The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, June 20, 1901, Image 5

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OUR Is thoroughly equipped with modern machinery, and we are prepared to save you the middle man’s profit on any kind of Vehicle, from a Log Cart to the finest Rub ber Tire Buggy, by sell ing you direct from our Factory. The Vehicles we male are the best you can get, We handle a complete line of Buggies, Wagons, .Harness, Laprobes, Carriage Hardware. and A full line of.... Harvesting Machines. Special attention given to Mack, The Three Timer. St. Louis Republic. Mr. Richard C. Kerens, of Sfc. . -k 0T n s > leader of the administration republicans in Missouri, believes with Senator Depew of New York that the American people are will ing to make an exception in Presi dent McKinley’s favor and elect him to the presidency for a third term. This impression seems to be gain ing such headway in the imperialist wing of the republican national or ganization that it may soon be nec essary to seriously consider Mr. Mc Kinley as a candidate for renomina tion. ^ It is also reasonably certain that if Mark Hanna and the trusts behind Hanna can persuade them selves that the people would not re sent this course, the renomination of Mr. McKinley is inevitable. Hanna himself undoubtedly be lieves that the same reasons; which prevailed in 1900 to necessitate what he called the “perpetuation” of Pres ident McKinley’s administration still prevail. There is much that remains to be done for the trusts. Imperial ism is not yet established as firmly as, the imperialists desire. Mr. Mc Kinley is known, to be entirely sub servient to the will of the trusts in thes^ matters. If the people can be cajoled into forgetting the wise American prohibition .of a third term it will suit the trusts right down to the grohnd. *-*--*— Credit Due Publishers. Vast credit should be given every newspaper publisher who makes a success of his business. In no en terprise in his community is there such a complexity of processes and callings—such incessant demand for mastery of almost countless details. While here we find an exceptionally capable editor, there a mighty busi ness-getter, and elsewhere a man unusually proficient at the manufac turing end of the business, it is not to be wondered at that so few com bine all the knowledge and qualities necessary to the. publisher who makes his success complete and symmetrical.—-Newspaperdom. Seveu Years in Bed, “Will wonders ever cease?” in quired the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, ner- vo us prostration and general de bility; but, “Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk,” she writes, “and* in three months I felt like a new person.” Women suffering from Headache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleepless ness,:Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50c at Holtz- claw’s drugstore. — A Missouri paper tells of a farmer who figured out one rainy day that he had walked 300 miles in cultivat ing one acre of com. He sold his farm and moved to town, where he walked 600 miles before finding a job, and in the meantime spending the price of his farm. ’ —- Mr. James Brown of Putsmouth, Va., over 90 years of age, suffered j for years with a bad sore on his face. Physicians could not help iim. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Holtz- claw’s Drugstore. Paper From Swamp Cane. Macon Telegraph. Congressman Bartlett has received ! the following important^letter from ’ one of his confreres in congress. It relates to the big eanebrakes in Georgia and the south, and indi cates that paper mills might be able to use the canes to great advantage. It is as follows: ; Bloomington, Ind. Hon. Chas. L. Bartlett, Macon, Ga. My Dear Sir—Mr. Thos. E. Phil lips of Bloomington, Ind., has se cured letters patent on a process for manufacturing paper Btock from canebrake cane, We consider this process superior to any now in ex istence, because it makes better stock at less cost. As canebrake cane is inexhaustible in the southern statea„#ve desire to interest men in the south in this matter and estab lish mills there. This is a rare chance for tne development of the Sbuth, and will, by the use of cane, make valuable some immense tracts of land now practically valueless. It has been determined that this mate rial and process is a succes beyond a doubt. Paper stock is principally manufactured from spruce wood m the north, where, owing to cold, the mills are greatly handicapped. In the south, of course, there would be no such trouble. Again, wood is be coming scarce, while cane is inex haustible. Paper stock grows more valuable every year, is worth now from 1 to 5 cente per pound. Under Mr. Phillips process it can be man ufactured at 1 cent or less. We re fer you to Dr. R. E. Lyons, chair of chemistry, Indiana University, who has made a thorough study of this process. With the proper persons to pro mote it, there is no reason why the south should not rival and pass the north in this great industry. We would be glad to have your co-oper ation looking toward the interesting of capital and establishing this in dustry at a very' early date. We will be glad to furnish you, or any person interested, with data that wiil convince you of the merit of the process covered by Mr. Phillips’ pat ents, and-of the feasibility of estab lishing mills in the south. Hoping to hear from you soon, and wishing you a pleasant summer, I am, very respectfully, Robert W. Miebs. re- an “A few months ago, food which I ate for breakfast would hot main on my stomach for half hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and -can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles. H. S. Pitts, Arlington, Tex. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests what you eat. Holtzclaw’s drugstore. The first important contract in' American coal for foreign delivery as a result of the export tax on the English product has been made with a French railroad company, which has agreed to fake several thousand tons a month. Other large orders may be looked for confidently. Stop | lie Cough and Work off the Cold. Laxitive Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Paris has 60 wholesale firms which deal in mushrooms exclusively. Georgia Exhibit Brings Letters. Atlanta, Ga., June 5.—State Ge ologist W. S. Yeates is already re ceiving letters from parties whose attention has been attracted by the Georgia exhibit at the Buffalo expo sition. They are principally- from | business men who are probably look- ingfor chances for good investments. Notably among those just received was one yesterday from the Charles Warner Company of New York, who handle cement and fire clays, asking for a pamphlet on Georgia clays and any information regarding them that the state geologist could furnish. This letter stated that the attention of members of the firm had been at tracted to the excellent display of Georgia clays at the Buffalo exposi tion,and the parties seem to be look ing out for a good investment in this line. Professor Yeates supplied the in formation, as he has supplied it to several others who have asked for it. He says he has had a greater de mand for the last gold bulletin than he has been able to fill, and fhe sup ply is now ezhausted. There is con siderable literature relating to Georr gia products at the exposition, and Professor Yates expects to send an other supply in a few days. A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’s Great Discovery, One small bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabestes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder, in both men and wemen, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by yonr druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cirre any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Md. Send for testimonials. Sold by all drug gists, and H. J. Lamar & Sous, Ma con, Ga., and H. M. Holtzclaw, Perry, Ga. READ~TH1S. Cutlibert, Ga„ April 2nd, 1900. This is to certify that I was affected with gravel and that I took sixty drops of Hall’s Great Discovery, and it com pletely cured me. Ibis worth $1.00 per bettle to any-one needing it. J. T. Stevens. Good Advice to Negroes. \ PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION, Buffalo, N.Y., May 1, Nov. 1st, 1901. The Pan-American will be one of the gre atest and most beautiful Expositions the world has known. To enjoy its beau ties will be worth'many an effort. ! The question of traveling io and from the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo is one to be carefully considered. When you buy your ticket you wili wish to feel satisfied that you have acted wisely. You will desire to travel com fortably, pleasantly, promptly, and to se cure the most of interest on your journey. The matter of returning home,too,must be considered, as after you have done the Exposition, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and vicinity, you’ll be tired and wish to go quickly and comfortably. * The Central of Georgia Railway by reason of its desirable connections, both rail and steamship, offering a choice of two routes, will best fill every require ment necessary to successful and com fortable Pan-American journeys from the Southeast. Through direct connections are made through Atlanta, Athens, Angusta all rail, or through Savannah, thence the palatial and comfortable steamships of the (Ocean Steamship Company to New York or Boston. See any agent of the Central of Geor gia Railway or drop us a postal,as prob ably we will have something in the way of special matter about the Exposition we can send you. J. C. Haile, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. A committee of negro men in New Orleans have issued a “circular of advice” to their people in that city which applies to other cities as well as to New Orleans. It says: “1. Fight the dives and dens and begin the fight for the negro’s eleva tion around the negro’s own hearth stone. 2, -Help the authorities to sustain and enforce the laws of the city, and aid in the detection of crime and the punishment of crimi nals. 3. Respect the law and the officers of the law, and quit shield ing negroes who are guilty of crimi nal offences. 4. If an officer at tempts to make an arrest, do not in terfere nor in any way resist him. 5. Stop looking upon a policeman as a common enemy. 6. Quit loafing around the comers. 7. Go to work for a living.” — : THE HOME GOLD CUKE. An Ingenious Treatment by WhieV Drunkards are Being Cured Dai ly in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. • No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi tive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not a weakness. A body filled with poi son, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of inroxicating liquors requires an antidote 'capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison and destrying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful Glome Gold Cure,” which has been perfected after many years of close study and treat ment of inebriates. The faithful use ac cording to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober,industrious and upright men. ' Wives curs your husbands! Children curs your fathers! This remedy is in no se^ee a nostrum, but is a specific for this dis ease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly solu ble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person tak ing it. Thousands of Drunkards have cared themselve« with this priceless remedy, and as Many more have been cured and made temperate men by hav ing the “Cure” administered by loving friends and relatives, without their knowledge, in coffee or tea, and believe to-day that they discontinued drink ng of their own free will. Do not wail. Do hot be deluded by apparent and mis leading “improvement.” Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The ’‘Home Gold Cure 9 ’ is sold at'the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others cdsting $35 to $50. Full directions ac company each package. ^Specific advice by skilled physician when requested without extra charge. Sent prapaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. C478. Edwin B. Giles & Company, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. ~ cafeT 4J3 Third Street, MACOIST, GA. .. I have recently returned in harness t© meet my old friends, and will endeavor to mak6 as many new ones as possible. I am now prepared to FEED ALL WHO COME, and will give them a cordial greeting and satisfy the inner man with the best in the market at most reasonable prices. My Restaurant is more ESPECIALLY fob LADIES,, having no connection with saloons... If you want anything choice to eat,yon wl know Thatlsaac’s s the place to go. Old Veteran Caterer, E. ISAACS. and lEZorse- CENTS ■ a Our Prices are Low. Our Goods are The Williams Buggy Company, |— MACON, GEORGIA. Poplar Street, Next to Adams’ Warehouse. CENTS For Sftle Sy XL Xa, oATSOEIi Porrr. O-*.