The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, April 04, 1901, Image 8

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' '_ * r-.\ * ' ■ LITTLE NONSENSE. The Attorney Passed on to the Next Question. "And what is your age, madam ?” was the attorney’s question. "My own/’ she answered prompt ly* <C 1 understand that, madam. I mean how‘old are you?” fp> am not old, sir,” with indigna tion. "I beg your pardon, madam. I mean how many'years have you "None; the years have passed me.” "How many of them have passed you?”’ "All; I never heard of them stop- ping.” "Madam, you must answer my question. I want to know your age.” "I don’t know that the acquaint ance is desired by the other side.” "I don’t see why you insist upon refusing to answer my question,” said the attorney coaxingly. "I am sure I would tell how old I was if I were asked.” "But nobody would ask'you, for everybody knows you are old enough to know better than to be asking a woman hey age.” And the attorney passed on to the next question.— Nashville Ameri- ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Dangers That Follow In th^ Wake of Too Much Yentilatida. - When it comes to the matter of ventilation, the woman theorist sMnes. If, indeed, she has thought pbout it enough to have a theory at all—and many have—she does noth ing short of scintillating. As a con sequence, more persons die every can. DANGER AHEAD. year from too much fresh air than the re'cord from vitiated atmosphere can show. Not one person in a hun dred can sleep in the winter time with an open door in his room without bad consequences, or at least without running dangerous risks. Many more cases of pneu monia may reasonably be said to be due to "ventilation” than to all oth er causes combined. I recall the death of a trained nurse while on duty in the home of a neighbor from pneumonia contracted from sleep ing near an open window. As a graduate of one of the leading train ing schools she had thoroughly studied the subject of ventilation under supposably intelligent pro fessors. Yet she died in her youth from downright ignorance of the subject.—Ella Morris Kretsehmar in Woman’s Home Companion. UNDERDONE OATMEAL AND HOT BREAD. The Pug^—Say, I’m in a fix. The Poodle—What is that ? The Pug—If I turn up my nose at the bulldog, there’ll be trouble. Yet how can I help it?—New York Evening World. RESOURCES at hand. "Why don’t they start the per formance?” impatiently asked one of the spectators at the seance. "The medium says the room-is too cold,” replied some one who seemed to know. "I should think she could rap up,” grumbled the other, "and call for spirits.”—Chicago Tribune. SHORT lesson. Little Nephew—Is it true, uncle, that the bark grows thickest on one side of a tree? Old Uncle Groutt—Yuss. Nephew—Which side, uncle ? ' Uncle Groutt — The outside.— Exchange. EASY WORK FOR BILL. One of the magazine editors says that a poet, to do good work, should spend at least two years in perfect ing a sonnet. This moved a rural editor to exclaim: » "Bill Jones of our town wrote ten in one dav 1”—Atlanta Constitu tion. GALL. The Old Man-—Your love for my daughter seems to have grown very fast since you found out I was worth so much money. The Young Man (admiringly)— No faster, sir, than the,subject war ranted^—Detroit Free Press. The Scotch are the greatest dys peptics on earth, largely owing to their use of half cooked oatmeal and soft bread. Next to the Scotch are the Americans, and no single thing has contributed more to American dyspepsia that half cook ed oatmeal mush for breakfast. In rural France, where dyspepsia is practically unknown, hard bread and vegetables, with a very moder ate amount of meat, comprise the chief items of the bill of fare. Take the center out of a hot biscuit and roll it awhile in your hand, and it soon becomes a solid mass of dough —a "lead pill.” That is the thing your stpmach wrestles with when it attempts to digest hot bread or bis cuit. A good deal of the cold bread is just about as bad. Such food may be nutritious for the chap in the circus who relishes ground glass and eats swords and tenpenny nails, but it shortens the lives of average people.—Healthy Home. To The Deaf. A rich lady, cured of her deaf ness and noises in the head by Dr. Nicholson’s Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his Instute, so that deaf people unable to pro cure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No. 1474. The Nicolson Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York.—Ex. TRIAL TREATMENT B.B.B. FREE. Cures Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism and All Blood Troubles. TIT FOR TAT. Jack—I admit I don’t understand you. You women are all puzzles. Jill—Which proves that you men are all stubborn. Jack—Indeed? Jill—Yes; you simply won’t give Press. us up.—Philadelphia f?-- NEEDED EXPLANATION. "That was the time,” Rivers went on to say, "that I was drowned to all intents and purposes. The doc tors, by hard work, brought me to.” "Any cause assigned for their rash act?” asked Brooks.:—Chicago Tribune. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo=Quiniae Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one day The Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) treat ment for impure blood and skin diseases is how recognized as a sure and certain cure for the most advanced stages of can cer, eating sores, eczema, itching, skin humors, scabs or scales, syphilitic blood poison, scrofula, ulcers, persistent erup tions, pimples, boils, aches and pains in bones, joints or back, swolen glands, ris ings and bumps on the skin, rheumatism or catarrh, or any form Of skin or blood diseases. Men, women and children are being cured in every state by Botanic Blood Balm for purifying the blood, and expelling the germs and humors from the entire system, leaving the skin free from eruptions, and rosy with evidence of pure, rich blood. No sufferer need longer despair,—help is at hand,—no matter how many discouragements you may ha T e met with, Botanic Blood Balm (B,B.B.) cures permanently and quickly. To satisfy the doubters, we will give to any sufferer a trial treatment absolutely free that they may test this wonderful remedy. B.B.B.- (Botanic Blood Balm) is sold by all drug stores, with complete directions for home treatment, for $1.00 per large bottle. For free trial treat ment, address Blood Balm Go., 8 Mitch ell Street, ABauta, Ga. v and Trial Treat ment will be sent at once. Write to-day. Describe trouble, and free medical ad vice given. Oyer 3,000 voluntary testi monials of cures by using Blood Balm. Thoroughly tested for 50 years. $500 REWARD! We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation of Costiveness we cannot cure with Liveri- ta, the up-to-date Little Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly complied witlx rhey are purely Vegetable and never fail ooWofcngnTi *25c. boxes contain to give satisfaction. 100 Pills, 10c. boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c. boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of sub stitutions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nebvita Medical Co., Cor. Clintoh and Jackson sts.,Chicago,111. For sale by H. M. Hoitzclaw, Druggist, Perry,Ga CASTORIA. BearB the Kind You Have Always BougiS Signature /Jr . of To produce the best results in fruit, vegetable or grain, the fertilizer used must contain enough Potash. For partic ulars see our pamphlets. We send them free. < GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradb Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may — -—^ee whether an quickly ascertain our opinion free — — invention is probably patentable. Communica tion's strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securingpatents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the ppotub iirVl/H/p, irivuuuw Scientific American. Largest clr- ■ a A handsomely illustrated weekly. cnlation of any scientific Journal. TermB, f 3 _ year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 36,Broadway * New York Branch Office, 625 F St, Washington, D. C. PENNSS IiV AMT A PURE RYE, EIGHT YEARS OLD. OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS. Pour fui Quarts of this Pine Old, Pnre RYE WHISK EY , ■"■mm Perfect Passenger Service. $3.50 EXPRESS PAID* We ship on approval in plain, sealed boxes, with no marks to indicate contents. When iyou receive it and test it, if it is not satisfactory, return it a* our expense and we wil return your $3.50. We guarantee this brand to be EIGHT YEARS OLD. Eight bottles for $6 50, express prepaid; 12 bottfes for $9 50 express prepaid. One gallon jug, express prepaid, $3 00; 2 gallon jug, express prepaid, $5 50. -No charge for boxing. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies and will save you 50 Per Cent, on Your Purchases: y-v-r ► 1 T T V T'TTTr T T r T T T . , »"T~’ DESIGNS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS. OBTAINED ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY ■• Notice in “Inventive^Age FREE * Book “How to obtain 1 Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. Letters strictly confidential. Address, j ■ E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, D.C.J X AA.A.A i. A 4. 4 , Quart, Gallon. Kentucky Star Bourbon, $ 35 $125 Elkridge Bourbon 40 Coon Hollow Bourbon 45 Melwood Pure Bye 50 Monogram Bye 55 McBrayer Bye 60 Baker’s A AAA 65 O. O. P. (Old Oscar Peeper) 65 Old Crow. — <•-■? 15 Fincher’s Golden Wedding 75 Hoffman House Rye 90 Mount Vernon, 8 years old 100 Old Dillinger Rye, 10 years old,.... 125 The above are only a few brands. Send for a catalogue. All other Soods by tha gallon, such as Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc., sold equally as low, trom $125 a gallon and upward. 150 160 190 2 00 225 240 240 2 50 250 300 350 400 Corn We make a speciasty of the Jug Trade, and aH orders bj y Mail or TelgeraphwiH have our prompt attention: Special inducements offered. Mail Orders shipped same dav of the receipt of order. The Altmayer & Flateau Liquor Company, 606, 508, 510, 512 Fourth Street, near Union Passenger Hepot. MACON, GEORGIA. Something useful or entertaining: or, if you already have an invention get a PATENT I B odpati inventions. Send for our interesting Illus trated Patent Hand-Book—free; gives more information than any other. We obtain Pat ents that protect. Terms lowest possible for best service. OUR FEES REFUNDED IF WE Koaol FAIL TO SECURE PATENT. No charges for examination and opinion as to patentabilii lity. Digests what you eat. It-artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon* structing the exhausted digestive or* Mention this,taper ■write. \ g£ : can approach it in efficiency. It in* Promptness guaranteed. Best of references. Over 31 years experience. Address R. S. & A. B. LACEY, Patent Solicitors, Washington, D. C. The Direct Route Between All Principal Points IN Alabama and Georgia. PENETRATING THE Finest Fruit, Agricultural, Timber, and Mineral Lands IN ™.SQUTH, THROUGH RATES AND TIOKET3 CATION TO ALL POINTS North, South, East, West. Central of Georgia Railway, Ocean Steamship Co. FAST FREIGHT AND LUXURIOUS PASSENGER ROUTE TO Bow Yos*k, Boston th! k.sstp Complete Information, Rates, Schedules of Trains and Sailing Dates of Steamers Cheer fully Furnished by any Agent of the Company. SUBSCKSBE , ADVERTISE FOR. IN X LXJfi I X OM. KS. JO 5 TttNAlL. THEO. D. KLINE, E. H. HINTON, General Snpt. Traflc Manager. J. C. HAILE. Gen’l Pass. Agt., SAVANNAH. GA. 1 BRING US YOUR JOB WORK. SATIS FACTION GUARANEETD. Indigestion Heartburn, itulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia-,Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion, Prlce50c, and $1. Large size contains %Ya timers small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailedfree Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A OO., Chicago, 12 To PATENT Good Tffl may be secured F la- may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. Subscriptions to The Patent Record $1.00 per annum. COFFEE A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! AKE no mistake! See that my head is on every package of you buy* It guarantees its purity. No coffee is unless it is in a l pound sealed packet with the head of a lion on the front. Then you get pure coffee—die highest grade for the money. Why has now become the leader of aH package coffees? And why is it used in millions of homes ? Because it does not sail under false colors. It is an absolutely clean, pure coffee. No glazing, no mixtures or chemicals £ in order to hide imper fections* Just try a package of Watch our next advertisement, and you will under stand the reason of its popularity. In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive N° ( k ot,sc keeper, in fact^ no woman, man, Boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. { i'M I ssrass Ha