The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, March 14, 1901, Image 7

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BSBH ■«■■■nnBnm ; ?S:"' St'': ■'.T'*^-'. •'.'-C-'-'rJ-* ''? slpigSl . x - ^■i —ii > and Every Job We Bell BEARS OUR GUARANTEE Of Merit, Durability, Style and Finish, and that You get your money’s worth Whether of our own make or of the many manufacturers’ which < we handle. Our Line of Fine Buggies, Wagons, Harness, r Whips, Etc., Etc., are the perfection of the manu facturers’ art ::Agents for the Celebrated:: Fish Brothers’ Farm Wagons. If you get a FISH WAGON, you get the BEST WAGON MADE. The Williams Buggy Company* 522 & 524 Poplar Street, MACON, GEORGIA. EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED. To Houston Teachors. jf- • Attention is called to the books which have been purchased by the Board of Education as a library for the use of teachers. Only books from the pops of tho best authors] and teachers of pedagogy have been se lected. At present there are only 33 volumes, but others will be add ed from time to time. These books are full of the expe rience and ideas of those who have preceded us and those who are now at the head of the teaching profes sion. Through the constant study of the best Books and magazines on questions of teaching, the older teacher finds himself growing stronger in his work, and the young teacher, to a great extent, saves himself being taught in the rough and hazardous school of self-experi ence. The twentieth century dawns up on a world of students—students of law, students of medicine, students of the science and art of teaching, students of everything—men who are trying to learn all there is to know in their respective fields of work and to find the best methods of application. The teacher who to natural apti tude has added habits of study has doubtless long ago found his work change from daily burdensome tasks to a duty in the performance of which he finds much that is really pleasant. I am advised by Mr. Glenn, the state school commissioner, that Roark’s Methods is the professional book to be used in connection with the examination this year. Roark is a distinguished Southern educator and his book will be very helpful to teachers. The next state examination will occur about the usual time. Teachers can get books from the library upon application for them. Those desiring to purchase copies of Roark’s Methods can get them from the American Book Co., of At lanta, by sending $1.00, and the book will be forwarded postage pre paid. The book can be obtained at 20 per cent, discount if all the or ders from a county are sent in one order. Those desiring to get the benefit of the discount can do so by sending me their names. Respectfully, Geo. W. Smith, C. S. C. [A list of.the books will be pub lished next week.—Ed.] Mossy Hill Notes. BY SOCKS. Corn planting is now with us, and a delightful rain this morning put the ground in fine fix. Some of the smart set on the hill have fiinished planting, but the great majority will commence this week. It makes us so tired to see from the daily papers every little town scribbler declaring the cotton acre age will be alarmingly increased, when tliese scribblers couldn’t tell a peck of ground-peas from a bundle of wheat if their lives depended up on it. Last year many of the best farmers in v the county sold their cot ton seed, and of course had to buy guano more heavily. That made the scribblers swear by all that is holy that the largest cotton crop the world ever heard of would b9 made. "We would beg to remind them once more, that one of the greatest needs of the farmers is to be let alone. What has become of the Hender son Fishing Club? Nothing has been heard of it since the great snow storm. They were on the Hill during the snow storm long enough to take a “thawer” and inform us they had enfoyed fisherman’s luck, lost a horse and all their fishing tackle. From observation we have concluded that all fishing clubs are alike in one respect: They fish prin cipally with “live bait,” and usually carry their bait in a jug. Dave says he isn’t in any more. That he only mortgaged two mules co get some whiskey, and that the officers would “ketch” him every time they come. Now Levy has won all his laurels from him, and is such a slick bre’r rahbit that the officers never find him. The Elko Jumbo don’t know. How does he expect a fellow to drive a quill when he’s got the cows to milk, do the churning and help nurse the baby. When it comes to milking, we are “right thar,” but churning and nursing is something else. Mrs. Harrison of Muzellft is on the Sill visiting her little grand-son at the home of Mr. F. W. Pool. Mrs. C. B. Till is spending a month in Cordele with friends. Mrs. W. T.. VanLandinghara, who has been visiting friends in south west Georgia, has returned home. Mr. Sam Cots and family of Jas per county are now citizens of the Hill. The Echeconnee Association, em bracing Primitive Baptist chourches of Houston, Bibb. Crowford, Pike, Monroe and Upson counties, will hold its general meeting with Beth- lahem church at Macon on the 29th, 30th and 31st days in March, em bracing the 5 th Sunday. Bibb county Primitive Baptists, says the Telegraph, will be ready for the oc- cion, with their proverbial hospital ity. At least 200 delagates and vis itors from the several churches and corresponding associations are ex pected to attend. Ik Kentucky, Texas, Illinois and other states of the middle west, rain and wind did much damage to life and property last Saturday. At Owensboro there was a cloud-burst, and much damage to the streets re sulted. A tornado swept through Texas, killing people and animale and destroying houses. At Willis Point alone the loss of property is estimated at $50,000, and in Chica- ga it is said the damage will amount to $160,000. In Arkansas, Tennes see, Michigan and Missouri the des truction was enormous, and many people were killed. It was the worst storm of the winter. more —- Mss. Natiojt’s hatchet has done in Kansas than smash barroom and bottles. The Topeka city council has adopted an ordinance ig it unlawful for any person to another to liquor anywhere in c city, or to be seen in a saloon, to/sell liquor in a saloon is unlaw- it certainly should be unlawful buy liquor in a saloon. making treat the ful the rial the Raih interfered somewhat with inaugural ceremonies on the 4th chilling reception to the “impe- display” of the second term of republican administration. have ence Cubans to the number of 5,000 presented to Gen. Wood, in a petition to President Mc- urging absolute independ- for Cuba. Havana ; Kinley Oard Of Thanks. During the recent illness of my wife, the ladies of the neighbor- hohd and of Perry were exceeding ly kind in their attentions, and I desire to thank them- most sin cerely. Their ministrations surely had foundation in loving and true hearts. Our gratitude is unbound ed, and my earnest desire is that Heaven’s richest benediction may come to them. Gratefully, T. D. Gurr. —Don’t forget that you can get a 400 page Pencil Tablet for 5c. at Perry Post Office. —Stoves, Stove pipe and Pans, cheap at Feed M. Housings. Agent for Chattanooga two-horse Chilled Plows, also for White Hickory Wagons W. D. Day. Counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning. Leave them alone. The original has the name DeWitt’s upon the box and wrap per. It is a harmless and heal ing salve for skin diseases. Un equalled for piles. Holtzclaw’s drugstore. GEORGIA, Houston County. A. J. Garvin, administrator of the es tate of Mrs.cMittie Garvin; dec’d, has ap plied for dismission from his said trnst: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the April term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application shonld not be granted. Winess my official signature this January 7,1901. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary GEORGIA—Houston County. M. A. Edwards, administrator of the estate of J. W. Hardison,of said county, deceased, has applied for dismission from said trust: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to- appear at the April term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this January 7,1901. SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. -i'si i » LOW RATES To the Merry Mahers’ Celebration, Augusta, Ga., April 22 to 27, 1901. The Central of Georgia Railway will sell, on account of above occa sion, from Hilton, Albany, George town, Ft. Gaines, Columbus and in termediate points, tickets at rate of one first-class fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale April 22d and g3rd; final return limit April 29 th. Call on any agent or representative for full information. Tha lingering cough following grippe calls for One Minute Cough Cure. For all throat and lung troubles this is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate re sults. Prevents consumption. Holtzclaw’s drugstore. Strikes A Kick Find. “I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility,” writes F. J. Green, Lancaster, N. H., “No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medi cine I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bit ters are just splendid for. female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for week, run down women. No other med icine can take its place in our family.” Try them. Only 50/. Satisfaction guaranteed. Holtz claw’s drugstore. —Cotton Serges and Cotton Coverts for Ladies’ Wash Skirts, at L. M. Paul’s. Berinets for Ladies and Children Pink and Blue Striped Bonnets, 25o. Solid Pink Bonnets for 25c. Solid. Blue Bonnets for 25c. Pink & Blue Polka Dot Bonnets, 25c. Navy Blue Bonnets for 25c. Dark Red Bonnets for 25c. Plain White Bonnets for 25c. Navy Blue, Red and White Bonnets trimmeed in lace and embroidery for 40c. and 50c. The Racket Store. THINK ON THIS. If a Doctor writes a prescription for you it costs you Two (32.00) Dollars. If your druggist fills it, he wants fifty (.50( A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’s Great Discovery, One small bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabestes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder, in both mem and wemen, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. 0. Box 629, St. Louis, Md. Send for testimonials. Sold by all drug gists, and H. J. Lamar & Sous, Ma con, Ga., and H. M. Holtzclaw, Perry, Ga. HEAD THIS. Cuthbert,.jGa., April 2,1900. This is to certify that I was af fected with gravel and that I took sixty drops of Hall’s Great Discov ery and it completely cured me. It is worth $1 per bottle to any one heeding it. J. T. Stevens, WANTED—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD CHARACTER to deliver and collect in Georgia for old estab lished manufasturing wholesale house; $900 a year sure pay. Honesty more than experience required. Our reference,any hank in any city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manu facturers, 3rd Floor, 334 Dearborn st., Chicago. : WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O. 3L here is an oppor tunity. Kindly give good reference when writing. THE A. T. MOEBIS WHOLESALE HOUSE, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Illustrated ^catalogue 4 cts. in stamps. cents or One ($C.OO) Dollar. We offer you a prescription filled and ready for use at twenty-five (.25) cents a box, that is guaranteid to cure Ecxema, Tetter, Itch, Salt-Rheum, Barber’s Itch, Itching Piles, Scald Head and all skin Deseases. WATTS’ ECZEMA OINTMENT, Twenty-five Cents a Box. All Druggists. Taylor & Peek Drag Co., MACON, GA. GOOD POSITION. Wanted: Y6nng ladies aad gentlemen in every county for office work, clerk ship, otc. Must make small deposit or give security. Previous experience not necessary. Good salary. Address “Ebank,” Box 435, Nashville, Tenn. HOUSTON SHERIFF’S"SALES- Will be sold before the court house loor in the town of Perry, Houston county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on *the first Tuesday in April, 1901, the following property, to-wit: 40 acres more or less of land situated and lying in the 6th District cf Houston Connty, Ga. and known as a part of the DreerLisenby place, and bounded on the north by the land of Harman Lisen- by; on the East bv Dave Walker; on the South by Guss Hill; and on the West bv Dawson Lamar. Levied on and sold as the property of Louisa Hill to satisfy a fi fa from Houston Superior Court in favor of.Mayer & Watts vs said Louisa Hill, ana returnable to the April Term, 1900, of said court. Also at the same time and place 30 acres of land more or less, lying and sit uated in the 6th District of Houston County Ga., and being apart of lot of land No. 10 of said District, and bound ed on the North by the land, of Louisa Hill; on the East by Dave Walker: on the South by Mrs. S. A. Bassett and on tbe West by G. P. Lamar, said lands known as the Gus Hill place* Levied on and sold as the property of Gus Hill to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Septem ber Court of Houston County in favor of Mayer & Watts vs Gus Hill, and return able to the April Term, : 1900, of said Court. ,, M. L. COOPER, Sheriff. March 5th, 1901. Administrator^ Sale. Georgia, Houston Connty? By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of Macon county, will be sold at public ontcrv on the first Tuesday in April, 1901, before the court house door in said county of Houston, be tween the usual and legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, towit: The west half of lot of land number one hun dred and ninety-two (192),all of lot No one hun dred and ninety-three (193),’and one hundred and twenty-seven (127)acres, more or less,of the south part of lot number one hundred and nine ty-four (194), all of said lands being in the four teenth (14) district ef said Houston county, Ga. being in a body and containing in the aggre gate four hundred and twenty-nine and three- fourths (429%) acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Mrs. Elizabeth Pen nington Ware,late of said Macon connty, dec’d. . Terms cash. This Feb. 25th, 1901. M. S. WARE, Adm’r Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA, Houston County. All persons having claims against the estate of T. B. Chancey, late of eaid connty, deceased, will render the same to the undersigned properly made out, and all parties who are indebted to said deceased will settle the same without de lay. L. H. GabfieiiD, Adm’r. March 5th, 1901. w. H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Hr. W. A. Bias sen game. OFFICE OVER DOW DAW BANK, , FORT VALLEY. : GEORGIA. J. R. SIMS, OPERATIVE DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA. C. z. McARTHTTR, DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore'. AND ESPECIALLY SELECTED ADAPTED FOR SOUTHERN PUNTING Refugee and Valentine Beans, Genuine i Bermuda Onion [ sion Cabbage, Matchless Maker Tomatoes, etc., etc. lea tine Beans, Genuine ^ 7"*0 1 4 C* 1 : Held oeed fcoapbie stock of Fresh Field and Garden Seed Always ca Rad. ONLY CAREFULLY TEST I'D SEED SENT OUT. TI-5E EXCELSIOR SECO FARM TH£ GFMFFiNG BROTHERS COMPANY, P. O. Box 533 B. JACKSONVILLE. FLi “Catalogue free upon application. mamm SWUM fmMKKmm