The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, July 04, 1901, Image 7

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District Conference. ]\J E . Editor—We had a very de lightful District Conference at Mon tezuma- The attendance was good. Reports from the pastors of the dis trict showed the churches to be in healthy condition. There was a committee appointed to condense the proceedings of the conference, and request their publi cation, which report will be ready for ycur next issue. The District Conference for 1902 tfill be held at Perry. B. E. Whittington. You can never cure dyspepsia bv dieting. What your body needs is plenty of good food properly di gested. Then if your stomach will n ot digest it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all' of the natural digestants, hence must di crest any class of food and so pre pare it that nature can use it in nourishing the body and replac ing the wasted tissues,thus giving life, health, strength, ambition, pure blood and good healthy ap petite. Sold at Holtzclaw’s drug store. MONEY. Loan* negotiated on improved fume, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen years standing, gore than three million dollars m loans negotiated. Facilities unsur passed. HOWARD M. SMITH, Vo. 814 Second St.. Macon, Ga. Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner’s Kidney Pills cause the kidneys ’to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. 10, 25, 50 Cents 108 Sold by 11. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Ga. 1 {a {Subtle | Dyspepsia is unrecognized in half the cases. It deceives the unknowing sufferer. Its many variations work along the weakest lines of the system. To battle against only one of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give complete and lasting relief.. Dyspepsia Tablets 2 259 Ind" loc: I Sold by H. M, Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Georgia. Don't Force Your Rowels with harsh mini always leave had after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels* ..USE.. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable* Wei regulator, and liver viteUzei known. As pleasant to the taste ds ca ®^SV and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain. w 10,25,50’cents. |J|J Sold by H, M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Georgia. Institute Work at Knoxville. The white teachers of Crawford 1 county, their commissioner, Mr. J. E. Hartley, two experts, Rev. Mr. ix and Dr. Rogers, and eight or ten Houston county teachers met at the county court house at Knoxville June 24th to do general institute work. The institute was a success in the fullest sense of the word. In the first place, we had two of the best equipped experts of the state, who had planned, in detail, as good course of work, possibly, as was ever presented to any body of teachers. In the second place, Crawford’s ex cellent commissioner had done, and did do, everything in his power to make the week a success. And in the third place,the teachers came to gether in the true spirit of the en thusiastic teacher. Experts, com missioner and teachers put their whole souls and minds into the work. The lecturer of the experts, Mr Dix, who has been engaged for quite a number of years in the com mon schools of the state, gave the most practical methods of present ing different subjects of the com mon school branches; and Dr. Rog ers, who has also been connected for quite a while with educational work, presented some splendid methods, and also the principled which under- ly such methods. In addition, the teachers gave their ideas and meth ods on certain phases of school work. This made the work done practical. At the close of the last session the teachers expressed themselves as be- ing highly benefitted, not only along the line of methods, but as having been more fully awakened to a reali zation of the broad work before them, and as having received a last- ifig inspiration that will enable them to go into their respective fields of labor with renewed determination to educate the boys and girls who are soon to take part in directing the destiny of our country, aright. It was indeed a most glorious edu cational meeting. I must also mention the unbound ed hospitality of the people of Knox ville. Never was a body of teachers more highly entertained. T—. Byron, Ga., July 1. • - — Colored Sunday School Convention. Mfi. Editor—Please give us space in your most worthy paper to say that we have just closed one of the greatest S. S. conventions we have ever held. We met with New Hope Baptist Sunday School, Perry, Ga., Satur day, June 29 th. Rev. G. G. Taylor of Perry was elected president. His gracious manner of presiding made him famous, and made for him many more friends. Prof. G. W. Hum phrey was elected secretary, and he made for himself many friends. Our convention was attended by some of our leading representatives of the state. Rev. G. M. Spratline:, of Brunswick, Ga., president of the State Baptist Convention of Geor gia, spent a while with us, and gave us a soul-stirring talk. Subject, “Our duty to ourselves.” Rev. W. R. Forbes, D. D., was al so with us. He also is a pride to his denomination. He very recently had the honor of D. D. conferred upon him. Dr. Forbes is from Macon, pastor of Tremont Temple Baptist Church. Dr. Charles H. Brightharp of Milledgeville, Ga., was with us al so, and many others we will not mention. Our convention raised a goodly sum of money for our Central City College, Macon, Ga. Convention adjourned to meet in Ma,con, Ga., 1902. We heard many soul-stirring ser mons during the; convention. Sun day afternoon Rev. M. J. Morris of Cordele, Ga., preached the sermon of his life. It made us think of Peter preaching on the day of pentecost, when people said the congregation was drunk of new wine. X. The Houstou County Baptist Union. In Memoriam. Perhaps no more pleasant nor profitable meeting of the Houston County Baptist Union has been held since its organization than the one at Hattie Baptist Church on Satur day and -Sunday, June 29th and 30th. The new Baptist church, late ly organized at this place, having finished their new house, invited the Union to meet with them and take part in the services dedicating their handsome new church. Rev. W. L. Cutts being elected president and W. J. Moore secreta ry, the Union was opened with a statement of the objects and plans of the meeting by the president,after which Rev. Mr. Plemmons ; preach ed a most excellent sermon, the sub ject being “The wondrous growth of the Kingdom of God.” In the af ternoon the duties and rewards of a deacon were discussed by Brothers Cline, Moore, Dix and Cutts, Bro. Plemmons preaching again at night. Sunday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 was taken up in discussing the Sabbath School work, led by Bro. J. D. Mrrtin. This service was most heartily enjoyed, as some of the best talks of the meeting# were made during this hour. Bro. A. S. Dix at 11 a. m. preached a strong sermon, his subject being “Christ the Chief Cornerstone.” This was really the dedication sermon, and was full of instruction and edifi cation. The afternoon was devo ted to discussion of the uses and abuses of the church house. Adjourned subject to call and appointment of the executive committee. A spread dinner was had on the grounds both days, and for boun tiful, substantial and well-arrang ed public dinners the Hattie peo ple can’t be excelled. On Sunday the large new church house could not, with every available seat and space occupied, hold more than half the crowd, and still the din ner was sufficient to have bounti fully fed as many more. Five years ago there was no Sabbath school nor Missionary Baptist church within 8 or 10 miles of this place. To-day there is a strong, zealous church, with one of the best houses anywhere to be found so far from the rail road, and it was built almost alto gether by local contributions, and it is furnished and paid for and the people are happy. May God’s richest blessings rest on the good people of Hattie and the neighborhood. W. J. Moore, Clerk. — 44—* Death of Susie May Stubbs. On June 25th David B. Hender son, speaker of the United States House of Representatives, was ac corded an interview of one hour w ith King' Edward of England. As a result of that interview, Mr. Hen- demon says King friend of this country,and that Eng- 1 !,nd will bo on the side of this conn- uV iu any ordinary controversy with any other country or countries. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin cures stomach troubles. Sold by druggists. Thursday night, Jnne 27th, 1901, the death angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stubbs, Mine- tree, Ga., and took from them their darling little Susie May, aged 2 years, 10 months and 19 days. She had been sick but one week and was not thought dangerously ill until the Jay before she fell asleep in Jesus that night at 10:30 o’clock. Everything was done that human skill could do, but to no avail; God saw fif to take with him their earth ly idol. It was hard to give her up, but we must yield to God’s will, for He knows best. To know her was to love her; she was so pure, so loving and kind to every one. She was laid to rest in the family graveyard near Havana Friday af ternoon at 5 o’clock. Oh! we know it was hard for those grief-stricken parents to return home without their darling babe, to find her place empty, which can never be filled. She leaves behind her a loving mother, a devoted father, one sister and brother, besides other relatives andjmany friends. .. Once more we stand around the bier Of one whom many loved, And gaze upon the lifeless tonn Crowned in Heaven above. For cruel death, relentless dealh, Whom hone on earth can stay, Hast come again and claimed a rose, And carried her away. Remember, too, she is now at rest, At rest forever more; And consolation thus we find, Her troubles all are o’er. “ ’Tis hard indeed to give her up, But God above knew best; _ Then let ns say, Thy will be done, For she is now at rest.” * Friend. Wednesday afternoon, June 26, at Evergreen cemetery, was buried the remains of little Jim Heard, Mr. and Mrs. Y. E. Heard’s precious little darling, who had been sick several weeks, suffering untold misery. All that medical skill or tender nursing could suggest or do was without avail; the child was wanted in Heaven to help form that happy band. Grieve not, dear‘parents; think of him as only waiting for you on the “Other Shore,” for our Heavenly Father says: “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Relatives and friends, be of good cheer, for He doeth all things for the best. He only sent this sweet child to brighten their home for six short years when called to his eternal home, where he will know no more sorrow or pain, but where only love and peace reigns. So let ns all strive to meet him there, where we will part nevermore. The bereaded family have the sin cere sympathy of their friends. Heard, Ga., Jnly 1. May. White Mau Turned Yellow. Great consternation was felt bv the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky., when they saw that he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doc tors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bit ters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: “After taking two bottles I wlh wholly cured.” Atrial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist. Week-End Excursion Tickets to Tybee. W^ek-end excursion tickets at very low rates aie on sale via Central of Georgia Railway for oon, afternoon and evening trains, Saturdays, good to return leaving Tjbee and Savannah not later than Monday night following date of sale. Tybee .is the most delightful sea shore resort on the Sonth-Atlantic Coast. Splendid hotel accommodations. New and magnificent dancing pavilion, with splendid restaurant and buffet at tached, good music aud delightful surf bathing, boating and fishing. For tickets, schedules, etc. call on any Agent of the Central of Georgia I Railway Company. THINK ON THIS. If a Doctor writes a prescription for J yon it costs you Two (S2.00) Dollars. If your druggist fills it, he wants fifty (,50( cents or One ($£.00) Dollar. We offer you a prescription filled and ready for use at twenty-five (.25) cents a box, that is guaranteid to cure Ecxema, Tetter, Itch, Salt-Rheum, Barber’s Itch, Itching Piles, Scald Head and all skin Deseases. WATTS’ ECZEMA OINTMENT, Twenty-five Cents a Box. All Druggists. Taylor & Peek Drug Co., MACON, GA. c. z. McArthur, DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. GEORGI1—Houston County. Mrs. Lelia Bateman, widow of F. L. Bateman, deceased, has applied for 12 months’ support for herself and 4 minor children out of the estate of said deceas ed. This is therefore to cite aU persons con cerned to appear at the August term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this July 1,1901. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Houston County.' A. D. Skellie, administrator of the es tate of J. G. Visscher, deceased, has ap plied for dismission from said trust. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the August term, 1901, if tbe court of Ordinary of said count/ and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. . Winess my official signature this May 6,1901. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. BEN J. DASHERr Atlorney-at-Law, MACON, GA. Office in Exchange Bank Buildin ~. Will practice in Courts of Macon Circuit Special attention to collections. On. Time. It you want always to be on time, if you want always to be sure of *he correct timejget one of these Watches. For good, honest work, without any fooling, they can’t be equaled. They will last as long as you will, if you will treat them prop erly. Diamonds,Watches, Jewelry,Silverware,&c. J.E.&W. W. WILLIAMS, Jewelers, Macon, Ga. Established 1865. Waterman & Co. 620 to 624 Fourth Street, MACO>,GA. — DEALERS IN AND . OF ALL KINDS. PINE BOSSES AND LARGE MULES — A SPECIALTY Books That will add pleasure to a vacation or brighten the home circle, for sale or rent. Highest prices paid for Second-Hand School Books. Mail Orders promptly filled. T. A. COLEMAN, Bookseller and Stationer, 808 Second Street, MACON, GA. Next to Sol Hoge’a Drug Store. It it Time to Step Out of last season’s clothes and get in to new, up-to-date, attractive clothes. You find them here. Wm and A million dollars has been given by J. Pierpont Morgan to Harvard University for the erection of build ings for the Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass. Subscribe for the Home Journal. ■ Fashionable. Fit for successful men to wear and nice enough to please anybody. We can fit you perfectly. And on account of dissolution of partnership, we have reduced prices on all our suits 25 per cent below the prices of others. \ . V - ‘ - ~- • ; «“ ■ UNION clothing CO., Successors to Cheek & Wright, 519 Cherry Street, Macon, 0a.