The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, February 14, 1901, Image 3

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fg§ M&mm pERB y 5 Thursday, February 14. LOCAL news,. Groceries. X am selling Best Country Hams at 10c. per pound. They are fine. When you want the best Flour, buy the Azile. None better. A full line of Seed Irish Pota toes; best Eastern stock. - I am agent for the celebeated ftunnally Candy, finest on earth. Best Bakers’ Bread every Satur day and Wednesday. Baked with best flour and Fleshman’s Concen trated Yeast. Your orders will be promptly filled. Respectfully, W. B. SIMS. —Best line of small Account Books in town, 5/ each at Perry Post Office. —Have four good Milk Cows with young calves to sell, or trade for dry cows. C. C. Duncan,Jr. Perry, Ga. —Ladies and Men’s Hosiery,the regular 25/ goods are going at 15/ at L. M. Paul’s. WE WOULD LIKE to call your attention to a few articles, the - QUALITY of which as well as the — FHICE can’t be beat. TWO-HORSE DIXIE FLOWS AND FIXTURES. ONE-HORSE DIXIE PLOWS AND FIXTURES. TOBACCO BY THE BOX. BARK AND CLOTH COLLARS. BEST BACKBANDjHAIVIES AND TRACES SALT, SALT, SALT. NICE SECOND-HAND SURREY. BEST 7-14 STOVE FOR THE MONEY. GOOD SOUND YOUNG MULE. EVAPORATED SYRUP BY THE BARREL GIVE US A TRIAL. Fred. M. Houser, Perry, Georgia, Artificial Digestion. Is that all you want? It is not all that you can get. T. &P. Stomach Tablets contain the best digestive agents. These digest the food; but if this was all they would not and could not Cure you. They have combined with these digest ive ferments, Tonics that act directly on the organs of digestion, and Laxatives that regulate the Liver and Bowels, put ting the system in condition to perform its own work. This means that if you will half way take care of your stomach a cure is certain. T. & P. Stomach Tablets are for sale by all druggists. 50c. a box. Free sample by mail if you will write for it. TAYLOR & PEEK DRUG 00., MACON, GA. Election Notice; There will be an election in Fort Tal ley, Qa. on the 18th day of March to de termine 1 the matter of ratification of the proposed contract between the town of Fort Talley and Tne Fort Talley Elec tric Light and Power Company for the furnishing to said town of Electric Street lighting. The principal features of said, coniract are as followers: The contract is to be for seven years, and is for the furnishing to said town of fifteen enclosed arc lights of 1200 candle power each, for which the town is to pay 85.00 each per month* The payments for lights under the said contract are to be made at the end of each month’s service. Each city coun cil, during the duration of said contract is to raise enough by taxation each year to pay the amount contracted for, for said lights. At said election, all persons in favor of the contract and the annual debt thereby created will place on their bal lots the words, “For Lighting Contract’ and all opposed to said contract, will place on their ba Rules for working Public Roads. Dunbar Doingd. 1. All persens in Houston conn- by waucs ty subject to road duty shall be j The approaching marriage of required to work the public roads [Miss Lucy Calhoun and Mr. John m their respective districts five j Seay is of much interest. The cer- lI c eac k y ea y, or pay in lieu emony will occur at the home of thereof a commutation tax of $2.50 each, said tax payable at any time before the first of March, or when warned to work the roads. 2. Each commissioner shall ap point for each district under his control a superintendent of roads who,with the commissioner under whom he is working, shall have sole authority to collect and ex pend the commutation tax. The commutation tax shall be expend ed in the district in which collect ed. - 3. It shall be the duty of the euperintendent in each district to collect the commutation tax, make out list of road hands in his dis trict, and appoint as many over seers to work the roads as in his judgment may be necessary. 4. The compensation of each overseer shall be fifty cents per diem for every day worked, and he shall be relieved from further road duty and from paying the commutation tax. But no over seer shall receive any compensa tion unless he shall have worked the roads the full five days. All money paid superintendents and overseers shall be from the com mutation tax collected in their respective districts. 5. No receipts for commutation tax shall be held valid unless sign ed by the proper superintendent, dr commissioner,and countersign ed by the clerk of the board of County Commissioners. 6. The superintendents shall be responsible to their respective commissioners for all commuta tion tax collected and for the manner of working the public roads, and shall make reports to said commissioners whenever de manded. 7. Each commissioner shaH semi annually submit written state ments to the board at regular meetings of all commutation tax collected and expended. Adopted by the Board of Com missioners of Roads and Revenues of Houston county February 6th, 1901. C. E. Brunson, Clerk. pair A Heavy 9oz all cotton Jeans Pants for men, 50/ Pair. A Heavy 9oz part wool Jeans Pants for men for 75/ pair. An Fxtra heavy all wool of Pants for $1.00. Great reductions in Gloves, Underwear, Shirts, etc., both Ladie’s and Men’s. J. D. Martin, Jr., Prop’r Racket Store. —A big line of New Umbrellrs. Some special values at 50/ and $1.00 at L. M. Paul’s. -—To-morrow is the day to plant Irish Potatoes; buy the best at Fred M. Houser’s. —Children’s “Perfect” Hose Supporters, 10/ a pair at Perry Post Office. —If you want a mule, or sever al mules, call at hranan’s stables, Poplar street, Macon, Ga. He proposes to sell at lower prices than anybody. Children’s Red Shoes, and a full line of Black Shoes in lace and Buttons at L. M. Paul’s. —Don’t forget I will have a car load of Wagons and Buggies, soon, Fred M. Houser. —If you want the Best Flbur and Best Meal go to Tharp’s Mill Agent for‘the Celebrated Barns- ville Buggies. W. D. Day. Repair Shop. I have opened a Repair Shop in the Oliver building, and am bet ter prepared than ever to repair Watches, Clocks, Guns, Pistols, Bicycles etc, Charges reasonable. All Work guaranteed. All asked is atrial. J. S. Rainey, Perry, Ga. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia and grippe. We advise the use of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these cliffi- is the onlv ha] the parents of the bride on the 24th. The young people are both quite popular. The firm of Arnold & Anltman, are doing a splendid business. And for honest dealing, strict at tention to duty, and politness to all, will be found there. Mr. W. A Dunbar, who lost his barn by fire last October, is re building. ' Mr. Wright Simmons has charge of the work. The School here is in a flourish ing condition and with Miss Cow art at the head, good results are certain. Our Music teacher, Miss Flor ence Smith of Knoxville, Ga., has returned, much to the delight of many. Mr. Charles Anltman has mov ed into his beautiful new home here. Mr. Sam Hill attended a golden wedding at Worth, Ga., last week, and reports quite a nice time. Mr. Forest Varner is off on a business trip to Tennessee. Mrs. Marthy Swanson is quite sick. We are pained to learn that Mr. Ed Dunbar is sick with ’Grippe. Mr. Dunbar is one of our most progressive farmers. The many friends of Mr. Neal Newman were much grieved to hear of his death. The lovliest flowers are soonest plucked. Miss Killibrew,quite an attract ive young lady, is visiting Mrs. Forest Varner. Miss Hattie Pattisshall, a gift ed and competent teacher in mu sic, has a fine class at Toy. Mrs. W. A. Dunbar has some lovely pink and white roses in bloom *in her yard. For lovely flowers, you can always find them at Mrs. Tom Willingham’s and Mrs.Dunbar’s. For fried chicken Miss Cora Dunbar will lead this year. ’Tis said she has fifty little chickens, and more hens setting. Metho dist preachers will be around. Calico coats and linen pants are coming in BARRED P. ROCKS. Again I am offering for sale Eggs from this excellent breed of poultry. 50c. for 15. MeM. Rainey, Perry, Ga. —Mr. Josiah Bass, one of Hous ton’s prominent citizens, writes as follows: “After trying various remedies, without obtaining any benefit, I was cured sound and well by Mucalee Chill Stop. It is the best remedy in existence for chills, fever and malaria.” Every bottle guaranteed^ It costs you nothing if it fails to cure. Sold by drug gists at 50 cts. Manufactured by H. J. Lamar & Sons, Macon, Ga. —Guano Horns? Just Plenty of them at Fred M. Houser’s. GOOD POSITION. Wanted: Young ladies and gentlemen in every county for office work, clerk ship, etc. Mnst make small deposit or give security. Previous experience not necessary. Good salary. Address “Frank,” Box 43b, Nashville, Tenn. ' WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch pffice we wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O. K. here is ah oppor tunity. Kindly give good reference when writing. • THE A. T. KOEBXS WHOLESALE HOUSE, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. in stamps. ~wTh. HARRIS, - DENTIST- Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame. OFFICE OVER DOW LAW BANK, FORT VAIJjEY. : GEORGIA. J. R. SIMS, OPERATIVE .T DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA. place on tlieir ballots the words, “Against' cutties. It Lighting Contract”, The votes will be remedy that gives imml n/vncjjlf/Ia'f-o/1 janrl Oia roanTf; nanlararl aa j^g OlttlclrGIl like it provided by law. Feb. 13th, 1901 A. D Skellie, Mayor. rHoltzclaw’s G. Z. McABTHUR, DENTIST, POUT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. MEW GOODS Have Begun to Arrive at l . :mt. fatjls’s "We have been at our old custom again, viz: That of buying early. We obtain many choice patterns, and much desirable merchandise, by getting into the market early, before hungry buyers have had the opportunity to “gobble vp” the best things. We can’t in this issue even hint at the great variety and the beautiful selections we have made for Spring. Yon can rest assured we’ll have the Goods. Some of the early arrivals are as follows: Tapestry Rugs 27x54, $1.25 Smyrna Rugs 30x60 1.50 Velvet Rugs 27x54 1.75 Turkey Red Table Damask, fast colors, 58-in., 25c Table Damask, White, 1 pure linen, 50-in., 25c Cotton Towels, Bleached, 19x36, 10c New Collars for Men, 10c 10c New Collars for Ladies, New Patent Leather Belts for ladies, New Corsets, the celebrated P. Z., Negligee Shirts, the prettiest patterns and best values we have ever had, 50e. and $1.00 25c 50c. Watch our ads. each week. They’ll tell you of the new things as they arrive. Hi. JVC- TP-A-TJXj. ..WEL&, The Year 1900 Has Passed Out. Let us all begin the new year of 1901, the beginning of the Twentieth Century, with renewed courags and hopeful of doing more good this year than we did the year 1900. I did a good business last year, for which I feel very grateful,and for which I express my gratitude to my many friends and customers. I solicit your patronage, and by fair dealing and prompt and courteous attention hope to merit your trade. I am too well khown to enter into de tails. I carry a Good Stock of Goods, and am in posi tion to offer goods as reasonably as they can be sold. Without going into an itemized advertisement, I will offer Special Inducements on some Winter Goods rather than carry them over another season.—-Clothing, Blank ets, Dress Goods, Bugs, &C. I am aware of the fact that Spring Goods will soon be here, and am willing to make concessions on my Fall and Winter Goods in order to make room for Spring. I sell Wagons, Carriages and Buggies, and can fur nish a limited amount of Good Fertilizers. I like to have inquiries- Call to see me. W. D. DAY, Perry, Ga. Willingham Sash and Door Co., -DEALERS in- Mantels, Paint, Lumber, \ ' ~ V - • ‘ ■ ’ . Lime, Cement, Builders’ Hardware, Etc. No. 457 Third Street, Macon, Ga. £'J , V-W „ - V • s *.\ •: . ••• : - -