The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, July 11, 1901, Image 6

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Watch our next advertisement. Trade Marks ^graSSBlSW^ Designs Prrtfv^ Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quietly ascertain enr opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confl dentfal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the a .♦ . .. j — di* . rrw. ^^ j. . . .. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 93 a year; four months, Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 3e,Bra ^ New York Branch Office, 625 F St* Washington, D. C. A LITTLE NONSENSE. LONDON'S COSTERMONGERS. A Sure Second. ' The London costermonger i? an “I see the cup challenger has met institution whom we should not with an accident,” said the first willingly let die. A strong movement yachtsman. is on foot to get him removed as a “Yes/’ replied the other. “By the nuisance by the new borough eoun- cess r He—Pretty well so far. I once got a manuscript back from the manager.—Life. Insult to Injury. Bad Bobby is going to s< path so as he and his pal cai the fun when unoffending slip clown. MBHiHMnBHMHnnHHnBnnnMnnHnBnHBnHi gir.iV •-\ f'X C*# ' /: v -Yc/'-/Vri* V^r" ■ -r.f •*. V AX -r?fc - • the is on foot to get him removed as a way, what an appropriate name they have given her I” “Shamrock? Yes.” “No; Shamrock II. She’s bound to be that.”—Philadelphia Press; A Natural Pride. He—Oh, yes! I do a little that way now and then. I’ve written one or two plays. She—How perfectly delightful! 'a_j i-— you met with much sue- to soap the a watch people m & OwHJ SOAP. The first to come a cropper hap pened to be Jones, the soapmaker. Of course he was annoyed. But when he discovered it was Brown’s soap they had been using and not his he almost had a fit. Not Completed. Mrs. Darling—You told me be fore we were married that you had an income of $3,000 a year. What has become of it ? Mr. Darling—Can’t tell you until I get an itemized bill from your dressmaker.—Denver News. No Credit to Him. He—Well, my dear, perhaps I’m not altogether your ideal, but you must at least give me credit for a good disposition. She—Not at all. You’re merely too lazy to kick about anything.— Philadelphia Press. 5 They Wished He Would. Deacon—Parson, do you think it wrong for a preacher to steal his sermons ? Parson—Certainly I do. Deacon—I think you are too par ticular, parson, too particular.— Stray Stories. The Usual Place. “Have you noticed the tender place on the new express train post age stamp?” “No; where is it ?” “Just back of the locomotive.”— Cleveland Plain Dealer. “neigh- From Experience. Ostend—Paw, what is borly congeniality?” Paw—Lending out your scythe and, shovel and getting a saucer of prunes over the fence in return.— Chicago News. nuisance by the new borough eoun-. cils, and he is organizing to fight it. As there are 60,000 of him in Lon don, he has a chance of winning. His chief value for those who do not deal with him lies chiefly in his independent attitude toward Lon don life. His characteristic dress has been made familiar to us by Mr. Chevalier and is modeled on a style that is absolutely his own. The rich eruption of buttons all over the coat and along the seam of the trou sers, as well as the generous down ward amplification of the latter gar ments, are, w r e believe, the fruit of his own wayward fancy. As to his wives and daughters, they have the distinction of being the only persons who use plush as a dress material, sometimes for the i whole costume, often in the form of a short cape, always as a decorative ; trimming. Their great hats, crown- | ed with brilliantly dyed feathers, are : just as peculiar, and we hear with pain the rumor—we hope it' is no more—set afloat by a contemporary, I to the effect that these are being dis- i carded in favor of what ladies have i agreed to call a “sailor.” What a | coster lady can dress decently upon is as much a matter of dispute with them as it is with us. But a gentle man can obtain a suit of stylish cut, with copious “pearl} 7 ” buttons of horseshoe shape, for the sum of 30 shillings, which may be paid in monthly installments. — London News. The End of a Stage Fight. Mr. Lyall Swete is a yonng Eng lish actor, but bis exceptional height proved on a certain occasion he is not likely to forget rather a disadvantage. It was during his apprenticeship to the stage, when he was playing a villain in a melo drama, says London Answers. The company gave a show in a ti ny theater with a particularly nar row stage. The pit and gallery were crowded, but only one quiet little old gentleman was to be seen in the stalls. Mr. Swete made his first en trance hurriedly and had his hat knocked off by the front sky border. The stage manager, after consoling him, added: “Work up the fight in the last act. It ought to get three calls at least.” Mr. Swete worked it up, and when the hero knocked him down, he did a back fall, with his head toward the audience. There was silence, then a roar of laughter. Mr. Swete was greatly puzzled till he heard the soft voice of the quiet little stallite murmuring gently, “Excuse me, sir, but your hair is on fire I” So the vil lain took his head out of the foot lights, and the audience gave the little old gentleman a round of ap plause. They Struck Oil. Some time ago men drilling for oil in Ohio sent a number of nitro glycerin shells into the hole, one of which exploded when it reached a depth of 25 feet. There was a tre mendous gush of oil, the flow being so strong that the derrick was del uged from top to bottom. Appar ently here was the biggest well in the history of the oil business, and the firm which was doing the drill ing naturally exulted at the pros pect of a fortune.. But their joy was short lived. The Buckeye Pipe Line company’s eight inch pipe, through which 6,000 bar rels of oil pass each day, suddenly shut down. An investigation was started, and before many hours it was found that the new well had been drilled close to the pipe, which had been broken by the explosion, and the oil, which, seemed to come from the well, really came from the pipe line. This ended the ca reer of a “great spouter.” Those famous little pills,DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, compel your liver and bowels to do their duty, thus giving yon pure,rich blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take. Never gripe.—Holtzclaw’s drugstore. ' v ■ e, Needed a Boss. Mrs. Suburbs—How are you get ting along without a hired girl? Mrs, Cities—Yery badly. I never mid work .right unless I had some over me “ The grape has more sugar in .it than any other fruit, nearly 15 parts in 100 being sugar. Tqe peach has least, only 1£ per cent. Stop ? lie Cough and TVort off tlie Cold. Laxitive Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure,: No Pay. Price 25 cents. c. • - * It ... T6is signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo=Qumine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold In one TRIAL TREATMENT Cures Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Kheumatism and AU Blood Troubles. The Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) treat ment for impure blood and skin diseases is now recognized as a sure and certain cure for the most advanced stages of can cer, eating sores, eczema,- itcbi» g, skin humors, scabs or scales, syphilitic blood poison, scrofula, ulcers, persistent erup tions, pimples, boils, aches and pains in bones, joints or back, swolen glands, ris ings and bumps on the skin, rheumatism or catarrh, or any form of skin or blood diseases. Men, women and childien are being cured in every state by Botanic Blood Balm for purifying the blood, and expelling the germs and humors from the entire system, leaving the skin free from ernptions, and rosy with evidence of pine, rich blood. No sufferer need longer despair,—help is at hand,—no matter how many discouragements you may ba -1 e met with, Botanic Blood Balm (B,B.B.) cures permanently aud quickly. To satisfy the doubters, we will give to any sufferer a trial treatment absolutely free that they may test this wonderful remedy. B.B.B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is sold by all drug stores, with complete directions for home tree, iment, for $1.00 per large bottle, i cr free trial treat ment, address Blood Balm Co., 8 Mitch ell Street, Atlanta, Ga., and Trial .Treat ment will be sent at once. Write to-day. Describe trouble, and free medical ad vice given. Over 3,000 voluntary testi monials of cures by using Blood Balm. Thoroughly tested for 50 years. PENKSYLVANIA PURE EIGHT YEARS OBI*. OLDSBA.KPE WILLIAMS. Pour ful Quarts* of this Fine Old, Pnre RYE WHISKEY , $3.50 ^paid- We ship on approval in plain, sealed boxes, ■with no marks to indicate contents. When |you receive it and test it, if it is not satisfactory, return it at our expense and we wil return your §3.50. We guarantee this brand to be EIGHT YEARS OEI>. ; Eight bottles for $6 50, express prepaid; he if- — 12 bottfes for §9 50 express prepaid, One gallon jug, express prepaid, S3 00; 2 gallon jug, express prepaid, §5 50. No charge for boxing We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourben Whiskies aud will save you 50 Per Cent, on Your Purchases: $500 REWARD! We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costive ness we cannot cure with Liveri- 1 "viremake a speciasty of the Jug Trade, ta, the up-to-date Lmle Livei rill, when . and all orders by Mail or Telgeraph will the directions are strictly complied with, have our prompt attention: Special They are puiely Vegetable and never fail; inducements eftered. Kentucky Star Bourbon...... ElkridgeBourbon 40 Coon Hollow Bourbon Mel wood Bure Bye Monogram Bye 55 McBrayer Rye— Baker’s A AAA.... O. O. P-(Old Oscar Pepper)—'. 65 Old Crow . Fincher’s Golden W Hoffman House Rye Mount Vernon, 8 years old 100 Old Dillinger Rye, 10 years old,— 125 The above are only a few brands. . Send for a catalogue. All other goods by the gallon, such as Com Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc., sold equally as low, irom §125 a gallon and upward Quart, Gallon. ,...§ 35 §1 25 .... 40 150 ... 45 ICO 1 90 200 . .. 60 225 240 ! 65 240 250 75 2 50 90 300 350 [,.... 125 400 to give satisfaction. 25e. boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c. boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c. boxes contain 15 Pilis. Beware of sub stitutions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nebvita Medical Co., Cor. Clintok andjackson Its.,Chicago,111, For sale by H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry,Ga Mail Orders shipped receipt of order. same dav of the The Aitmajer & FJatean Liquor Company, y t v » T f T T * » 1 Y--» « DESIGNS i TRADE-MARKS 4 AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in “ Inventive Age ” ► Book “How to obtain Patents” _ ' Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. * T rtH-Ano cl T»infltt ncTifidoTitiol A drlvnoa 6C6, 50S, 510, 512 Fourth Street, near Union Passenger Hepot. MACON, GEORGIA. Letters strictly confidential. Address, 1 )E. G. SIGNERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, D.C. 1. A Aw ^3 ’ A A. A A A i>A AAA Something useful or entertaining: or, if yon already have an invention get a PATENT There is abundant profit in good patented inventions. Send for our interesting Illus trated Patent Hand-Book—free; gives more “ " obtainPat- information than any other. We or ents that protect. Terms lowest possiblefor best service'. OUR FEES REFUNDED IF WE FAIL TO SECURE PATENT. No charges for ;entabi Passenger Service. The Direct Route Between All Principal Points IX Alabama and Georgia. PENETRATING THE Finest Fruit, Agricultural, Timber, and Mineral Lands IN ZULSOUTH. THROUGH RATE8 AND TICKETS FURNISHED UPON APPLI CATION TO ALL POINTS North, South, Central of Georgia Railway, Ocean Steamship Oo. FAST FREIGHT AND LUXURIOUS PASSENGER ROUTE toNbw York, Boston THE Last, Complete Information, Rates, Schedules of Trains and Sailing Dates of Steamers Cheer fully Furnished by any Agent of the Company. THEO. D. KLINE, Jfi. H. HINTON, General Snpt. Traflo Manager* J. C. HAILE, Oen’l Pass. Agt., SAVANNAH. OA. examination and opinion as to patentability. Promptness guaranteed. Best of reft Over 31 years experience. Address ver 31 years experience. Address R. S. & A. B. LACEY, Patent Solicitors, Washington, D. C. Mention this paper when you write* Subscriptions to The Patent Record $1.00 per*annum! mr. PATENT Good L, may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE A LUXURY W8THBW THE REACH OF ALL! If you went to buy & lion wlielp yon wonld’nt accept a kitten as a substitute, even if the dealer urges you. Now, don’t accept a substi tute for LION GOFFEE. It is bound to turn ont a com mon yellow cat, with none of the strength of the lion. You want LION COFFEE because it is LION COFFEE. If, on the other hand, you want a coffee which, in order to hide imperfections, is "highly ^polished’^with eggs and other preparations, then do not buy If Li ©OFFEE were common, ordinary stuff, coffee drinkers would’nt insist on hav ing it. It is used in millions of homes because it is the best coffee In the World for the price. If you doubt this, take a single package home and try it. f, _ fe e X ef Y package of LIOW COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive " S ", iNo housekeeper, in tact, no woman, than, boy or girl will fail to find in the list article which wub contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience^ and which they may have by simply cutting^ out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed /packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold)* WOOLSON SPICS CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. ' ' A-,,, ■ . gr M.H- IIEkhI