The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, April 04, 1901, Image 3

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n Sam™, 1 p EER y, Thursday, April 4. t OCAL NEWS, ''iJSK patent ANTI-BUSTING TINWARE. Each and every piece of this Anti-Busting Tinware will be re placed with new ware in case at any time it should rust. Come and see it; you are sure to buy. ....DON’T FORGET.... may Standard line of Pure Gro ceries. I solicit your trade. Respectfully, Wi B. SIMS. New Blacksmith Shop. I am now in position to do all hind of black-smith work. I have secured the services of a compe tent Smith and solicit your busi ness. Horse Shoeing a specialty. F. C. Day, Perry, Ga. Ground Bone. Having an excellent mill, we prepare and sell fresh Ground Bone at 5/ per pound. Excellent for poultry. Parker Bros, Perry, Ga. White Wyandottes. Superior Thorough-bred stock. Eggs for Hatchsng, $2 for 15. W. D. Sandwich, Fort Valley, Ga. CORNISH INDIAN GAMES. A limited number of eggs from pure-bred Cornish Indian Games, at $1.00 for 13. Apply at The Home Journal Office. Barred P. Rocks. 65 cents buys a setting of my thorough-bred eggs. Stock good as the best. Pekin Duck eggs 50c, Mrs. C. 0. Kegg. Near Perry, Ga. ■ BARRED P. ROCKS. Again I am offering for sale Eggs from this excellent, breed of poultry. 50c. for 15. McM. Rainey, Perry, Ga. Fred. M. Houser’s. In the following five articles we are sure that nobody can equal onr prices when you take quality into considera- Educational Progression. ■ ^ eo ; J; Smith ’ the clevei * ! and efccient School Commissioner of Houston county, in his desirei to advance the cause of public! school education as much as possi-' ble, has arranged with a num ber of eminent gentlenen for ad- dresses at different dates and pla ces during the Spring and Sum mer. So far only two have been given the exact time and place. The others will be specifically announ ced later. The list of Speakers is as fol lows : President P. D. Pollock of Mer cer University, at Dunbar Friday mhgt, April 12th. Hon. Hoke Smith, Ex-secretary Anterior Department, at Hattie May 31st, the occasion to be a Union School picnic. Dr. W. W. Pinson, pastor Mul- bery street Methodist church, Ma con. Qi, l^kkott, Superintendent Public Schools of Bibb county. Hon. Waltet B. Hill, Chancel lor of the Georgia State Universi- Epworth League Reception. tion:! Flour, Meal, Corn, Oats. If you need them in any quanti ties, it will pay you to see us. We make a specialty of Buggies aud Wagons. Fred. M. Houser. Artificial Digestion. Is that all you want? It is not all that you can get, T. & P. Stomach Tablets contain the best digestive agents. These digest the food; but if this was all they would not and conld not cure you. They have combined with these digest ive ferments, Tonics that act directly on the organs of digestion 1 , and Laxatives that regulate the Liver and Bowels, put ting the system in condition to perform its own work. This means that if you will half way take care of your stomach & cure is certain. T. & P. Stomach Tablets are for sale by all druggists. 50c. a box. Free sample by mail if you will write for it. TATiiOB & PEEK DKTJG CO., MACON, GA. Subscribe for the Home Journal. ty. Dr. J. L. White, pastor First Baptist church of Macon. Dr. G. E. Dowman, President of Emory College. Hon. Washington Dessan of Ma con, Chairman State board of Ex aminers for admission to the bar. Hon. O. B. Stevens, State Com missioner of Agriculture. Judge U. V. Whiffle, ex-judge of Dooly county court. Rev. W. E. Muniford, pastor of the Georga Industrial Home, at Macon. The S.F.*gTClub. Last Friday evening the S. F. G’s spent a most delightful eve ning 'at Mrs. D. H. Culler’s lovely country home about a mile east of Perry. She entertained us most royally. After embroidering a while we had music that was fine, an$ then played games of all kinds; then the most delicious re freshments were served. After en joying cakes and such like, we were brought a large waiter of parched groundpeas, which we all thought were fine. We played a while and then it was nearly dark, so we left as hap py as pould be, and went home to dream of our most pleasant eve ning, and know we have never or ever will spend a more pleasant one. Mrs. Cullur is a lovely and most excellent lady and loved by all who know her. We can never for get our little stay while there. Kate Hurst, Secretary. Munincipul Election. The annual munincipal elec tion of Perry will be held on Sat urday, April 13th. The following gentlemens have been pursuaded to serve the next term, if elected. For Mayor. Jno. H. Hodges. For Alderman. B. H. Andrew, J. R. Miller, J. D. Martin, Sr. J. J. Marshburn, A. A. Smoak, J. R. Sims. The Columbian Entertainers, who gave a lyceum performance at the Court house last Friday night, were evidently well-pleased with Perry, as they remained here nntill Monday noon. Two of the young ladies, attended preaching at the Methodist church Sunday morning. Those who formed the acquaintance of the Entertainers say they are as attractive off the stage as when acting their parts professionally. The postage paid on the Home Journal subscription list for the first three months of this year was 95 oer cent gseater than for the last three months of 1900. The increase, however, is not altogeth er in the number of papers mail ed but mostly on account of the increased size and weight of the paper. —Just received,a few more Sec ond-hand School Books, at Perry Post Office. Ap-ent for the Celebrated Barns- taf Buggies. ® D. Day. ^ irr ~ ' ^Wm At the home of Capt. and Mrs. C. E. Gilbert, the Perry Epworth Leage will entertain the Baptist Young People’s Union from 7:30 to 11 o’clock next Friday night, April 5th. The character of the reception was entrusted to a committee, and that committee have arranged the details. The B. Y. P. U. has been invit ed as a whole, and the invitation accepted. All members of the Epworth League will be expected to attend. There will be a short program for entertainment. Refreshments will be served, and then a period of informal social features. The hospitality of the home and the good taste of those making the arrangements assures an occa sion of rare entertainment. —The Columbian Entertainers pleased the audience of Perry at the Court house last Friday night. The performers were decidedly clever in elocution and character impersonations, and the singing of Miss Larssen was delightful. 4 Prong Pitch-Forks 45/ each. Try Dead Stuck for ants, bugs, and all kinds of insects. Guaran teed to destroy them, 25/ per bot tle. Paregoric 5/, 10/, 15/ bottles. Lemon Extract, large size 5/. bottle. Allspice, 20/ per pound. Dove Hams, 14/ per pound. Try Sweet Chimes Cigar, 5/. Best on the market. Racket Store. —Mr. Josiah Bass, one of Hous ton’s prominent citizens, writes as follows: “After trying various remedies, without obtaining any benefit, I was cured sound and well by Mucalee Chill Stop. It is the best remedy in existence for chills, fever and malaria.” Every bottle guaranteed. It costs you nothing if it fails to cure. Sold by drug gists at 50 cts. Manufactured by H. J. Lamar & Sons, Macon, Ga —New One-horse Wagon for sale. Best make. Apply at Middlebrooks’ Stable, Perry, Ga. Their promptness and their pleasant effects make DeWitt’s Little Early Risers most popular little pills wherever they are known. They are simply perfect for liver and bowel troubles. Holtzclaw’s drugstore. Executor’s Safe. On the 20tli day ot April, 1901, at 9- o’clock, I will sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of A. McD. King, deceased, Houston Coun ty, Ga., all of the following property, to- wit: Farming impliments, such as are usu ally used on a farm: one two-horse wag on, two old buggies, harness and plow tools; one set shop tools and carpenter .tools, such as are generally used in a blacksmith and general repair shop; balance of general merchandise in store, consisting of shoes, straw hats, powder and shot, scales roping, bridles, single trees, axes and many other sundry arti cles, such as are generally kept in a store; one Dexter feed.cutter, one good 6-horse boiler engine, two gins, one con denser, one ootton press, one saw and mantle for sawing wood, one cotton seed crusher; one good, three roller, iron frame cane mill and evaporator; and many other articles too numerous to mention, such as hoes, shovels, pitch- forks, etc. Terms of sale cash,unless previous ar rangements before sale J. E. KING, Executor, Estate of A. MoD. King: TAX RECEIVER’S APPOINTMENTS? FIHST BOUJSTD. For the purpose of receiving state and county tax returns for 1901,1 will be at the following places on the days and dates named. Perry, Monday and Tuesday, April 1st and 2nd. Haslam’s, Wednesday, April 3rd, am. Barrow’s Mill, “ 111 “ pm- Fort Valley, Thursday, “ 1th, all day. Powersville, Friday, April §th, am. Byron, “ “ “ pm. Perry, Monday, April 8th, all day. Taylor’s, Tuesday. “ 9th, pm. Henderson, Wednesday, April 10th, am. Elko, “ > “ pm. Grovania, Thursday, April 11th, am. Hayneville, “ “ “ pm. Kathleen, Friday, April 12tn, am. Bonaire, “ ,J pm. Wellston, Saturday, April 13th, am. Hattie, “ “ “ pm. Claud, Monday, April 15th, am. Heard “ “ “ pm. B. T. STAFFORD, T. E. H. C. JSX'EC'XJTISI* AT THIS OFFICE WHITS GOODS And the Place to Find Them. This is to be the biggest season yet for White Goods. We have never before been as well fixed to meet the big de mand tor these goods as we are this season. We have nev er heretofore even approached neai nnto the line we have this season in variety, in value or in quantity. ■white :f>zqttte:s- Fine Welts, the greatest Piques for the money, a special at 10c Heavy welts for skirts and light fancy stripes for waists at 124c & 15c Fine pin stripes and beautiful light, airy patterns at 20c & 25c Fine Imported Piques, fancy figured, prettiest on the market for 35c White Lawns, 40 inch Lawns at 10c 40 inch Lawns at 15c 30 inch Lawns at 5c 32 inch Lawns at 6c> 32 inch Lawns at 8c 32 inch Lawns at 10c 32 inch Lawns at 12|c 32 ioch Lawns at 15c 82 inch Lawns at 20c 32 inch Lawns at 25c Checked Nainsooks. Every quality from 5c to 20c, White Dimities. Stripes and Checks at 7e Stripes and Checks at 8c Stripes and Checks at 10c Stripes and Checks at 12£c Stripes and Checks at 15c Stripes and Checks at 20c Stripes and Checks at 25c Fancy White G-oods For Waists. Light, airy, cool. A big lot. A pretty assortment. Prices froqp 10c to 25c WTiltP OrffftYMlipq Fine White Organdies, 32in, 10c„ 12^c., 15e'. and 25c. ® * Whifa nmnndiao imnnrlnd • ’Tflm rftflfnlflr flftlCiGj at 4Uc. White Organdies, imported; 70in., regular 50c. 72in. White, Blue and Pink at 50c. 72:n. While only at 75c. W. D. DAY, Perry, Ga. Greatest Display of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever Shown in Perry. Certainly" you can’t afford to miss this display. REMEMBER IT IS MY TREAT. If tempted to buy by seeing the choicest merchandise so unresist ingly displayed at lower prices than are ordinarily quoted, the store will appreciate your patronage. Wash Fabrics of Every Description. Prints, Percales, Fancy Colored Swisses and Lawns, Dimitier, Piques, &c, New Laces, Embroideries, Silks, Hibbons and Gloves. Ladies’ Belts, I Ladies’ Neckwear, The Correct Styles. j The Latest Novelties. Sto@©§ acid) ©sdtopdtei, The Best in the City. s 1 have everything that is new in Shoes, i Hats, Shirts, Collars and Neckwear. With the largest and best stocked store of Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, &c , in Perry, I carry Groceries, Hardware, Buggies) and Wagons. 3D. 3D-A-’2% S=exx3T, O-a,. If You Want Anything BEDROOM .SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS DGMESTiC SEWING MACHINES, BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., You can save money at Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete line of COFFIHS and CASKETS always on hand; GEORGE PAUL, Perry, Ga. iggHg ruvfyc. •yy- j,. vj. y y Tmn SfessSBijte