The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, May 02, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. XXX. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1901. SCHOOL COMPOSITION. OUR STATE. By Salllc V. Bill 6th Grade, Dunbar Training School, The colony of Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe, who was born in England. Such was the nobility and purity of his char acter that he was admired by all who knew him. His life-work was the love of his country and her unfortunate people. And when he became a very old man he was so erect and commanding in ap- pearence that he was urged to take command of the English forces in the Revolutionary war. But de clined, the King having refused to give him full authority to do jus tice to the colonies. By his own request he was made chairman of the committee for inquiring into the state jails and their inmates, i At this time a foolish ider pre vailed in England—so foolish that it would almost seem laughable if it were possible to laugh at such a grave wrong.—It was this. £ When a man owed money and could not pay it, it was supposed that the best way to make him pay was to Bhut him up in prison. Anyone knows that when a man is locked up and cannot work, it is not very easy to earn money. But this was not understood by the English, and as there were a great many hard-hearted creditors in England, the prisons were filled with poor debtors. Oglethorpe’s efforts were to better their condition, which he succeeded in most happi- k- - - Georgia is situated in the south eastern part of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Tennessee and North Carolina; on the east by South Carolina and the Atlantic ocean; on the South by Florida and on the west by Alabama. Georgia is divided into three sections, North, Middle and South Georgia. North Georgia is a mountainous region. The streams are rapid and are often broken by falls. South Georgia occupies about three-fifths of the State. It is a great plain sloping toward the Sea on one hand and the Gulf on the other. The dividing line between Middle and South Georgia is mark ed for the great change in the level of the country. A few of the counties of Geor gia are drained by the Mississippi river, the remainder being divided between the Atlantic system and the Gulf system-. The climate of Georgia is sub tropical in its character; the heat is greatly moderated by the winds from the Atlantic and the Gulf in the southern part. The natural wealth of Georgia is very great. Her forests abound in many valuable woods. Her climate suits the growth of most every kind of fruit, grain and veg etables; and the northern part yields iron, copper and coal. Val uable building stones are found in nearly all parts of the State. Among the most prominent indus tries of the State are the manufac ture of lumber and pine products. Georgia being the leading state °f the South in manufacture. _ ag riculture, railroads etc., received tbe name of “Empire State of the South.” IjAtlanta, Savannah and Augusta a re the leading cities of the State Atlanta being the capital. Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veter an, of Winchester, Ind., writes: “My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor’s treatment, but was wholy cured by Dr. King’s ^ew Life Pills, which worked won ders for her health.” They always do. Try them. Only 25c at Koltzciaw’s Drugstore. . A Herd Of Irish Bulls. War on The Long Skirt. ^ rom an Iriish Baronet Short skirts for women are com- (Sir Boyle Roche) to a friend in ing into greater favor every day London, during the Irish rebellion and for good reason. They are . ; not only more convenient than My Dear Sir: Having now a: long dragging skirts, but much little peace and quietness, I sit : more serviceable. The strongest down to inform you of the dread- \ argument in favor of the short j *> ful bustle and confusion we are in i skirt is that it is much easier to ! G from these bloodthirsty rebels, • keep clean and is therefore much most of whom are, However, thamr more healthful. The subject of dress reform is being discussed We Have Opened Again God, killed and dispersed. We are in a pretty mess; can get noth ing to eat, nor any wine to drink, except whiskey, and when we sit down to dinner we are obliged to keep both hands armed; whilst I write this letter if hold a sword in one hand and a pistol in the oth- t,r. I concluded from the beginning that this would be the end of it ; and I saw I was right, for it is not half over yet, At present there are such goings on that everything is at a stand. I should have an swered your letter a fortnight ago, but I only received it this morn ing. Indeed, hardly a mail ar rives safe, without being robbed. No longer ago than yesterday the- coach with the mails from Dublin was robbed near the town; the bags had been judiciously left be hind, for fear of accidents; and by good luck, there was nobody in the coach, but two outside pas sengers, who had nothing for the thieves to take. Last Thursday an alarm was given that a gang of rebels were advancing hither, un der the French standard; but they had no colors, nor any drums ex cept, bagpipes. Immediately every man in the place, including wo men and boys, ran out to meet them. We soon found our force much too little, and they were far too near for us to think of retreat ing ; death was in the face; but to it we went, and by the time half of our party was killed we begun to be all alive. Fortunately the rebels had no guns but pistols, cutlasses and pikes; and as we had plenty of muskets and ammuni tion, we put them all to the sword; not a soul of them escap ed, except some that were drown ed in an adjoining bog; and,, in a very short time, nothing was to be heard but silence. Their uniforms were all of . different colors,, but mostly green. After the action we .went to rummage their camp. All we found was a few pikes with- ont heads, a parcel of empty bot tles full of water and a bundle of blank French commissions filled up with Irishmen’s names. Troops are now stationed everywhere round the country, which exactly squares with my ideas. Nothing, however, can save us but a union with England, which would turn our barren hills into fertile val leys. I have only leisure to add that I am in great haste, yours truly, BOYLE ROCHE.” <<p g. If you do not receive this in course it must have miss- carried; therefore, I beg you will immediately write to let me know.” Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more when given One Minute Cough Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly cures all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble. It is a specific for grippe and asthma,and has long been a well known reme dy for whooping cough. Holtz* claw’s Drugstore. is being ! with great interest, not by women alone, but by physicians and health authorities. There is a consensus of opinion that trailing skirts were veritable germ traps and that their use out of doors should be strongly discounte nanced. It is very difficult to make fashions conform to rules of com mon sense, but the reasons for abolishing trailing skirts for street wear should be sufficient to appeal effectively to every woman who values her health. Dragging dresses are not neces sary to woman’s attractiveness.— Exf A protest against the establish ment of a horse slaughter-house in New Jersey has brought out the fact that the slaughter of horses for food is expressly permitted by law in the state of New -Jersy un der certain restrictions. Fight For Twenty Millions. War is on, it is declared, among the heirs of Collis P Huntington for the $20,000,000 which the es tate has earned since the railroad magnate’s death, August 14tli, last. Princess Hatzfeldt, his adopted daughter, is in New York and is said to be leading the fight. She was to receive $1, 000,000. If she can share in ( the increase, it means $871,487 to her, making her beqvest $1,871,487. Archer M. Huntington, the adopted son, will get one-fourth of that amount. Mrs. Collis P. Huntington and nephew, Henry E. Huntington, are the residuary legatees under the will. It is said they insist on the letter of the multi-million aire’s last testament. If they win they will get all, $20,000,000. If all the legatees share in the princely profits it will take about 1,000,000 off the increase. He is A Wonder. All who see Mr. C. F. Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, as he is now, cheerful, erect, vigorous, without an ache, could hardly believe he is the same, who, a short time ago, had to sit in a chair, propped up by cushions, suffering intensely from an aching back, in agony if if he tried to stoop—all caused by chronic kidney trouble, that no medicine helped till he used Electric Bitters and was wholly cured by three bottles. Positively cures Backache,. Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, all Kidney troubles. Only 50c at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. A Bostonian who has lived for years in Paris says that the reason so few injuries are inflicted in French duels is that Frenchmen in dueling invaribly use a revol ver about the size of an American toy pistol, the .bullets of which are not much larger than bird- shot. A man might be peppered with a dozen shots from such a pistol and not be hurt very much. The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure—no pay. Price 50c “Life is a burden imposed upon you by God. What you make of it that it will be to you. Take it up bravely, bear it on joyfully, lay it down triumphantly.” I Co8d In One I>ay To Cssre A Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets ~ A11 dm twists refund the mon- When you arebillious, use those famous little pills known as De- Witt’s Little Early Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gripe. Holtzclaw’s drugstore AFTER THE FIRE TX7"itla. a, Bran. IfcTe’w Stocks: of MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS, HATS AND FURNISHINGS We will be pleased to have you call. All Mail Orders G-iven Prompt Attention. Eismim im© 414 & 416 Third StJ MACON, GA. MACON’S GREATEST BARGAIN SHE. The Place Where You Can Buy. Everything that You Need to Wear at Prices from 25 to 50 Per Cent Cheap er Than Others Will Sell it to You. In this line we We sell more Shoes ! 1 111Q* than most any reg- i . CAN AND DO Shoesy_ OT J(l| ular shoe boose in Macon. Why ! EXCEL any clothing store in Ma- do we do this? Simply because we l con. Our Clothing is well made, it SELL NONE BUT THE ^|ST,« fe||’“leape’r and guarantee every pair that leaves onr house to give satisfac tory wear or ref and voar money. Men’s Shoes from Ladies’ Shoes from Children’s Shoes, Ladies’ Slippers, Children’s Slippers, 98c. to $5.00. 65c. to $3.50. 25c. to $1.50. 25c. to $2.00. 35c. to $1 50. Why not give us your Shoe trad e and save 25 to 50 per cent on every yair of Shoes needed in your fam ily? thau most clothing stores can af ford to sell you the same quality of goods. Mens Suits, $3.00 to $12.50 Youths Suite, $2.00 to $ 8 00 Childrens Suits, 65c. to $ 4 00 Boys Knee Pants, 15c to 85c Tbe largest and most complete line of Extra Pants for men in the state, 49c to $5 00 the pair. Extra Coats aod Extra Vests to fit and please aDy man in Houston county. Dry Q@@&ss, Yes, we sell everything in the Dry Goods Line—Dress Goods, Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Calicoes, Sheeiings, Shiriings, Checks, Cottonades, Tickings, Bleachings, No tions of every description, and our prices are right,* this you wi'l acknowledge after you have seen us. Straw Hats. We have the great est line of Straw Hats to be found in Macoo for MeD, Boys and Chil dren—-10c. to $1.00 each. If you want a Straw Hat come to us. This is where Millinery. yoa 63ve m half. We do not want regular Millinery prices. Here you can select your Hat and trimmings and have it trimmed while yon wait. This department is upstairs, and yon can be snited. Sailors 10c. to $1.00. O URS is the most complete store in Macon, and the only one where you can buy everything that you need to wear. Come and see us. KESSLER BROS. m