The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, March 14, 1901, Image 3

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Perry, Thursday, March- 14. j-jO CAL NEW lisk patent antI- rusting- tinware. Each and every piece of this Anti-Busting Tinware will be re- olaced with new ware in case at any time it should rust. Come and see it; you are sure to buy. ....DON’T FORGET.... flay standard line of Pure Gro ceries. I solicit your-trade. Respectfully, W. B. SIMS. X . Corn and Oats for Sale. I have for sale. 1500 bushels of Corn, and BOO bushels Peed Oats, jull.’ A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga. Ground Bone. Having an excellent mill, we prepare and sell fresh Ground Bone at 5/ per pound. Excellent for poultry. Parker Bros, Perry, Ga. Agent for the Celebrated Barns- ville Buggies. W D. Day. WE WOULD to quote you a few prices this week that will save you some ...MONEY... Best Granulated Sugar, 15 pounds for $1.00. Best So. Car. Bice, whole head, 15 pounds for $1.00. Good clean Rice, slightly broken, •' 20 pounds for $1.00. Royal Owl and Jersey Flour, 60c. per sack. A. J. Houser’s Jersey Cream Flour, 60c. per sack. Good Work Shoes for Men, $1.10 Women’s Shoes, coarse and fine, 1.00 Bleaching, Shirting and Checks, .05 at Feed. M. Houser’s. Artificial Digestion. Is that all you want? It is not all that you can get. T. & P. Stomach Tablets contain the best digestive agents. These digest the food; but if this was all they would not and could not cure you. They have combined with these digest ive ferments, Tonics that act directly on the organs of digestion, and Laxatives that regulate the Liver and Bowels, put ting the system in condition to perform its own work. This means that if yon will half way take care of your stomach a cure is certain. T. & P. Stomach Tablets are for sale by all druggists. 50c. a box. Free sample by mail if you will write for it. _ TAYLOR & PEEK DRUG CO., MACON, GA. BY UNO. The children of the Dunbar ichool gave a pound party Eriday night at the school room. They invited the neighboring schools. Games of all kinds were indulged in until a late hour, when refresh ments were served. All enjoyed themselves and went home felling glad they had come. Give anoth- ' er one little folks'? - Dunbar is interested- in the marriage, which occurred on March 6th, i’n Rome, Ga., of Mr. W. R. Willingham and Miss Lucy Wright. Mr. Willingham was for many, years a citizen of this county. Mrs. T. H. Willingham left home Monday, March 4th, to be present at the Willingham-— Wright wedding. During her stay in Rome, she; will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. W. Lips comb. The young people of Dunbar are looking forward to the “At Home” to be given by Miss Cora Dnnbar in the near future with much pleasure. Miss Cora is known as & charming hostess. Mrs. Mattie Mer,cer and Miss Mollie Hunt of Macon attended the Seay—Calhoun wedding. Mr. Marvin Vinson and his charming sister. Miss Mary,' of Walden, visited friends in Dun bar on Sunday! Mrs. Wrighb of Raberta is spending some time with Mrs. W. A. Dunbar. Mrs. F. G. Vhrner has gone to Montezuma on account of the ill ness of her mother, Mrs. Kille- brew. We hope 3he will soon be well again. Prof. J. Julian Newman of Tay lor was! circulating'among friend's here Monday. Mr. Conrad Renfroe, drummer for the Weeks M’f’g. Co., was in' Dunbar Tuesday. Mr. Hugh Turner Arnold made a business trip to Macau Thurs day. Our town is fgrowing very fast. Building lots are advancing every day. Our school was to have had their pictures struck Wednesday; but when the man came and saw them he was afraid to undertake the job. We have had a good many on the sick list, but am glad to note they are all up again. Mrs. J. J. Whitfield of Hawk- insville is expected here this week. She will be the guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Willing ham. — Minutes of Commissioners’ Court. Election Notice. There will be an election in Fort Val ley, Ga. on the 18th day of March to de termine the matter of ratification of the proposed contract between the town of Fort Valley and Tne Fort Valley Elec tric Light and Power Company for the furnishing to said town of Electric Street lighting. The principal features of said contract are as followers: The contract is to be for seven years, and is for the furnishing to said town of fifteen enclosed arc lights of 1200 candle power,each, for which the town is to pay 85.00 each per month* The payments for lights under the said contract are to be made at the end of each month’s service. Each city coun- ?il» during the duration of said contract is to raise enough by taxation each year to pay the amount contracted for, for said lights. At said election, all persons in favor of the contract and. the annual debt thereby created will place on their ’•bal- iQts the words, “For Lighting/ Contract’ and all opposed to said contract, will Best 1 and 2 hone Wagons place on their ballots the words, “Against J j ^ Feed M. Houser's. Lighting Contract”, The votes will be . macie ’ *• .—___! consolidated and the result declared as j mu p n st Office is the place to provided by law A. D Skellie, Jvy Prnvons Feb. 13th, 1901. Mayor. get School Grayons. County Commissioners’ Court of Houston County met in regular session March 5th, 1901, with all the members present. The tax collector was ordered to refund to J. D. Martin, Jr., $5.17, error on digest; Henry Holmes 11 cents, given in through mistake; G. C. Morgan, $4.68, on digest twice; Henry Hooks, over age-, $1.00 poll tax. The tax collector was ordered to receive single tax from Kinney & Bundle. The reviewers for new road in the Upper Eleventh district filed their report. Ex-commissioner Z. Hays filed final report of commutation tax collected and expended in the Up per Fifh District for the year 1900. The Superintendent of the chain gang was authorized to hire a night guard for the chain gang at $20.00per month for the month of March, anti for as much longer as-the commissioner in charge should deem necessary. Whereupon Court adjourned* C. E. Brunson, Clerk. New Blacksmith -Shop. I am now in position to do all kind of black-smith work. I have, secured the services of a compe tent Smith and solicit your busi- BBSS. Horse Shoeing a specialty. F. C. Day, Perry, Ga. Souther Silk Checks, the heaviest and best at L. M. Paul’s. BY FA BELLE. | Miss Effie Crawford spent Sat urday and Sunday with Clifford Renfroe at Toy. Miss Leila Walton, a most at tractive yonng lady of Fort Worth, Tex.,is visiting the family of her uncle, Mr. J. B. Walton. Miss Florence Smith spent Sat urday and Sunday at Dunbar,- the guest of Mrs. Will Dunbar. Miss Rosa Huff of Walden, is the charming guest of Miss Sadie Peavy. * Mrs. M. F. Crawford of Lexing ton, Ky., and Mis3 Sallie Robert son of Macon, who have been spending several weeks with rela tives here, left last week for Ala bama, where they will spend some time visiting. ’ The business and literary meet ing of the Epworth League for March was held last Friday even ing at the home of Mr. f£. J. Pea vy. Miss Ida Walton of Macon spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Robert Tidwell. The Arbor day exercises held on the school grounds last Friday af ternoon were quite interesting. The tree planted was pecan. The following participated in the ex ercises: Miss Kate Richardson, in absence of Clarence Lowe, Dux.; Howard Holleman, Poet; Will Peavy, Historian, and Miss Mattie Kate Vinson, Prophet. Mr. D. J. Walker and family moved ont to their plantation last week. Mr. R. J. DuPree and family also moved at that time to their new country . -home. We regret to lose these two familes, but are glad to know they are only several miles out. Mr. Champion is occupying Mr. Walker’s house here. Dr. A. D. Olds, who purchased Mr. DuPree’s place here, is . re modeling ' the house; he expects to m*ove in next month. Mr. John Cooner and sisters, Misses Emma and Floroie, who moved here from Fort Valley last weed, are now temporarily occu pying Dr. Hood’s residence. We extend to them a cordial welcome to our village. On last Sundav afternoon Rev.' N. T. Pafford performed the mar riage ceremony of Mr. John Seay and Miss Lucy Calhoun of Dun bar. The marriage took place at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. Gas Calhoun. The wedding march was skilfully rendered by Miss Florence Smith. The large circle of friends present attested the popularity of these young peo ple. Mr. John Holleman now has a position with H.« J. Lamar and Sons of Macon. This is a good position, and we congratulate Mr. Holleman on securing it. Dr. M. A. Warren and Prof J. F. Lowe have bought % out Dr. Hood’s drug store, and took pos session this'.week. These young men are of fine business qualifi cations, and their many friends wish them abundant success in this new enterprise. Since putting up the drug store here two years ago, Dr. Hood l^ias made it a success, and by his ac commodating ways and cordial manners, has made friends through-out ; the country, who will regret to see him leave the store. He will still remain in Byron. Clarence Lowe will have charge of the drugstore. [Though dated March 2nd, this news letter didn’t reach this of fice until Thursday, March 7th. 1 Ed. —Mr. Josiah Bass, one of Hous ton’s prominent citizens, writes as follows: “After trying various remedies, without obtaining any benefit, I was cured sound and well by Mucalee Chill Stop. It is the best remedy in existence for chills, fever and malaria. ’ ’ Every bottle guaranteed. It costs you nothing if it fails to cure. Sold by drug gists at 50 cts. Manufactured by H. J. Lamar & Sons, Macon, Ga. BARRED P. ROCKS. S v- . Again I am offering for sale Eggs from this excellent breed of poultry. 50c. for 15. I McM. Rainey, Perry, Ga. WAIT AND SEES THE IMMENSE LINE OF Embroideries, Laces, White Goods, AT • V X. M. PAUL S.. We intend to make this season the biggest selling one in the history of the house in these lines. HOW? By hav ing the largest variety and giving the lowest prices. We are hard at work getting these lines open and on the -mar ket. Something more definite will be told you about them next week. ? More New Goods This Week. Ladies’ Ready-Made Shirt Waists, Ladies’ Ready*Made Skirts- Ladies’ and Men’s Belts, New Patterns. Many New Things in Ties, Handkerchiefs, Umbrel‘as ; Hosiery, &c, Gall in and look through. JUT. 3P A TTXj- ,.NEW GOODS.. -FOR- Spring and Summer ARE NOW BEING RECEIVED. My spn has returned from New York, where he bought largely of the choicest things offered in that great market, and within a few days I will be displaying one of the Handsomest, Best Selected Most Complete and Stocks ever brought to Perry. I invite everybody to call, get prices and inspect quality of goods, styles, etc. I will he pleased to meet any and all my friends and customers and extend to them all possible accommodations. W. D. DAY, Perry, Ga. If You Want Anything in BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., You can save money at ' Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete line of COFFIHS and CASKETS always on hand. ' : GEORGE PAUL, Perry, Ga. . . * • .i.Vfe