The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, October 10, 1901, Image 7

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Stepped Into Live Coals. “When a child I* burned my foot frightly,” writes W. H Eads, of Jonesville, Va., “which caused horrible leg sores for 80 years, but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed.” Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. H. M. Holtzclaw, druggist 25c. The C. D. Boss Cracker, 10/ lb. J. D. Martin, Jr. RATES LOWERED TO BUFFALO. Account Pan-American Exposition. Daily, on and after September 3rd un til October 20th, inclusive, the Central of Georgia Railway will sell excursion tick ets from all 'coupon ticket stations to Buffalo, via all all-rail authorized ticket ing routes, at one fare pins $1.00 for the round trip, tickets limited for return 20 days from date of sale. Will also sell excursion tickets via Sa- naunah and Steamship lines via New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia,thence rail to Buffalo, at relative low rates for the round trip, including meals and berths aboard steamer, final limit twen • ty days from date of sale For detailed, information, schedules, etc., apply to any agen't or representative of the Central of Georgia Railway. Full Limits for Roundlap Bales. Loans negotiated on improved farms, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteenyears standing. More than three million dollars in loans negotiated. Facilities tinmirw passed. HOWAUD SMITH, No. 914 Second St.. Macon, Ga. To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner’s Kidney Pills About The Fair. ton cfonnt 1 j 9t9 °£ t '? le Sous- Cotton, like every other commodi- heen received A8 ®? clatlon have j ty, is sold to the buyer that will pay are being fre^lyTstribE’ the “ 08t moD ^* The American Cot cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. Cents 108 IO, 35, 50 Sold by H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, 6a. Dyspepsia is unrecognized in half the cases. It deceives the unknowing sufferer. Its many variations work along the weakest lines of the system. To battle against: only one of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give complete and lasting relief. Dyspepsia Tab lets ® 239 10c., 25C. AND 50C. ! Sold|by H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Georgia. Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects; on the entire system, and where their use i? persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. .,USE.. XX =*-,• S' Confections The. only harmless, vcj bowel regulator, and liver vitahzer to the taste as Yt and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or painr ^ j 889 JO, 25,50 cents. Work will begin this week. I he managing committee will have forty, stalls built for horses and cattle, and some 20 pens for hogs, goats, sheep, etc. They will have about one hundred coops built for the poultry depatment. ihe stock display bids fair to surpass^any county in this part °; State. The districts are be^ ginning to wake np and from what we hear,the Lower 5th farmers are thinking of capturing the whole business. Yet,the New Thirteenth is^about to lay down a challenge which will be open to the county. Ihe managing co—nittee are strongly impressed to offer a nice prize to the district making the best display provided,Its many as four or five enter the contest. We are gratified to hear that some of the districts contemplate bring ing their displays on attractive floats and we would suggest that each district in the county could at small trouble make a float for their agricultural and other ex hibits, and another float to be loaded with some of the prettiest young ladies of the district. The Hon. James B. Hunnicut, Editor of the Southern Cultivator will be here and make the speech on Agriculture. His ability is well known and his speech will be on the right lines, looking to the good of every tiller of the soil. A large crowd will hear him. Sixty-six counties in the state of Ohio hold annual fairs. Jones county, Georgia has just held a most successful fair at Bradley. The attendance on the last day is said to have been seventeen hun dred. It was a . very successful fair. People in Houston county, where the cream soil of the state lies, with its even loamy surface, so easily scarred by the imple ments of the husbandman, won- derat the red hills of Jones coun ty producing such a display of agricultural products as was seen at their late fair. But Jones coun ty is one of the good counties of the great state of Georgia; her cit izens are industrous and progres sive and while many of her sons have made Houston their homes, yet, they look with pride upon any effort that is made to advance her interest. . Many visitors will be here from different parts of the state and no doubt will be surprised at Hous ton’s display. Let us all pull to gether to advance her home. Persons desiring space on the Fair grounds for restaurant and refreshment priviledges will ap ply to J. D. Mar till, Sec’t’y. Special Premiums. The Managing Committee will award the following premiums for District displays of agricultural products. For best display $25.00 “ Second best display 15.00 “ Third “ “ 10.00 - You Know What Yon Are Taking When you take Grove’s Taste less Chill Tonic because the for mula is plainly printed on every ootfcle showing that it is simply Irbn and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Price 50c farms for sale. Two well-improved farms, 850 acres at Sofkee, Bibb county, and 600 acres with mill in Houston, property of H . N. Feagin. Apply to W. R. Cox, Macon, Ga. ton Company does not expect to get cotton unless it- merits competition. The constantly growing demand at the mills means a broad And steady market for every roundlap bale made, which enables square bale firms to buy roundlap bales at the gins anc handle them with profit. The Amer ican Cotton Company is perfectly willing that they should do so. and it realizes that if it does not pay ful limits other buyers will. As the roundlap premium pays the baling charge it costs the grower nothing to have his cotton put up in round lap' bales. The advantage to the producer in putting his cotton in roundlap bales is easily demonstra ted by a single calculation. * Get a free sample of Chamber Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets at the drugstore. They are easier to take aud more pleasant in ef fect than pills. Then their use is not followed by is often the case with pills. Regu lar price 25c. per pox. Repair Work. Having returned to Perry, I am now prepared to do all kinds of repair work on Watches, Clocks, Guns, Pistols, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Respectfully, T. T. Martin. C. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt says his child was completely cur ed of a bad case of eczema by the use of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles. Holtz- caw’s Drugstere. w, turn DEA1 ER IN Cigars Tobacco. Sold A millionaire appetite, with a scant income, has made many a dyspeptic. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin will cure dyspepsia, by, druggists. A GOOD PLACE. Notice is hereby given to ladies and gentlemen who visit Macon that Mrs. H. Houser is now miming a first- class Boarding House at 755 Cherry St. which is very near the bnsinees center of the city, and she will be pleased to erve them meals at 25c., each. ; Sobifby Ev'iMf. Perry, Georgia. GEORGIA—Houston County. Concern: | : ' - of Jno. R. vAj? * resident of said county, bnfc now an m- IveiU a resiagiK Sanitarium, are here- Swiit the Noyember term, ’ ' ‘ the* court of Ordinary of saidjcounty Jog Filling a Speciality. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. 462 Popular St,, MACON, GA. PRICE LIST per gal. Nelson County Rye, 2.00 Cooper’s Laurel Valley N. C. Corn, 2:00 North Georgia White Corn, 2i00 HollondGin, 2.00 New ingland Bum, - 2.00 Band MadeTJourMash Com, 2.00 Monogram Rye, > t 2.50 Old Mountain Spring Corn', 2.50 Double Stamp jWper Gin. 2.50 Mill Creek Cabinet Rye, 3.00 Kentucky Sour Mash Rye, 3.00 Star A Rye. 3.00 Amascn’s AHA Rye. 4.00 Coestnut Grove Rye. 4.00 Strawberry Plants. The largest stock in the world. Nearly HQ© varieties. All the choice, luscious kinds for' the Garden and Fancy Market. Also Ship ping Varieties. Also Dewberries, Aspar agus, Rhubarb, Grape Vines, etc. Our 120 page manual, free to buyers, enables everybody to grow them with Success and profit. All plants packed to carry across the continent fresh as when dug. Illustrated catalogue free. Specify if you want cat- alogue of Shipping Yarieties or Fancy Garden kinds. CONTINENTAL PLANT CO., Strawberry Specialists, KITTRELL, N. C. GEORGIA— Houston County . R. L. Braswell has applied for guar dianship of the minor* children of Mrs. E. L. Tooke, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the November term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show canse, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this October 7,1901. SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston Ckranty. S. T. Neil, administrator of estate of SterlingNeil, deceased, has applied for leave to sell lands of said estate. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the November term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause,if any they have, why said application j should not- be Witness my official signature this October 7,1901. ’ : SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA; Houston County. E. B. Hose, executor of estate of Ade- line McLivale,.deceased, has applied for dismission from said trust. Thisis therefore to cite all persons con- 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said cerned to appear at the November term, eonnty, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be This, October 8 ^a^T.-HURST, Ordinary. i*i0. ■Witness my official signature this August 5th, 1901. SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. A Staple Ory Goods, First-Class G-o©d.s jL.o’sxr Prices Seed Wheat, Rye and Oats. ’ L. F* CATER, Perry, Ga. The Harvest Season Is at hand, and you will need a NEW WAGON for gath- marketing our rring and crop. You can make no bet ter selection than an “OLD HICK0EY” or a “TENNESSEE” Wagon. OUR WAGONS will contribute to your satis faction; OUR PRICES will increase yonr prosperity. Do not forget that you may need a BUGGY; if so, it’s a “BARKESYILLE” or a “ROCK HILL/’ Those “long winded” Axles are beauties, and a marvel in the saving of time, patience and oil. HEARD BR0S.,H 350-352 Poplar Street. MACON. GA. The Best Price For Cotton Is the thing all farmers want when they are ready to sell. The Iren Warehouse, PERRY, GEORGIA, is ready to serve all comers, with best facilities and a determin- |) ation to give the best service. BAGGING AND TIES for sale at lowest market price. High-Grade Fertilizers for Grain and Fruit Trees. ' . Respectfully, o I BU Y COTTON SEED. >Qjj>Sfi>®0<5) > 0'QiS> | gMD < g)iQ‘Q'0'QiO , Si£>e)©'0©€i£>QiO l Q€> , C>C> l DO'90 l ^€>g€> < gi£) i g>O i t B. T. ADAMS. W. O. KINNEY. B. T. ADAMS & CO., COTTON FACTORS, MACON, GA. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the farmers of Hounton county. MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 PER CENT. We also handle MULES, GUANO and FARM SUP PLIES at reasonable prices. M. C. -DEALER^IN Guns, Pistols, Tinware, : Woodenware, Farming Implements, Etci||| 80S TURD ST. (Sk.u; INDISTINCT PRINT WM