The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 26, 1901, Image 3

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■a TO HOUSTON FARMERS. ence which meets in Marshallville 27 inst. -0-0 » —Mr. George S. Riley, recently of Atlanta, brother of Mr. Brown Riley of Houston county, is now in the liverv stable business ^ at the corner of Mulberry and Third streets, Macon, Ga. On October 1st he will take charge of the Stubblefield House, near the Academy of Music. —There will be an election at Hayneville nest Saturday for magistrate of the 542nd district, G. M., to fill the nnexpired term I have accepted a position with, the warehouse firm of B. T. Adams & Co., Macon, Ga., and I shall apbreciate any favors my friends may honor me with, and will guarantee satisfaction. Money loaned at 8 per cent. Cotton handled at 50 cents per bale. Thanking' you for past favors, and so liciting a part erf your patronage this season, I am yours, &c. r ^ B. W. Pursell, Kintersville. Pa. says he suffered 2o years with piles and could obtain no. relief ■ until De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve j effected a permanent cure. Conn-! terfeits are worthless. Holtzelaw’s Drugstore. and will be pleased to .have his friends call when in Macon. All iriail orders will have his prompt attention. - 808 Second Street. Stacks of Boys Knee Pants at fas and 50c. All sizes from 6 to la years. L. M. Pact.’ 8 - CASTOR IA Ills Kind You Have Aiwajs Bought Tbs Bqmb Iovbmbb The Spinster’s Club. Elko Etchings. Pebby, Thursday, September 26. LOCAL 3VEWS, Special Notice. I have just received a full line of Lisk’b Anti-Rtjst Tinware. You will get the BEST when you buy this ware. Fully guaranteed.not to rust. Everything known to the Grocery trade in stock. Your patronage solicited. Respectfully, W. B. SIMS. Best smoke in the land from A. To Z. Beginning to End. J. D. Martin, Jr. On the afternoon of September By Usclk Ned io f T „ r . , , , - 1 The rains last Monday and w °?^ s . a ^.. e | Tuesday did much damage in this nMhomeofMiBsGarobne Ehser^of the country. The crops - _ J , or , e P^P 036 °f orgamz- j were was hed up to a considerable •jf 11 * -^ter much discus- exaeni, and the roads are in sion, a name, which is most ap- j condition. The bridges on BEN J. DASHER, Attorney-at-Law, MACON, GA. Office in Exchange Bank Buildin . Will practice in Courts of Macon Circuit Special attention to collections. J. R. SIMS, OPERATIVE DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA. W- H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame. OFFICE OVER DOW LAW BANE, FORT VALLEY. : GEORGIA C. z. McARTHURT DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. propnate, was given the organiza- J tion: “The Spinster’s Club.” About five members were pres- j ent when the meeting was called to order, but after “hailing” all of the spinsters who passed, there was a considerable increase. In fact, we are about to despair since we have found so many “old- maids” in our midst. Our rules and regulations are something dreadful, and our sink ing fund without depth. Please be careful that you do not confuse our occupation with that of other renown. Mind you, we don’t spin “sters’ fojgfcj “yam,” so any amount may be obtained at the club-house. The main purpose of our organ ization is to develop local talent and to tb ©roughly familiarize the members with parliamentary laws in order that each old-maid may time to pass her judgment on man (and) kind (of man.) Miss Francis Moore entertained at the last meeting and never did a hostess prove more charming. Much work was planned for the future, under the direction of the following officers: Miss Mary Kil- len,President; Miss Carolyn Elise Riley Vice president, Miss Holle- man, Secretary; Miss Francis Moore,Treasurer;and Misses Kate Hodges and Willie Cooper Edi tors. The nest meeting will be held at the Vice president’s home on Main street, Thursday afternoon at 4:80 o’clock. To The Public. Lend us your ears and your sympathy,—a little later we will ask for your money, then the old- maids of Perry shall surprise you, Reporter. A lot of good, well-made Cotton Baskets just received, going cheap ...AT... Fred. M. Houser’s. Public Sale of Land. GEORGIA—Houston County. I will sell at public sale, to the high est bidder, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 1901, before the court bouse door in Per ry, Ga., Lot of land number 11, which lies right at Bonaire, Ga.;. aleo^ lot of land number Fifty-one (51), which lies about two miles west of Bonaire; each of said lots containing two hundred and two and one-half [202acres more or less, and being in the Upper Eleventh district of said county. Upon the pay ment of one-third [%] casn, I will give such reasonable terms as may be de sired on deferred payments. This September 2nd, 1901. U. It L_. JEW^kTSKSy iiiiiUUI Byron Brieflets. BY QUIS. Miss Rosa Huff of Walden, was in town one evening last week. Mrs. C. C. Richardson visitied relatives in Fort Yalley this week. Charlie Barfield of Taylor came down Monday to enter school here. Mrs. A. D. Olds and children are visiting relatives in Atlanta. Miss Bessie Cline returned last week from Talbot county, where she has been teaching school. Airs. E. H. Holland and son, Wairenof, Perry, are visiting the family of Mr. T. D. Warren. Bruce Walton has accepted a lucrative position in Macon with Clark and Daniel. Mrs. Harman of Fort Gaines, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. H. Baskin, has returned home. Misses Marie and Effie Craw ford visited relatives in Macon last week. Messrs. W. A. Peavy and J. W. Vinson left last Thursday for Em ory college. Miss Lillian Taylor has return ed to Monroe, and Miss Marie Ev ans has entered the G. N. & I col lege. The September literary meeting of the Epworth League was held last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. M. C. Vinson.—subject— third chapter of discipline. Misses Sadie Peavy and Marie Crawford were appointed delegates to the V\ l "A. T norma fVvn-foW- public road between here and Henderson were washed off of their faundations and were im passable for several days. The railroad below here was under- earthed several feet. Except the bad rains, the peo ple are gathering their crops in a hurry. Our school opened up last Mon day with good attendance and un der the good management of Prof. W. F. Harvey of Ft. Valley, we expect a fine school. He is liked by everybody that knows him and under his good judgement and management he will teach here next spring term. All the school children like him. For his good qualities he cannot be excelled as a teacher, and in -all other re spects. Rev. J. T. Mims filled his regu lar appointment here Sunday at the Methodist church. AH the girls that were going to college left last week except one, who will leave hexfc week. Those that have gone are Miss Maribel Grace to Milledgeville, Miss Edyth Houser to LaGrange, Miss Edna Kezar at Forsyth. Miss Lu- cile Kezar *will leave next Monday for Greensville, S. C. The boys who left are Mr. Eugene Houser, Oxford; Messrs. Mike Pearce and Felder Fitzgerald to Mercer Uni versity and Mr. Lawton Houser at Barnesville. Mr. H. E. Marshall went to Ma con Sunday. i Mrs. Martha Clark of Hender son is visiting the family of Mr. H. J. Brown. Mr. A. H. Till visited his broth er, Mr. E. B. Till at Henderson Sunday. Mrs-. Bradd and family of Cor- dele were guests of Mrs. J. J. Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Till of Hen derson were in the city Sunday. We have a new firm in town now, known as W. E. Means & Co. We are having fine weather now for gathering the crops. The depot is near completion; all it likes now is painting. Sept. 2Srd, 1901. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strenght, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They’re won derful in building up the health. Only 25c pur box. Sold by H. M. Holtzclaw, druggist. TAX COLLECTOR'S APPOINTMENTS, I will be at the following places on the dates named for the purpose of collect ing state and county taxes for 1901. Perry, Tuesday, October 1st, all day. Grovania, Wednesday, October 2, am. IS NOW READY' TO FIT YOUR BOY UP IN A ...SCHOOL SUIT... We have just received a new lot and have fi’led in on the ; broken links in the chain of sizes from 4 years to 19. We j feel sure, also, of giving yon as good a snit as you will get j anywhere for the prices quoted. We are not afraid of comparisons, and we ask you to make them. All yon want is the best you can get for your money. All~we want is a chance for a fair trial in this line. Elko, “ “ 2, pm. Henderson, Thursday, “ 3, am. Taylor’s, “ “ 3, pm. Heard, Friday, “ 4, am. Kathleen, u “ 4, pm. Bonaire. Saturday, “ 5, am. Wellston, “ “ 5, pm. Hattie, Monday, “ 7, am. Byron, “ c 7, pm. Fort Valley, Tuesday, “ 8, all day Haslam, Wednesday, “ 9, am. Claud, Thursday. “ 10, am. J. G. DAVIDSON, T. C, H. C. BOYS’ 2pc SUITS at $1.00 You can’t expect much at this price, but these are the best the money will buy. BOY'S’ SUITS at $1.50 BOY'S’ SUITS at §2.00 BOYS’ SUITS at $2.50 BOY'S’ SUITS at $8 & $3.50 BOYS’ SUITS at $4 & $4.50 Xj. 2s/L. IP.A.TTIj. R. L. CHEEK, Chacon-, G-a., WITH... BENSON & HOUSER The Cp-to-Date Clothiers, Extends a^cordial invitation to his friends and ac quaintances to come in and make themselves at home when visiting the city. We endorse the invitation. BENSON & HOUSER, The Up-to-Date Clothiers. Our Grand New fall stock was ready for you September 15th. We Are Better prepared than ever to show you GOOD CLOTHES at uniform prices. l£acoru G-eoxgaa,. ' ..S'-L ’ m mm