The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 26, 1901, Image 7

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A Communication.' Mb. Editor—Allow me to speak a few words in favor of Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy. I suffered for three years with the bronchi* tia and could not sleep at nights. X tried severahdoctors and various patent medicines, but could get nothing to give me any relief un til my wife got a -bottle of this valuable medicine,which has com pletely relieved me.-W. S. Brock man, Bagnell, Mo. This remedy is for sale by all Dealers in Perry. rates lowered to buffalo. Account Pan-American Exposition. Daily, on and after September 3rd* un til October 20th, inclusive, the Central of Georgia Railway will sell excursion tick ets from all coupon ticket stations to Buffalo, via all all-raii authorized ticket ing routes, at one fare plus $1.00 for the round trip, tickets limited for return 20 days from dale of sale. Will also sell excursion tickets via Sa- uaunah and Steamship lines via New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia,thence rail to Buffalo, at relative low rates for the round trip, including meals and berths aboard steamer, final limit twen ty days from date of sale. For detailed information, schedules, etc., apply to any ageut or representative of the Central of Georgia Railway. MONEY. I Loans negotiated on improved farms, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen years standing. SEors than three million dollars in loans negotiated. Facilities unsur passed. HOWARD M. SMITH, Ho. 814 Second St.. Macon, Go. Look Carefully To Your Kidneys % Dr. Jenner’s Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. IO, 35, 50 Cents 108 Sold by H. M. Holtzclaw. Druggist, Perry, Ga. A Subtle Foe Dyspepsia is unrecognized in half the cases. It deceives the unknowing sufferer. Its many variations work along the weakest lines of the system. To battle against only one of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give complete and lasting relief. GILES’ DyspepsiaTablets 259 10c., 25C. AND 50C. Soldjby H. HI. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Georgia. Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave had after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE.. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmlesSf vegetable, bowel regulator, and liver vitalise* known. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh- est mineral. No gripe or pain. 888 SQ, 25,50 cents. SoldJt»y H.:M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry. Georgia. The Houston County Fair. The committee on management is holding regular meetings and get ting things shaped up for the com ing fair. They have arranged the premium list, which will be ready for distribution on or before Octo ber 1st. The first day of the fair will be known as Old Veterans’ Day. On this day the erdsses of honor will be delivered to the old heroes. The daughters of Confederate veterans are expected to furnish a sumptuous dinner for them. Gov. Candler is expected to make an address to them. Possibly there will be a pa- rape of the sons and daughters of Confederate veterans. On that day, also, there will be a show of fine stock, horses, mules, colts, etc. The second day will be called Ed ucational Day. This will probably include a parade of the school chil dren of the county (white), some ex hibitions of school work by our coun ty school commissioner and an ad dress on education by an educator of high standing. Also stock in har ness will be exhibited. At Mr. E. L. Dennard’s race track in the after noon there will be a trial of speed with Houston county owned horses and mnles. Tickets will be sold sec ond day with coupon attached for races. The third day will be Agricultu ral Day. The judges will award the premiums on agricultural products. A speech on practical farming will be delivered. In the afternoon the old-fashioned tournament will take place at the race course of^Mr. E. L. Dennard; saddle horses, mules, etc., exhibited. On Wednesday and Thursday nights the management expect to have a talented entertainment, and on Friday night the successful knights of the tournament will be crowned, etc. The following special premiums have been offered: A gold medal to the best perform er on piano in musical contest. A picture frame valued at $4 for the best oil painting made especially for this fair. Also, one picture frame valued at $3 for the best crayon pic ture drawn especially for the fair. One fine*vase for the best pound of butter free from butter color or other adulteration. The attractions in amusements will be fine. A premium for the best run ner in foot race, lady horsemanship, gentleman horsemanship, best boy rider under 16 years old, best single driver, best double driver, best driv ing ox, best slow mule. Also best boy in potato race. Undoubtedly the display in all de partments will be fine, and the man agement will endeavor to make all the attractions first-class. Committeeman. —Marshall Jackson and Willie King, uncle and nephew, are col ored citizens of Atlanta whom the Gate City may some day be glad to claim. They have been in and about Perry several weeks working rustic chairs, tables, and other unique pieces of furniture. They are also musicians of no mean merit. They were out sere nading Monday evening, and their music was decidedly pleasing. One manipulated a harp,a guiteau and a bell, the other giving bass through a section of gas pipe, the combination being melodious in a marked degree. *- Mrs. Hattie Bass Woolfolk has recently had, in Evergreen Cemetery at Peiry, a very hand some monument erected over the grave of her husband, Mr. J. W. Woolfolk. The monument stands about 8 ft. high, has a beautiful draped shaft and the lettering and other finish shows that it was built by artistic workmen. The monument was bought of Butler Bros., the popular Marble and Granite dealers,Marietta, Ga. ~HMr. George Paul desires us to say that the Willow Rockers now in his store are the handsomest he ever offered for sale, and the prices are right. Those settees for verandas are just right. His chairs are in all styles. But all can’t be told here; call at the fur niture store, call for what you want, and compare prices. The store—two large, rooms, is full of choice furniture. The Fair Store _ _ has moved' two doors above to 616 Cherry St, Macon, Ga., oppo site the Empire Store. Macon’s Generosity to the Houston County Fair. Below is a list of those who do nated premiums to the Houston county fair through the efforts of our public spirited ladies- who went to Macon in the interest of our fair and submitted to them a business proposition, to which they respond ed most cheerfully and liberally, and we earnestly hope that the' citizens cf Houston will especially remember those who so cheerfully lent us a helping hand and do likewise to them when they go to Macon to spend their money. There are sev eral others, we were assured, whose business managers are off, that will contribute as soon as they return. The fair association and the ladies return thanks for the big-hearted manner in which they responded. W. A. Davis & Co., The Dannen- berg Co., Dunlap Hardware Co., A. K. Kress & (Jo., Benson & Houser, Kessler Bros., Union Clothing Co., Macon Shoe Co., Winn-Johnfeon Co., Huthnance & Rountree, S. R. Jaques & Tinsley'Co., G. Bernd & Co., Alex E. Harris, Moore and Holmes, J. K. Fried and Co.. Sam & Ed Weichsel- baum, Irvine’s Ga. Music Honse, J. C. Vansyckle, Etheridge & Baker, Chas. Waclitel’s Son, Newman Milli nery Co., Ried Shoe Co., Abe Lesser, Lazarus’ Jewelry Palace, Mallory Taylor, McEvoy Book Store, H. J. Lamar & Sons, Wood-Peavy Furni ture Co., Union Dry Goods Co., Jno. C. Eads & Co., Star Clothing Co., W. A. Doody & Co., The J. W. Burke Co., C. B. Willingham, Jr., B. T. Adams & Co., Macon Carpet and Furniture Co., Geo. T. Beeland, J. H. & W. W. Williams, L. O. Ster vens, Strong Shoe Co., The Fair Store, Napier Bros., A. B. Small, C. B. Willingham, Burden, Smith & Co., W. L. Williams, H. Wright. Fair Committee. Keep Your Face Clean, your complexion clear,your breath sweet, your head level. Dr. Cald well’s Syrhp Pepsin will do this. It cures Constipation, Sick Head ache and Indigestion and is a per fect laxative. Sold by druggists. —Children’s school hosiery.Try a pair of onr 10c, 15c or 25c lines and you’ll be pleased. Boy’s Iron Clad” Hose for 25c. pair. L. M. Paul. DDWIN JL. BRYAN, ^ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Fort Valley, Ga. Loans negotiated on real estate at lowest rate of interest. Farm lands for sale on easy terms. Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA—Houston County. By virtue of power given in the will of the late G. M, T. Feagin, and of an or der passed by the Ordinary of said coun ty authorizing the same, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, before the court honse door in Perry, Ga., in said county, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 190 £,the following described property, fco-wit: Fractional lots of land numbers one hundred and one (101), one hundred and nine (109), and one hundred and fifteen (115), containing, respectively, eighty- five (85), two hundred (200), and fifty-sev en (57) acres, more or less. Also one (1) town lot in Bonaire, Ga., being part of land lot twenty*two (22), described as follows: Beginning at the right of way on the west side of the Georgia Southern and Florida Railway and just south of the public road leading from C. F. Sas ser’s west, and.south of the town of Bo naire, and running west seventy (7o) yards, thence south parallel with the right of way one hundred and forty (140) yards, thence east seventy (70) yards to the right of way back to starting point on said public road; also town lot num ber sixty-six 66) in block number nine (9) in Bonaire, the same being fifty (u0) feet front and running back one hun dred feet. Also an undivided one-half [K1 inter est in a certain grist mill with mill priv ileges and water privileges above and below the dam, known as the Feagin Grist Mill, located near the residence of TT. N. Feagin, on land lot number 225. All the foregoing lands being in the Up per Eleventh District of said county. Also the undivided one-half [J£] inter est in twenty-four [24] acres of land in Bibb connty, Ga., bounded on the north by the lands of Cowart estate, on the east and south by the lands of H. N. Feagin, and on the west by the estate of Silvey Campbell, and being in the Rut land District, and near Scfkee station on the Georgia Southern & Florida Rail way. The above lands are sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs. This September 2nd, 2901. U. V. Whipple, Executor of G.M. T. Feagin. Notice to Debtors add Creditors. All persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. M. J. Avant, late oi Houston conn- tv. deceased, will make immediate pay ment to me, and all uho have claims against said estate will present them to me properly certified. . Executor, This September 2nd, 1901. The Harvest Season Is at hand, and you will need a NEW WAGON for gath ering and marketing ;^<>ur crop. You can make no bet ter selection than an “OLD HICKOEY” or a “TENNESSEE” Wagon. OUR WAGONS will contribute to your satis faction; OUR PRICES will increase your prosperity. Do not fo r get that you may need a BUGGY; if soft’s a “BARKESYILLE” or a “ROCK HILL/’ Those “long winded” Axles are beauties, and a marvel in the saving of time, patience and oil. HEARD BROS., 350-352 Poplar Street. MACON, G-A. The Best Price For Cotton Is the thing all farmers want when they are ready to sell. The Iron Warehouse, PERRY, GEORGIA, jj is ready to serve all comers, with best facilities and a determin- p ation to give the best service. x BAGGING AND TIES for sale at lowest market price. High-Grade Fertilizers for Grain and Fruit Trees. Respectfully, 1L. MAECHMAN. I BUY COTTON SEED. B. T. ADAMS. W. O. KINNEY. B. T. ADAMS & CO., COTTON FACTORS, MACON, GA. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the farmers of Hounton connty. MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 PER CENT. We also handle MULES, GUANO and FARM SUP PLIES at reasonable prices. C. T. BAILEY. G. P. POSTELL. BAILEY & POSTELL, -DEALERS IN- GROCERIES, BAGGING, TIES, ETC. 458 POPLAR STREET. MACON, GEORGIA. - Farmers’ Trade a Specialty. We carry a full line of all staple articles, and we are in a position to make very close prices. Try us and be con vinced. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consignments of Farm Products Solicited. . O. BAL&COM, -DEALER IN- HARDWARE, STOVES, CUTLERY, Guns, Pistols, Tinware, : Woodenware, Farming Implements, Etc. 308 THIRD ST. (Keak Postoffice) MACOK, GA.