The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, August 15, 1901, Image 1

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^ / \ •• JOHN H. HODGES, Prppr. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CtRTURE, $1.50 a Yeaz* in Advance. VOL. XXX. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15,1901. NO. 33. IN MEMORY OF LITLLE JOSEPH,! Infant son of Mr. arid Mrs. R. H. I Howard, near Kathleen. ! Written for the homk journal. ( “Suffer little children to come unto Me,” Oar blessed Savior said, \s His loving, tender hands were laid Upon each youthful head. Ax,d from the Lord the promise came To all who bear no sin, A borne in glory, love and joy With saint and cherubim. And Thou hast said that “such as these” Thy face in Heaven shall see In bright realms, and with Thee dwell Throughout all eternity. jesus to our earthly keeping Once a jewel kindly gave, But our joy was turned to weeping, For we lost it in the grave. (No, not lost.) Mourning for our vanished treasure, Then we heard our Savior say: “Cease to sorrow; for My pleasure I have borne thy gem away. “Is thy spirit filled with anguish? Have thine eyes with tears grown dim? Cease, oh,grieved ones, thus to languish; Cease, for I had need of him. “Purer than the dews of morning, Brighter than the stars of nighty See the gem My crown adorning, In a world of Heavenly light. “There, in loveliness unfading, Shines the jewel lost by thee; Not a stain of sorrow fading; Beauty purified by Me. “Let thy faith and loye be stronger, Though the tide of grief overwhelm; Thou must wait a little longer Ere I gile thee ba k thy gem. “Where the flowers of Eden blossom, Where no tears of grief are known, I will place it in thy bosom; Thou slialt wear it near My thrown.” Then let your souls forbear theirweepiDg, Lay the weight of sorrow down, Leave your gem in Jesus’keeping; Lend it to adorn His crown. / Meekly, I pray you, journeylfchither, Where loved Joseph has gone before; Christ will whisper, ‘‘Come up- thither; I will never part thee more.” t His Great Uncle. In Fond Remembrance. For eighteen months God entrust ed to the care of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Howard little Joseph Redding, born November 25th, 1899, and died June 16th, 1901, a precious treasure, who grew to be a perfect little sunbeam in our home. Truly he was one of God’s little flowers, allowed to re main only for a season, when pluck ed from earth to live forever in the beautiful garden of Heaven. On June 16th, 1901, after an ill ness of nine days, and after all had been dene for his relief that loving hands could do, and while those who loved him still watched with anx ious, bleeding hearts by bis bed, the messenger of eternal life came and bore the sweet, pure little spirit back to the God who gave it, just as the noon-time hour was being pass ed on an idea,l Sabbath day. We cannot know why God thus deals with His children, but we do know He can make no mistake; then let us humbly bow to the dispensa tions of His providence and in our hearts say: Thy will be done. One Who Loved Him. Kathleen, Ga. To Save Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Galleger, of La- Grange, Ga., applied Bueklen’s Arnica Salve to .great sores on her bead and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. T t works wonders in Sores, Bruis- e s, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns Scalds and Piles. 25c. Cure guar anteed. Soldby H. M. Holtzclaw, druggist. *-•-*- The fact that a number of repub lican organs continue to denounce the trusts emphasizes the fact that there are no congressmen to eleet this year, hence/no necessity for a fat-frying soitre. —;—*-•-* — This Is An Advertisement. If you are looking for a laxative, ;G r > CaldwelFs Syrup Pepsin is IT. The convenience and merit of this j Valuable remedy will be explained to your satisfaction by druggists. Cuba’s Agricultural Resources. The island of Cuba is a gigantic farm of 28,000,000 acres of mar velously fertile soil. Thirteen million acres remain as virgin forest. Her present population is a little above one and a half mil lions. Were Cuba as densely populat ed as Massachusetts, her census would show 11,000,000 inhabi tants, An equal density with that of England would give her upward of 22,000,000. Her abilU ty to support a population per square mile equivalent to that of England,' so large a percentage of which is dependent upon manu facturing interests, is somewhat doughtful, from the fact that Cuba presents little or no possi bility of ever becoming a manu facturing center. In a measure, the comparison with Massachu setts is also faulty, for the same reason. Yet, in the latter case, the vastly greater fertility of Cu ban soil would offset the manu facturing feature, and there is lit tle doubt that Cuba, along the line of her particular agricultural advantages, can provide a com fortable and reasonably profit able living for a. population of 10,000,000 of moderately indus trious citizens.—From “Cuba’s Industrious possibilities,” by Al bert G. Robinson, in the Ameri can Monthly Review of Reviews for August. When Mr. Carnegie’s parents left Scotland for this country they had not money enough to pay the fares, and Mrs. CarnegifU borrowed $2 from a friend in Dun- fermiline. The debt was lost sight of and never paid. The other day, upon the matter com ing to the attention of Mr. Car negie, he looked up the descen dants of his mother's friend, of whom he found two, both in poor circumstances. Upon these two he settled incomes that will make them independant for life The $2 had, after all, been drawing big interest during the time it was unpaid.—Ex. ;—*»••». The editor and his wife, says an exchange, disagree with each other very materially. She sets things to rights and he writes things to set- She reads what others write, and he writes what others read. She keeps the devil out of the house as much as possible; while he detains him and couldn’t go to press without him. She knows more things than he writes, and he writes more things .than she knows. Don’t be satisfied with tempo rary relief from indigestion. Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely removes the com plaint. It relieves permanently because it allows the tired stom ach perfect rest. Dieting won’t rest the stomach. Nature receiv es supplies from the food we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspep sia Cure, which digests what you eat and can’t help but do you good. ; —Down in Thomas county an experiment is being made by us ing pine straw upon the public -roads, and it is said to work like a charm, especialy on sandy roads. If it works charmingly in Thomas, it should also work well in Dooly, where there is an abun dance of pine straw. But a step in this direction will not be taken as'long as the present system of road working prevails.—Cordele Sentinel. Mrs. H. S. Allpot, Johnstown, Pa. says, “Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup. The doctors said she couldn’t live but she was instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Cure-Holtz- claw’s drugstore. A German professor recently gave a lecture on “Hypnotism” to a scientific audience in Ask- rigg, says London Answers. “Hypnotism, my friends, said he, is a hooch interference mit der imachination, unt der princi pal ingrgdiencies vos mate of a fool unt a rascal. ‘‘Fife sosuant years ago a Greek philosopher hypnotised a rooster chicken mit a straight chalk mark on a crooked flo'or, unt -now in 1901 der scientific peopees discof- er zat zey can hypnotise hooman beinks if zey ain’t got no more brains as zot rooster. “As for .me, my frisude, I can hypnotise zis class more expedis- hooslv mit a club.” Their Secret is Out. All Sadieville, Ky., was curious to learn the cause of the vast dif ference improvement in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whittaker, who had for a long time endured ud told suffering from a chronic bronchiar trouble. “It is all due to Dr. King’s New Discovery,” writes her husband. “It complete ly cured her and also cured our little grand daughter of a severe attack of Whooping Gough.” It positively cures Coughs, Colds r LaGnppe, Bronchitis, all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and 11.00. Trial bot tles free at Holtzclaw’s drugstore. ——— — The widows of the towns of Harding apd Ferrel ' N. J., are shrewd.^ They have planned a big basket picnic to be held in the near future, to whiph all of the widowers of the two places have been invited. It is confidently expected that a number of wed dings will be the outcome. — —: If the action of your bowels is not easy and regular serious com plications must be the final result. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleas ant and effective. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. -There are 282,821 women em- ploped in English cotton facto ries, and only 147,245 men. The Boys Wanted. Montreal Witness. j “I want a young man to go into j my office,” said a busy man of af- j fairs to the head of a business i high school not long ago, /‘audj my requirements are very simple. I I want an earnest, industrious} boy, who can spell, write a good! hand, possess at least a fair knowledge, and who can carry out intelligently the directions that are given to him.” “Your requirements are too hard to meet,” replied the teach er. “Plenty of boys are looking for positions, but few of them like the conditions you impose. They ■do not think it worth while to learn to .spell; we do everything to persuade them of the import ance of the accomplishment, but the boys hear of great and suc cessful men who cannot spell, and many of them are led to think they may get along in the world without that accomplishment. Others do not relish the persistent work of acquiring a good hand writing, or of learning to run the typewriter skillfully, which is now so necessary in many lines of work. They want easier roads to success. It is to be hoped that this teach er fakes an unnecessarily gloomy view of the boys of the present generation. He doubtless does. It is the testimony, however, of all employers that only a small part of the young men seeking posi tions compehend the real serious ness of life’s competition, and the necessity of preparation m these seeming trifles which count to ward perfection. Effective Hypnotism. WHEN IN MACON Call on the pioneer Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, Mail Orders filled with care, 111 MUM. 414 & 416 Third St., MACON, GA. MACON’S GREATEST BARGAIN STORE. The Place Where You Can Buy Everything that You Need to Wear at Prices from 25 to 50 Per Cent Cheap er Than Others Will Sell it to You. We sell more Shoes uliUt/O. than most any reg ular shoe honse in Macon. Why do we do this? Simply because we SELL NONE BUT THE BEST, and guarantee every pair that leaves our house to give satisfac tory wear or refund voor money. Men’s Shoes from 98c. to $5.00. Ladies’ Shoes from 65c. to $3 50. Children’s Shoes, 25c. to $1.50. Ladies* Slippers, 25c. to $2.00. Children’s Slippers, 35c. to $1 50. Why not give us your Shoe trade and save 25 to 50 per cent on every pair of Shoes needed in your fam- ilj? v»rv» Inthislinewe j ^10tlllllg\ CAN AND D0 'EXCEL any clothing store in Ma- j con. Oar Clothing is well made, it fits, it is durable, it holds its color. aDd is 25 to 50 per cent cheaper tiiau most clothing stores csd af. ford to sell you the same quality of goods. Mens Saits, $3.00 to $12.50 Youths Suits, $2.00 to $ 8 00 Childrens Saits, 65c. to $ 4 00 Boys Knee Pants, 15c to 85c The largest and most complete line of Extra Pants for men in the state, 49c to $5 00 the pair. Extra Coats’and Extra Vests to fit and please any man in Qonston county. Dry Goods. Yes, we sell everything in the Dry Goods Line-Dress Goods, Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Calicoes, Sheetings, ShirUngs, Checks, Cottonades, Tickings, Bleachings, No tions of every description, and our prices are right; this, you will acknowledge after you have seen us. Straw Hats. We bave the great est line of Straw Hats to be found in Macon for Mcd, Boys and Chil dren—10c. to $1.00 each. If yon want a Straw Hat come to us. Millinery. half. We do not want regular Millinery prices. Here you can select yonr Hat and trimmings and have it trimmed while you wait. This department is npstairs, and you can be suited. Sailors 10c. to $1.00. O URS is the most complete store in Macon, and the only one where you can buy everything that you need to wear. Come and see us. TCESSIL.HS^ BROS. GIVE US A 1 RIAL ORDER - , ass