The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, August 29, 1901, Image 5

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FACTORY Is thoroughly equipped with modern machinery, and we are prepared to save you the middle man's profit on any kind of Vehicle, from a Log Cart to the finest Rub ber Tire Buggy, by sell ing you direct from our Factory. The Vehicles we make are llie best you m pi We handle a complete line of Buggies, \ Wagons, Harness, Whips, Laprobes, and Carriage Hardware. A full line of.... Harvesting Machines. Special attention given to IF’', ISepa.lxirLg' and Hozse- Slxoei: Our Prices are Low. Our Goods are Bight. The Williams Buggy Company, MACON, GEORGIA Poplar Sext to Adams’ Warehouse. Distance Traveled by one wagon. Macon Telegraph. a small matter for Macon’s “black maria” or hurry-up wagon to make a run for the distance of two or three blocks ana return with a prisoner for the station house, but when one fig ures the distance that this con veyance travels in a year he is impressed with the idea that short measurements added together make long aistances; that atoms united make big bodies; that pen nies make dollars, and that no af fair in this life is so small or in significant as to be without some purpose or value. The “black maria” makes an average of five runs a day; the dis tance. traveled each day is about six miles. The vehicle during the past three months has made 442 runs, estimated by the patrol driv ers at o68£ miles. This much- used wagon has been in service in Macon for six years, and it is fig ured from the three months’ rec ord that the wagsn has traveled in the city to and from the patrol boxes during the past six years 18,560 milps. It took 10,560 runs to make this number of miles. When one thinks of the many times the horses are hitched and unhitched and considers the short distance to all the boxes, he is bound to conclude that it is by far the most used wagon if at the same time the most dreaded vehi cle that travels Macon’s streets. The distance traveled by the black maria is equal to over a half of the circumference of the earth and one and one-fourth times the earth’s diameter. The distance traveled by the wagon is equal to fourteen times the distance from Macon to New York; fifteen and a half times the distance from Ma con to Chicago; seventeen times the distance from Macon to Balti more ; 154 times the distance from Macon to Atlanta; four times the distance from New York to Liver pool ; over twice the distance be tween San Francisco and Hong Kong, and twice the distance be tween New York and the Cape of Good Hope. The Black Maria has traveled 286,887,600 feet, or 3,436,651,200 inches. The two black horses that are now in service at the station fur nished the motive-power that car ried the wagon over this space. If a horse takes three feet every step the two horses have taken 190-, 924,866 steps in traveling this dis tance. Each revolution of the wheel carries the wagon nine feet, therefore the wheels on the wagon have revolved 31,820,833 times. All the world seeks the company and companionship of those who look on Hie bright side of life. It is greatly a matter of habit. If you have difficulty in seeing the bright side just always stop and consider how much worse it might have been. The true Y enjoyment of life comes from contentment found ed on good health, and a habit of seeing the bright side, which makes cheerfulness. A Use for “Bai Eggs. The bad egg, says an exchange, is generally supposed to be an ut terly useless product, and yet at least on& enterprising Philadel phian is doing a lucrative and highly respected business by turn ing a thoroughly decayed egg to ] good account, and enabling it to add its modest share to the sum total of American wealth and prosperity. During the recent hot spell thousands of eggs were ren dered what appeared to be worth less. En route to the city from the Wfest the heat destroyed nu merous crates, and many eggs were found aseles9 by the time they reached Philadelphia. Nat urally you would think these bad eggs would be thrown away. Not so. Nor is the egg dealer even compelled to pay for hauling them away It is here that the enterpris ing dealer in bad eggs asserts his ingenuity and usefulness in the community. He visits the com mission merchant and offers to haul them away free of charge. FutLermore, when egg are scarce, he pays at the rate of two and thr§e cents a dozen for the decay ed products, but now when thei heat causes such a large percen tage to be rendered spoiled he does not have to pay anything; the dealer is glfid enough to have his assistance in hauling the spoiled and useless eggs away. These he takes to the factory, and they are there converted into a solution used in tanniDg. The solution los es all offensive order in its prepar ation, and is sold to the tanner by the gallon. The latter uses it in the seasoning of the leather, calf skin particularly responding to its application. It is used to whiten the leather, an experienced tanner says, and also to fill in the grain. P. T. Thomas. Sumterville, Ala., “I was suffering from dys pepsia when I commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I / took several bottles and can digest any thing.” Kodol Dyspepsia Curt i9 the only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives the weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural con dition. Holtzclaw’s drugstore. A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’s Great Discovery, One small bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabestes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder, in both men and wemen, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Md. Send for testimonials. Sold by all drug gists, and H. J. Lamar & Sous, Ma con, Ga., and H. M. Holtzclaw, Perry, Ga. READ THIS. Cntlibert, Ga„ April 2nd, 1900. This is to certify that I was affected with gravel and that I took sixty drops of Hall’s Great Discovery, and it com pletely cared me. It is worth $1.00 per bettle to any-one Deeding it. J. T. Stevens. THE NEW YORK WORLD, Thrice-a-Week Edition. The Most Widely Read Newspaper in America. TimebR8 demonstrated that the Thrice- a-Week World stands alone in its class. Other papers have imitated its form bnt not its success. This is because it tells all the news all the time and tells it im partially, whether that news lie political or otherwise. It is in fact almost a daily at the price of a weekly and you cauoot afford to be without it. Republican and democrat alike can read tho Thrioe-a-Week World with ab solute confidence in its truth. In addition to news, it publishes first- class seriel stories aud other features suited to the home and fireside. The Thrice-a-Week World’s regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year tand this pays for 15G papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The Home JotjbnaXi topether one jear for $2.00, strictly cash in advance. The regular subscription price of the wo papers is S2.50. SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISE FOR. IN THLE HOME JOURNAL Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piles. Be ware of counterfeits. Be sure you get the original—DeWitts. Holtz claw’s drugstore. The Louisville Courier-Journal says: “During the first six months of this year 261 new tex tile mills were built in this coun try, of which forty-five were built in North Carolina, thirty-six in Georgia, thirty-one in South. Car olina and twenty-seven in Ala bama. The day has gone by when politics were the chief in dustry of the South.” You Know Wliat You Are Taking * When you take Grove’s Taste less Chill Tonic because the for mula is plainly printed on every oottle showing that it is pimply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Price 50c The amount of money paid to the national government in revenue by the state of Georgia during the fis cal year ending June 30th, 1901 was $924,379.17, a net increase of $6,487.17 over the year previous. This Is An Advertisement. If you are looking for a laxative, Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is IT. The convenience and merit of this valuable remedy will be explained to your satisfaction by druggists. which has been years, has home the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Pianos \§§||| At Greatly Reduced Prices. Fifty new Upright Pianos will ciose out at greatly reduced prices within the next few weeks. Among them such celebrated makes as Steinway, Solimer & Co., Kranicli & Bach, Stultz & Baner, Bash & Gests, Lester and Royal. Call at once and secure one of these bargains F. A. GUTT’ENGERGER & CO., 452 Second st., Macon, Ga. Xa CATHRi Ferry, Ga.