The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 12, 1901, Image 7

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/ A Communication. Mb. Editor—Allow me to speak a few words in favor of Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy. I suffered for three years with the bronchi tis and could not sleep at nights. X tried several doctors and various patent medicines, but could get nothing to give me any relief un til my wife got a bottle . of this valuable medicine,which has com pletely relieved me.-W. S. Brock man, Bagnell, Mo. This remedy is for sale by all Dealers in Perry. *-•ii —In county court last Tuesday $d Peterson.was bound over to the Superior court on the charge of murder, he being accused of killing Henry Owens at Beech Haven Park on the 26th of Au gust. There were 6 negro witness es, and no tyo of them swore alike. The negro was represented by a lawyer from Tifton. Free Blood Cure. They recommend Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) for all blood troubles, such as ulcers, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching humors, pimples, boils, carbun cles, blood poison, aohiug bones, fester ing sores, cancer, catarrh, rheumatism. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malig - nant blood or skin diseases, especiall y advised for old, deep-seated eases. It cures when all else fails. Heals every sore or pimple, stops all aches and pains by giving a healthy blood supply. Thor oughly tested for 30 years. Thousands cared. At drag stores, $1. per large bot tle. Our readers will receive a trial treatment fr-e by writting Dr. Giilam, 213 Mitchell St , Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice given. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner’s Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. Cents 10S 10, 35. 50 Sold by H. M. ffoltzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Ga. Subtle Foe Dyspepsia is unrecognized in half the cases. ‘ It deceives the unknowing sufferer. Its many variations work along the weakest lines of the system. To battle against only one of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give complete and lasting relief. GILES’ Dyspepsia Tablets Grovania Gloamings. bv joe bedge. Last week it was reported that the measles was in our place; af terwards it was announced scarlet fever. In a day or so following, it was called measles again. So what the disease I cannot say, but however, Dr. Mann of Elko was called to see Mr. J. M. Bunn’s little boy Saturday, who was broke out, and he told your cor respondent that Mr. Bunn’s boy had the scarlet fever in a mild form. Mr. S. P. Bivins informs me that his little boy, Blake, has measles, but has all symptoms of scarlet fever. Mr. Bivins has summoned a physician for his son, who will be here today. Miss Mattie Miller has suspended her school on account of the measles, or scarlet fever, and returned to her home at Perry yesterday. Our farmers say their cotton crop will not come up to their expecta tions. The frequent rains some weeks ago did cotton a great deal of damage in this section. . Mr. Jack Hodge of Henderson visited our place Sunday. Come again, Jack; we won’t let the other fellow know about it. Mr. Louis Shepard, of the firm of Benson & Houser, Macon, was a vis itor to our place Sunday. Misses Alma and Julia Anderson of Macon are visiting relatives and friends at Hayneville and communi ty- . Miss Annie Belle Walker of Bo naire is the guest of Mrs. Stonewall Ellis. Miss Delia Etheridge of near Per ry is visiting friends here. Miss Kate Chancey of Pitts here on a short visit to relatives. Mr. W. S. Riley made a visit to Cordele Sunday. Mr. and Mm. J. J. Houser visitec Elko Sanday evening. Miss Mary Riley made a pleasanl; visit to Mrs. Stonewall Ellis Sunday. Mr. G. T. Williams visited Valflcs- ta Sunday. Sept. 10,1901. Married at Fort Valley. In i eproducing from the Fort Val ley Leader the following marriage notice, the Home Journal cordially extends congratulations and best wishes to the happy young couple: “At the home of the bride’s par ents in Fort Valley, Ga., at 4 o’clock Wednesday, September 4tb, Miss Annie Ross Reeves to Mr. A V, Niles. “The ceremony was performed by Dr. B V L. Ross in the presence of the bride and a few friends. “The bride is a charming young lady of many excellencies of mind and heart, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reeves. “The groom is the talented artist of the advertising and job depart ment of the Leader, and for ten months has conducted with marked ability these branches of the paper. He is a native - of Camden, S. C., which point is still the home of his mother. “The Leader extends to the hapr py young couple a thousand con gratulations and good wishes. “They will make Fort Valley their home.” is I 10c., 25C. 259 AND 50C. Sold by H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Georgia. Don’/ Force Your Bowels. with harsh minerals which always leave had after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. Edg, ..USE.. Cathartic Confections ars The only harmless, v< „ k°wel regulator, and liver vitalize* known. As pleasant to the taste as I can 'ly, and as positive as the harsh- mineral. No gripe or pain. *» 10,25,50 cents. Botany H.M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Georgia. —The well known cotton fac tors of Macon,B. T. Adams &Co., again offer their services to the farmers of Houston county. They have been in the business eight years, and are prepared to serve their patrons to the very best ad vantage. Their warehouse is con venient, safe and pommodius, the old Campbell and Jones ware house. In addition to handling cotton they sell farmers’ supplies and fertilizers. They serve their costomers faithfully. See their ad. in this paper. —Whatever people desire to do, they must eat. To meet this ne cessity for as many as possible in this section of Georgia, Messrs.. Bailey & Postell &re in* business at 458 Poplar street, Macon, Ga. They sell groceries and farm sup plies, and propose to earn the goodwill of all their costomers. Mr. Postell is a native of Houston, and about 15 years ago was in bus iness in Perry. See their ad. in this paper. Yon Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove’s Taste less Chill Tonio because the. for mula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that, it is simply Iroii and Quinine in a tasteless form.' No cure, no pay. Price 50c ' Houston County Taxes. The total valuation of property in Houston county as returned for taxation this year is $2,773,020, and the tax rate for county prop erty i9 6.56. This rate will, give, if all is collected, $18,191,01, not including railroad taxes. Last year the tax on railroad property collected for county pur poses amounted to $2,399.65. Last year the county tax rate was $5.80, and the total amount of taxes called for was $17,912.98, including railroad taxes. Of this amount $17,000 27 was actually collected for county purposes. Though the increase in tax val uation this year is over $150,000, and there is no tax for road work by chaingang,the tax rate is high er. This is due to the fact that the county is in debt, having borrow ed at least $10,000, more than is legal. In order that this debt be paid, there must be more money, which could be secured only by an increased tax rate. RATES LOWERED^TO BUFFALO. Account Fan-American Exposition. Daily, on and after {September 3rd un til October 20th, inclusive, the Central of Georgia Railway will sell excursion tick ets from all coupon ticket stations to Buffalo, via all all-rail authorized ticket ing routes, at one fare plus $1.00 for the round trip, tickets limited for return 20 days from date of sale. Will also sell excursion tickets via Sa- uaunah and Steamship lines via New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia,thence vail to Buffalo, at relative low rates for the round trip, including meals and berths aboard steamer, final limit twen ty days from date of sale. For detailed information, schedules, etc., apply to any agent or representative of the Central of Georgia Railway. The Harvest Season Is at hand, and you will need a NEW "WAGON for gath- and mns: marketing our rn.jfr.r-s- - - ags crop. You can make no bet ter selection than an “OLD HICKOEY” or a “TENNESSEE” Wagon. OUR WAGONS will contribute to your satis faction; OUR PRICES will \ increase your prosperity. Do not ferget that yoa mayweed a BUGGY; if so, it’s u “BARNESYILLE” or a “ROCK HILL.'’ Those “long winded” Axles are beauties, and a marvel in the saving of time, patience and oil* HEARD BROS., 350-352 Poplar Street. MACON, GA. STATEMENr Of the condition ot The Perry Loan & Savings Bank, located at Perry, Ga. at the close of Business September 5th, 1901. , RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, Demand Loans, Overdrafts, Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures, Due from Banks and Bankers in this State, Due from Banks and Bankers in other States, Currency, Gold. Silver, Nickles and Pennies, Checks and Cash Items, Interest paid, Total, $40,965.44 3.010.10 1.526.11 1,000.00 1,100 00 6,457.31 2,380.56 531.00 515.00 922.87 1,380.39 .729.47 $60,518.25 $18,600.00 1,500.00 v2.049.54 16,987.05 10,881.66 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, Paid in. Surplus Fund, Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid, Individual Deposits, Subject to Check, Time Deposits, Bilis Payable, including Time Certifi cates representing money borrowed, 10,500,00 Total, $60,518.25 STATE OF GEORGIA,—Houston Coontv, Before me came J. D. Martin, cashier of Perry Loan and Savings Bank, who, being duly sworn, say^that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. D. Mabtin, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 9th day of September, 1901. M. A. Edwards, Clerk S. C Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA—Houston County. By virtue of power given in the will of the late G, M. T. Feagin, and of an or der passed by the Ordinary of said coun ty authorizing the same, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, before the court house door in Perry, Ga., in said county, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 190 f,the following described property, to-wit: Fractional lots of land numbers one hundred and one (101), one hundred and nine (109), and one hundred and fifteen (115), containing, respectively, eighty- five (85), two hundred (200), and fifty-sev en (57) acres, more or less. Also one (1) town lot in Bonaire, Ga., being part of land lot twenty two (22), described as follows: Beginning at the right of way on the west side of the Georgia Southern and Florida Railway and just south of the public road leading from C. F. Sas ser’s west, and south of the town of 2o- naire, and running west seventy (7o) yards, thence south parallel with the right of way one hundred and forty (140) yards, thence east seventy (70) yards to the right of way back to starting point on said public road; also town lot num ber sixty-six 66) in block number nine (9) in Bonaire, the same being fifty («0) feet front and running back one hun dred feet. Also Bp undivided one-half [%] inter est in a certain grist mill with null priv ileges and water privileges above and below the dam, known as the Feagin Grist Mill, located near the residence of H. N. Feagin, on land lot number 225. All the foregoing lands being in the Up per Eleventh District of said county. - Also tile undivided one-half [%\inter est in twenty-four [24] acres of land in Bibb county} Ga,, bounded on the north by the lands of Cowart estate, on the east and south by the lands of H. N. Feagin, and on the west by the/"estate of Silvey Campbell, and being in the But- d District,and near Sofkee station on the Georgia Southern & Florida Rail way. The above lands are sold for the orpose of distribution among the heirs. This September 2nd, 190L XJ, Y. Whipple, Executor of G. M. T. Feagin. i 0 The Best Price For Cotton Is the thing all farmers want when they are ready to sell. The Iron Warehouse, PERRY, CEORCIA, is ready to serve all comers, with best facilities and a determin ation to give the best service. BAGGING AND TIES for sale at lowest market price. High-Grade Fertilizers for Grain and Fruit Trees, Respectfully, jeb. n.. n^^.i5cs:aivd:^.iT. I B1JY COTTON SEED. R. L. Macon, Ga., WITH... BENSON & HOUSER, A The Cp-to-Date Clothiers, Extends ajcordial invitation to his friends and ac quaintances to come in and make themselves at home when visiting the city. We endorse the invitation. BENSON & HOUSER, A The Up-to-Date Clothiers. Public Sale of Laud. GEORGIA—Houston County. I will sell at public sale,'to the high est bidder, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 1901, before the court house door in Per- j ry, Ga., Lot of land number 11, which j lies .right at Bonaire? Ga.; ako lot ot land number Fifty-one (51), which lies abbut two miles west of Bonaire; each of said lots containing two hundred and two and one-half [202%) acres more or less, and being in the Upper Eleventh district of said county. Upon the pay ment of one-third [%] casn, I will give such reasonable terms as may be de sired on deferred payments. This September 2nd, 1901. U. V. Whipple. Real Estate Loans We are now able to negotiate loans on improved farming lauds promptly, and at the lowest known rates. Correspond ence invited. • SECimiTY LOAN & ABSTSAS? COMPANY, 370 Second St., Macon, Ga. J. J. Cobb, Thos. B. West, President. * Sec’y ,&Att’y. On Time. If you want always to be on time, if you want always to be sure of the correct time,get one of these Watches. For good, honest work, without any, they can’t be equaled. They will last as long" a3 you will, if you will treat them prop erly. Eiaamds,Watches, Jewelry,S; J. H. & W. W. WILLIAMS, Jswssmg, Maoon, Ga. -