The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, February 21, 1901, Image 4

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Praise God. A Fable For Women. There was once a Wo his Retiring Early. “Only In this Way will he he able to get Enough Sleep,” she said. Her Husbftnd, who usually 'Endear- ; ored to Please her, rose Withoirt Com plaint at Six O’clock, but Continued tp stay Out Late. Perceiving that her Purpose was not Accomplished," the Woman changed the Hour to Five O’clock. ; “The Morning Hours are the Best for Work,”, she said, “and I understand that the Morning Air possesses Great Virtues.” Her Husband Objected, but Rose at Five, as she Wished. Still he continued to Come In Late. Then the Woman fixed the Hour at Four-thirty- : , “I have always enjoyed Seeing the Sun Rise,” she said. “in that Case,” said her Husband decidedly, ‘T Shall Not go to bed At All;' since it would Not be Worth my While. I will Stay up All Night and thke my Sleep at My Office in the Afternoon. So We will have Break fast, at Three O’clock if,you like,” This teaches us that the Early Worm, will Turn.—Century.'^ i I L _ ^ _pwho Frit, that her Husband staid Out too Late guard at Praise God for a home. Tens of a t Night. She therefore Devised a “Yes, j thousands of boys and girls will go plan to Cure him of this. Her Plan to sleep to-night without a mother was to Rise Early in order to Insure to tuck them into bed- and without any of the pleasures of a home about them.. . i v,,-, b .kd( Praise God for food and clothes. Millions of persons are hungry tp T day, and many of them are suffering for want of clothing. Praise'God that you do not lift blind eyes to-a sky: you have never- seen. Be grateful for your sight, through which so many of your pleasures come. Praise the kind, Father in Heaven, too, for your hearing and speech. Are not the sun, the moon, the stars, the air, the water, the rain, the snow, the trees, the flowers, worth a world of praise? Yet how seldom do we thank God for these common blessings! Praise God for the wonderful in ventions and progressive spirit which make to-day the. best time in all the; world’s history to be alive. The comforts, conveniences, pleasures and blessings .that are possible to all of us in these modern days are sure ly worth a “thank you” to the Great Giver of them all. ’- ; Praise God for the past year’s prosperity. He smiled upon t our harvests and upon our factories. Bet us rejoice with those to whom it was a year of good things. Prais8 God, most of blessed Bible, the holy church^afid* a wonderful Savior. Jesus is the theme of the praises that, are sung in Heaven ; r shall - he not -be our chief, cause for praise here? How shall we do all this jiraising? "With our lips/' In bur hearts. By our lives; dust to be glad and grate ful is the praise that; pleases God. Then to give another person reason to be glad and grateful is still a bet ter way of praising God.—William T. Ellis;-:-' - •• I all for the houseJ”. ; .,: ; . =. A an, for.. tne, ^esgsManu , _Al"»yays Willing to Oblige. It wks a - Texks town, and a long limbed Texan was making across the publie sQnare -toward the courthouse ;%itb a-tevohveOhj.his handjwhen be was.stop^ed by a tpan who asked: “Are you on your way to the~ court- Unlucky Men Are All Alike. “The unlucky men are all kin; they all have certain qualities alike,” says “An American Mother” in the Feb ruary; Ladies’ Home Journal. “They have qyes keen to look into the root of tilings, but which also dream dreams and see visions; they have hot human blood, they love or hate in no halfrway measure. To each of them, too, comes at times—no mat ter what the business or pursuit may be by which they strive to push their way among men and to grow rich— a sudden disgust of it, heartfelt and real, a contempt for the work and its successes. They dream qf something before them better than money or office, and they try to clutch at it. So they go through life, groping for success, with one hand.: and for their dream Wvith the other, andA-they lose both. We must choose either God or Mammon as master and keep faith with him if we mean to suc ceed.” $100 Reward, $100. The readers^ of this ? pap# wil| be pleased to learn "Ihal raiere ? it at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is .Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure positive curu known to the medi- a a cal fraternity. Catarrh being constitutional disease, requires constitutional treatment Catarrh Cure is taten internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying^ffielfoun-, dation of the disease,'anti giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in jdoing its wbrk. TJj£ proprietors have id much faith" in its curative powers; that they of fer One Hundred Dollars for any •case that' it fails to cure.’ Send te|1|monials. § - fessfilfAF: Cheney & Co., 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Is Family Pills are the best. xl . — A New Yorker who- crossed the Atlantic last smAihfer threw tW6 bottles overboard, haying placed in each one a card bearing" his name; and offering five dollars reward if was the reply. “Going fS shbct anybody?” “Yes, sir; Lawyer Johnson. If ^hadn’t |)gen. |(M.'. him, I shouldn’t hav<e ; jflqst n%=^ts%y^terda^ -Yes| sir; i’gb: to fill him fuli of lead.” “Are you in any great hurry about it?” 1 fiA .5 “No special Furry, ;but when 1. have shooting on hand I like to get it off. my mind as soon as possible.” “Qfi!course;; but; you,.see, Lawyer Johnson is now arguing a case for me and Won’t be through for minutes; He’s going to - win 1 it for sure if not .in terrupted, and if you will only hold on for awhile you will do me a gx-eat fa vor.” “Why, certainly; glad you mentioned it; no hurry about the shooting so as it conies off today, and you can count on me. Have a drink with you? With the greatest of pleasure, and. if John son is a particular friend of yours I’ll shoot him as softly as 1 can and give him every show to die like a gentle man,”—Boston Globe. The Useful Telephone. Two young ladies ;on St. Paul, street went to the theater the other evening, and their father, -thinkingrthey had a latchkey, , went to bed. at; his usual hour, and the servants all left. When’the la dies returned, they, rang the;b"elj re peatedly and beat on the door, but got Fo answer. Finally they began to de- ^spail, Whew a neighbor who had been awakened by. the dirLappearedin white at, his window opposite and asked what was the matter. I p . Are aWalApapa “Wait a minute,” said the quick wit- ted man on the other side of the street “Your father has a telephone in his fooinyandT will call him up.” So the central was called. “Give me number ” said the nei 1 m 2 m 3d to him; One ca re ... has been forwarded and a check has been sent to the finder. . To Cure A Cold In One Day . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the if it fails to cure. E. W. sQpn as^thq Ffl| fshtiiS^d in the room of the sleeping father he awoke with a start and ran to the telephone. “Hello, what is the matter?” r “Is that your So^and-so?” ‘“Y es^'wllf i| .^nted ?.” “Your daughters are at the front door trying to get in. Open the door. Good night.”—Baltimore Sun. j? h 5 HI %. A Skeleton. “What is a skeleton? Can you tell me, children?” asked a teacher of her Sunday school class. The infant class looked troubled. Their jdeaS fen the subject were of the most vague description and, they seem ed to think, hardly worth mentioning. The question passed down the class al« . most to the; very footr meeting only a Blank look or a shake of the head, until at last the smallest tot of all ventured, a reply: “Pleath, mith. it ith a man without anymeatohit.’’—London.Answers, young man; I have books,” re sponded the woman with the portfolio. “Just step aside. I’m going in to see your employer.” “Afore yer goes,” said the boy,, still covering the sill, “I wants, to tell yer fiat de boss just upset bis ink. He ain’t in no. lbvin mood.” -“Oh, he will listen to my demonstra tion.” . “Maybe he will,* but I wants to tell yer dat he just got a telephone call say-, in dat burglars had carried off de walfi- bles of his house.” “Still I”— ‘ “Den fie news just came dat his trot ter run away an smashed up de trap an coachman.” “That is very bad, but”— “Just afore yer come *^oung fellar rushes in an tells de boss^at his naph tha launch has been fired by tramps.” “I sympathize with him, and may be”- , “De boss goes to look at his watch an finds de mainspring broken.” “Gracious! But”— “Den comes de news fiat S an Z stock has dropped 20 points. De boss finds dat mice has gnawed up his new insur ance; calendar. De glue upsets on a thousand stamps.” “Terrible!. Yet”— “But wait! Just as you comes up stairs de boss .asks over de telephone whether it’s sa ; boy or girl: Somebody says twins and”— - ; ' " t But the; book, agent bad vanished. The boss came out and .patted the boy on the head, / ' “Patsy, you are a brick! Take the reSi£;6f; Hie afternoon ; off, v Here’A fare to Lincoln park.”—Chicago News: BEDROOM. SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, i . DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS D o S»t Drink Wlixle Eating. Liquids at meals if taken too often or Ttoo carelessly are liable to dilute the gastric juices. Take no liquid of any kind when food is in the mouth. Take as little' as possible till the close of the meal. The digestive agents themselves being fluids, it is reasonable to suppose that an' excess of liquids taken with the food will have a tendency to dilute and thereby weaken the digestive juicesi—Ladies’Home Journal. Too Well Disguised. “After all.” suggested the cheerful one,“it may be a blessing in disguise. “If so,” returned the disgruntled One, “I may say that I never saw a more perfect disguise.”—Washington Post. BEDSTEADS; MATTBESSES, SPRINGS; WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., You can save money hi Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete line of GOFFINTS and CASKETS always on hand. G-EORGE PAUL, Perry, Ga. Beught, Sold arid Exchanged 572 CHERRY ST.. MACON, GEORGIA Third st. For Infants and CMldren. The Kind You Have ’=■ Bears the •Signature of I AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. . of Fads and: Figures Containing Over 600 Pages. ; OVER j,ooo io,600 FACTS. On Better Authority. “Yon are looking handsome Miss Flite,” Bagster remarked in the pauses of the fiance. “So Mr. Smythe told me a few min utes ago.” Bagster (only remembering that Smythe is his hated rival)—Well, you wouldn’t believe anything that chui •• tvealrness and prostra tion following grippe there is noth ing so prompt and effective as One Minnte Congh Cure, This prepa ration is highly endorsed as an un failing remedy for alT throat and lung troubles and its early use consumption. It was u? The census of 1900. National and State elec tion returns* Four centuries of American prog ress. Political record of J900 (conventions and platforms). American rulein the Philippine!. New. govern- Porto Rico ahd c 469 Third st. VRHVTHTIS'G IX VEHICLES FROM A ROAD CART OR BICYCLE to an AUTOMOBILE. ments of Porto Rico and Ha waii. Polar exploration in 1900. Gjnclusion of the South African war* Pan-American Exposition, -erf I90J. China—-Its present con- ? dition and status ampngpnations. Roster of general officers oP the Regular U. S. AmiY, 1789—f900. evePp patriot and votefbapit to know, j SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISE FOR, IN THH HOME JOURNAL WMm #69 st. MACON, GA. 469 Third ■ ”.st. I am better prepared than ever to supply your wants in FARMING IMPLEMENTS, I buy goods for anybody in Ma< -‘t cash 308 THIRD STREET t mm& & •-ir* 1 A .. as NEAR POSTOFFICE. ■ .