The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 12, 1901, Image 4

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V Farmers Urged To Save*Food Stuff. Atlanta Journal. All farmers in Georgia .jire ad vised by the state department of agriculture to proceed to save all material on their lands that can be stored away and used as hay or in other forms as food for stock during the coming winter./ Information has reached the de partment that the hay crop as well as the corn crop in the west ern states is almost a total loss. State - Entomologist Scottr re turned to day to the capitol from Colorado and a tour through oth er western states where he learned that the farmers were in anything but a prosperous condition. Mr. Scott stated that he learned from the hay markets of the north west that hay which is commonly sold in the markets there at $5 per ton is now bringing $16.50. It is estimated by the department that during the coming winter and spring hay will be sold on the Georgia market at $25 per ton. The recent rains it is said have made more hay in Georgia than has ever been known, before and the farmers are urged to put hands into the fields to save all of this, as otherwise they will have to be paying extremely high prices for hay for the farm animals. Corn will be correspondingly high, it is said, and the Georgia farmers will also have to pay tre mendous prices for this product if they do not save enough on their farms to sustain the ani mals. i Mr. Scott reports further that beeves, sheep and hogs are being rushed to the market by the stock raisers and farmers in order that they will not have to ^ped them through the winter, there being in prospect such a great lack of food that they will be able to keep the stock only at a loss. For this reason, it is said, that the stock market prices are low, owing to the great amount of cat tle and smaller animals being rushed upon it, but it is believed when the farms and ranches are depleted Of their surplus stock and the buyers are unable to secure the quanities they desire from the farms the prices of fresh meat will begin to go higher, until the home production will be greatly in de mand. This information from the de partment of agriculture has a ten dency to show that the prices of breadstuffs during the coming year will be very high and home production will bring good prices in the market as well as save many farmers from debt. The Decline of Marriage. Atlanta Constitution. The decline of marriage has at tracted the attention of a Mary land clergyman, who has declared his purpose of finding a remedy— by lottery, if no better means can be found. The reverend gentleman, in ex plaining the situation said that his congregation of one thousand adults which formerly had a rec ord of eighteen marriages a year, has now dropped to four. In look ing for reasons for this lowering of the marriage rate it was admit ted that one of them was most likely the lack of social inter course. That there are more women than men in the church, and that young men are led away from rurai places to centers of fering better business opportuni ties, must also account for a cer tain percentage of the declines. But still here is the statement ; Here are all these young people, some of marriageable age, and some of more than marriageable age.—But they are all very back- word when it comes to marrying. The preacher furnishes his own answer, and it is one startling enough: Down at the bottom of it all lies . the generally prevalent ten dency toward luxurious living. Girls are not satisfied with the simpler style of living. Instead of that they look forward to hav ing homes furnished*extravagant ly and elegantly. And the men know they are unable to provide the luxuries that are expected. The demand for luxury limits the girl’s ambitions to suitors out of her reach, and overlooks the men who may be the master ten years. It leads to miserable' strife in pursuit, and to misera ble disappointment later on. FREE FREIGHT FOR COUNTY EXHIBITS.! County exhibitors of three states, Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina, who intend to contest for the premiums at the Southern Inter-State Fair to be held in Atlanta, Ga., beginning October 9, will be sole to ship exhibits free of cnarge overall the railroads leading into Atlanta. This is a result of the action of the Southeastern Freight Association at a recent meeting held in Newport. Immediately after the ciose^of the At lanta fair, exhibitors in this state only will have the privilege of shipping county exhibits incacG to the Savan nah fair free'of charge. The result of this action on the part of the railroads has been to arouse a new interest in the two fairs. Several counties which had not intended to ex hibit as counties for the prizes of $3,o(H! offered in Atlanta will take advantage of this concession and make exhibits, This means keener competition and a higher class of exhibits. Space for exhibits is rapidly being taken up in Atlanta. Applications for further space and information should be addressed to Secretary T. H. Martin, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Fair Stock Show. Jlow’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for aDy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca tarrtrCure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., " Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have kuowD F.-j. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honora ble in hII busiuess transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. West & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Makvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catflfrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimoni als free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. The Southern Passenger Associ ation has sent- out the announce- mant of rates that are to prevail during the State Fair at Savan nah. For individuals, the rate will be one fare for the round trip plus 50 cents for admission to the Fair grounds. For military and brass bands in uniform, twenty or. more traveling oil one ticket, the rate will be one cent a mile in each direction. The rates will prevail from all Georgia points, and* from Charleston, Columbia, Jacksonville, Montgomery,and in termediate points. Tickets will be sold Nov. 4 to Nov. 15, inclu sive, and will be good on all trains arriving at Savannah prior to noon on Nov. 16. The limit re turning will be Noy. 18. To Care A Cold la One Day Take Laxative Bromp Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the mon ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25/. Water Cure for Chronic Constipation. Take two cups of hot water half an hour before each meal and just before going to bed, also a drink of water, hot or cold, about two hours after each meal. Take lots of out door exercise—walk, ride, drive. Make a. regular habit of this and in many cases chronic constipation may be cured with out the use of any medicine. When a purgative is required take something inild and gentle like Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, For sale by Dealers. For a bad taste in the inouth take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by DeaD ers. Shipments of money from the treasury in Washington to the South and West for the move ments of crops have been heavier this season than ever before, ac cording to a statement, and the flow of cash is still going on.Much of the currency that is coming in to the South is in the form of $1 silver certificates. Gentlemen:—My wife was afflicted with dyspepsia and constipation for years. After trying other remedies I purchased a'bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin for her and she is rap idly improving. I cannot be without this valuable medicine. Resp. yours, S, Elliott. Elk City, Kans., Dec. 12,1900. A young man who was arrested in Chicago for playing baseball on' the streets was sentenced by a magistrate to save $100. The judge argued that the youth was an idler, and declared that the saving sentence would be of more moral benefit to him than a term in jail. Don’t wait until you become chron ically constipated but take DeWitt’s Little Early Risers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. There are 52,000,000 square miles of land on the earth inhab ited by 1,600,000,000 people. Thus there is little more than 20 acres on the earth’s surface for every person living thereon. Rhode Island is the fullest state in the Union*—with 407 people to the square mile. Front the big entry lists so far made up, it seems that no better poultry or stock show has, ever been held in the South than will be that in c uection with the Southern Inter-State Fair to be held in Atlanta, Ga., begin ning October 9. Liberal prizes have been offered in all classes—in fact the prizes this year will be larger than ever before, and the poultry and stock exhib its will probably be the best ever seen in the South. . THE HOME GOLD CUKE, An Ingenious Treatment by AVhic 7 Drunkards are Being Cured Dai ly in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No 'Weakening: ot the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi tive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not a weakness. A body filled with poi son. and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison and destrying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful - ‘Home Hold Cure,” which has been perfected after many years of close study and treat rhent of inebriates. The faithful use ac cording to directions of this wonderful '‘discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober,industrious and uprightmen. Wives cure your husbands! Children cure your fathersl This remedy is in no sense a nostrum, but is a specific for this dis ease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepared that- it is thoroughly solu ble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of fea or coffee without the knowledge of the person tak ing it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as Many more have been cured and made temperate men by hav ing the "Cure” administered by loving friends ant relatives, without their knowledge, in coffee or tea, and believe to-day that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. Do not watt. Do not be delaued by apparent and mis leading “improvemet* Drive out the disease at one* 1 and for all time. The ‘Home Gol«t Cure” is sold at the extremely Ion price or One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $35 to $50 Full directions ac company each package. (Specific advice by skilled ph>sician when requested without extra charge. Sent- prepaid to any part Of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept; 0478 Edwin B. Giles & Company, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. We Are Not Only the Cheapest, but Also the Most Reliable Whiskey House lu Georgia. Oar line of business is largely one of confi dence and therefore you want to deal with peo- pe who will not make misrepresentations. * We guarantee everything we sell just as represent ed, or will cheerfully refund your money. For $3.25 we will deliver h-or i ull quarts of onr famous is on every box of. e Bromo-Quinine T»bi«u the remedy that cures a cold In one day Anywhere in Georgia, express prepaid. Packed in plain box : money refunded if hot satisfacto ry. Another good thing we offer is a pure Kentucky Sour Mash—the Daniel Boone—at $2.40 per gallon, also delivered, express pre paid, anywhere in the state. We are sole agents for the famous Kennesaw Mountain * Com Whiskey, best in Georgia, only $2.00 per gallon; ■duu|mubaji| e in the son' bunt Vernon] HI Jl—, — y ^_.J0 per gallon.*; | 0 else Just as cheap: we have goods.from$1.25 per gallon up. Complete stock of everything. Sena ns a trial order. No charge for jugs. | SAM & ED. WEICHSELBAUM. Wholesale Liquor Dealers & Distillers’ Agents. 451. Cherry street, Macon, Ga; IEE- Hi GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Second and Poplar Streets, , MACON, GA. FOR THIS ALL STEEL WOVEN WIRE FBI FOB rSSBO: Made of large, strong wires, heavily galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contrac tion. Only Best Bessemfer steel wires used, always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a stra as put oh it. Does not mutilate, but does eSeienily turn cattle, horses, Logs and pigs. EVERY ROD ©F AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED by the manufacturers. Call and see it. your fields so they Can show yon how it will save you money and fence will stay fenced. THIRD AND POPLAR. THIRD AND POPLAR. In Styles and Prices to please you. THIRD AND POPLAR. THIRD AND POPLAR. Hitting the Nail on the Head Is what you do every time you buy your Lumber, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Blinds, Trimmings and all kinds of mill work and builders supples from oui superior stock. Builders and contractors will find that :hey get a superior grade of lumber and wtfriemanship » ;heir line at lower prices than they can get elsewhere. -7 FORT VALLEY, GA. - INDISTINCT PRINT