The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, April 11, 1901, Image 4

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p A Big Investment. The Futnre Of Cuba. From the Commoner. The GLYNx COUNTY PICKET. When a new enterprise locates in a community it is heralded „ abroad as a good sign. It meane ! g ar< j to the anexation of Cuba, the disbursement of capital, the j|g- democratic party has not . had employment of labor and the step- j occaa j on to take a position on this ping stone to prosperity. One an-1 ques ti 0 n. A discussion of annex- terprise is the parent of another.j ^ tion a t’this time would be pre- Where one can succeed in one line j mature . it would be like propos- another a kindred llne > j j ng to a widow at the funeral of and ad infinitum. In cotton the! ^ o 8 hiiohari(1 q>he United States to .independence and went to war with Spain to enforce the declara Holds Up A Congressman. ‘At the end qf the last cam paign,” writes Champ Clark, Mis- A subscriber asks what position j soiiri’s brilliant Congressman, A suDScriue * . “from overwork, nervous tension, tie democratic paity taxes m re ( ■ . ’ ... ; he husband. me gm is better followed by the yarn declared +h e Cubans entitled mill, the knitting mill, the cloth i£d d r noe and we nt to ■ mill—this consumes the fibre. Thu seed runs through the oil mill, the cotton seed meal mill and the fertilizer factory. The furniture factory and all wood working plants can be more prof itable when close * to the forest and saw mill. Whether an indus try begins with a small capital of twenty-five dollars, or more, the people commend the movement because it can be nourished and increased. Railroads are the most power ful levers in starting these move ments of industry. And arid plains have become farms and cit ies because of them. Mountains have yielded up their mineral wealth through them. The pro ducts of one section have supplipc sustenance to those of less favored, sections by them. It is because of these facts f-hat towns, commu nities and sections want railroads and must have some kind of rail road facilities. It is also because of these facts that so much inter est and discussion is aroused when a new railroad commences the work of building itself mile after mile into new places. It is a dis bursement of capital upon the largest scale. It is the employ ment of labor upon the largest scale. It is the whole arch of pros perity. It means the foundation which all other enterprises can build upon. Other enterprises are represented by their thousand's of dollars and hundreds of men, but a railroad -represents millions in dollars and thousands in men It is no wonder then that the enterprise of building a railroad from Brunswick to Birmingham has aroused so much interest and discussion. Iq its disbursement of a capital of six and a quarter million of dollars, it represents one of the gigantic industries of the nation. To this must be an ticipated its natural increase in valuation by its logical process of development. Its value will be quadrupled in ten years. The five million people of two states, with their immense wealth will be clos er united, because the road will solve the problem of placing the coal, steel, iron, coke, etc., of Al abama to tide water cheaper than ever before. This increases the output and control of Alabama in these markets. It will be the so lution of the western grain and cattle industry. The capitalization of $6,750,- 000 is but a drop m the bucket as to what untold wealth will be add ed to the south and the nation. And these are the facts that have wrought up the financiers of the east, and have caused unlimi ted capital to seek such an invest ment. “Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of them selves.” Large things are but an aggre gation of small things. If we take care of the small things we are in effect taking care of the large things which the small things com bine to make. Take care pf what you eat, when you eat, and Jhow you eat, and your stomach will take care of it self. But who takes care of such trivial things? That is why, some day, the majority of the people have to take care of the stomach. When the day comes, there is no aid so effective in undoing the re sults of past carelessness as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It strengthens the stomach; and restores the organs of digest ion and nutrition to a condition of healthy activity. It cures bil iousness, heartburn, flatulence, indigestion, palpitation, dizzi ness, cold extremities and a score of other ailments which are but tlie symtoms of disorder in the stomach and its allied brgans. ■Strong passions work wonders when there is a stronger reason to curb them. ■ - tion. To discuss annexation now would cast suspicion on the good 'faith of the nation; neither is there anything to be gained by raising that question. No matter whether annexation is desireable or undesireable, it is both right and expedient that the Cubans should be given their in dependence. If annexation is un desireable there can be no excuse for delaying independence; if, on the other hand, annexation is de sireable the granting of independ ence will hasten it. Annexation to be satisfactory must be volun tary, and it will never be volunta ry unless the Cuban people have confidence in and affection fr>r the people of the United States. And how can they have confi dence in or affection for the American people, if our nation violates its promise and shows more interest in the franchises se cured by private syndicates than in the nation’s honor. The imperialistic policy of the republican party has induced the leaders to abandon the peaceful and pursuasive methods formerly employed by our government, and to adopt the harsher methods em ployed by arbitrary rulers. As a result we are apt to lose the pres tige which a war for humanity gave us; by inspiring hatred where we should have implanted love, we are apt to make enemies of people who want to be friends. — Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de- j range the whole system when en-; tering it through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians,* as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mer cury, and is taken internally, act ing directlv upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine.. It is taken internally, and made in To^ ledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co Testimonials free. Sold by drug gis.s, price 75c. per bottle. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Memphis has already raised 160,000 for the entertainment of the Confederate veterans at their coming reunion, and has $15,000 more in sight. This will give Men- phis about $7,500 more that Lou isville had when she entertained the veterans of the G. A. R., a gathering much larger than the Memphis reuion will be. It is as sured, therefore, that the Tennes see metropolis will give the “old Doys” a first rate time’—Savan nah News. Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more when given 1 One Minute Cough Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly cures all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble. It is a specific for grippe and asthma,and has long been a well known reme dy for whooping cough. Holtz- claw’s Drugstore. It is said that the fees that the New Jersey' treasury will get upon the filing of all the big steel com bine’s papers will amount to $220,- 000. No wonder that little state looks with equanimity upon the chartering of trusts. When you are billious, use those famous little pills known as De- Witt’S Little Early Risers- to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gripe. Holtzclaw’s drugstore , SI TO §HE A . 3§|| rThe Kind You Have Always Bouglft i loss of sleep and constant speak ing I had about utterly collapsed- It seemed that all the organs in my^body were out of order, but three bottles of Electric Bitters made me all right. It’s the best all-round medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter,” Over work ed, run down men and weak, sick ly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bitters. Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed. H. M. Holtzclaw, druggist. Jay Gould "left $500’000,000 and his estate has increased $115,- 000,000, by the raise in value of the Missouri Pacific railroad stock. Cotton and Mules. [Healthy Mothers few mothers are healthy, because their duties are so exacting. The anxiety of pregnancy, the shock of childbirth, and the care of young children, are severe trials on any woman. But with Wine of Cardui within her grasp, every mother—every woman in the land—can pay the debt of personal health she j owes her loved ones. Do you want robust health with all its privileges and pleasures? Wine of Cardui will give it to you. strengthens the female organs and invig orates weakened functions. For every female ill or weakness it is the best medicine made. Ask your druggist for $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardui, and take no substitute under any circumstances. Mrs. Edwin Crass. Gormer. Mich.i "When I commenced using Wine of Cardui I was hardly able to walk across the house. Two weeks after I walked half a mile and picked strawberries. When my other child was born I suffered with labor pains 24 hours, and had to raise him on a bottle because I had no milk. Alter using the Wine during pregnancy (his time, I gave birth last month to a baby girl, arid was in labor only two hours, with but little pain, and I have plenty of milk. For this great improve ment in my health I thank God and Wine of Cardui.' For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, " 1 he Ladies' Advisory DeDartment.” The Chai. MOORE <§c SZOXjMHIS, COTTON FACTORS, MACON, CA. Besides conducting a Cotton Warehouse on the most favorable terms to farmers, we handle at al times . . . . THE BEST KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE ...Mules and Horses... Our prices are reasonable, and every animal is guar, antesd to be as represented in condition and qualities. Willingham Sash and Door Co,, -DEALERS IN- mm Mime AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. <A Statistical 'Volume of Fads and Figures Containing Over 600 Pages. OVER i,ooo TOPICS. OVER 10,000 PACTS. SPECIAL FEATURES:— The census of 1900* National and State elec tion returns. Four centuries of American prog ress. Political record of 1900 (conventions and platforms). American rulein the Philippines. New,t govern- Porto Rico and ments of Porto Rico and Ha waii. Polar exploration in 1900. Conclusion of the South African war. Pan-American Exposition of 1901. China—Its present con dition and status among nations. Roster of general officers of the Regular U. S. Army, 1789—1900. A Political Register. Mantels, Paint, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Builders’ Hardware, Etc No. 457 Third Street, Macon, Ga. THIRD AND POPLAR. SHINHOLSER’S. THIRD AND POPLAR. When you come, to Macon call at my repository and see the most complete line of Vehicles ever shown in Macon, including every size in BARM WAGONS from one to aix-horse. In pleasure vehicles everything from a Road Cart at $17.50 to the most handsome Rubber-Tired Victoria at $750 00. In Automobiles: “Locomobiles” for two and four passengers; “Auto- rettes” for one passenger. Our Locomobiles are guaran teed to run from ten to fifteen miles per hour on country roads,regardless of hills or sand,at a cost of 1 cent per mile. When you need anything on wheels write or call. THIRD AND POPLAR. THIRD AND POPLAR. e ; ©si Agt. I am better prepared tlian ever to Supply your wants in Facts that every patriot and voter ought to know. Standard American Animal. Postpaid to any address THE WORLD, 'Uiztr Bldg., Ne*o> York* JOB WOI^K NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE— \ ^iuvuu; vtUIU1J9 WOODENWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ©ups, 'PDST@.tS» JMMNNNTlfelll, IT©. I buy goods for spot cash, and therefore I sell as low as anybody in Macon. 308 THIRD STREET, NEAR POSTOFFIGE. HBB