The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, November 07, 1901, Image 3

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Perry, Thursday, November 7. LOCAL NEWS, Groceries. I have a ftill stock of goods that will suit you. Special Mention: Strip Breakfast Bacon. Dove and Winchester Hams. Good-Ga. Cane Syrup. High-grade Boasted Coffee, best Tea, Postum Cereal, Grape'Nuts. I also have Quaker and Petti join Breakfast Foods, Cocoa, Choco late, White Pepper, Celery Salt, Cox’s, Knox’s and Cooper’s Gela tine, the famous Lea & Perrin’s Worcestershire Sauce, and every thing that goes to niake up a good meal. Your patrdnage solicited. Respectfully, W. B. SIMS. TO HOUSTON FARMERS. I have accepted a position with the warehouse firm of B. T. Adams & Co., Macon, Ga., and I shall apbreciate any favors my friends may honor me with, and will guarantee satisfaction. Money loaned at 8 per cent. Cotton handled at 50 cents per bale. Thanking yon for past favors, and so liciting a part of your patronage this season, I am yours, &c., J. W. RUSHING. I want to call your attention to 3 things espe- I have for sale. THE BEST GENUINE RUST PROOF SEED OATS. A very fine line of 2-horse Chilled Plows at a close price. A; J. Houser’s JERSEY CREAM FLOUR. Fresh lot received every week. For purity and whiteness it can’t be excelled. Fred. M. Houser’s. PDWTN L. BRYAN, ^ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Fort Valley, Ga. Loans negotiated on real estate at lowest rate of interest. Farm lands for sale on easy terms. BEN J. DASHER, Attorney-at-Law, MACON, GA. Office in Exchange Bank Boildin Will practice in Courts of -Macon Circuit Special attention to collections. j. m )PERATIVE DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work, iffice Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA r W. H. HARRIS, DENTIST. accessor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame. OFFICE OVER DOW DAW BANK, FORT VALLEY. GEORGIA 3. Z. McARTHUR, DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA^ ice over Slappey’s Drugstore. On. Tina.©. ouwanfc always to be on time, if mt always sure of the correct et one of these Watches. For good, ; work, without any fooling, they >e equaled. They will last as long will, if you will treat them prop- ads,Watches, J6welry.Silverware,&c. J.E. & W. W. WILLIAMS, j Jewelers, Macon, Ga. Sidewalk Gleanings. LOCAL NEWS 0? TOWN AND COUNTY --Considerable frost and some' ice Wednesday morning. —-Nearly all the fariners who came to Perry Tuesday wore over coats. —Mrs. B. L. Battle of Warren- ton is in Perry visiting Miss Mat- tie Lawson. We have on file a memorial of Mr. W. A. Moreland, which we expect to publish next week. —Some of our farmers have planted a few acres in oats, and many more will soon do likewise. —The weather chart in this of fice called for rain Tuesday and Wednesday and colder weather Thursday, this week. —The .premium bale of cotton at the Houston county fair last week was sold at Perry on Mon day at 7$ cents per pound—con siderably above market price. —On account of inclement weather, the Wizard Oil Concert Company will give their exhibi tions the balance of this week, each night, at the Court House, —Mr. J. J. Marshburn went to LaGrange, last Saturday his son, Mr. Ed Marshburn, being'eritical- ly ill at his home there, at that time, but we are glad to note that he is much better now. —A watch was found near the entrance gate of the County fair grounds last Saturday morning. The owner can secure the watch by calling at this office, describ ing property, and paying for this notice. —Mr Ben W Holtzclaw, eldest son of Maj and Mrs R N Holtz claw of Perry, received first hon or in the graduating exercises at the State College of‘'Technology last week. He is now an expert Mechanical engineer. —Monday afternoon Mayor Hodges re3eived from the weather burea at Atlanta, the following telegram: “Heavy frost to night.” There was nothing of the sort at Perry, though it may be that clouds prevented. There was very light rain Monday after noon and again Tuesday. —Mr. Wiley E. Green of near Fort Valley owns a gray mare that is the dam of nine colts now in Houston county, seven mules and 2 horses. Four of the mules were exhibited at the Houston county fair last week, and the mare was in Perry, having been driven to a buggy here by Mr. W. A. Woodard. —Mrs. Irene Cooner, wife of Mr. J. C. Cooner, died at their home hear Fort Valley last Mon day morning. She was a daughter of the late Mr. J. C Staley, a loy al Christian lady, and quite popu lar with her hundreds of friends. The bereaved husband, children and other relatives have the sin cere sympathy of their many friends. —Mr W C Lewis was unfortun ate in sending his fair exhibit home from Perry last Friday, night. Between Houston Factory and Mr Lewis’home at Havana, near Wellston, there was lost from the wagon 1 middling of meat, 2 shoulders, 1 ham—all hom^raised meat, and a bale of oats. The finder will please noti fy Mr. Lewis, and Receive a suita ble reward. Mr Lewis was one of most extensive exhibitors at the county fair, and with Messrs J T Leverett and H L Byrd was in charge of the Lower Fifth district exhibit. We sincerely hope the lost products will be returned to Mr Lewis. •©-•♦- To The Public. Allow me to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy. I had a very severe cough and cold and feared I would get pneu monia, but after taking the second dose of this medicine I felt better; three bottles of it cured my cold and the pains in my chest disappeared entirely. I am most respectfully yours for health, Ralph S. Meyers, 64 Thirty-seventh St., Wheeling, W. Va. For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. —The largest assortment of Candies in town at Perry PC. Bblow is the roll Honor of Per ry Public School for the first month of the present term. In three grades the marks at tained by each pupil is given. In the others we presume the names are given in the order of merit. Ninety per cent, is necessary to attain place on the roll. It will be noticed that there are 61 names, on the roll, more than half of the pupils attending school. 2nd Grade—Henry Martin, Georgia Hurst, Clifford Moore, Howard Riley and Harris Ed wards. 3rd Grade—Theresa Hodges, Ethel Woodard, Eva Dasher, Eli za Cater, Aileen Bridger, Ethel Nunn, Mary Hemingway, Ernest Stripling, Thornton Marshburn and'Martin Wesley Howard. 4th Grade—Maggie Edwards and Charlie Bonner. 5th Grade—Stella Cater, Sadie Wellons, Willierine Rainey, Es telle Edwards, lone Smoak* Bes sie Smith, Janie Holmes, Ruth Dix, Louise Moore, Ludie Hem ingway, Mingnon Davis, Estelle Andrew. '6th Grade—Katie Nelson, Lucy Lee Vanlandiugham, Sam Hodges Bessie Dasher, Neal. Barker, John nie Marshburn,Louise Dasher and Rupert Day. -7th Grade—Nellie Dix, 96:14; Katie Lou Howard, 95:62; Wilson Hemingway, 95:25; Ray Bonner, 94:71; Juliett Hurst, 94:50; Robt Baldwin, 94:25; Sam Nunn, 93:- 12; Miller Edwards, 91 ;86; Emo ry Riley, 90.55 ;5Bennett. Barfield, 94.14." 8th Grade—Hallie Hemingway, 97.75; Minor Smith, 96.5?; Mary Lou Rainey, 95.50; Kate Hurst, 95.125; Gena Riley, 93.87; Nona Cooper, 93,25; Mary Rix Marsh burn, 92.71; Mary Davis, 92.25. 9th Grade— Izzie Barfield, 94.- 375; Ivan Starbuck, 92.625;/ Ira Nann, 92.125; Lula Hurst, 91.- 625 ; Clyde . Gurr, 91.42; Carey Andrew, 90.125. LOST? ' • A Circular Gold lace pin set with pearls. Return to Hom-e Journal office and get reward of $1-00, , Great Luck of au Editor. “For two years all efforts to cure eczema in the palms of my hands failed,” writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse, Kan., “then I was whol ly cured by BucHen’s Arnica Salve.” It’s the world’s best for eruptions, sores and all skin diseases. Oniy 25c at HoltzclaW’s Drugstore,, -r-Match our Matches in price and quality, and, we will match you in a lower price on Matches. J. D. Martin, Jr. —Mens’ Overcoats, Good Val-; ues, prices from $7 to $10.00 at LM Paul’s. 16 X 27 in Good quality^ Heavy Cocoa mat for 75c. Racket Store- —Best Wagons and Wagon Har ness at Fred. M. Houser’s. —If you want a nice Buggy or Wagon call on W. D. Day. —Ladies’ and Gents’ Wool Ho siery—for sale by L M Paul. W IS N0W TIME T0 SET THEM. We don’t make the boast that we can give better Blankets and Comforts for the same money, or the same for less money, but we do say that our line thrives on comparison. Take the weights and sizes of our goods, and the prices, then make the comparisons, and we'll get your order. 9-4 Cotton Blankets, gray and white, 10- 4 Cotton Blankets, gray and white, 11- 4 Cotton Blankets, gray and white, 11-4 Cotton Blankets, white, very heavy, 11-4 Cotton and Wool Blankets, white, 10- 4 All Wool Virginia Blankets, extra heavy and very fine all-wool; a $5.00 Blanket for 11- 4 All Wool California Blankets, extra quality, 65c and 75o pair $1.00 pair $1.25 and $1.50 pair $2.00 pair $2.50 and $3.00 pair $4.00 pair $5.00 pair CASTORIA The Kind You H ave Always Bought Pay Your Town Taxes. The Town Tax Digest is now open ready for collection of both property and license taxes - for year 1901. Thos. M. Killen, Oct. 8, 1901 City Clesk. TAX-COLLECTOR’S APPOINTMENTS. I mil be at the following places on the dates named for the purpose of collect ing state and county taxes for 1901. Tturd and Last Round. I will close my books for collection of taxes for 1901 on December 20th. Perry, Monday, November 18, all dyy. Grovania, Tuesday, “ 19, am. Elko, “ “ “ pm. Henderson, Wed’day, “ 20, am. Taylor’s, “ “ " pm. Marshallville, Thursday, Nov. 21, am. Haslam’s, “ “ pm Fort Talley, Friday, Nov. 22, all day. Myrtle, Saturday, 23, am Claud, Monday, “ 25, am Powersville, “ “ “ pm Byron, Tuesday, “ 26, am Hattie “ “ “ pm Wellstou, Wednesday, “ 27, am Bonaire, “ “ "pm Kathleen, Thursday, “ 28, am Heard, g . " pm j Perry, Dec.'16th, 17th, 18th, 19fch, ‘20th. J. C.-DAVIDSON, T.C.H. C. j Bears the Signature I • of CO^iF’OIESar-A.IBZLiIES. 9^4 Comfortables, 75c each, 10-4 Comfortables for $1.00 and $1.50 each 10- 4 Fine Down Comforts, made of pretty figured satines, $5.00 each 11- 4 Down Comforts, made of China Silk, lined with fine quality satine, $10.00 each H.. T^L. The style, fit and finish of our Ready-to-wear Clothing.' Our aim for years has been to present Perfect Clothing to our customers. An inspection of our line will convince you that we have reach ed the topmost rung on the lad der of perfection. Suits 10 to 25 Dollars. 3X£a,c©xi., G-eorg'ia,. P’s and Q’s. We are at this writing, hnd have been for some time attending right to oxirl P’s and Q’s in order to be able, to show our patrons a line of Fall and Winter Siuts that’s different—that’s different in style, in make and price —from the suits-nearly every- store has. Our spread is ready and you are invited in to see it. THE SWELL DRESSER comse here for his swell suit% THE CONSERVATIVE MAN comes here for his well- made, good-looking suit. THE MAN WHO CONSIDERS YRIGE comes here to get the most for his money, and NONE go away dissatisfied. May we not expect YOH, kind reader? • & HOUSER, The Cp-to-Date Clothiers, : 420 Third Strete. MACON - , ■ Mr. J. Henry King announces, that he is now with the STRONG SHOE CO. ■ - .■* , fUT, and will be pleased to have his friends call when in Macon. All mail orders will have ' his prompt attention. 308 Second Street.