The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 19, 1901, Image 4

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In Memoriam. "Written for the Homk JotrnxAL. In the sad death of Mrs.Jacob F. Heard of Rutland, which oc curred August 6th, 1901, the coun try certainly lost one of its best and most beloved Christian ladies She was born 1822 and was mar ried July 7th 1889, of which there were 6 boys and 4 girls; J. M B. A:, J. P., J. F., J. 'H7, anci W. J. Heard,Mrs.Dr. Shinholster, Mrs. Moring, Mrs. Grace, anc. Mrs. Postell. She joined the Primitive Bap tist church in 1844, being the oldest member of Sardis church at the time of her death, leading a Christian life for 57 years. No one ever knew her but to love her. May the good Lord bless each and every one of her generation and guide them to that same place “up yonder” where we feel sure she is resting now. After a life of nearly 4 score years the shad ows fall and she sleeps. The hands so ready to do a kind deed, to soothe a weary brow, are folded in quiet above the heart that beat so warmly with pity for the suf fering, with love for all; the lips that spoke only words of comfort one silent now, and-as she sleeps in dreamless slumber beneath the oaks of Sardis cemetery, we need no monument to make us remem ber her. She lives in the hearts of her dear children and friends. She undoubtedly followed in the footprints of Jesus, who said“ Suf fer little children to come unto me.” % She rejoiced with those that were joyous, and mourned with those that wept, and everywhere she went was the same true and tried friend. The frail body rests, yet in our fancy we follow the pre cious soul even to the gates of the Father’s house, and can hear the angels welcome as she enters in, and when at last the sleep of the body is ended, and in the dawn of the new day, we shall gather be fore the throne and hear them say, “she was so good to me in my troubles, and comforted me in my sorrows.” Thank God for such a woman as she was to be among us. Would that my pen Took All the Strawberries. A writer in the Saturday Eve ning Post relates his expersence at a dinner recently in company with Artists Walden and Whist ler wnen England was the topic of conversation. “England, said Mr. Whistler, “rules the world simply because the English man takes'what he wants.” We were rapidly losing our selves in a fog of politics and nat ural psychology, .when Mr. Wal den lifted part of his red mus tache and said: “That’s right ;al right.” It was the first time he had spo ken that evening, so we stoppec our arguments and listened Calmly and slowly he said: “I was down at Cernay last summer—with Faulkner—paint ing. You know the little tavern there and the old woman who keeps it. There was an English man there who sat next to me at table. Well, the landlady gave us strawberries one night for din ner. For a dollar a day that was pretty good. The servant gir passed the strawberries round. When it came to the English man’s turn to help himself he emptied the whole dish of straw berries-'into his plate. So I saic. to him: “Say, my friend, I like straw aerries, too.’ “ ‘Not so much as I do,’ said my Englishman calmly, and he went on eating.” The Real Names Of Some Noted Rul ers. could half describe her life. In loving'memory of her and in ear nest sympathy with the bereaved ones, these words ure offered. H. D. R. Claud Ga., Sept. 7th 1901. The reported discovery of beds of nitrate of soda in Nevada, says the Engineering and Mining Jour nal, may prove of considerable importance. They are near Love lock, in Humboldt county, and a company has already been formed to prospect and develop them. Chili at present furnishes the world’s supply, and the use of the mineral for agricultural piirposes is increasing. A large deposit which could be worked and put on the market at a reasonable cost ought to be a valuable property. The extent of the new" beds is as yet very imperfectly known. A Certain Cure for Dysentery Diarrhoea. and “Some years ago I was one of a party that intended making a long bicycle trip,” says F.<L. Taylor, of New Albany, Bradford County, Pa. “I was taken suddenly with diarrhoea, and was about to give up the trip, when editor Ward, of the Laceyville Messenger, suggest ed that I take a dose of Chamber lain’s Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I purchased a bottle and two doses, one before startiug and one on the route. I made the trip successfully and never felt'any ill effect. Again last summer I was almost completely run down with an attack of dysentery. I bought a bottle of this same, remedy and this time one dose cured me.’’Sold by dealers in Perry. - The Bible is afstorehouse of rich imagery and splendid words, of style both simple and ornate, and as literature alone, apart from its spiritual elevation, will repay the search of every student. Read the Bible and Shakespeare and you will find yourselves able to converse well.—September La dies’ Hbme Journal. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard St, Port Huron, Mich, writes: “I have tried many pills and laxa tives but DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever used. ” They never gripe.— Holtzclaw’s drugstore. v Suppose some morning there should appear in the newspapers such an item as this: “Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wettin, accompanied :>y their nephew, Mr. Frederick W. Y. A. Hohenzollern, sailed yesterday from Liverpool to New York.” How many people would give more than a passing glance at this announcement? Yet it would be a piece of news calculate ed to throw the people of New York, and the whole of this coun try, in fact, into a paroxysm of excitment and a feverish expecta tion, as must be admitted when the names of King Edward VII, Queen Alexandra, and Emperor William of Germany are respect ively submitted for the true fam ily names given in the suppositi tious item. Then there is the youthful matron, Mrs. Henry Schwerin, who wields more power than any other woman of twenty- one living. She is known /to the world as Wilhelmina of Holland, and is the only Queen in tho world to-day with the same powers as a King.—September Ladies’ Home Journal. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for aDy case of Catarrh that caunot be cured by Hall's Ca tarrb Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honora ble in »11 business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. / . West & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wadding, Kinnan & Mabvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taker, in temally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Pricb 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimoni als free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Big Feature of Atlanta Fair. For big amusement features this year’s j Southern Inter-State Fair, which begins i in Atlanta on October 9, will be the j greatest yer. The captive balloon will j be there again, there will be horse-racing, harness and running, hippidromes, and an illumination and fire works exhibition nightly. This latter feature will fie copied largerly after the famous feat ure of me ^ Pan-American exposi tion at Buffalo! Railroads through the South have offered one fare rates to and from Atlanta during the fair. Dare-Deviltry as Amusement, • . What is generally conceded to be the most sensational and life-imperilling amusement acrin the world will be one of the big features at the Southern Inter State Fair which will begin in Atlanta on October 9. This is Fitzpatrick’s au tomobile act. In an automobile he rides to the top of a 170-foot incline which barely gives the machine space to run and whizzes down it at full speed. This act was shown for three months in Madison Square Garden, New York City, where it was a seven days wonder. Carrie Nation at Atlanta Fair Oommnnication with the great tem perance advocate and so-called “smash er” of Kansas, Mrs. Carrie Nation, has been established by the management of the Southern Inter-State Fair Associa tion with the idea of bringing her to At- lonta for a “Carrie Nation Day” at the fair. It is more than probahle that Mrs. Nation will come. This will be her first visit to the South. Horse Show and Dog Show. The Horse Show and the Bench Show to be given in Atlanta in connection with the Southern Inter-State Fair this year have aronsed a phenomonal interest all over the South. More than a million dollors worth of dogs will be shown at the Bench Show, including all classes, and the Horse Show, it is announced, will be second to none ever seen in this country. Free Blood Cure. The} recommend Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.1 for all blood troubles, such as ulcers, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching humors, pimples, boils, carbun cles, blood poison, aching bones, fester ing sores, cancer, catarrh, rheumatism. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malig nant blood or skin diseases, especially advised for old, deep-seated cases. It cures wheu all else fails. Heals every sore or pimple, stops all aches and pains by giving a healthy blood supply. Thor oughly tested for 30 years. Thousands cured. At drug stores, $1. per large bot tle. Our readers will receive a trial treatment free by writting Dr. Gillam, 213 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice given Medicine sent at once, prepaid. THE HOME GOLD CURE. It has been positively ascertain ed by expert chemical analysis that rice contains more nutritive elements than any other grain. It will sustain life better and longer than any o^her cereal, a fact well known throughout the Eastern countries from time immemorial. Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. H.: “I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when suf fering with a cough doctors told me was incurable. One bottle re lieved me; the second and third almost cured. To-day I am a well mah. Holfczclaw’s Drugstore. frvrtn**' This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that cores a eold-fn one day An Ingenious Treatment by WMc 7 / Drunkards are Being Cured Dai ly in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi tive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not a weakness. A body filled with poi son, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of in refloating liquors requires «ih antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison and destrying the craving form toxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "‘Home Gold Cure,” which has berm perfected after m-my years of close study and treat ment of inebriates. The faithful use ac cording to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively . uarauteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober,industrious and upright men. Wives cure your husbands! Children cure your fathers! This remedy is in no seose a nostrum, but is a specific for this dis ease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it Is thoroughly solu ble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or cpffee without the knowledge of the person tak ing it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as Many more have been cured and made temperate men by hav ing the “Cure'' administered by loving friends ani relatives, without their knowledge, in coffee or tea, and believe to-day that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. Dp not wait. Do not be deluaed by apparent and mis leading “improvement.” Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The ’‘Home Gold Cure” is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $35 to $50. Fall directions ac company each package. Specific advice by skilled, physician when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. 0478. Edwin B. Giles & Company, 2830 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. Xj B-A.!RH 1 IIE3XjXD GKOCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Second and Poplar Streets, MACON, GA. AGENCY FOR THE AM. STEEL WOVEN WIRE I ELO FENCE Made of large, strong wires, heavily galvanized. ' S8, “ , Amply provides for expansion and contrac tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires csed, always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a strain is put on it. Does not mutilate, but dees eSsieally turn cattle, horses, hogs and pigs. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED by the manufacturers, Oall and see it. Can show you how it will save you money and fence ycur ,fields so they wilFstny' fenced. THIRD AND POPLAR. HINHOLSER THIRD AND POPLAR. \ Wagons ...and... in Styles and Prices to please you. THIRD AND POPLAR. THIRD AND POPLAR. QA.-ALA. BUSIN GUARANTEED UNDEKA $5,000 DEPOSIT R. R. FARE PAID ‘ 200 FREE Scholarships offered, Write quick to LLEOC, Macon, Ca. Hitting the Nail on the Head Is what you do every time you buy your Lumber, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Blinds, * \ Trimmings and all kinds of mill work and builders supples from oU * superior stock. Builders and contractors will find that they get a superior grade of lumber and workmanship 11 their line at lower prices than they can get elsewhere. & GO-i FORT VALLEY, CA. lii 1