The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, November 14, 1901, Image 7

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m Spreads Like Wildfire. When things are “the best” they become “the best selling.” Abraham Hare, a leading druggist of Belle ville, O., writes: “Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters. I have hand led in 20 years.” You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kindeys and bowels, purifies the blood; strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies It builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run down man or woman. Price 50 cts. Sold by H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist. IF IT’S OUT OF FIX, We’ll Fix It Prompt attention given to repairing Engines and all Machinery. , Model and Pettern Work a rpecialty. Full stock of Pipe and -Steam Fix tures always on hand. IlufoOer Belting. Write for what you want. Anthonie Machine Works, J. W. AMTHOiNE, Frop’r:, FORT YALLEY, GA Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner’s Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. io, 25, 5o Cents 108. Sold by H. M* Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, 6a. Dyspepsia Is unrecognized in half the cases. It deceives the unknowing sufferer. Its many variations work along the weakest lines of the system. To battle against only one of them is vain,. Our booklet explains its symp toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give complete and lasting relief. Dyspepsia Tablets 259 10c., 25C. AND 50c. SolcUby H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Georgia. Dprtt Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave had after-effects on the entire system, and where their use 1? persisted In, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE.. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable, bowel regulator, and liver vitalize* known. , As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain. 839 JO, 25,50 cents. Sold by H. M. Holtzclaw, Druggist, Perry, Georgia. - CASTORIA Mind .YouHaveAlwaysJought . Grovania Gleanings. • by joe bjsdge. All is lovely and serene, the cotton crop is about gathered, ex cept the Doctor’s crop, which is mighty-short. We would lova to see some rain now to put the earth in shape for farmers to sow grain. The Juvenile Missionary Socie ty of Grovania had memorial ser vices yesterday at the church in honor and memory of Master Ainsworth Riley, who was a no bis boy. The services were good, and well arranged by Mrs. J. J. Houser. It was an affecting occa sion. Below I have you a programme for publication: Our merchants say their trade has dropped off some, but howev- er, they have no room to grumble, their collections have been fair, and hope to have a good fall and winter trade. Our genial depot agent informs me that he has received and ship ped 520 round lap bales of cotton and 648 square bales this season, equal to 908 square bales, against about the same last season. Mr. J. G. Crawford, manager of the Grovania ginnery tells me that he has ginned and packed 1040 bales of cotton up to date, 915 round lap equal to 457^ square bales. The ginnery has been shut down for several days on account of. th Dearcitye , of wood, but will resume work in a few days. Maj. H, Benson, Sec retary and Treasurer of the. Gro vania, Oil & Fertilizer Co.,informs me that they have bought this season 517 tons of cotton seed, value of about $6000. Well, I have two marriages on docket to take plac^e in the early part of the ensuing year, 1902 This is nice weather to get mar ried; better “not put off for next year what can be done this year.” Wonder what has become 'of Jack Hodge of Henderson and Miller Marshall of Perry?-“Fairit heart never won a fair lady/ 5 Well boys, the “die is cast,” but the “river is yet to cross.” Maj. Oleb Phillipps of Elko is the guest of Mrs. W. G. Fitzger ald, of Grovania. Messrs. .Louis Shephard^* and Will Marshall, .of Macon, were visitors to .:Ou.r place Suuday. Mr. T.Tt.' Rozar of Hawkins- vill, is repainting the residence of Mr. J. G. Brown. Mr. Rozar is an expert painter. 11-11-1901. [The memorial will be publish ed next week.—Ed.] — American Gold and Silver. As the unwritten law of supply and demand regulates the commer cial value of all products, it is a province of all well regulated gov ernments to secure and publish sta tistics of production. The statistics of this government concerning the production of pre cious metals have recently been pub lished, and the following figures taken therefrom show the United States occupy a leading position in the production of gold and silver, actually leading the world. “The world’s production of gold for 1900 aggregated $257,500,000 in value. _ ■ ■ “Of this amount $79,171,000, or nearly one-third, is credited to our American mines. “Next to the United States as a producer of the yellow metal comes Australia, whose total utput for the year aggregated 74,260,000. “In the silver mining industry the United States also heads the list. “For the year 1900 the total out put of silver in this country aggre gated $35,741,000. Mexico came next with an output valued at $35,- 611,400.” Bridges Smith was nominated for mayor of Macon in a white prima ry last Tuesday. They say Booker Washington’s wife and daughters don’t associate with common “niggers.” Cornish Indian Games. I have' a number of nice Cock erels for sale at from $2 to $5 each. Eggs after Christmas. Vo better Strain. A. L. Dennabp, Perry, Ga. Dennard Dots. Bears the Signature of BY THE JUDGE. After returning home from the re union in Macon I felt well paid for -the time and money spent. I met comrades whom I had not seen for nearly forty years. Probably Macon never had,nor may never have again, as many old men as were there on the two days of the reunion. As the old battle flags were unfurled to the breeze and the drums began to beat, we felt like a boy again ready to do battle for the right. The youngest soldier is to-day an old man, and in a few more years what was once the grandest army of the world will hold their last reunion in the un known beyond. As I looked upon this mass of gray heads and totter ing forms, I thought it a pity that Georgia was not able to present to every one of them a cross of honor that would designate them' as mem bers of the old guard and heirs of a lost cause. I could not attend our county fa ; r, but I am glad to say I have not seen a visitor who did not speak of it in the most flattering terms. There is no reason why Houston cannot make an exhibit equal to any county in the state. Now is the time to commence, and if every citizen will consider himself a committee of one to work for it, next fall we will witness a show that will be an honor to the county and to Georgia. Maj. and Mrs. J. W. Colyer are stopping a Tew days at their old home, the Major arranging his busi ness for the coming year. Mrs. Beulah Andrews, of Roberta, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Sandefur. Emmett Pitts is attending the Southern Business College at Macon: Rev. J. T. Mims filled his regular appointment at Andrew Chapel Sun day, which is probably th9 last of the year. He is a good pastor and most lovable man, and a large ma jority of the people will be pleased to have him fill the charge another year. Mr. V. E. Heard has accepted a position with Messrs. Bailey & Pos- tell, Macon, Ga. Hr. W. E. Barfield of Tifton spent Sunday with friends at Dennard. —Fine Malaga Grapes, 20c fb. J. D. Martin, Jr. Children’s knitted Saques anti Capes. L M Paul’s. NEW MEAT MARKET. T am now . prepared to furnish Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage, Chick ens, Eggs, etc., ct correct prices. Will pay market prices" for cattle, hogs and chickens. Mrs. J. B. XUNZ, Perry, Ga. GEORGIA; Houston Comity* Mrs.N. H. Culpepper, widow of J. M. Culpepper, deceased, has applied for 12 months’ support from the estate of said deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the December term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this November 4, 1901. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County.^ J. N. Tuttle, guardian of Adeline and Margaret Vance, has applied for dis mission from said trust. Thisis therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the December term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this November 4,1901. SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. THEY’LL MAN. Ne matter how exacting he may be, our new Fall Suits will come up to his expect xtions. Our prices range from , $7.50 to #25.00 and we feel assured that we can save you from $2.50 to $5.00 on your suit. -CTiTIOIST oo. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES. 410 Third Street. MACON, GA. A FIRST-CLASS LINE ...OF »*« Staple Dry Ooods, Groceries and Shoes. STixst-Qlass O-oocLs IjOw .EPrices Seed Wheat, Rye and Oats, L. F. CATER, Perry, Ga. The Harvest Season Is at hand, and you will need a NEW WAGON for gath- rring and marketing 7 our crop. You can make no bet ter selection than an “OLD IIICK0EY” or a “TENNESSEE* Wagon. OUR WAGONS will contribute to your satis faction; OUR PRICES will 'increase your prosperity. Do not forget that you may need a BUGGY; if so, it’s a ^BARNESYILLE” or a “ROCK HILL/’ Those “long winded” Axles are beauties, and a marvel in the saving of time, patience and oil. HEARD BROS., 350-352 Poplar Street. MACON, G-A. B. T. ADAMS. W. O. KINNEY. B.. T. ADAMS & CO., COTTON FACTORS, GEORGIA—Houston County. N. B. flraitn, administrator of estate of Mrs. Mattie E. Smith, deceased, has ap plied for dismission from said trust. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the February term, 1902, of the court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause Jf any they have, who said application should not be granted. _ . A ,. Witness mv official signature' this November 4,1901. SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County. Mrs. N. H. Culpepper hAs applied for guardianship of the persons and proper ty of her minor children. - Thisis therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the December term, 1901, of the court of Ordinary of said county - mid show cause, if any they have, why said, application should not be granted. , Witness my official signature this November 4,1901. _ SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. -■ IS MACON, GA. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the farmers of Hounton county. • MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 PER CENT. We also handle MULES, GUANO and FARM SUP PLIES at reasonable prices. C. T. BAILEY. G. P. POSTELL. BAILEY & POSTELL, -DEALERS IN- GROCERIES, BAGGING, TIES, ETC. 458 POPLAR STREET. MACON, GEORGIA. Farmers’ Trade a Specialty. •. We carry a full line of all staple articles, and we nre in a position to make very close prices. Try u-> aiiu . e con vinced. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consignments of Farm Products Solicited.