The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, August 15, 1901, Image 6

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— — "~ - - — '■ ■ ~ • .i.'»* i. r»—' ,X>: Sidewalk Gleanings. LOCAL' NEWS OF TOWN A NS CCS NT Y —Mr. Ben J. Dasher of Macon is with home foiks in Perry. —Miss Kate Cooper is attend ing a home party at West Point, Ga. s —Capt. and Mrs. C. E. Gilbert are spending this week at Indian Spring. —The number of dwelling houses in Perry is less than the demand. ’ —Mr. Judson Heard of Macon is visiting the family of Judge S. T. Hurst. Remarkable Masonic Meeting. the —Mr. J. A. Davis of Dennard is spending a few days at the Isle of Palms. —Mrs. M. L. Houser of Fort Valley is visiting her mother and sister in Perry. —Fodder pulling is now the order of farm work in many sec tions of_the county. —Mrs. B. C. Holtzclaw and on, Master Ben, are visiting rb nds at Warm Springs. —Miss Willie Cooper is with a party from Macon at the Isle of Palms, near Charleston, S. C. —Miss Gertha Henderson of Cedartown is in Perry visiting the family of Judge Sam T. Hurst. —Messrs. J. W. Gilbert, 0. J. Parker and J. E. McMichael spent last Friday in Columbus. —Misses Emily and Virginia Allen of Atlanta are visiting the family of Maj. R. N. Holtzclaw. —Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Duncan, Jr., went to Indian Springs last week, Mr. Duncan returning Mon day. —Mr. and Mrs. R. L. March- man and son are visiting the par ents of Mrs. Marchman near Co lumbus. —Mr. «f. Henry King of the Strong Shoe Co., Macon, Ga., is spending this week with relatives in Perry. —Mr. Sam T. Hurst, Jr., of Bir- i mingham, Ala., is expected to visit home folks in Perry this week. —Don’t forget the meeting of the agricultural Carnival commit tee at the court house next Satur day morning. —Mrs. Cora Barrett of Auburn, Ala., was in Perry the latter part of last week, visiting the family of her nephew, Mr. J. H. Hodges. —Judge S. T. Hurst and Hon. E. L. Dennard are at Thomasville attending jbhe meeting of the Georgia State Agricultural Soci ety. —Madam Rumor says at least two young ladies and two young men of Perry will be married— four couples—before 1901 passes away. —Teachers of the public schools of Houston Couaty will be elect ed by the board of education on the 80th of August, See official notice. The fourth convocation of new Elko Lodge of Masons was held at Hickory Grove church last Friday afternoon and night. The program was to confer the three degrees upon 11 candidates. The first on one, the second on two and the third on eight, was proposed to begin the work at 4 o’clock, but it was not' com menced until about 6. The,re were present visiting Ma sons from Perry, Fort Valley. Ma con, Unadilla, Cordele and Ro chelle, about 50 altogether, with six Worshipful Masters present. With the exception of an inter mission of one hour for supper the Lodge was in session contin ually from four o’clock Friday af ternoon to about 4 o’clock Satur day morning. The contemplated yvork was all completed, and we dare say no Lodge in the state has a better young membership than has the Elko Lodge. The superabundant supper served in the grove ^ near the church-lodge, was as good as hun gry men ever tasted, the chief viand being barbecued pork, brown, crisp, jucy and flavored just right. The etceteras were in keeping with the cordial hospital ity of those who prepared and served the feast. The sceene was vividly remindful of - the camp- meetings of 40 years ago. Among the visiting members were two ministers of the gospel one a Baptist and the other i Methodist. Our readers will know that the hospitality accorded was complete when we mention as hosts of the occasion: Messrs. J. H. Grace J. F. Houser, C. E. Eubanks, J H. Clark, W. L. Means, W. E Means, G. D. Fitzerald, J. T. Shinholser, Dr. J. O. Mann, W R. Davis, W. F. Bragg, J. H. Cof fee, W. S. Murrow and others, with D. C. Turrentine as table manager. Carnival Committee Meeting. —In a base ball game at Perry last Saturday, a negro player was knocked down with a ball, and his jaw was at first thought to be broken. —The first bale of Houston cot ton will be several weeks late this season, though the indications are that the crop will not be unusual ly small. —Dr. Clarence Whittington of Valdosta was in Perry from last Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon, visiting his brother, Rev. B. E. Whittington. —Misses % Neltie and Leon Marshburn, Mary Lou Holmes and May Hodges visited relatives and friends at Bo naire from Saturday to Wednes day morning. —Mr. J. Powers Cooper has -purchased the Havis residence on Main street, now occupied by Sheriff M. L. Cooper, .and will not build the residence on Swift street, as had been contemplated. n —A party of Perry people con sisting of Mdms. C. T. and H. Lawson and C. E. Brunson, Miss' Mattie Lawson and Mr. Miller Day went to Indian Springs last Thursday to spend a week or more. At the court house next Satur day morning there will be a meet ing of the executive committee of the proposed agricultural carni val appointed at the meeting of citizens of the county held at Perry on the 6th inst. * ’ This committee is composed of one farmer from each district in the county, and all of them have been notified by mail, with the request that a substitute be ap pointed by any one, or each, who cannot attend. These committeemen will be guests of Perry citizens while here, and it is hoped there will be a full attendance. The proposed carnival will be of great benefit to the farmers, and the Perry people hope to make the time pass away very pleasantly. It is needless to reit erate the great goiod that an illus trative occasion will promote; our readers all know. Earnest co-op- bration is all that is needed to make the proposed carnival a complete and beneficial success to all concerned. All depends upon the commit*? tee meeting next Saturday morn ing. —In the special election for County Commissioner on August 6th, the polls were opened only at six precincts, and the vote was as follows: Perry 50, Fort Valley 47,- Powersville 25, Byron 11, Wellston 19, Heard 4; total 156. All the votes were for A. B. Greene. Mr. Greene will meet for t.he first time with the board Tues day^ he 3rd of September, when the tax rate will, be assessed. We dare say Mr. Greene will make a most excellent commissioner. Teachers’ Notice. The Houston County Board of Education will hold their election of teachers for the ensuing year on August BOth. Teachers desiring places will make formal application to the Board of Education, stating age, where educated, experience and grade of teachers’ License. Respectfully, ~Geo. W. Smith, C. S. C. —Just received another gross of Ribbon Spikes at Perry Post Office. —I have a car of first class Brick for sale cheap_J 2t * C. D. Cooper. Neighbors Have a Barbecue. Pleasure rules whenever a num ber of Houston county people as semble for the purpose of enjoy ment. The meeting of neighbors in the grove on the south side of Cater’s mill pond last Friday^was not an exception to to this rule. Including the guests, there were about 125 people present, besides the negroes there in the capacity of servants. ® These sturdy farmers, with their wives and children, have a picnic their at least once a year, but this year the barbecue was an added feature. Owing to unavoidable delay, the guests from Perry did not ar rive until dinner was ready. That dinner, with delicious barbecued pork as the chief viand, was just perfect in its preparation and ser vice. None better was ever placed before hungry people, and it was amply sufficient t6 satisfy five times the number. A photograph of the crowd at dinner was taken by Mr. Martin Nelson. After dinner a speech was call ed for and the Home Journal Editor introduced Mr. J. D. Mar tin, who urged the farmers to give their earnest support to the proposed agricultural carnival to be held at Perry this fall. The affair was a complete suc cess, the farmers, their wiyes and daughters deserving unstinted praise. ■ It appeared that Messrs Jerome Thompson and Jim Hick- on were in the lead, but ably as sisted by the Messrs Cheek, Hick son, Hose, Starbuck, Bennett, Harris and others. —The first open bolls of cotton we have seen this season were brought to this office last Satur day by Mr. .G R. Rooks, who is farming on Mr. S. L. Norwood’s Culler place near Perry. —The County tax rate will be fixed by the County Commission ers at their September meeting. —About 135 negroes went from Perry on the excursion to Colum bus last Friday —Best Light Bread that can be baked. Your orders filled and de livered promptiv. I receive fresh bread every Wednesday and Sat urday J. D. Martin, Jr. Changed Position. To my friends, patrons and the public at large; I hereby take great pleasure in notifying you that, beginning with August 1st, 1901, I will be with Mr. Abe Lesser, where I shall be delighted to serve you, either in person or through the mail, any time in the future, to the best of my skill and ability. Please accept my thanks for all past favors. ' / l am yours very truly, Frank M. Houser, With Abe Lesser, dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, etc., 559 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. —Quart Fruit Cans to close out at 49/ dozen. J. D. Martin, Jr. —The neatest Stick Seat buggy going at Fred M. Houser’s. —Lace Leather, Harness Leath er and Shoe Sole Leather at \ L. M. Paul’s. O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says; I was troubled with constipation until I bought DdWitt’s Little Early Risers. Since then have been entirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend them. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. mm «nr w are arriving at the RACKET STORE. LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE. 8c 10c 50 10c 15c All sizes in Tin Milk Pails. \10c heavy retinned Dippes for The Best Curry Comb you ever saw for 10c Padlocks are sold here at 15c Padlocks are sold here, at 25c Padlocks are sold here at CALL AND SEE THEM. — The latest Collar for men, ‘‘Wheeler. ” Long round points. All sizes, 10c each I have at last received some more small Pearl Trim ming Buttons, 10c dozen ' CALL QUICK, OR THEY’LL ALL BE GONE. Pure Aluminum Hair Pins, 5c., 7c., 10c. the dozen A pretty, sheer Linen, Hemstitched Handkerchief for ± Ladies (not the coarse, heavy kind) for 5c each A very pretty pattern ^11-over Lace, 50c yard Also a very good quality All-over Lace 30c yard LISTEN! I HATE SOME GROCERIES TO GO AT Exactly Half Price. THIS OFFER IS FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. Heinz’s Apple Butter, 3-pound crocks, 25c. Heins’s Evaporated Horse Rad ish, 13c. Heinz’s Pickled Onions, 13c. Heinz’s Pure Malt Vinegar, 13c. Heinz’s Manzanilla Olives, 13c. Heinz’s Chili Sauce, 15c. Heinz’s Celery Salad, 20c. Ginger Preserves, 15c. Heinz’s Baked Beans, 5c. Canned Apricots, 10c. Canned Cherries, 10c. Cann’d Corn 5c, Cann’d Pork 5c. e Canned Kraut, 5c. Golden Egg Noodles, 4c. These are Bargains that should attract vr your attention. CUT TO THE BONE. BENSON & HOUSER’S PRICES. That half-price sale has caused the people to # take from our shelves all but a few of those suits at such small figures. ONE-THIRD OFF FOR ALL SUITS. GEORGIA—Houston Countp. M. A. Edwards, administrator of the estate of John A. Howard, deceased, has applied for dismission from said trust. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the September term, 1901, of the court of* Ordinary of said county and show, cause, if" any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this June 3,1901. SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County, M. A. Edwards, administrator of the estate of Mrs. G. C. Haddock, deceased, has applied for dismission|from said trust This is therefore to cite all persons con ceraed to appear at the September term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary pf said county, and show cause Jf any they have, why said application should not be granted. . Witness my official signature this June 3,1901. \ SIM. T. HURST, Ordinary.' If you failed, to get what you wanted in the half-price salt, don’t worry, because we have made a sweeping reduction of one-third on ev erything in the ptore. We must have room for the new goods coming, and we are going to clean off the counters. BENSON X HOUSER The CJp-to-Date Clothiers, 420 Third Street. MACON, GrA. Isaacs’ Cafe, 413 Third Street. Macon, Ca. Eegular l^Eeals 25c. of Faze to Oxd.©i* Popular Prices. Prompt and Efficient Service. E. ISAACS, Proprietor. \ L