The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, November 14, 1901, Image 4

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A Political Prophesy. " j7 „. J , ; . Henry Watterson takes a hope ful view of the white house dinner affair. He says: # ‘‘Triffy, the president4id Bohk ; er Washington an ill turn in this business. Looking at it * from partisan point of view, democrats may take not a little comfort to themselves. Whatever happens, this is not our funeral. Out. in the cold as we may be, shivering as we are—and hungry, yea, veri ly, and thirsty —yet as we stand around the white house and look in through the windows and see Teddy and Booker hobnobbing over their ’ ’possum and ’tatoes,’ not one of us is disposed to envy either of them, or to exclaim of either, ‘Wouldn’t it be bully to be him?’ “We prefer to take our chances of the futuro. We had rather wait till our time comes. Some how the look ahead does not- seem so hopeless, nor the distance so long. For there is here a radical infirmity of judgment—a pi lack of common sense—and, bless the Lord, we are not in it. In deed, the shortcoming implied by it means a great deal to us. Mis takes like misfortunes, never come singly. They, travel in groups and are numerous We democrats have but to get together and to keep our powder dry to carry all before us three years hence, be cause this young man is a bron'co buster, and he is going to raise more of the very, hot place with the very short name to the square inch than was ever raised before in that particular neck of the woods. Sursumcorda. “There’s a good time coming, boys ; wait a little longer.” According to a table complied by the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department two-thirds of the principal countries of the world import more than they ex port. The countries which show an excess of exports over imports are Argentina, Austria-Hungary, Brazil,!Chile, British India, Mexr ico, Roumania, European Russia, the United States and Uruguay; The countries showing an excess of imports over exports are Bel gium, Canada, Gape of Good Hope, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany. Greece, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Nor way, the Philippine Islands, Por tugal, Spain, Switzerland, Tur key and the U nited Kingdom. Birth-marks which mark and j mar the outside of the body are a grief to every mother whose chil dren may bear them. But for every child who bears a birth mark on the skin there are many who bear an indelible birth-mark on the mind. Nervous mothers have nervous children and many a man and woman owes an irrita ble and despondent temperament to those days of dread when the mother waited the hour of her maternity. The use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Presciption strengthens the mother for her trial. With strength comes a buoyancy of spirits and quietness of mind, which is one of the happiest gifts a mother can bestow on her off spring. By giving vigor and elas ticity to the delicate womanly or gans “Favorite Prescription” practically does away with the pain of maternity and makes the baby’s advent as natural and as simple as the blossoming of a flower. There is no opium, co caine or other narcotic contained in “Favorite Prescription.” Items of Interest. Ari- There fell somewhere out West some weeks ago a large meteorite. It has been taken to the National Museum in Washington, where the scientists have since been ex amining it. They have progressed fa*’ enough to announce what they believe to be the discovery of a new metal in it. One of the scien tists says that the meteorite “must have come from a region that contains but very little oxy gen/” and that it is. “certainly dsfferent from anything yet covered.” dis- Cut this out and take it to the drugstore and get a free sample of Chamberlain’s^ Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. They cleanse and invigorate the There are l,700Tndians in zona owning farms. Tasmania is said to be the so berest of the Australian colonies. The 285 miles of street cars in New Orleans are to be syndicated. Only 19 of the 70 Berlin tram lines are now worked by horse traction. Italy’s income from-foreign visitors is estimated at $40,000,- 000 a year. , Olive orchards in Arizona are yielding a fruit superior to the imported. Last year 7,238,979 kegs of steel wire nails were produced |in the United States. It is said that the cheapest rail way fares in the world are to be found in Hungary. The United States gets away with 1,220,000,000 gallons .of bear in just one year. The electrical motor^ business is increasing $150,000,000 a year in the United States. Competent mechanics and oth ers have little difficulty in find ing work in New Zealand. The shortest term of governors are in Rhode Island and Massa chusetts-one year each. The highest mine in the world is a. tin mine at Oruro, ‘ Bolivia, 14,000 feet above the sea level. The first fire engine used in this country was brought from England to New York, in 1731. Some naturalists say that no insects except the silk worm feed upon the leaves of the Mulberry. Cairo is the greatest town in Africa. Its inhabitants number 500.000, 25,000 being Europeans. Tobacco cultivation and man ufacturing in the Atlantic states is greatly hampered for the want of workers. In the state of Massachusetts it is made illegal by statute to erect a fence exceeding six feet in height. Electrical appliances used in street railways of this country represent an investment of $1,- 800.000. 000. Oven one-third of the manufac tured goods which are made, in France are the products of female labor. Nearly nine-tenths of; the wine in the world is produced in the countries bordering on the Medi terranean. The longest state is California (770 miles;) the widest, Texas (760); the next in breadth is Montana (580). Nearly 70,000 tons of cork are needed for the bottled beer and aerated waters consumed annually in Britain. Anthrax, the sixth plague of Egypt, mentioned in the Bible, is ravaging the lower counties of South Dakota. The average savings bank de posits in this country is more than $400; in all Europern coun tries it is about $100. Any child over seven can be prosecuted as a criminal in Eng- and, but in Germany 12 is the imit of responsibility. In a river which changes it chan nel every point gains ground and every bend tends to become still more crooked. Endtmous quanities of agricul tural implements are going to- South America, where farming is expanding rapidly. At the close of the fiscal year of 1900 there were 76,688 post of fices in the United States, or one to everv thousand inhabitants. Jumped on a Ten Penny Nail. The little daughter of Mr. J. N. Powell jumped on an inverted rake made of ten penny nails, and thrust one nail entirely through her foot and a second one half through. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm was promptly applied, and five minutes later the pain had disappeared and no more suffering was experienced. In three days the child was wearing her shoe as usual and with absolutely no dis comfort. Mr. Powell is a well- known merchant of Forkland, Ya. Pain Balm is an antiseptic and heals such injuries without matu-? ration and in one-third the time stomach, / improve the appetite required by the usual treatment. and regulate the bowels, Regular size, 25c per box. For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron A' Monster Globe. One of the attractions of the St. Louis world’s fair, it is said, will be an aerial globe 700 feet high from stone base to roof: At the height of 110 feet will be a spacious roof garden about 1,000 feet in circum ference. Tins space will contain two restaurants and two theaters. At an.altitude of,^95‘feet will be a huge coliseum, with walks around the globe, giving a complete view of the grounds. Below will be two regular circus rings and a race track. Under the seats will be a menagerie, viewed from the circular walk. A One Eyed, King. Norodom, king of Cambodia, a short, fat person, with one eye, is said to be the most wretched man on earth. He has a gorgeous palace, furnished in the most expensive manner, but he adheres to the cus toms of his ancestors and sleeps on an old carpet in a kind of shed that has not been cleaned for years. He is a victim of hypochondria, and all day long heaves deep sighs of utter wretchedness. A GOOD PLAGE. Notice is hereby given to ladies and gentlemen who visit Macon that Mrs. W. H. Houser ie now running a first- class BoardiDg House at 755 Cherry St. which is very near the businees center of the city, and she will be pleased to serve them meals at 25c. each.. Subscribe for The Home JnnkNAT.. v THE ELECTRIC CYLINDAR White Cedar.Cbum. P Best and quickest on the market $2.50, $3 and $5, size 3, 5, and 7 gal. Agents wanted; best seller on Market. UNION SUPPLY COMPANY. 626 I Broadway, KncxvilJe, Tenn. GUARANTEED UNDER A . $5,000 DEPOSI7 A Lost Lesson. Mrs. Winkers (meaningly)—The paper says a man walked into a sa loon yesterday afternoon, took a drink and dropped dead. Mr. . Winkers (solemnly)—Pro crastination is a terrible thing. He should have taken his Ionic sooner. —New York Weekly. A Heavy Smoker. Wife—My dear, I’ll have to go and see a doctor. I’m afraid I have the tobacco heart and it’s often fatal. Husband—Good gracious I You don’t smoke? Wife—No, but I live under the same roof with you. Good Cause. BlifferS—Can’t you run that type writing machine without making such a terrible racket ? Whiffers (who has a desk in the same office)—Not when I’m writing to a man who called me a fool.'— New Y ork W eekly. Threat Carried Out. “Well, what do you think of it, Laura? Charley Smith has pro posed tome!” ‘TUm! I thought so. When . I. refused him, he threatened he would do himself an injury/’—Cin cinnati Enquirer. THE HOME GOLD CURE, An Ingenious Treatment by WMcV Drunkards are Being Cured Dai- ' ly in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi tive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that. Drunkenness is a disease and not a weakness. A body filled with poi son, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of inrox icating liquors requires Jn antidote capable of neutralizing-and eradicating this poison and destrying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss ’of time from business by this wonderful ‘‘Home Gold Cure,” which has been perfected after many years of close study and treat ment of inebriates. The faithful use ac cording to directions of this wonderful diseovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober,industrious and upright men. Wives cure your husbands! Children cure your fathers! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum, but is a specific for this dis ease only, and is so skillfully devised and preparod that it is thoroughly solu ble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person tak ing it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselve» with this priceless remedy, and as Many more have been cured and made temperate men by hav ing the “Cure” administered by loving friends ani relatives, without their knowledge, in coffee or tea, and believe to-day that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. Do not watt. Do not be deluded by apparent and mis leading “improvement.” Drive out the disease at once and for all time.. The ’‘Home Gold Cure” is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $35 to $50. Full directions ac company each package. Specific advice by skilled physician when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. 0478. Edwin B. GujEs & Company, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. FIRE, FIRE. THEY GO I.1KK FIRE. Regular goods go at damage prices' at 414 and 416 Third Street, next to Roff Sims’ old shoe store. The greatest bargains now offered in the city of Macon in Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Diy Goods, Notions, Millinery, etc. Our buyer has just returned from New York and all the principal Eastern markets, where he purchased a large, full and complete line of everything at the lowest possible cash prices. Our goods are carefully selected and well bought*, and onr large depart ment store is now; filled to overflowing in every department with new goods, and we can sell goods from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than ever before. EVERYTHING BRIGHT, FRESH AND NEW. Whatever we show you. now stands highest in Fashion’s favor and you don’t have to wait, for everything is open and ready for your inspection. OLOI’HIiTCS-. In charge of Mr. J. C. Haddock. This department is full to. overflowing with all colors, black- brown, gray, plaids^ etc., and all cuts, -round, square or frock, at prices from $>o. io $20.00 the suit. **—gnn Men’s Good Working Suits $7.50 & 8.00 Men’s Good Working Suits for $3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 Business Dress Suits for 9.00 “ 10.00 12.50 $12.50 to 20.00 Don’t forget to look at our OVERCOATS,-and you - will be convinced that we are all right in this line, for we can sell >ou an Overcoat 50 per cent less than regular price. We have them from $3.00 up. 3Pa.rrts, JPetn-te, Z?a,n.ts- In charge of Mr. J. B. Wheeler. 5,000 pairs of Men’s and Boys’ odd Pants at prices that defy competition. Men’s Pants from 50c. to $7.00 Youth’s and Children’s Knee Pants too numerous to mention, from 25e to $2.00 the pair. !£=Ea/ts aad Caps. In charge of Mr. W. L. Johnston. A full and complete line of all kinds of Men’s and Boys’ Hats at prices to suit ev erybody. Alpine Hats from 75c. to $3.00. Good broad brim Fur and Wool Hats from 75c. to $3.00. Boys’ Hats from 25c. up. Caps of all kinds, sizes and prices. Slices and Boots- In charge of Mr. R. H. Smith. Now tnis is one of our pet departments, and we have given it our special and care ful attention in every respect. We carry a full line of Old Colony Shoes in all sizes and shapes, every pair guaranteed. A full line of the Celebrated Battle Axe, Rob erts, Johnson & Rand Co’s. Star Brand, Southern Queen, R. C. Godman Co’s. Fa mous Elberta, etc. We have the only full and complete line of Boots iD Macon. Hunting Boots, Calf Boots, Brogan Boots. Remember we guarantee our Shoes to be exactly as we represent them. JDx'y G-oods arid* 2>TotIon.s- In charge of Mr. J. H. Donnan. Such a complete line of Dress Goods, Waistings, separate Top Skirts and Petti coats, Jackets, Copes, Ladies’ Undermuslins, etc., was never before offered in this market. We will sell the best brands of Calico for 5c. the yard. Our line of Out ings, Percales, Flannels, Duck, Calicoes. Table Damask, Towels, Doilies, Laces, Edgings, Insertions, Belts, Corsets, etc., is unsurpassed. BoMQ-esticS- In chrage of Mr. Oliver Hancock- Complete in every respect. Sheeting, Shirting, Checks, Ginghams, Cheviots, Hick ory Stripes, Canton Flannels, 10-4 Sheeting, bleached and unbleached, Bleaching, etc. 22 yards good yard wide Sea Island-for $1.00. Good yard wide Bleachingfor 5c., 6c. and 7c. the yard. Better grades from 8c. to 10c. the yard. I£v£illlnex37‘ Bepartxxxent In charge of Miss. Sammons.. Now this is one department tLat we want to call special attention to, for we are not going to charge the high prices that the milliners charge, but we are going to charge small profits so you can buy your dress ynd hat to match, and thus enable you to make all your bill with us. KESSLER BROS. 414 & 410 Third 8ft. Macon, Georgia. 1 R. R. FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarships offered, Write quick to GA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon,Ca. That will add pleasure to a vacation or brighten the home circle, for sale. I supply any book published, postpaid, at the list price, and, in many cases, much cheaper. A large iine of Books, Stationery, Office and School Supplies to select from. Correspondence solicited. Mail Orders promptly filled. T. A. COLEMAN, Bookseller and Stationer, 308 Second Street, MACON, GA. XX. Xj IB-AJRZFIHJXXD, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Second and Poplar Streets. macon;, ga. AGENCY FOR THIS Alt. STEEL WOVEN WIRE Made of large, strong wires, heavily galvanized. fs Amply provides for expansion and contrac- /« tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used,” always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a strain is put on it. Does aot mutilate, but dess disiently tnra cattle, horses, fhogs and pigs. 4tt& EVERY Rqg OF AMERICAN FENCE GUAR ANTES© by the manufacturers, . - Oall and see it. Can show yon how it will save yon money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced.