The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, October 31, 1901, Image 6

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Sidewalk Gleanings. L10AL 1J2W8 OF TOWS AK2 CCCNTY —Court of Ordinary next Mon day. —The County fair is all right. Go and see. —Apple and pear trees in Perry are blooming. —Preaching at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. —Commissioners’ court and le gal sales next Tuesday. —Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gordon spent two days in Atlanta last week. —We are told there will be two marriages in Perry within the next forty days. —Lyceum entertainment at the Court house Thursday night, John R. Clarke, specialist. —There will be degree work m the Masonic Lodge at Perry next Friday night, November 1st. —Rev. B. E. Whittington will fill his regular appointment at Providence church next Sunday. —Miss Mamie Ragin returned home last week from a visit to her sister in Atlanta, Mrs. S. R. Giles. —Because of dry weather and the lateness of"cotton picking, grain planting will be late this season. a - - —Mr. Wilson Hemingway will be supeuintendant of the Georgia State Poultry Show to be held at Albany in November. —Mr. W. A. Woodard, wife and two children were in Perry last Sunday with Mrs. Bettie Stafford, sister of Mrs. Woodard. A Helping Hand” is the title of a very pretty original poem of four verses that will be published In the Home J6urnal next week. —Judge A. C. Riley is in Ma con representing Houston Lodge F. & A. M. at tHe Georgia Grand Lodge of Masons now in session there. —Mr. William B°. Jobsoh of Macon, a native of of Perry, has been here since last Saturday vis iting his sister-in-law, Mrs. F. A. Jobson. —Tax Collector Davidson fin- , ished his second round of appoint ments a Byron Tuesday afternoon, and will commence his third and last round at Perry November on l'8th. —Rev. Albert S. Dix has for warded $100 to Macon for the Mercer University Endowment fund. This amount was promis ed in behalf of the Perry Baptist church, and was so raised. —Mr. G. C. Hartley brought to this office Tuesday a £ bushel of the nicest sweet potatoes, yellow yams, that we have seen this sea son. They are not exceptionally large,but of good size, smooth and regular in shape. . —During the three days of the special train service last week 215 people went from Perry to Macon to attend the street fair and vet erans’ reunion. At 80 cents each, this amounted to $172.00 for railroad fair. How much they spent in Macon, no man can telle —On Friday night, October 26, a number of young people enjoy ed a dance at the home of Mrs. A. B. Batchelor, about 4| miles north of Perry. One of the guests request us to say the occasion was full of pleasure, and all desire to. express their thanks to the hostess for her kind hospitality. —Last week there was decided activity in Houston concerning the judgeship of our county court. The appointment of a judge ; to succeed Judge A. C. Riley will soon be made. Judge Riley and Hon. J. P. Duncan are appli cants for the appointment, and last week they and their immedi ate friends were busy securring endorsements and letters. —We are reliably'informed that Mr. J. Arerette Bryan, traveling representative of the Atlanta Dai ly Journal, will be married at Talbotton to Miss Lynda Lee on the 11th of December next. He was born and reared in Houston county, about 8 miles east of Per ry, and has many friends in Hous ton who will join us in extending cordial congratulations and best wishes. Houston County Illustrated. The gates-'of the first annual county fair, under the auspices of \ last Sunday evening, there the Houston County Fair Associa- ! special services under the auspices I 4- a HrAtv» n r\ ^ n TTatv* a A,Tiaoir\n Home Mission Exercises. At the Perry Methodist church were Band Music at intervals through out the. day. 8 P. M. Lyceum Entertainment at Court House. FRIDAY. 9a.m. Premiums Awarded on Agricultu ral Products. 9:30 a. m.. Exhibition of Saddle Horses and Mules. 10 A. M. Exhibition of Horsemanship—rid ing and driving. 10 :30 A. m. Automobile Exhibition. 11 A. M. Slow Mule and Ox Contest. " 11:30 a.m. Address on Agriculture by Hon. J. B. Hunnicut. 2 P. M. Award of Premiums Concluded 3 P. M. Old Fashioned Tournament at Dehnard’s Race Track. Band Music during the day. 8 p. M. Crowning* Successful Tour nament Knight at Court House. tion are open The people and the exhibits are ; here, and we-'Are wililng to say that success is assured. The grounds are in good shape, the exhibits are arranged in good form, and;the people are in good humor. • The official attendance of the editor, who is also mayor of Per ry, forbids any attempt at a re port this week, even of the open ing exercises. The three days of the Fair, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday, are designated respectively as Veter ans’ day,* Educational day and Agricultural day. The program for Wednesday has been distributed, those for Thursday and Friday will show- some decidedly interesting fea tures. Among the features not mentioned on the program will be the handling of vicious and un ruly horses by Dr. P .F. Bahnsen, the vetenery surgeon of Fort Val ley. A Cornett band will furnish music during each day. It is expected the races at Den- nard’s track Thursday afternoon will be decidedly entertaining, and it goes without saying that the tournament Friday afternoon will afford much pleasure. The following additional spec ial premiums have 'been received this week.. - Box Toilet Soap, Jacob Hirsch, Macon. Framed Picture—McEvoy Book and Stationary Co., Macon. Water Cooler—J. C. Vansyckle, Macon. Box Fancy Candy—W. B. Sims, Perry. Maj. M. L. Cooper is general superintendent. Marshall G. W. Winn has po lice control of the grounds, with several assistants. Price of admission to the fair grounds, good for each entire day, 25 cents. No half tickets. Ho complimentary tickets. tickets for the three days at reduced price. Children under 10 years of age free. PROGRAM. THURSDAY. 9:30 a.m. Inspection of Educational, Art and Household Exhibits by commit tee. 10 A. M. Contest on Piano forlgold medal— girls. 10:30 a. m. Educational Address. 11 A. M. Potato Race. 1:30 p. m. Exhibition of Mules and Horses in Harness. 3 P. M. Races at Dennard’s Track. of the Woman’s Home Mission Society of Perry. The pulpit, chanel and organ were tastefully adorned with flow ers, ferns and pot plants. In addition to the prayers and scripture lesson by the pastor, the exercisses consisted of select ed music by the choir, solos, a du et, a cornet §o!o, reading,, and an address. No better music, other than by professional chorists, was ever heard, and the address was sim ply a master peice of forceful log ic and enticing eloquence. The address was by Prof. W. W. Driskell, of the Perry Public School. He declared the contin ued migration of the people from the country to the cities, togeth er with the foreign immigration, made a concentration that was inimical to good government, morality and Christianity. The danger given, he declared that the only true remedy was Christ, and the surest method of applica tion was thorough home mission work, and that the good women were the best agents. His eulogy of women in the work was snlendid and true. —Of a gentleman well-known in Perry the Macon Telegraph said last Friday: “Professor R. R. Tuttle of Perry, Ga.. passed through the city yesterday en route to Winchester, Ky., his former home, where . he will be married to Miss Maude Pearl Lowery on November 6th. Mr. Tuttle is well-known in Macon, as he made this his home two years, during which time he kept books for J. J. Gantt; also T. C. Par ker.” —The Wizard Oil Concert Com pany erected their tent in the fair grounds at Perry last Satur day, and Monday night gave their first exhibition, and will give an entertainment there each other night this week, at least. The ev idence of those who have attend ed the performance is. decidedly favorable to the company. The price of admission is only ten cents. Shams 25c per Perry P O. —Lace Pillow pair, at —Latest styles in Percales at 10 and 12|c just received. Racket Store. Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Cure for the suffer ings it has releved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the inflamation. The children’s favorite Cough Cure. SEED OATS. I have 750 bushels of Georgia Rust Proof Oats to sell at Macon prices. A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga. t-j-| —Best Buggies and Buggy Har ness at Fred. M. Houser’s. One of our Specialties 9 $2.50 $3*oo Two Stores Two Stores Hearty Welcome • ••TO* •. ALL VISITORS attending Houston County Fair. J. D. MARTIN, Jr., PERRY, GEORGIA. Dry Gboods} {Groceries. Two Stores Two Stores Tiie Best Price For Cotton Is the thing all farmers want when they are ready to sell. The Iron Warehouse, PERRY, GEORGIA, is ready to serve all comers, with best facilities and a determin ation to give the best service. BAGGING AND TIES for sale at lowest market price. High-Grade Fertilizers for Grain and Fruit Trees. Respectfully, X-.- I BUT COTTON SEED. QQ'QQ f 0O€)Q^£yD^©iO€XO'QQ l DO l Oi£>QQ l Q'Q i g<O ODOO OQ IMPERIAL BARING POWDER; ABSOLUTELY PURE. Best on the Market. Send 20c Silver for sample box. UNION SUPPLY COMPANY, 626'BROADWAY, KNOXVILLE, TEXN. Cigars DEALER IN WMiiSl Tobacco. —Pretty line of Onting at 10 , and 12^ cts. Racket Store. $3.50 $4-oo All leathers.and shapes. E. B. Harris & Co. MACON, GA. Jug Filling a Speciality. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. 402 Popular St„ MACON, GA. PRICELIST per gal. uelson County Rye, 2.00 Cooper’s Laurel Valley N. C. Com, 2.00 North Georgia White Com, 2.00 Hollond Gin, 2.00 New England Rum, ' ' 2.00 Hand Made Sour Ma sh Com, 2.00 Monogram Rye, 2.50 Old Mountain Spring Com, 2-50 Double Stamp Juniper Gin. 2.50 MiU Creek Cabinet Rye,. ' " _ 3.00 Kentucky Sour Mash Rye, s.uO Star A Rye. 3.00 i Amascn’s A AaA Rye. 4.00 Coestnut Grove Rye. 4,00 |Reae Estate Loans We are now able to negotiate loans on improved farming lauds promptly, and at the lowest known rates. Correspond ence invited. SECURITY LOAN Ss 'ABSTRACT COUPaM 870 Second St., Macon, Ga. J. J. Ccbb, Thos. B. West, President. Sec’y. & Att’y. Isaacs’ Cafe, 413 Third Street, MACON, CEORGIA. Regular Meals 25c. Bill of Fare to Order POPULAR PRICES. Prompt and Efficient Service E. ISAACS, Pkopkietob.