or a “fuss.” but we are doing it. The con sequence is our Shoe trade is growing steadily. Blown To Atoms. The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful, drastic- purgative pills has been Explod ed; for Dr. King’s New Life Pills which are perfectly harmless, gen tly stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleans the system and absolutely cure Con stipation and Sick Headache. On ly 25/ at Holtzclaw,s Drugstore. Hehry Clay Flour is the finest and whitest ; at Fred M. Houser’s. —Mr. Josiah Bass, one of Hous ton’s prominent citizens, writes as follows: “After trying various remedies, without obtaining any benefit, I was cured sound and well by Mucalee Chill Stop. It is the best remedy in existence for chills, fever and malaria.” Every bottle guaranteed. It costs you nothing if it fails to cure. Sold by drug gists at 50 cts. Manufactured by H. J. Lamar & Sons, Macon, Ga. Ginger Ale in quart bottles. Fresh Light Bread on ^Wednes day and Saturday. Maple^Syrup SI.00 Gallon, in cans. Plenty of fresh eggs. A tub of fresh Goshen Butter, best quality, 35/ ft>, 3ft>s for $1.00- Plain Buckwheat Flour in 12 lb sacks, 55/ sack. J. D. Martin, Jr., Groceries. WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office we wish to open in-.this vicinity. If yonr record is O. K. here is an oppor tunity. Kindly give ; good reference when writing. THE A. T. H033IS WHOLESALE HOUSE, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts; in stamps. Men’s “King Bee” Shoes, All the style, comfort and wear in this Shoe that is generally found in a $5.00 Shoe. Our price to everybody S3.50. Men’s Vici Kid Shoes. New and stylish. Fine wearers. Good values. 82,50- Men's Velour and Vici Kid Shoes. Cap Toes in Lace. Plain Toes in Congress. No better value on the market. 83.00 Per Pair. Men’s Work Shoes, No cheap stuff, but the best stock we can find at these popular prices. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, 81.75. Men’s 82.00 Shoes, This line is a leader. We allow no material to go into this line but good, honest stock. We have them in Lace and Congress, Plain Toes and Cap Toes. Try a pair. 82.03. Kot cheaper Shoes, but Better Shoes at the old prices is what we are continually pulling for. One price to everybody at Xj_ uvc. zp^xriys. ■ a ^KTSSHbIc.. The Year 1900 Has Passed Out. Let us all begin the new year of 1901, the beginning of the Twentieth Century, with renewed courags and hopeful of doing more good this year than we did the year 1900. I did a good business last year, for which I feel very grateful,and for which I express my gratitude to my many friends and customers. I solicit your patronage, and by fair dealing and prompt and courteous attention hope to merit your trade. I am too well khown to enter into de tails. I carry a Good Stock of Goods, and am in posi tion to offer goods as reasonably as they can be sold. Without going into an itemized advertisement, I will offer Special Inducements on some Winter Goods rather than carry them over another season.—Clothing, Blank ets, Dress Goods, Bugs, &C. I am aware of the fact that Spring Goods will soon be here, and am willing to make concessions on my Fall and Winter Goods in order to make room for Spring. I sell Wagons, Carriages and Buggies, and cau fur nish a limited amount of Good Fertilizers. I liketo have inquiries- Call to see me. W.D. DAY, Perry, Ga. Robert McCrary. John A. Reid. Dew Jsw.glry Store. Our stock is now complete, consisting of a large and choice selection of Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Cut Glass, Statuary and Silver Novelties, H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame. OFFICE OVER DOW LAW BANK, FORT VALLEY. : GEORGIA. J. R. SIMS, OPERATIVE A DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA. and everything usually found in a first-class Jewelry Store. Now is the time to select your Holiday, Wedding and Birthday Presents. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. MCR.ARY JEWELRY COMPANY, 320 Second St., MACOH, GA. A nice line of 50c to $3.00. Umbrellas from BRING US YOUR JOB WORK. SATIS- W. D. Day: FACTION GUARANEETD. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. “How to obtain a patent ” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (.Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, - WASHINGTON, O, G.