The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, May 30, 1901, Image 3

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Perry, Thursday, May 80. local news, groceries To The Trades I have on hand a full and com plete line [of GROCERIES. Send me yonrordere and they will be fill ed promptly. If I am out of what yotl want, will get it for you if it is to be had. SPECIAL MENTION: Bumford’s Baking Powders in J pound cans, 15c. pove Hams. Sardines in Mayonnaise Dressing. Shred Cocoanut. Respectfully, W. B. St MS. Corn and Oats for Sale. I have for sale 1500 bushels of Corn, and 800 bushels Feed Oats jull. A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga. Baled Hay For Sale. On farm four miles east of Per ry on road to Tivola. S Bonner. —I have a few tons of fine Acid Phospate for sale, W. D. Day. —Meat, Meal, Com and Oats at close figures, at Feed M. Houser’s. J. R. SIMS. OPERATIVE DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA. C. z. MeARTHUR, DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. Fred. M. Houser’s. IF YOU WANT Scrapes Scooters you will find all sizes here. And when it comes to (RUN CRADLES we can also give you the very thing you need at a close price. In the line of Buggy Harness... we can’t be beat. We have them from $7.50 to $15. A guaran teed line of Wagons and Buggies always on hand. Fred. M. Houser. Artificial Digestion. Is that all yon want? It is not all that you can get. T. & P. Stomach Tablets oontain the best digestive agents. These digest the food; but if this was all they would not and coaid not cure you. They have combined with these digest ive ferments, Tonics that act directly on |he organs of digestion, and Laxatives that regulate the Liver and Bowels, put ting the system in condition to perform fie own work. This means that if you *ill half way take care of your stomaoh a cure is certain. T. & P. Stomach Tablets are for sale Dy a H druggists. SC's, a box. Free sample by mail if you will write { or it. TAYLOR & PEES DRUG CO., MAOON, GA. WTh. HARRIS, DENTIST. »r te Dr. W. A. Blassengame. OFFICE OVER DOW DAW BANK, VALLEY. ; GEORGIA money. safbtUrtad ©a improved 5S‘ Concert At Lake. View. The LakeView school closed with a concert last Friday night, attended by several hunderd peo ple. * The stage was tastefully, deco rated with magnolios and other beautiful and fragrant flowers. The teachers, Prof. J. R. Strip ling and Miss Reynolds, had la bored earnestly to prepare the pupils to present an interesting program, and the result was a gratifying success. The exercises were lengthy and varied as exhibitions at country schools usually are, therefore it would require too much space to attempt a detailed report of the exercises. The music, and all the other pieces were selected with care, and. the Concert as a whole was decidedly good. Many who at tended say they have never seen it surpassed. The program was rather long, howeve, and several of the pieces selected were not presented, owing to the lateness of the hour. The children all acted well their parts, and reflected credit upon their teachers and themselves The school has been well taught, and as a rule the pupils have been apt to learn. Prof. Stripling requested me to say that he most cordially thanks the people for the assistance rendered in preparing for the concert. The pupils think a great deal of the teachers, and it was with sor row they parted Friday night. These teachers deserve much cred it, for the school has never been taught by better teachers- I guess my last school days are over, and with regret I think that the pleasures of association with my fellow pupils in the school room and on the plav-ground are passed. May you all strive har der every school day, for there is nothing equal to a good education, for it prepares every boy and girl for future success. May the same pupils be with the same teachers in the same school house next year, but if not, I hope you will have teachers that wilrbe as good to you, as Prof. Stripling and Mis$ Reynold have been to us. G. M. H. ■—— Special Appointments. We are authorized to announce that tax Receiver Stafford will fill the following special appoint ments to receive Tax Returns. Perry, Tuesday June 4th. Fort Valley, FHday, June 7th. — ——— —Mr. Augustus L. Short, fath er of Messrs. Wesley P. and Wal ter J. Short of this county, died at his home in Macon Sunday night, May 20th. The interment was in Oak Gtove Cemetery at Fort Valley the following day. He was 73 years old, and for ten years after the Civil war was a citizen of Houston county, near Fort Valley. He was esteemed a most excellent Christian gentle man and the many friends of the bereaved family sincerely sympa thize with them in their sorrow. —; —Belgian Hares for sale-pure stock. J. L. Eubanks, Henderson, Ga. ^ Town Tax Notice. All who have not returned or given in their Tax Returns for 1001, are hereby notified to do so, as the beoks will be closed by 1st July next. . And that the Town Marshall is instructed to demand payment of Street Tax by 15th June, next. By order of Council. Thos. M. Killen, City Clerk. Ten Dollars Reward. Strayed from my home near Hawkinsville, Ga., on Friday, April 19th, a light blue speckled hound bitch with brown ears and dark spots about her loins. .An swers to the name of Kate. When she left home she had on a leath er collar with short chain attach- ed The above reward will be paid for her return to F J. B. Mitchell, Hawkinsville, Ga. with , — uuul rnna wnni«m aouin u a*reti*Udi Facilities imsn* P 4 * HOWARD X. SMITH, IlnniiA ■*- —Several Milch Cows young Calves for sale. ' S. L. Norwood, Perry, Ga- —Extraordinary value Spikes, 1 cent each, at Ribon In Memory of Miss Lannie Means. When the news reached Elko Sunday at noon that Lannie was dead, it caused many a heart to ache. She had not yet blossom ed into womanhood, but was a bud, sweet and tender. She was the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Means, and was an elder sister in deed and in truth. Her manner and style would not im press one that she was of so ten der an age, for she had the care and thought of one much older. She was only fourteen, yet if her little sisters and brothers could only get to Lannie with their lit tle troubles, it suited them as well as mama. Her friends were num bered by her acquaintences. She was an obedient and affectionate child, the pride and joy of both parents and grand-parents. The writer is very thankful that it was his privilege to spend several nights at her home only a short time ago. During my stay she was most attentive and anxious to make me feel at home. She show ed me several school reports; 100 was a prominent mark, for she stood first in all her studies. We cannot sing with the poet. “We never prize the music, till the sweet voiced bird has flown,” for we have always prized Lannie and it grieves our hearts sorely to think we will never see her again in this life. The blow does seem so hard, but we will lingly sub mit to the unerring Providence of our Heavenly Father, Who does all things for the best. Lannie is not dead; she has only gone before us to that Home beyond the skies where she stands at the Pearly gates beckoning loved ones to come. May God bless us all and help us to follow those “Beckoning Hands,” We’ll meet again* Bye and Bye, In the realms of endless Glory. We will meet, yes; Bye and Bye. Cousin, Zollie. [This most estimable young la dy died in Macon, where her par ents had made their home for the purpose of securing the excel lent school advantages of that ci ty. We join the many friends of the bereaved family in extending sincere sympathy in the hours of their great sorrow.-—-Ed.] ———’ —-Potato .bugs are very destruc tive to Irish potato plants in and near Perry, the first ever known here. The damage has not been verry great, however, as a very fair crop of potatoes had develops ed before the bugs began their work of destruction. A remedy must be at hand before, the next crop is planted. —Tax Receiver Stafford will complete his last round of ap pointments at Byron to-day. He will be at Perry on a special ap pointment next Tuesday. •p l— —We regret that a report of the picnic at Union Academy last Saturday was not furnished us for publication. ■ ■■ • To Cure A Cold In. One Day lets. All druggists refund the mon ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25/. Boy’s 75/ quality Knee Pants sold here at 60/ pair. Summer Under vests for Ladies 5c each. Boy’s Suspenders 5c pair. Racket Store. —Grain Cradles and Cradle Rocks for sale at L. M. Paul’s. —Schnapps and Eearly bird To bacco cheapest at Fred M. Houser’s. —Boy’s wash Suits, sizes 3 to 10 years, Price 50e suit at L. M. Paul’s. —Th6 best Men’s Shoe that has ever been offered for the price, $2.50 pair. W. D. Day. —Hoes, Scrapes and Scooters at Fred M. Houser’s. —Scriven Drawers, - the best made, at 50c pair. W. D. Day. GUARANTEED UNDER A S5.000 DEPOSIT R.R.FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarships offered. Write quick to CA.-ALA. BUSINESS OOLLKQE, Macon, Cta, Paul’s Popular Priced CLOTHING Has made his house headquarters for these goods in the town. There is plenty of good clothing on the market, but it is needlessly high, and plenty of cheap clothing that is needlessly trashy. We try to strike the happy medium by handling GOOD HONEST clothing at the lowest possible prices. We handle clothing direct from the factories. In Blue and Black Cheviots, well made and well lined; good wearers. Price ‘ $6.00 MEN’S SUITS in Gray Worsted, all wool. A leader at the price— $7.60 MEN’S SUITS in Black Seige, all wool. A regular $10.00 suit for $8.00 MEN’S SUITS in Serges, Cheviots, Clay Worsteds; good fitting, good wearens, fine values, for $10.00 Give ns a trial on your next Suit. We’ll give yon satisfaction. Xj. XC. ZF-fiJCTL- S0METHING ABOUT SHOES. At last I have received part of my Ladies’ Oxford Ties, and will, receive balance this week. They are beauties, and range in price from $1.25 to $3.00 Pair. I also have Misses’ and Children’s Oxfords at prices to suit any and all. Men’s Shoes from .00 to $4.00 Pair. A line of Bo^s’ nice and low-priced Shoes. I can suit everybody in Shoes at prices below competition. The needle has an eye to business, and seldom fails to carry its fine point. A word to the wise, etc. How About Clothing? Well, I’ve got it. How about Hats? Well, I’ve got them. In fact I have everything it takes to constitute a first- class stock, and at prices to suit every customer. Don’t you want a barrel of the BEST Evaporated Ga. Cane Syrup ? 1 ’ve got it. Don’t you want a nice Serge Coat and Vest this summer? Fvegot them. Don’t yon want a pair of the BEST $2.50 Men’s Shoes you ever bought? Fve got them. I would like to have you call often. It will TWT T| T|r| \r do you good, and I will be glad to see you. * * • -Rr* “w'jr • If You Want Anything * FUBHKVBK. BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., You can save money at Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete line of COFFINS and CASKETS always on hand. GEORGE PAUL, Perry, Ga. - Mr. J. Henry King announces that he is now. with the STRONG SHOE CO., and will be ’pleased to haye his friends call when in Macon. All mail orders will {have his prompt attention. 808 Second Street. V. J ■ f .5 -' ‘ , .