The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, May 30, 1901, Image 8

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A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! IS, THE RULE FOR MAKING COITEE BUT y* OF A TABLESPOONFUL of Watch our next advertisement. THE GREAT EGG INDUSTRY during fewer eggs. The percentage of . . —_—. fertile eggs was also less in the former Suggestions as to Best Manner of than ill the latter. Marketing, t-tc. | The West Virginia Experiment S'ta- From pamphlets jnst issued by the tion has been making experiments on United States Department of Agricult- , jjjg value of green food for laying hens, nr© we gather many interesting sugges- experiments were continued for tions about eggs and the best manner of j b60 days, using White: Leghorn- fowls marketing them. # j at least 5 years old. When supplied The egg industry is already of consid-; an abundance of green food;, these erable commercial importance. The egg ■ production of the United States for 1S90 was estimated at 820,000,(100 dozen, and these figures are generally considered too low. Our own state was credited by the census of 1890 with 11,522,788 dozen eggs. The demand has always been somewhat ahead of the supply in Georgia. Under the influence of pam*« phlets sent but by the Agricultural De partments of the United States and of the several states, assisted by the work of the various experiment stations, there has been of late years great improve ment in the methods of feeding and caring for poultry and in the selection of laying stock, so that the egg produc tion has greatly increased. There is always a market for poultry and eggs for food, and the raising of fancy stock for breeding purposes pays well in some localities. In earlier times, eggs, when sold, were marketed near the place where they were produced. But with improved methods of transportation large quanti ties are now shipped from the United States and Canada to remote points on, this continent and even to Englaiid and more distant countries. There are spe cial egg cases'for shipping to far-distant points. Cf course eggs that are to be trans ported a long distance must be kept fresh by artificial means. Fresh eggs pnt into cold storage with a pure atmos phere at a temperature of 34 degrees Fahrenheit suffer very little ohange in their quality. When carried on cars or steamships they should be kept in a temperature of from 42 to 88 degrees. When the cases are removed from the cold storage chamber, they should not be opened at once in a warm atmos phere, but should be left for at least two days unopened. In the last two or three years a new method of preserving eggs has been .tested with gratifying results, The North Dakota Experiment Station has paid particular attention to this prob lem. The new method referred to is to • pack the eggs in a suitable vessel which must be clean and sweet and then pour carefully over tnem a solution of what is called water; glass. Tnis is the popu lar name for potassium silicate, or for sodium silicate, the commercial article being often a mixture of the two. Water, glass is commonly sold in two forms, a syrup-thick liquid, of about the consis tency of molasses, and a powder. According to the results obtained from experiments a solution of. the de sired strength for preserving eggs may be made by dissolving one part of the syrup thick waterglass in ten parts of water. If; waterglass powder is used, less is required for a given quantity of water. Only pure water should be used in making, the solution. Therefore it is best to boil it and cool it before mixing with the waterglass. If wooden kegs or barrels are used for packing the eggs they must’ he thor- hens laid during the 360 days >114 eggs each, while those not thus supplied laid onlp 90 eggs each. It would seem, therefore, that in win ter, when eggs bring the highest price, it is very important to have on hand for the fbwls' soine kind of green food. Ih summer, too, they should have a run sufficiently large to give them abund ance of succulent vegetable matter. But, of course, one of the most im-' portant uses of eggs is the raising of more chickens. There is always a great demand'in the market for broilers; In order'to increase the supply, of broilers and frying sized chickens the various ' kinds of incubators have been made. Every chioken raiser of this day is fa miliar with the incubator. The man who goes into the business of raising chickens for the market will heed one; but let him beware of cheap articles, for, like almost all cheap things, they are worthless. ‘ The market has been flooded within- . cubators of various’ kinds at prices rang ing from ,$5 to $15. These have proved unsatisfactory and have* .brought great difavor Upon all such ^machines. The trouble was they w.ere too cheap to be of any account. If an incubator is needed, buy only ,a. firstclass one, which can now be bought for $30. — State Agricultural Depart ment. Remarks on Cattle Quarantine Line. Dr. Rice'P. Steddom, United States cattle inspector for the district east of the Mississippi, a few 1 days ago ex pressed himself as highly pleaded with the work done by the department of ag riculture on the line of getting our cat-' tie rid of the tick and securing a lower ing of the quarantine liffe. He Said that Georgia was perhaps doing better than, any of the other southern states and ‘ that in appreciation of the work done in this state the United States government had decided to appeint a special inspec tor for Georgia, his salary to be phid by the government of the United States. It has; been -the aim of the Agricaltu?, ral Department to encourage the efforts of the cattle raisers of' Georgia for the destruction of that dangerous pest, the tick, known as the boophilus bo vis. The encouraging success, which has attend ed these efforts, is very gratifying to us, and leads us to hope for still greater re,-- ure.—State Aerirriltuvol oughly scalded first. The packed eggs should be stored in a cool place. The North Dakota Experiment Station found it best not to wash the eggs before packing, and announces further that 1 gallon of the solution is sufficient for 50 dozen, if they are properly packed. If a reliable and inexpensive method of preserving eggs for a long -time has been thus discovered, a great impetus will be given to what is already assum ing large proportions as an industry of the United States. Poultry. Of course the quality and size of eggs must depend in a great measure upon the breed of chickens. One who de sires te send eggs to market wishes of course to furnish those which will brings the best prices" The North Carolina experiment station has made careful comparison of the size of eggs of several breeds. Of those tested the largest were laid by iTight Brahmas and weighed 28 ounces a dozen. Those laid by the Black Langsham and Barred Plymouth Rock hens weighed a little over 26 ounces per dozen, while the eggs of Single Comb Brown Leghqps, late hatched Ply* South Book, wliite Wyandotte and Buff Cochins ranged from 21.7 to 23.7 ounces per dozen. The heaviest of afi ducks (old and young) and avera^35L6 ounces per dozen. . Of eggs laid by pullets the heaviest were those of the Bladk Minorca* and Weighed 26.5 ounces per dozen. Tests at the Maine Experiment Sta tion showed € that t£gs from henelay- ihg*ehe greatest number were on an av erage smaller than those from hens pro- suits in the future, Department. This signature is on every box of the genuinG Laxative Bfomo^Quinine Tablets the remedy that enres a cold In one day FENNSY LV ANT A PURE RYE, EIGHT YEARS OLD. OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS. JFour fui Quarts of this Fine Old, Pure RYE WHISKEY, $3.50 epb p1ii> We ship on approval in plain, sealed boxes, ■with no marks-to indicate contents. When lyou receive itand test it, if it is not satisfactory, return it at our expense and we wil return your §3750. We guarantee this brand to be EIGHT YEARS OLD. Eight bottles for §6 50, express prepaid; 12, bottfes for §9 50 express prenaid. One gallon jug, express prepaid, $3 00; 2 gallon jug, express prepaid, $5 50. : No charge for boxing. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies and will save you 50 PevCJent. on Your. Purchases; • Quart,. Gallon. Kentucky Star Bourbon,... $ 35 $125 Elkridge BourbonJ -40 Coon,Hollow Bourbon 45 Melwood Pure Rye— 50 Monogram Bye . -55 ‘McBrayer Rye...... .... 60 Baker’s A AAA.... 6a O. O, F. (Old Oscar Pepper) —...... 65 Old’Crdw....'—.... 75 Fincher’s Golden Wedding... —. 75 Roffman House Rye 90 Mount Vernon, 8 years old. X 100 OldDillingerRye, 10years old,.... 125 The above ate only a few brands. - Send for a'‘catalogue. , All other goods by tba gallon, sach as Corn Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc., sold equally as low, from $125 a gallon and- upward. Wemake a speeiasty of the Jug T.rade, and all orders by Mail or Telgeraphwill have- our* prompt attention: Special inducements offered. v If ail Orders shipped same dav of the receipt of order. Tie AJtimiyer & Flatean Xiquor Companya 606, 508, 510, 512 Fourth Street, near Union Passenger Hepot. MACON, GEORGjIA? 1,50 160 190 2 00 225 2 40 240 250 250 300 350 400. . ^ xi* e Deaf. A rich lady, cured of her deaf ness and noises in the head;, by Dr. Nicholson’s Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his Ins tut e, so that deaf people unable -to pro cure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No. 1474. The Nicolson Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York.—Ex. I TRIAL TREATMENT B.B.B. FREE. Cures Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism and All Blood Troubles. The Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) treat ment for impure blood and skin-diseases is now recognized as a sure and certain cure for the most advanced stages of can cer, eating sores, eczema, itchh-g, skin humors, scabs or scales, syphilitic blood poison, scrofula, ulcers, persistent erup tions, pimples, boils, aches and pains*in bones, joints or back, swolen glands, ris ings and bumps on the skin, rheumatism or catarrh, or any form of skin or blood diseases. Men, women and.childien are being cured in every state by Botanic Blood Balm for purifying the blood, and expelling the germs and humors from the entire system, leaving the skin free from eruptions, and rosy with evidence of pure, rich blood. No sufferer need longer despair,—help is at hand,—no matter how many discouragements you may ha -1 e met with, Botanic Blood Balm (B,B.B.) cures permanently and quickly. To satisfy the doubters, we will give to any sufferer a trial treatment absolutely free that they may test this wonderful remedy. B.B.B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is sold by i ll drug stores; with complete directions for home treatment, for $1.80 per large bottle. For free trial treat ment, address Blood Balm Go., 8 Mitch ell Street, Atlanta, Ga., and Trial Treat ment will be sent at once. Write to-day. Describe trouble, and free medical ad vice given. Over 8,000 voluntary testi monials of cures by using Blood Balm. Thoroughly tested for 50 years. for any ipsia,Sick Costiveness we cannot cure with JLryen- ta, the up-to-date Little Liver Pill, when the directions are striefly complied with. They are puiely Vegetable and never fail te give satisfaction. 25c. boxes contain 100 PillB, 10c. boxes xsontaj®.40 Pills, 5c. boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of sub stitutions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Neryita Medical Co., Cor. Clintohandjackson sts.,Chicago,111. For sale by H. M. Holtzcl aw, Druggist, Perry,Ga Something useful or entertaining : .or, if you already have an invention; get a PAfEN^r. There is abundant profit in goocf patented inventions. Send for our interesting Illus trated Patent Hand-Book—free; gives more information than any other. We obtain Pat- ents that protect, Terms lowest-possible for best Service. OUR.FEES REFUNDED IF WE FAIL TO SECURE PATENT.: No charges for examination and opinion as to patentability. Promptness guaranteed. Best of References., Over 31 years experience.. Address R. s;& A. B. LACEY, Patent Solicitors, Washington, D. C, Mention thispaper when you write. To produce the best results in fruit, vegetable or grain, the fertilizer used must contain enough Potash. For partic ulars see our pamphlets. We send them free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. dGIVIItf, Digests what ydss eat. It-artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest- ant and tonic. No, other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in-. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour. Stomach, Nausea, Sick-Headache, Gastralgia-,Cramps and The Direct Route Between All Principal Points IN Alabama and Georgia. PENETRATINQ THE Finest Fruit, Agricultural, Timber, and Mineral Lands ™lSOUTH. IN Price 50c, and $1. Large size contains 2*6 timers small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailedfree Prepared by Ei C. be WITT A CO., Chicago. WTI t v r v t w.» r.r t t.-tttt ■.»■'t r DESIGNS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in “Inventive Age ” ► Book “How to obtain Patents” ' Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured.* Letters strictly confidential. Address, E. G. SIGNERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. toCg A A * * Osa*. M A A 84 » A SC •* S.J. A. THROUGH RATES AND TICKETS FURNISHED UPON APPLI CATION TO ALL POINTS r ^ ■ North, South, rn vcadc» wtsiena Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quicKly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable.; Communica tions strictly confidential. : Handbook on Patents • sent free: Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through. Mann. & Co. receive 'special notice, without charge, in the - 1 ; A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- ■ cniation of any scientiflo journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. ! MUNN St 00,361 Broadway, New York : . Branch Office, 625 F St* Washington, D. C; •BRING US YOUR JOB WORK SATIS FACTION GUARANHETO. Central of Oeorgia Railway, Ocean Steamship Co. FAST FREIGHT AND LUXURIOUS RGUTH Complete Information, Rates, Schedules of Trains and Sailing Dates of Steamers Cheer fully Furnished by any Agent of the Company. THEO. D. KXIXE, E. H. HINTON, General Supt.’ . Trafle Man agar. J. C. HAILE. Gen'l Pass. Agt., SAVANNAH, GA. To PATENT Good S may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. Subscriptions to The Patent Becord #1.00 per annum. Subscribe for The Home Journal. coffee than a tablespoonful where you save money! We will pay th case of Liver Coe LION COFFEE coffee which is glazed fie