The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, February 21, 1901, Image 5

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t3E billion-d ollrr session. Atlanta Constitution. £jie: Billion dollar-/ session of c0 ngre^3 will have credit for the largest military appropriation ev er made, when the United States • s called updn to pay a peace foot- 20cr charge of J>398,942,1()3, to which is to be added charges yet to be scheduled. Of this ..$175,v 000,000 goes to the army, -$'78,-V 096 §78 to the navy, and the col- jossal sum of $145,245,280 for pensions. , r - '.. The war budget of England is : $289*437,813, only $1,407,843, of which goes to pensions. 1 France pays $188,575,399, of which $60,720,102 is f;>.r .pension's. Germany’s war bill is $210,302,- 850, oat of which $18,323,900 is for pensions. <X) * . . Russia’s monster military estab lishment is run on $20.0,717,00C|, with no pensions: Austria, pays a charge of $82,- 626,000, with nopeusion roll. Verily.we are building up a mil itary system bn hirgir .prbSsufp, in which every man Vants Mg pay ih service and high pensions after wards, In return: for these giant, fio-ufes the United States carries a joint military and naval force of: 120,000 men; England, 364,640 men; France, 622,124 men; Ger many, 505,880 meftf Rhisi^.920,T, 310? men, and Austria ;278,543 men. W]e have, therefore, the most costly military force on earth, veritably a soldier on every man’s back. •• - 7 ... ' » f ———-— ' ' • i-_ y,y. ;• .j 5.* That was a very striking state ment which Senator Hale of Maine made in the Senate sagfew ays ago-. The? military budget]-of the Uni ted jStates, he said, including the expenses of the army -and navy and!the payments on account of pensions, would amount to $400,- 000,000—“nearly twice as much as ij paid by any European ifa-. tioh,” Our congressmen,; and others, are constantly preaching about the dangers and burdens of militarism, and pointing, to, Eu rope. as a horrible example of the load which the tax payers have to bear to support the military ; and yet here we are already paying out two dollars for every dollar: -that any European country pays for military purposes 1 And the end; is not yet. We are already bur dened with militarism, 4? S P far as moi ntainqus; colt fs'cph,cernecT. • ? The family of Queen,Victoria i&. an exceptionally largeVati^iow.erF ful pne. She has had not less than eighty-three children, ’grand children and great-grand children Seveht Whisky, and Quinine. The Philadelphia Record tells a Dutchman And His Dog. A Dutchman, addressing his story of a Physician of that city dog, .said.: ‘‘My. dog, ; you haf a who was called tot see an old Irish- ' schnap. You vas only a dog und man and his wife-down withholds. He advised quinine and whisky as an: jantidotex “You must both take it,” he said. “Take it every three hours—two grains of quinine and | swapbw of whiskey.” The heit : (fay " he r hailed " agaih. The again. The man was up and about, but his wife was in. bed. ‘ ‘Did you follow my ‘ Yask't I am a man, but I vish I vas you. Effry way you haf the best of it. Yen you. vant to go mid der bed in, you shusts clurns round free ti me3 and.?4ay d’9 / ^iiy ^dn J go mfd der odd/m ; llnaf to *ld£k. juj) CALDER B. WILLINGHAM, JR., Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu vife wakes iip.und scholds me? itnd ; dbetdf.V fleii to? To the letther,” replied the hns- vawk him up und -down; den bym- band. “How much quinine have by. vhen I shust get to . sleep, it’s you left?” Was the next question, time to get oup again, yep you. “Sure, Oi’tink.she have taken th’. get oup you stietch yourself und whole ay it,” said, the man. “And ' ' didn’t .you take it, too?” asked the doctor. “Devil th’ bit,” was the mply*,; “Begorrah, it, kept me busy j takin. th’ • whiskey every tqime she took, a pill, an sure she’s in .bed an’ Oi’m up.” Two of upon the)] and Ger, likelih be upjpHfihe thro since l#gl grandkMiSt familjry” say ever hiflld wi crowhp and Unclp with hi of mone pending vides the simi; of $115*00.0 for i the construction of a .floating . target^ to be madoof best armor plate and Sofbacked as' fter present 1 the strength of the broadside of a bat tleship. ; i Lieiit. , Gathman. ; says that one shot: from his gun will blow the/te<rgqt'tQ.pieGes;. r-w —; < . To Tine Deaf. 4 rich ladyy/cfifed : nesS and" - Nicholson'.^ Arififleiail gave $10';tw0‘ TOvmr ’'Ttfstutm ‘-dS that deaf people unable to pro cure -the Ear Drums may have] them free. Address No. 1474. The Kicolson Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, .New: York. ^ '£w\ £ ; - ; -'— t-—o-—<•“ Thirty-yearn ago the entira cap ital of the Standard Oil cotnpany was $1;,000*0002 How, it payBjJdiy? idends. of $20,000,000 for three months, 01 There is! always danger in using counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch The Charleston News and Cou- : ^ier says:. “Two bills somewhat OUt of:the usual line, it is report ed, will' be introduced in the Wis consin legislature. One “taxes all uniiiarried men over 30 years which is very proposes to en courage the development of pop ulation by a state premium to of large families. Moth ers Ufa family of six children are to receive $10 annually; mothers of seven $12; mothers of; eight $15; mothers of nine $20; moth ers of ten $25; mothers of eleven $30 j : .ajid; ; mothers of twelve or more i :$35, Wonder if any solon in WIsconsion is really silly enough, to think that a salary of $85‘a]yeaAwduld compensate any wb'maii for being the mother of a dozen children? Make it $35,000 or. no,thing.” Queen Victoria once conducted a • Bible" clas^; Doflg ; ago, 'when- she was staying in London, ; she would call together the children of her married servants in one of the private rodmu of Buckingham Paladeahdfa^ead the Bible to them. At the close of the reading she would explain the _ chapter, and ]H|§ldS^I’a.l^n^l?we]f|; suhg; -; j , - } Mlhi YoU TlntiW Wliat Ydii Are Taking • i:l Whe,% you take Grove’s Taste less "Chill Tonic because the for- a.if, plainly r prjntejd. on every ■Qum: orm. No cure, no pay. Price 50c. r A French statician has calculated that 4he*-hutftan eye -travels over 2;000 yards in reading an ordinary sized noyal,T.he average human being is ca|ctilaiU<^ to j^et] IhrpU^ly 2,500 miles "of I’eafling iii a Kfe Bine/ t Millions-of :r|tli De'Wift *4d those-Who Use. them: hod them livbFjiilsv Nev-' er;^ipe:''SdMciaw J Sl-)W|st6re^;; ProfSss6i Yoiiag estimates that a train .run n i n g from the, earth, to the suhy afe4ft tniieS an hour, would take about 265 years for the trip, and the fare would be $1,000,000. . - ’111 r /-...: ’ITTi T i . ■ ■ ; . Stop • lie Cough and Works off tlie Cold iiaxilive Bromo-Quinine ..Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, N]o Pay. Price 25 gents. ! • Subscribe fqr the. Home Journal . scratch a couple of-times und you are oup. I haf to dress mineself und light; der; Are, put: on de, ket tle, scrap some mit mine vife al ready, und den maybe I get some baeakfast-. around all. day und Haf plenty fun. I haf to work hard all day unci haf troub les. Yen you die you , shust lay still! Yen I die I haf to go to hell .yet.’’—Eureka Advocate. Crockery, Stoves, Lamps ^ House- Funoshing Goods. i| COMPLETE LINE OF GHINAWARE- TRtAXOULAR BLOCK, MACON, GA. We have the accCmmodations at our Alexander Beaubien, the first i white person born in ChicagOj has- just, celebijated -his i seventy-ninth, birthday. At the time of his birth there were only a. s lew log, /houses: near the moutfi of fiiey Chicago riv er; He vwitnessed ithe: building of the first frame house in Chicago, tlie grbwth^pf ; the maBllf^Wing, busi ? . ness- and residence districts,: end children of the Pqtta^otomies, Winr nepiagoes Vaiid ; $ ; ads were 1 ; his play 1 '. matesV iHik father at thai tihie repf, resented John Jacob Astor’s frir mmkmme aa« We. supply ; all the Best Brands of flOME MADE CORN WHISKEY a Specialty. Iv.-i i ■m:. i;si‘ JUG ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATXENtiON. animals received ffoin^ m trade. " 1 H M-* it.i |A : batbffi from Sayfifia tlf^ o'flt r’.bf a; firm to - Vai|e tlib] “v^reck: off the Maine bn h^ulaiibii, With out cosh to the ■' gpiefmfieht ^ ami to|p*ay?;iiif6 the tmasury fl p'miqeHt;' ofi the net pfofls pf fhe eiiterjirisef hgs been accepted. 1 ; ! Tt - is prop 0 ®. - eqto- Ibhild! cbflerdam>^ Mroun® the wrecky piirnp- the ; -water out, patch up-the hull sb'that' it Will flbat to this country, and exhibit* it:at the various cities. Souven irs are also to be manufactured ofitiof material from the wreck. Thdeontfactors hope; to, realise- about $1,060,000 gross from 1 the properlyim the wreck/ i: ^ j P f- - { " Working Overtime. Iv - v• , ; is y |'£‘U PH /; fEight hour: laws are ignored-.: -by. tlfole ffeireless,; little : workers;—.DrV King’s New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing .Ijidigesfibn,; Biliousness J DUstipation-, Sick Headache and 1 Stomach, Liver : and troubles,; o;iEa sure. . Only :25c at H. M. Holtz- claw’s drug store. •— —o- 6<»———— * ' ’ ' pleasant, Safe^ Miss Fuzzie—“I want to my engagement, but don’t how to do : if without driving 1 the poor fellow to suicide. ’ ’ Little Broth er— 1 1 ‘Why don’t you let him see ; you in curl-papers just once?”— Tit-Bits. '-V''-’ Persons who cannot take ordinary pills find it a pleasure to take De- ; Witt’s Little Early Risers. They are ’Ure'best Tittle liver pills ever 1 made. H. M? Holtzclaw’s Drug store. . m I tisllfflisos wmsiffia/ MACON. Oil. t^ind .You MdvovAiltr^yk' aud /wlflbii -'iia s . boeix ; in -tise IIIqoveri 801 £ &ts j fyozn®. .the . gdgnatnipq.. ofi iulkij:! iamli a : ' soudlsd|) Clncq. iitsinfiancy. ^Ukllbwsb one to deceive.ypnin. this. ] Castoria is a J ,. goric,; iDrops aoad ; ~ contains/Mm* "jdMIm 'H Qii ; .id fBjiijbastbr 0^ Parei*;;V f Tt iiB^ other' ^arebtib 5 - ? It destroys •WBrioSs leiUres SMarrlicga; and Wind: *f A - r . V> y (tlie Eqod/ire^ilates tho ? ms si and fnatmraluleejpor : [otRer?srI^5jencL f yi kl md nil THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY"^tWeET, .NZUl VORIC CITY. i. The original-is 1 -a; safe and certain! cure fof piles? It is a^soothing and healing salve for sores and all skin diseases. H.M. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. -Ci:.i'V'jjUuW