The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, January 31, 1901, Image 7

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L. COME, SEE and BUY! Every Job We Sell BEARS OUR GUARANTEE Of Merit, Durability, Style and Finish, and that You get your money’s worth Whether of our own make or of the many manufacturers’ which we handle. Out Line of Fine Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Laprobes, Whips, Etc., Etc., are the perfection of the manu facturers’ art ::Agents for the Celebrated:: Fish Brothers’ Farm Wagons. If you get a FISH WAGON, you get the BEST WAGON MADE. The W illiams Buggy Company, jg 522 & 524 Poplar Street, i MACON, GEORGIA. EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED. Business. The prosperity of to-day seems to be the conclusion of an argument. The people fail to recognize it until the proof is clearly presented. Some times the argument has a modicum of sophistry, and reminds us of an advertisement. At other times the man’who makes the argument knows very little of what he talks about. He feels entirely secure, in the knowl edge that his audience is ignorant also. Recently the newspapers have said much about clearing house exchanges in the large cities. The figures they present are probably accurate, but the rapid growth of clearing house exchanges does not at all indicate a corresponding growth of business. The methods of business change. Parties making remittances are care ful nowadays to shift the expense from themselves to the other fellow. Formerly they sent registered letters or money orders and paid the fees of exchange themselves. Now they send local checks, and the cost of exchange devolves upon the other party. These checks pass through the clearing houses and largely in crease the volume of exchanges. Moreover, the clearing house system is convenient and grows in favor steadily. A bank will negotiate a loan to a local firm, and give a check for the amount, and not currency. This check will be deposited in an other bank and pass back through the clearing house. Certainly this is business, but until recent years transactions of the kind did not get into the clearing houses. The bus iness is not new, but clearing house exchanges are larger for the adop tion of a new method. Every day some of the banks are debtors, and checks drawn against them are generally returned through the clearing house the following day, and so the exchanges are aug mented. Other points might be noticed, but perhaps the foregoing is suffi cient proof that an enormous in crease of clearing house exchanges does not necessarily indicate an enormous increase of business. Macx Sims. The price of cotton for January delivery advanced 255 points in New York last Monday. The market open- sd at 10.30, went up to 12.75, and then declined to 11.50, at which fig- are the market closed that day. The direct cause of the sharp advance was that many sellers feared they would be unable to make delivery, md those who held contracts threat- aned to refuse settlement for less than 15 cents, in case the cotton should hot be tendered. This inci- lent illustrates the gambling ele ments entering into the buying and selling of cotton futures, placing as t does undue power in the hands of shose wbo have money power enough :p manipulate the situation to their benefit. A ballot box of solid gold and date glass received the ballots of ;he California electors for president, md this box with $500 worth of rold was presented to President Mc Kinley last Saturday. A hog weighing over 1200 pounds s reported to have been killed by ;he sheriff of Lowndes county, near Valdosta, last Friday. It is said the ! at of this hog produced 510 pounds if lard. Savannah proposes to make the Georgia state fair to be held in that jitv next fall the greatest and best 3ver held in the state. Savannah lsually comes up to her promises. Grippe seriously affected the pub ic schools of Atlanta last week. During the week eight teachers and learly 600 pupils were sick with The Georgia state convention of he Y. M. C. A. will meet in Athens >n February 7th, and continue the ession through four days. When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, as it is danger ous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indications of haw i p r, taken cold are noticed. It cures plok'v and its early use prevents cjUBtimption. Holtzclaw’s Drug store. {Subscribe for the Home Journal. MARDIGRAS CELEBRATION. New Orleans, La., and Mobile, Ala., February 14 to 19,1901. For this occasion the Central of Georgia Railway will sell tickets at the rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale February 12th, up to and including February 18 ch. Final limit returning March 7th, 1901. Double daily service and quickest time between Macon and New Orleans. Trains leave Macon 3:52 a. m., ar rive Mobile 1:12 p. m., arrive New Orleans 8:30 p. m. same day, or leave Macon 12:05 p. m., arrive Mobile 3:05 a. m., arrive New Orleans 7:30 a. m. Through drawing room sleep ing car without change. No greater outrage upon the peo ple has ever been perpetrated than the pension bill now before congress, an appropriation of $145,245,230 for pensions. No one objects to the pay ment of liberal pensions to veteran soldiers and sailors who positively need assistance, but when it is known that fully one-half the pen sioners are not needy, or are fraudu lently on the lists, the outrage is not only great, but it reflects upon the integrity of the congressmen who vote for it. Cities and towns along the Ohio river in Indiana have inaugurated a crusade against the negroes. Evans ville police officers are under orders to arrest all strange negroes without employment in that city. Other towns and cities have taken similar action, with the purpose. of getting rid of the worst class, while in some no negroes at all are permitted to remain. The Supreme Court of Georgia has decided that Ordinaries must publish the legal advertisements eminatingfrom their offietto in the newspapers in which the advertise ments of the sheriffs are publish ed. The decission says, when the sheriff places his advertisements in a paper, that paper becomes the official advertising, medium of that county. A party of northwestern man ufactures will leave Cincinnati for several Southern points next Wed nesday. They will come to Geor gia, and the Maeon Chamber of Commerce has invited them to visit that city. A.Deep mystery. It is a mystery why women en dure Backache, Headache Ner vousness, Sleeplessness, Melan choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. “I suffered • for years with kidney trouble,” writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Paterson, la., “and a lame back jiained me so I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 73 years, old, I now am able to do all my house work.” It overcomes Constipa- tiou, improves Appetite, gives per fect health. Only 50c at .Holtz claw’s Drugstore. —A few more pairs of Women’s and Children’s Shoes on our bar gain counter. Wrecked prices on these. L.'M. Paul’s. —I will barter for fresh water ground meal and shelled corn. J. D. Martin, Jr. —A good Sound young Mule for sale Fred M. Houser’s. GOOD POSITION. Wanted: Young ladies aad gentlemen in every county for office work, clerk ship, etc. Must make small deposit or give security. Previous experience not necessary. Good salary. Address “Frank,” Box 485, Nashville, Tenn. W. B. Fitzgerald. J. G. Fitzgerald. Big Creek Poultry Farm, ELKO, GA. Breeders of S. C. Brown Leghorns, Black Langshans, Black Minorcas and Pekin Ducks. Eggs at $1.50 fur 15. Evans Bacon ) Libel for Divorce in vs (• Houston Superior Amanda Bacon ) Court, April Term,1901, To Amanda Bacon: You are hereby required to be and ap pear'at the Superior Court to be held in and for the County of Houston, State of Georgia, on the first Monday in April nest, then and thereto answer the plain tiffs petition for divorce in the above stated case,, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall ap- pertain. ' ■ ' Witness the Honorable W. H. Felton, Jr., Judge of the said Superior Court, this January 9th, 1901. M. A. Edwards, Clerk. & The convention of delegates at Brunswick last week to discuss the route of the proposed Brunswick Birmingham railroad was a remark able gathering of business men. There were more than 300 men, selected to forcefully present the claims of the localities represented, and they were capable to perform the service. While nothing as to a definite route was developed, it was a foregone conclusion that no such decision could then be reached. It is not absolutely certain that the road will be built immediately, but a start has been made, Col. Machen and the men associated with him are enthusiastic and determined, and they say the necessary money is within reach. Doubtless there .will be combinations before the route is fixed. The Way cross Air Line may become a factor. A TEXAS WONDER- Hall’s Great Discovery, One small bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabestes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder, in both men and wemen, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Md. Send for testimonials. Sold by all drug gists, and H. J. Lamar & Sous, Ma con, Ga., and H. M. Holtzclaw, Perry, Ga. BEAD THIS. Cuthbert, Ga., April 2,1900. This is to certify that I was af fected with gravel and that I took sixty drops of Hall’s Great Discov ery and it completely cured me. It is worth $1 per bottle to any one heeding it. J. T. Stevens, THINK ON THIS. If a Doctor writes a prescription for y.ou it costs you Two ($2.00) Dollars. If your druggist fills it, he wants fifty (.50( cents or One ($£.00) Dollar. We offer you a prescription filled and ready for use at twenty-five (.25) cents a box, that is guaranteid to cure Ecxema, Tetter, Itch, dalt-Rhenm, Barber’s Itch, Itching Piles, Scald Head and all skin Deseases. WATTS’ ECZEMA OINTMENT, Twenty-five Cents a Box. All Druggists. Taylor & Peek Drag Co., MACON, GA. INSPECTION COSTS NOTHING. Come in when you are passing our store—never mind whether you want to buy anything or not. You may be wrong —we may have something you want ex tremely. At any rate, we always have something new and interesting. to show, and inspection costs nothing. J. E. & W. W. WILLIAMS, . Jewelers, Macon, Ga. BANKRUPT SALE. In the District Court of the United States for the Western Division of the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of J. A. & J. H. Coffee, Bankrupts. By virtue of an order from the Hon. Alexander Proudfit, Referee in Bank ruptcy, will be sold by auction before the courthouse door in Perry, Georgia,be tween 10 o’clock a m and 4 p m on the 1st Tuesday in February, 1901, the following real estate, to-wit: That tract of land in the thirteenth(l‘l district of Houston County, Georgia,con taining 720 acres of land, more or less, and bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by the Montezuma and Hawkins- ville road, on the south smd west by Big Creek and on the east by the lands of the late Stephen Brown. Also, one Meridian Hay Press and one McCormick Shredder. Said property be ing the same as scheduled by said J. A, Coff&e. bankrupt, as bis property. Terms of sale cash on confirmation by said Referee.} This January 7th, 1901. A. C. RILEY, Trust e in Bankruptcy. WANTED—ACTIVE MAX OF GOOD CHARACTER to deliver and collect in Georgia for old estab lished mannfasturing wholesale house; $900 a year sure pay. Honesty more than experience required. Our reference,any hank in any city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manu facturers. 3rd Floor, 334 Dearborn st.. Chicago. i THE COMMONER Issued Weekly, William J. Bryan, Editor and Publislirr, Lincoln. - Nebraska. Terms—Payable in Advance. One Year $1.00 Six Months 60 Three Months : 35 Stngle Copy ., 07 No travelin ’ canvassers are employed. Terms for.local agents will be sent upon application. All money should be sent by P. O. order, Express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks or stamps. We club with The Commoner. MAGNETISM. PttOF. J. W. RATCLUTE, The Wonderful Healer, at I»erry Hotel, treats all [Diseases by MAGNETISM^ :LTo 3^£ed.Icirxe. ItTo ' ElTIi-iS. — COME, SEE AND BE HEALED, STUDENTS TAUGHT. CONSULTATION FREE. Pianos At Greatly Reduced Prices. Fifty new Upright Pianos will ciose out at greatly reduced prices within the next few weeks. Among them such celebrated makes as Steinway, Solmier & Co., Kranicli & Bach, Stultz & Baner, Bnsli So Gests, Lester and Royal. Call at once and secure one of these bargains F. A. GUTTENGERGER & CO., 452 Second st., Macon, Ga. * A AAAAnAA ArA A A6AAAA-A AAAA.AAA for Hatchi ••• far Sale. Our-pens contain over twenty (20) btccds of. High- Gtadc Blooded . White- PIyT»onfh White Wyandotte. Brown Leghorn^ White Leghorn. Black Mir : n-a$. Hondoi.-s. Sf yer Spangled Hamburg*, Buff Cochins*. Brahmas, etc., etc Southern il^ents for Snctsbalois and Poaitry Supplies. mrMiw atat* li/'Tiv Tim tp k vs is THE 6RIFFIM5 BROTH 1 " RS GOV,Pa;,*. S P0OLTRY FARM, THE GRIFFINS BR0TH r RS COMPAQ, P.O.SOX a33 B. JACKSONVILLE, i