The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, October 31, 1901, Image 3

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By UXCLE NED Miss Maud Rogers of Mt. Yer- non, Ga., is the guest of Miss Mamie Brown. Miss Sarah Tounsley, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. H. Cof fee. returned to her home in Per ry to-day. Mrs. J. C- Collier of Means- ville,who has been visiting friends and relatives in and around Elko, C. E. Gilbert on Main street last Friday afternoon, from four to six o clock,Miss Corinne Baldwin entertained “The Spinsters” of Perry most royally. Never before did our hostess, who was attired in a blue orgaudy gown, look more beautiful. As hostess she proved herself charm ing. She was assisted in receiving by Miss Eugenia Riley, and her brother, Mr. Robert Baldwin, both of whom were crowned with much glory on the occasion. We had as our guests Mrs. L. M. Paul .and Mrs. L. F. Cater, who added so much to our pleas ure, because of their ‘ 'sympathy 5 5 for the old maids.” The club will meet on next Fri day afternoon at the home of Miss Leonora Edwards, where pleasure is anticipated. Ebitob. Fair visitors, you will get fair treatment, and fair dealings, which will mate you fare well, at Groceries I have a full stock of goods that will suit you. Special Mention: Strip Breakfast Bacon. Dove and Winchester Hams. Good Ga. Cane Syrup. High-grade Roasted Coffee, best Tea, Postum Cereal, Grape Nuts. I also have Quaker and Pettijohn Breakfast Foods, Cocoa, Choco late, White Pepper, Celery Salt, Cox’s, Knox’s and Cooper’s Gela tine, the famous Lea & Perrin’s Worcestershire Sauce, and every thing that goes to make up a good meal. Your patronage solicited. Respectfully, W. B. SIMS. returned home Sunday. Mr. J. F. Houser.went to Ma con to-day on business. There was quite a crowd went from here to the Elks’ street fair, last week and all report having a nice, or rather a good time. From what I can hear there will be quite a crowd to go from here to the county fair in Perry. Rev. J. T. Mims filled his regu lar appointment here Sunday. Sunday night we had a song and prayer -service. The farmers in and around here report short crops this year, corn especially. Cane chewing time has come again and every one that don’t get his share, it will be his fault, for there is plenty of sugar cane in this part of the country. Mr. and Mrs. .J. H. Clark visit ed relatives in Cochran three or four days last week. Business has begun to open up now. Will talk with you more next time. Oct. 28-01. LOW PRICES FOR FAIR WEEK. 36 inch Sea Island, fine and smooth, 5c. the yard Good Quality Bleaching, soft finish, 8c. the yard 50 inch All Linen Table Damask, 25c. the yard 64 inch All Linen Table Damask, half bleacheh, 50c. the yard 58 inch Turkey Red Table Damask, fast colors, 25c. the yard 27 inch Ontings 5c. the yard. 30 inch Outings 8c and 10c. the yard 27x54-in Brussels Rugs $1.25 each. 30x60-in Smyrna Bngs $1.50 each Boys’ Knee Pants up to 15-yeaf sizes, 25c. and 50c. pair Boys’ 2-piece Suits from 75c. to $5.00 the suit. Ladies’ Undervests from 15c. to $1.00. Special for 25c. each Men’s Undershirts and Drawers—Special for 50c. garment Ladies’ Knitted Under Skirts 50c. and $1.00 each Kabo Corsets THE BEST FOR $L00. Two new numbers just opened. Pretty Flannellettes for Waists at 10c., 124c. and 15c. the yard PAY US A VISIT DURING THE FAIR. At the Court house in Perry Thursday night, October 81st, John R. Clarke will deliver one of his inimicable lectures, in which he has so often proven him self a master in humor, mimicry, dialect, pathos and eloquence. Among his favorite subjects are, “To and Fro in London,” “Hits and Misses,” “The Rose, Sham rock and Thistle.” No matt-tr which he gives, the audience will be delighted, if we are to believe eminent critics who have heard him in all. Usual hour, usual prices. Un der auspices of Perry Lyceum. Local Legislation. TO HOUSTON FARMERS. I have accepted a position with the warehouse firm of B. T. Adams & Co., Macon, Ga., and I shall apbreciate any favors my friends may honor me with., and will guarantee satisfaction. Money loaned at 8 per cent. Cotton handled at 50 cents per bale. Thanking yon for past favors, and so liciting a part of your patronage this season, I am yours, &c., J. W. RUSHING. I want to call your attention to The style, fit and finish of our Ready-to-wear Clothing.* Our aim for years has been to present Perfect Clothing to our customers. An inspection of our line will convince yon that we have reach ed the topmost rung on the lad der of perfection. Suits 10 to 25 Dollars. Byron Items BY QUIS. Many Byron ites took in the carnival last week. Miss Florrie Cooner is visiting relatives in Fort Valley. Col. C. C. Richardson spent Saturday and Sunday with home- folks, returning to Atlanta Mon day. • . Miss Bessie Cliue is visiting rel atives in Woodbury. Miss Kate Warren of Dallas, Tex., is the guest of her cousin, Miss Lillian Warren. Mr. Sewval Crawford and Mrs. Mack Crawford of Opelika, Ala., visited elatives here last week. Mr. W. C. Monk and family have recently mpved to Byron from Snow. We are glad to wel come them among us again. On Thursday evening of this week Miss Mary Crawford will en tertain the members and friends of the Epworth League. She is preparing' a suitable halloween program, and all who attend are assured a delightful time. We are glad to report Miss Ma rie Evans convalescing; she hopes to return to school in Milledge- ville soon. Fob Rent—All the cultivatable land on the Giles farm, just south of Perry,—about 150 acres, Apply to Mbs. H. Giles, Perry, Ga. Notice is hereby given that at the present session of the Georgia Legislature a bill of which the caption will be» introduced for passage. A Bill to be entitled “An Act to incorporate the Upper Fifth School District” in Houston coun ty : to define the boundaries of the same; to regulate the man- egement of schools in said Upper Fifth School District; to provide revenue,by taxation or otherwise, for said schools,to provide for the election of seven trustees, and to confer on them certain powers, and for other purposes. Oct. 29, 1901. THE BEST GENUINE RUST PROOF SEED OATS. A very fine line cf 2-horse Chilled Plows at a close price. A. J. Houser’s JERSEY CREAM FLOUR. Fresh lot received every week. For purity and whiteness it can’t be excelled. Fred. M. Houser’s. PDWIN L. BRYAN, AT TORNEY-AT-LA W, Fobt Valley, Ga. Loans negotiated on real estate at lowest rate of interest. Farm lands for sale on easy terms. We are at this writing, and have been for some time attending right to our P’s and Q’s in order to be able to show onr patrons a line of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that at the present session of the Georgia legislature a bill of which the fol lowing is the caption will be in troduced for passage. A Bilflta be entitled “An Act to incorporate the Lower Fifth School District” in Houston county; to define the boundaries of the same; to regulate the man agement of schools in said Lower Fifth School District; to provide revenue by taxation or other wise for said schools, to provide for the election of seven trustees, and to confer on them certain powers, and for other purposes. Oct. 29, 1901. BEN J. DASHER, Attorney-at-Law, MACON, GA Offiee in Exchange Bank Bnildin'-. Will practice in Courts of Macon Cirenit Special attention to collections. that’s different—that’s different in style, in make and price —from the suits nearly every si ore has. Our spread is ready and yon are invited in to see it. THE SWELL DRESSES comse here for his swell suit. THE CONSERVATIVE MAN comes here for his well- made t good-looking suit THE MAN WHO CONSIDERS PRICE comes here to get the most for his money, and NONE go away dissatisfied. May we not expect YOU, kind reader? BENSON & HOUSER, The Up-to-Date Clothiers, 420 Thikd Strete. MACON, GA. J. R. SIMS, OPERATIVE DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA. FARMS FOR SALE. Two well-improved farms, 850 acres at Sofkee, Bibb county, and 600 acres with mill in Houston, property of H. N. Feagin. Apply to W. R. Cox, Macon, Ga. W. H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame. OFFICE OVBB DOW LAW BANK, FORT VALLEY. : GEORGIA There will be a very novel en tertainment at the home of Mr. Hanley Sasser next Friday eve ning, November 1st, from 8 to 12, given by the Signa Epsilon Socie ty of the Bonaire school, for the benefit of the school library. All are cordially invited to attend, and take part in the evening’s pleasure. . There will be no admission fee. Bonaire, Ga., Oct. 27, 1901. — —Some Neat Ladies’ bhirt Waists to go at $1.00 and $1.50. —Strong line of Gents Under- Shirts and Drawers received. Racket Stobe. c. z. mcarthur. DENTIST, FORT VAIIiEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. —Call and see those 25 and 50c Underwear, bargains at Pebey P 0. —If yon want a good Cooking Stove call on W. D. Day. TAX COLLECTOR’S APPOINTMENTS. I -will be at the following places on the dates named for the purpose of collect ing state and county taxes for 1901. Third and Last Round. I will close my books for collection of taxes for 1901 on December 20th. Perry, Monday, November 38, all dyy. Grovania, Tuesday, “ 19, am. Elko, “ “ ?. pm. Henderson, Wed’day, “ 20, am. Taylor’s, “ " pm. Marshallville, Thursday, Nov. 21, am. Raslam’s, ** ** “ pm Fort Valley, Friday, Nov. 22, all day. Myrtle, Saturday, 23, am Gland, ' Monday, “ 25, am Powersviile, " “ “j pm Byron, Tuesday, “ 26, am .Hattie “ “ pin WeUston, Wednesday, ** 27, am Bonaire, . “ “ pm. Kathleen, Thursday, 4i 28, ara Heard. " u pm Perry, Dec. 16th. 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th. ' . J, G. DAVIDSON, T. C, H. 0. best Wheat On. T'lnrxe. It yon want always to be on time, if you want always to be sure of the correct time,get one of these Watches. For good, honest, work, without any_ fooling, they can’t be equaled. They will last as long as you will, if yon will treat them prop erly. Biamencls,Watches, Jewelry Silverware,&c. J. E. A W. W. WILLIAMS, Jewbleb - .-:, Macon, Ga. A GOOD PLACE.