The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, October 10, 1901, Image 5

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I gets inflamed yon hare »arumbling sound of imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflar maiioo can be taken ont and this tube restored to its formal condi tion, hearing nail be desfcryoed for ever; nine cases ont of ted are caused by catarrh, which is noth ing bnt an inflamed condition of the raneoas surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for ahv case of Deafness (caused by eaiarrh) that cannot be cored hyHalFs Catarrh Core. Send for drenlsrs, free. F. S. Chsszz & Co, Toledo, O. _ . . —- * Is thoroughly equipped with modem machinery, and we are prepared to §am you tlte middle man's profit on any kind of Vehicle, from a Log Cart to the finest Rub ber Tire Boggy, by sell ing you direct from our Factory. ' g. ^"* r I :ri "» or r .d. Everybody agrees that Presi dent Roosevelt is making a start, and “what must be so. 1 * His demeanor has been unex ceptionable from the very first. His brief but comprehensive an nouncement of his purpose to “continue aosolutelv and with out variance the policy of Presi- dent McKinley** was edsemelr u * ccu uu ui lutyuxg x(ui LVllll wise and had an instanfelv reassnr- ^sailed “jollying - .” and he is bigeffect uponthe country. ' ' ' * ** insistent retention of the The young couple that dropped into Sun Beauty’s laundry at In dependence and Prospect avenues the other night to have a little fun with the China man had an experience that, while it was run ny, it w£s unexpected, says the Kansas City Journal. Foreigners are usually obtuse to- American If You Want Anything BEDEOOil SUITES, PAP.LOB SEITES, DIKING TABLES, SIDEBOAEDS, CHAIBS DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, j vr and con firmed this good impression. And the reports from Washington that |die President is 1 ‘making friends 11 fs ®pt surprising. The senators and Representatives who have called upon him come away with a conviction that the new presi dent means to do his best for the whole country, and with a distinct liking for Ms cordial and earnest Hie Vehicles m make are the best you can get We handle a complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Whips, Laprobes, Carriage Hardware. and A. foil line of Machines. epemal attention riven to Of course the important men Of his party have not yet been to Washington, nor have the great duestion out of which a di vision in the party may grow yet come under discussion. It is difficult to think that Theodore Roosevelt has been so changed by the fact of becoming President that he will not have decided views of his own and seek to give them effect. His individuality, it would seem, is too large and strong to he wholly merged in the shadow of his pre decessor's fame. As matters stand to-day, all that he has to do is to let well enough alone—to stick to the lines laid down, doing practically noth ing distinctively Ms own—and he is hound to be nominated in 1904 and probably elected. But can he do it? It is simply a question of temperament and of self-restraint. Thus far he has certainly very well. .-v. — s BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPKJHGS, W1MDOW SHADES thing of an adept in the art hint-; self. AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., “Good evening, Sun Beauty,” j by way of introduction, said, the 1 You can save money at gjri, “is my shirtwaist done yet?” | Paul’s Furniture Store. The estimated value of all farm products of theRuined States for 1901 was $8,000,000,000. Should the. demand ever come, the South could sell at present prices cotton enough to reach this sum. Take the value of the agricul tural products of the South to be $1,^0,500,000, as estimated, and it will approximate the value of nearly one-half of all the agricul tural products of the United States. In this estimate were not included, apparently, hemp, peas and beans, wMch would run up the aggregate several million dol lars. All these products have been made on 166,610 square miles of improved lands (census of 1380) out of a total of 331,201 square miles in the South. That is to say, there is only 20 per cent, of the lands in the South improved. Concede that only 50 per cent, is susceptible of being improved, then the South should easily pro duce over $8,000,000,000 of agri cultural products on 50 per cent of its" mg’--— fjffiSi my Sim Beauty didn’t make a move to ascertain. He merely opened his yellow face in a broad smile and showed a row of wMte teeth. “Mot yet, I rink. Saturday.” Then he uttered a gutters! laugh and turned to the young man. ‘•‘•You take the young lady out for a walk?” he asked. ‘‘Yes, 5 * said the young man, not to he bluffed. “‘Isn’t that j&Il right?” “Oh yea,” said Son Beauty. All light. Yeliy plitfey night. Telly plitty young lady. You maily her?” That was a staggerer for the two who had come in to “jolly” the laundry man, hut they tried not to let it tease them. “Why, yes,” said the young man “How long have you been in America?” said thegirl, in an at tempt to change the subject, bnt the yellow skinned man was not to be thrown off the track. 5 “Twenty-seven years,” he re plied. “Yon know what I t'ink about this mallying?” he asked. “I like this America. I think the lady should be boss. When the lady is boss, the man brings all done his money home, gives it to her, and she spend it; then he is a good husband, there is no quarrel, no divorce. You let her boss, eh?” and Sun Beauty uttered another gntteral laugh. “Tell us how long you’ve been in Kansas City, Son Beauty,” said thegirl. “Oh, fifteen years. I have pa pers, citizen papers, fifteen years.** ‘“You vote, them?” “Oh,yes.” - ~ “Republican?” “Oh, yes, Publican. You Pub lican?” he asked the young man. “Mo, a Democrat.” “I’m a Republican,” said the girl. I | “I’m. going to make her a Dem ocrat,’* said, the young man.. “Mo, she make you Publican. A complete on hand. line of COFFIN S and CASKETS always You Baptist?’ 1 he asked the Yes, I’m a Baptist ‘“You?” he asked the girl. “Mo, Dm a Methodist.” Sun Beaqty gave another of Ms gut ters! laughs. “Oh, she make you Methodist and Publican,” he said.“ “You maily her. She hoes. Then you he good husband. Good evening.” And when they got outside the Chinaman’s yellow -countenance ^p^aettods of . dl bearing with fan _ — . — —j —minTr. £, j guess we won fe ml] rion or fertilization, and employ ing ignorant labor. and Our Prices are Low. Our Goods are again very soon, won’t, jolly him If Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to core deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed con dfitkm of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube GOEBG3S PAUL. Perry. Ga. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and vrkidi has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under Ms per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jost-as^ood** are iut •Ryppyirnffirfs ffiat trifle with, and endanger the health of Infimfs fifrillfTM—Ttqiwriwina yg 0 *"** fc. What is CASTORS A Castoria is a 1*arm1«s substitute for Castor 03, Pare goric, Drops atWI Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morgilrfiie bow other Narcotic substance- Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels* giving healthy and natural Thp Children’s Panacea—Tlie Mother’s Friend. CSffUIflE CASTOR! A Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind Yon toe Always In Use For Over 30 Years. At Greatly Bedaeed Prices. Fifty new Upright Pianos Trill does out at greatly reduced pricee within the next tw weeks. Among them saeheelebn&Bdcakes Steinway, Sirhr*& Cow, Kraaich & Bach, Stulta & Bauer, Bush & 6eats, Lester and Royal, a* niaaiMiayerfftwolMWWW F. A. GTFTTEXGERGEB & CO., 432 Second st., Macon, Ga. There is One BEST * n Everything* IN TONICS IT IS THE ACME MALT TONIC, BREWKD BT THE AIME BREW KG OMPASiY, MACOK, GA. For sale by all druggists. If jour druggist does not bandk- this health-giring tonic, write ns for prices. Acme Brewing Company. Poplar Street, to Adams’ Vv ar chouse l HI mmm CS A 2 HIM ORDER % IiChw